Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tom Vallee John Thomp>on ll).C PotridWM""" M otocross NESC Southwick MX338 Southwick, MA Junet5 50 YTH ROOmMmIWI Kyltl: J:!,'o.c:" 0In>Laughnanc "Hrn WUli.lmHel!y RvanDestosim RObenMmIWI O>ri> R=od ~bv", 55A ~""", TOO""",,, """",r." Matthew John.~ l.ukeSomU I_T_ 85B KoI_rd Jeremv M orrison Thom~ Scott·S mith J~ua Rorrie ~cwadsworth B Ferrini lake J\I)linSparb Julm Gianluniu JUl' (?a}abn,.. BrvanMurphy to!; I-Thome A damW mgton ad M>_ Ilannadl llunmsSrott-Smitb 81:110: Femni WMN Stephanie Perron n.ere..~ Nidwl Balboni I25 YTH A Cob mI Lcm mI Lcm Kow Kow Kow Kow Ko. Suz Suz H "" "'. 11" Ii" Suz Ko. Suz Suz Yam Ko. Hon Suz Hon Ko. Yam 5 Tlll\OtIlyADl'I\ ~ \\'~1.1' , ILillou 125 EX Patrick Ronton KtitllJohMOl\ A "'hair.: Mich.:lcl I"t':Idwcll Gl.Ta1d l.1shway 200+ NOV DuaneFrazier Ralhh Quacken bush Phi ipBenito KtMn Sigiwnondo Y ... Moo Kow Hon H"" 5 Palrid Barton o.ridP"l"!" =0 Erik Rolli< OI'E.\~l()\, ~ ~ I)"w rn.,;" Rnd . Tom ."udet ~~ Sean M>tthtws Aniholw Gcnci T~. I""" ~~ ~ WRolli< O>ri> joIwon ...... RohKalloc KoifuGo,... PawGoyritt ll).A C7\ C7\ '!5 . ...... >. ...... ;::l ........ Palrick B.u1on o.ridP"l"!" _ s.w"" Garv Williams 10m; CameJio JIl. B "W "W s... Suz 5uz Suz Ko. s... H"" H "" Kow 5omo> Mihn llLon1obhi AnthonveowJ S/PRO AJEL M .Gu.o IludIcy Trenton White 5a>ll Momlbcrg ~y Mik 5.Sumid f:l~Yam . Ko. RodnevHool< Troy~ 5a>ll ... LGMnIood K. Md.«d M.MMd J.Mo."KubId o."GreM T.o... T._ lS< C.C""",,,ghom c.o.Honp E1'l1JR Srott MOl'riYm Paul Smith o'""" AApo

    K. Bigelow B .An_ PaulWamt'l' PROAJEL TomUng 0>ri>"The 1Gd. Hart TOPGAS RohKom H F .Hdm> M """, .T ~""Km TommyPtilett Shawn Lowe Jr. L Ilnrl M Mml'hy . 50JR D .1m B.P~ M . . /arobM e Aaron Kline 65 MkhadWilIan! (lui> C!>opouo M.ulWellVrf Cob Cob Cob mI Cob T.Faber M,Adrian G~I /ohn ::.:r. /arob """" John Romanwk IIlG-1II ' Mkhad wli!Md 1 . 50SIl D.o.m.m .. . .... Ko. Ko. Suz i !lunbeIl Prildwd Kow Fnnk_ R~nl' . D _ . PRO-MOO Kow RRohbins D.1';og< 5a>llHidanboltom s..dPr.... IIln2·J;J MOD ROOmS.", -= BMnHoiiman Dina Manderldd lWHill lJo);, Cardt~ ORS5R Mtr es BiI1vPottel' SlMGaskiIl S/STKBlG TW PbilKmg S/STKSPJ1J5TR "T emblt Ttd Remindrr "'" Am>la EUM Billy Potter RmioJd _ NATl RCRD RohKom Motocross M oreland'sM otoCross Stanton, MI June t5 ill I·tonoulll P.Petrillo T.l.rit C.Ptd R. Par, llOG· II 1 .1.onou m K.o.m.m I.Durhom SOU2-15) 1 .l\1Iipplo IIlC C.Ha"" M.eaq..,~ ~~ L Mohw 1&-24 50 14-6, O OaC P "' /ooaihao IIlG-1Il MICb.1dWillard OIn>l\1Iitaoit laows Ung . A1o< _ I"'M""""r 1Il1J2·ll' o...l\1Iilmft Tram H arWlorn LGn;'" k24 AI ." Rm.ll K>rlItr SNwn KuchItr ""Mathew> 1 1'0> _ 125 B 5a>ll K>rlItr !.myw"", Ch.ulit U Jaoon w ' r Sha"" kudliel 2SOB Rodnty Hoo< BnnIt lb""""g .wyMi>t>k David Sdmt'ider J5. Ton Wadt Motocross H ondaHills Motoskrts Puk Linvil e, OH M a B upertF. Pellell y Tommy Pellett Jonathan Dunlap Aaron Klllll! Shawn Lowl' Jus Rovce tin • 65 • Midl.-~I&" K.n< >-I),/r.: flnndoa endricb s..dc.le BrianBmm Kow IIlSll 5014-6, HSGL M. Ch.lpnuo I.Gam 8d>D>.Ch""""" H oo Suz H an Suz Suz A.~ 3S Norman Hebert ... GregW~ 8illClwgb 3Sri>-.e. 1 24 . MikeKatin ClW J- Mil Jenkim e Suz Han 5uz Y"" 5< Hon Moo !Ion Suz l5llNOV Ko.· Hoo H on Y ,m .... 5uz Ko.· 5uz 5uz Ko. 5ri> W oodall 5014-6' rmM&hagtr Moo Ka. ~~ MUooKaewy Suz K.C= limmYC w"," ll). MikeEdward.~ 110 A lOl\ tkil\.' Mikt Hawthomt uY"'5nufu Donn Ca1.:lway "'. Ka. Y,m Y am H "" H on mI Han e;"g~emb.""",, Chao: Thomo> Mall Koy1o:nda1I Bl IR KaN" Dalo On IIeo Critt.odmI _""'"' 55 SR ChoI ...... Chri>Brill WillWnIJrov.aull ~~mmtr som MartySiok C3mI """" DmiRilo> TanySch.k O>ri> Brill 1.24 i3:"~ 5b>.N... WiJli,on Smallwood Dounit Mrtin , BEG s.ny N mtt Smllys.;"", I_ W eyort e;"gea", "W Kow Kow 5-~ y An~Sva jda 125 B 5a>ll c;"y Brools Twt>eWie OIn>BruiI Donny""'" Oustiil W ynn 125 NOV' Rand.oJJ Wli.... il ClW ""'" Ilnodon S=II s..dwm 125 _ ::l:'aRonlte.d J Km ", Cob mI Lem Lem Lem ... ."W. Ko. am Y Kaw Suz "'W Y,m Hoo Han Kow Y "" S RDbi>ocn ll).1N! ~t:lh T~1iMmnan Moo Moo 1l5 D Rid50ruJh Moo ~ lion K.n< lion lion s.. Moo H"" Ko. lion H "" Suz H "" Y"" Ko. Moo Moo 3So Ray Arnold iW>o<'koy oo ~Avmlt Moo Moo Kow "W Hon BINT TraVIS La, Hon Hon Suz Randa iI!iaTlt'l llW Heofu _ Scott II'hed lS< Bartw... Bi1IvMmbuo 5014-61 Sean Beoglond I""" 5o>It T !ok '"" aylr KtVin Cuol Motocross V illageCreek MX Park Fort Worth, TX June 14 W~ogton 5lIMri>Fri>IDo 125B DmiRilo> O>ri> Ilwf"" ~""f: == CodJe-. iIl ,'8l I·I· N;tro; Sha",,_ llnd JShmn DonOl"'Y 50", fitlUra~ iIll'l-lll TatrMa,.. DmkRondall Curtis ChMlicr om""""_ ~~r" . Colton Facdotti Slwlton Cudy&IS I Dani~l IWude Kt-ilh Hothtra Brad BU'iCh B randon M ilrhtn Glen r.alba~i ni "'0 Dc!ricIIfuke> Brandon Sindcn I""ClaY' Chris Meade Kevin M eyer IlSA ~~ . DavidMillrr Kow Kow T_~ Hon lSllA s..d IUpel!I • )ohnSobo rlmHolas Don Hewitt RonHt ~""" ;.0.wgBowuw. C"",SI.pIwnl Erictooi Patrick Dougbrrty 2500 GamttSatzer Pete 51<""" Teny~ A!exSd!on /ciflbnnon 2S+ AlB MikeHamnl.'$ Brad Forkner Darryl ZUmstein "'. Kow Han Yam Hon Y "" Han Y"" Kow Ko. H" H" Han Bill K en! B TaWler rad JO,A o.m:I _ o.n y l _ layI"""" Rem Hvde 5a>lldgie JO, B Bru,,&rnl Y"" Yom Moo Kow RickSmith ... ... Yom Kow 2S< C Corey Shepherd EricAhbtrom BillKenl lIl>A MxlladPeny )enyEbert Kow s.. H"" Yom Y ... Hon Yam 5", ll>C laows Mille< Dana M cKer o.rid 5dunid Kaw Suz ~I""'o attlarson KTM mI KTM Lon ."N K.n< Yom mI l5llB TmisMurphy ,"'- Ko. lion loon l vt\o- mI KTM KThj Yom mI &bN_ ~~ ""- ~~ -n.g." Ooug Tmmoto Garv8ond> IWli.t Hmi>on BiI1N1vlur ...C · ' 1iL< 5d>""" P.mrl. Brown Thomas Stein Daniel Met'ktr M ichati H m opki s... Ko. Ken SUl H an Hon Y"" Y"" Han Han Yam K.n< !Ion Moo lion Moo Moo Hon . !Ion s.. Ko. Hon 5uz Ko. Ko. !Ion ~ H:r Shari \b,y AJortoo Iioo ~ lion Y "" s." H an Han flon .. 1100 Hon f Hon Yam ? s... ~ lion I ' Y am ' lion ' Y"" lion Yam lion lion 0 Ko• . Send resul ts of races ASAP after , : the event to: Results, Cycle News, P.O. Bo x 498, Lo n g Be ach , C A , 90801-0498. Results should be typewritten, and includ e the type of event, name of race track, city and state where located, date of even t, name of person submitting the material, the top five · finishers in each class, and the : 1 brand of bike each finisher rode. , "I

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