Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WIN aTRIP to the Kenny Roberts Training Ranch in the... Results MINI SO; 1. Aln. ~ Ae~S. TonyB.ux. 2. Jr- Fn..l. 3. M.ou Ln.t~ 4- MINI 60: I . MlbM1Det; 2.J . l.unot 3. J(rIJ Ba-t ....Nrl . BuuI,; J,.Irob Ahl s.. MINI flO: 1. RrAn ~ 2.'Stft'f' Mmer. 3. DuWnr 8rY- ./ ~ ... Grrod 0Iivin'; S. Bnondon Millrr. SMENG;I .MJ<.t.~ocy;2.Jif.y.An~3.~~ ~"'~Sy~5-(,-.dOtlvtooo' 250 PRO; 1. VeNft:R 1.An&l.n.l 2. Dual' lRAVEL CRAFt F.uldto; 3. Mi.... JaMton;'"C.I. ~ S. arM! In:hc:r. OPEN A:. 1. V~«~ 2. Ow'boP l.M1«Wtd; 3. Qud Boovm~ '" r.M"', V-m.l!"I" OrEN PRO. 1. [ri( Brouh•• , 2. V.-nioTn L.n~ ; 3. p_ rd I apkin; 4. Bob Arodlonm; S. RonBn.bin. OPEN PRO TI; I. Vn'dHII LmKbnd; 2. OusIy hillds; J . Mlb Johr--\;.a. 8r3d UIdwr. 5. C,J. 8wins- Champions crowned at AMPTop Gun MX l By Jim Enos ilJRLOCK, CA. JUNE 27 I With a seven-race se ries p utting racer and machine to the test, thi ngs, fina lly carne to a dose as riders from all over Northe rn California assembled at the O atfield Raceway in an attempt to take ho me their sha re of big trophies and cootinge ncies. Once again, the AMP cre w put on a nothe r ex citing series, uti lizing the Hollister G P track a nd the Oatfleld Raceway to cha llenge raeers of all ages and abili ties . ~ You had the little Pee Wt:t:S' 3 l /ryea r-old crowd favorite , Ty Kecnom, who mad e hi'i debut at the final round, putting on an incredible balancing ac t as he stea dily traversed the Oatfield Pee Wt:e trac k on his Suzuki JRSO. At the othe r end of the spectrum, you had the Over 40 riders , like Bob lynch and Bob x or ock. s ho w ing tha t you 're "rever too o ld to moto.... For the mos t part, these guys are going out the re to NVC fun, bu t there's still some race b lood flowing through their veins. You also have the rising stars of the sport, like Ryan Mora ls and Harold Hageman. These arc the guys that you may eventually see at an AM A Su perc ross o r National in th e near future. It'!II also good to see big turnouts in the Beginner and No vice classes, because th ese are the guys. tha t keep the sport alive. In th e e nd, it .w as th e top finishing riders goi ng borne with 4-100 Ilrst-place trophies, alon g 1 wi th goodies from various sponsors aod, best of all, a little more ronfidence for the next serio. (.."4 Resurts 199'1AMP Tap C .... Shnn8o.d !la....... SPl'tft 50 srx BEC:1. SIeftn s.nd (Y.un)..2. I>ilbl l'n.ln. (Y....)..1 Sh.oW'l Mwphy (yomIl; '" BIitnit' Johwon (Yam); 5. Wade ~ • cY-' snc: • _(lCIM' snc: 50 GRAND PRIZE PACKAGE: lRAVEL CRAFT NOV : I. Jtabn t:no. (; 2. Cn:1: foub (KTM): 3- u-yl"Pnnmgton {Kl'M); .. CollCll'l Wilier (-:I'M); 5. ANhony WUlWn (ICI'M). 60 BEC (0-8); 1. Kwn. B.1ry (K.Iw).. 1. Fouts (K.Iw ); 3Ccny Pevungton (""w ); 4. Kyw Bnpatz (; 5. Cody Woods ens (JC;,w) . 60 BEG (9-11): 1. 1..... BLoo'kwond (Hnn) ; 2. And~ W..ltoorawl" (K.ow l; 3. And~ WriB (Kawl; ... K,1r IlOll ~w) . /lO BEG: 1. Mlb RobbIN {51lt/; 1. W"",le y Noma (Hen,; 3. EricI'IlW'rtoADl);<&. Ruy a....1ovirh (lUw);5_ .Dwighl Ml1kor(5uz) 80 NOV: I . Sltve Merlem (V..m) ; 1. M.n M.:Crumm l"Tl (Y.u.).. 3. Oms Loft"do (Han); • . 01arlie Morri:lon (H an ); 5. Tyler . • KENNY ROBERTS TRAINING RANCH · Two 4-Hour XR·100 Group Training Sessions with Jimmy Filice at Kenny Roberts' Training Ranch in Barcelona, Spain! T . . . IN IN G R ...... CH • BARCELONA GRAND PRIX · Spend 3 Days Attending the Barcelona Grand Prixat the Calalunya, Spain Circuit on September 12·14, Round #1 3 of the 1997 FIM World Championship Grand Prix Road Racing Series! • D IRT TRACK U S A · Top American Dirt Track Stars Meet the Euros in the Ultimate Short·Track Shootout in Barcelona! • TRAVELCR A FT T OUR P AC KAGE · 8 Days & 7 Nights TravelCraft Barcelona Tour Package, Includes Airline, 4-Star Hotel, Rental Car, Race Event TIckets, Kenny Roberts Training Ranch Sessions, Plus Lots of TIme for the Summer Sun & Sights ot Barcelona, Spain. ENTERthe Cycle News / TravelCraft Spanish SummerSweepstakes and you couldbecome our nextlucky winner... just fill outthe sweepstakes entry form & send it in today. No purchasenecessary. While you're at it, subscribe to CycleNews, America's W eeklyMotorcycle Newspaper· your weeklysource of the latest racingnews! . Prillt'f (JUw). III INT : t . Ry>on Mon!srt.m'l). 80 B/W: 1. MiL! ICdJo.y (lion); 1. fw..on Smuh (K.ow ); 3. Rldo. BwtlonI (Han); 4. TITYOI' Cnnk:nlI'\'&In). I 125 BEG: I. Ixk GonuJes (" - '); 1. lyirT Pr'tt'I«" (""wI; 3. ~ J Im ~ (Y.m'I); -l. UndonP<1d. (Suz);5. D-nitj.-{y.un). ~ 125 NOV: 1. [);Md KlinpnNr:k (Horl. j; 1. Mike Humer (5uz); .3. ~ (Y.unl,'" A.uun e._mMl (Sw.); 5. Sb.J,wn T.... thilm s.a KENNY l(Y i\IIl). ROBERTS T R A I N I NG 125 INT: I. tiMaL;i H.I~ (Su,z ); 2. R.:n DrJnw (Su.z); J . Cr.. ;s TruS Uo (Sur); • . M.. N I... (V.. II\); 5. AuS&ie Rodripwz (lb.). 1:lSPRO: t. IMany Palidino (Y&In); 2. TyIa' tv_ (Suz). 250 BEC: I. s.n Now.. (Sw;); 2. Mrl ~pon (I-Icn); 3. ~ Hydo (Y,om); 4. Frank a...-z CHon); 5. Bnd B«.Nn (l-'bl). ~ 2SO Nf:N : L I'hi.llip Srsur-.Ju (Hun); 1. Mikr ~ (J-bl); 3. JOIh Wad (Han); 4. G.yDunn(J(awl;5o Ryan LaIUn.::o (1C.Iw). 250 IN'T: I.Cccy Mcn.{yoIIIl). %SO PRO: 1_SNwn hrb ~); 2. ~ 1.ul:eue (Yam). 25+ BC.C: 1. o..ft m..,1u.i. {y.un).1. Fun1. Owvn. (J-b>),; 1. It.Iy ~ lK.&wl; ". lahn c...nnady (lb'lL 5. ('.,;qe ~ ""'"' 25+ NOV~ 1. Tony OW (YM\); 1.}obI. Mol;:no (X.I.w); 3. P-'\ £a:rioiu (Y....); S T.d Pippin (YMn ). 30+BEG 1. AJ.n WiMan(lbl);1. DrnnD Oro CJu,z 3. h-b.rd ); SiP(Y.Im~'" 0... \JpMln lSuzl;5. ....... Z~(Hon). JO.+ NOV: 1. Lud o.w.on (!Nz ); 1. John ~ l ~); 3. 8ab ........ (Han); "- J.unrrP:ukrr (Y.amt So DennIt ReddinS (Han). J(h. MSB; 1. o..w LwUi.n (Lw ); 1. Mil.r Wnab-....d (Suz ); 3. Sh.1ne VeNin {Hon); 4. At- P.kCehte (Hm);5.JtDs;er Nrwm.n ~(lb.);4.TMd RAN CH Official Entry Form-Mall Today o No , I don't want to su bsc ribe , but please ente r me in the sweepstakes. Name Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State ~ ....,. o New Subscription o Renewal This is a: o Please bill me one payment of $38.00 o Bill 3 EZ payments of $12.67 each o Enclosed is my check or money order Chargemy 0 r.i 0" CC # Signature (Honj. ~ Barcelona Tour Package BF I . J-;Jn Pbdo (l:TMJ; 2. Bobby fouu (l:TM); .C: 3. &oUldonRqtw (lCllwt)...... CWy J,.-bun (JCTM j; So MtrlurI Flo50 Enter nowfor a chance to win an 8 day / 7 night vacation for one to Barcelona, Spain for group training with Jimmy Filice at the Kenny Roberts Training Ranch, the running of the FIM Barcelona Grand Prix, and the Dirt Track USA event. _ BF I. Nidc McKlnnon (K.-w); 1. Pal 5.oug.u (KlM); 3-C: Cro..-Iry (1L.-t ); "- Joha Stump (L-); 5_V~ a.:-Lu JS+ NOV: I. i.uldy Lynch (Y,un) ; 1. Rick ~D (y&al) ; J. WWMmUrt.m ~w); 4. Ab.n I..oredo (lion); 5.1un Eno. (Suz). .an. BF-C: 1. Bob 1Corol"k (~w); 2. Nick 1.ant:Mon (Han); J. J..-ph CuD (X..w); .. lCrvin KrnJ (Hun) ; S. W" Y"'" McMi lWo. Send To: Cycle News, Inc . 1997 Spanish Summer Sweepstakes' P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801-Q498 . Exp. Date _ cY-, L .an. NOV: I. Bob Lyndl { M.onctwslft' {Ka w);3. Onus Ro-ynoId. (~w); . Ou;uw (Han). r 010+ MSn; I. AL " M...(,,~ (J-h.-.); 1. 1uhn Hoandrlin (Sou:); .. srer- -, 3. Run DiB.aulia (KTM); ". lim VOI.1IIlaotI (Sw.); S. Alan Laraio 47

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