Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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an d ha d to d o it all again. , was go ing for Ku rt, but' th ought I hea rd noises from the rea r w heel on the last lap and settled for sixth." Bar tolini and Bernd Eckenbach had ta ngled just a few me te rs o u t of the ga te. "We locked bars and I went d own," Bartolini sa id. "When ' got to 12th after 35 minutes, , could n' t even see the man in front . I had to push so hard an d just had nothin g left ph y si ca ll y wh en' caug ht them in the las t tw o laps." Race tw o was a su pe rb spectacle for th e cro wd, with a titanic ba ttle lasting half an hour between Smets, Johansson, King and Nicoll, after they had mo ved early lead er Mikke l Ca prani as ide a nd wil d-ca rd entry jocke Karlsson had been eli mina ted fro m an ea rly second by a flat rear tire. Johansson was in d eva stating form to advance from seven th to tak e th e lead fro m Smets after 1S minutes. " I ha d so m e g rea t lines, a nd ' s aw that' cou ld eas ily pass Joel," Johansson sa id. " It was a g reat fee lin g to lead in my hom e cou n try, and it made the pain easier to forget , but I 'hit the wa ll' after 25 m inotes . I could n' t sta nd up on the footrests anymore." He finished a brave fifth. The Swede's backward moveme nt was the signal for Smets to ease open a gap on the th reatening Ki ng, and licoll's cha llenge faded agam at half an hour- the same problems as race one. Bartolini, a firs t-lap faller , then inherited third, but the mot or sounded terrible in the final laps and he almost fell back into the clu tches of Nicoll. Da rryll King was never higher .than Tl th before his motor stopped. "We don't know why yet," King said. Parker was satisfied with eighth, even though he was passed by compatriot Keith Bowen in the closing laps. "My speed is good, but I don't hav e enough race time yet , and I go through a mental block after about 25 minu tes and start making too many mistakes," Par ker said . . Bowen nev er really go t go ing in the first, finishi ng 17th . '" started around there and finish ed there, too," Bowen said . "It see med like nea rly everyone wa s go ing th e sa me speed on the sa me dry line." His second ride was much better, as he pushed forward relentlessly from an initi a113tli. '" Swedish 500CcGP Uddevalla, Sweden Resuhs: June 29, 1997 (Round 7 01 12) MOTO 1: 1. [eel Sm~b CHbg); 2. Shayne Kin g (KTM); 3. Pctcr [oha nsson (Yam) ; 4. Kurt Nicoll < KTM); 5. Darryl! King (H U5); 6. James Marsh (KTM); 7. Erwin Machtli ngcr (Ho n); 8. Iohan Boonen (KTM); 9, Andrea Bartoli ni (Yam); 10. Fred n k Hedman (Hbg ); I t. Rup i Walkner (KTM); 12. [onte Engd ahl (Ho n); 13. Willie Van wesset (Hon); 14, Danny Th~'~ (KTM); IS, Cert 'a n Van Doom (H on). MOTO 2: 1. [oel Srnets (H bg): 2. Sha yn e King (KTM); 3 And B.trtul illi (Y"m );4 Kurt Nico ll (KTM); 5. r et M' .-.on (Yam) ; 6. Erw in M.u-htl ing" O-fon); 7. Keith Bow en {KT\t> ; 8. Trampa s Parker (KTM ); 9. Gert Jan Van Doom (Hon); 10. Millil CAprani (H U5); 11. Mab N ilsson ( K,aw); 12. [ohan Booncn Ur (KTM) : 14. [ onte Engdahl (Ho n); 15. . Bernd Eckenb.1ch ( ). 0iA:. 1. Joel Sm.;ots (Hbf;:); 2. Shayne King (KTM); 3. ~ Johansson (yam); 4. Kun Nicoll ( Jith 8uwt."Il(KTh.f). SOOce WOR LD C H A MPIO NS H I P MX SER.I ES POINT S ST ANDINGS (A fter 1 of 12 ro undli t:: I , JOI."I smm (165/ 3 wiM); 2. Shayne King (135); 3. Kurt Nicoll (132 ); 4. Peter [ohansson 15 / 1); 5 . An drea Bartolini (1 14/ 1); b. Cert J,m Van Doom (t01); 7. DarryU King (77) ; 8, [ohan Booncn (SO); Y Bernd Eckenbech (47); 10. . first race and did not start the second . "I'm not used to this bike . and I can 't get along with it: Kalas said . "Ihey else told me I had to ride with fcem-filled tires because of the rocks. and I prefer air in the tube s.· Kalos. 26. sa id that he intended to- Contest the entire 1998 U.S. Superc ro ss series on a 50 1 Husaberq. "I would have qualified for the main In Vegas if f hadn' t fallen: Kales said , " [ pas sed Bradshaw . And that was on a bike where we had done little more than raise the forks to make it turn quick- BoofM.."Il n Dietma r Lache r (46); I I. Avo Leek (43/1 ); 12. [cnte Engdah l (38); 13. Danny Tbeybers (30); 14, Trampas Parker (34); 15, Rupi Walkner (32 ); 16, Jacky Martens (31); 17. Keith Bowen (30); 18. Jam~ M.arsh (29); 19. mOC'O (27); 20 . Mikkl'1 Caprani (27). Upcoming Rounds: Round 8 - Hawkstone Park. England, July 6 Round 9 - Laguepie, France. J uly 20 a m • er. D ie tmar Lacher had not raced since Holland , -I have been getting physic and menipuletio n for my neck: the German said. " l lended heavily in a French Inte rnat ional at P lcrmon on M ay ' Day ' and have bee n having problem s ever: since . part icularly when it Is muddy a~d my he ~met gets Damien Kin g . the third King bro ther who broke 8 leg In Switzerland inApril. has nO'Nbeen back on a bike for twa weeks and will definitely return to the GPs at round eight in England. Although Joel Smets is a dear poin ts Teader in the s tanding s.and has Won five of the II mo tos co ntested to date: Husabe rg is only third in the . ma nufacturers' c hampionship. The Belgian ' simp ly hes little support .to re strict the damage in the motos whe re he hits trouble , Only the . slngl~ best sco re in each mot a by a rider of any marque counts. but the Yamaha factory has accu mulated 167 to Husaberg 's 165 . Yamaha has won three motes. Well in the. lead at the mom ent is KIM with 185. even though only Shayne K ing and Johan Boonen have wo n motos for them this yea r. Kurt Nicoll and Rupl Wa ikner have also reg istered Significant sco res . 33

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