Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left)Jeff Fredette was his usuallorm in the wet and ugly co nd it ions. as he fi nished th ird overall. (Below) Randy Hawkins was leading the event until runnin g out 01 gas a lew miles Irom the IInls h. k ind of s tu ff," La ffe rty sa id . " I rid e end ures, bu t I'm not really into the tigh t s tu ff. Th at sec tio n had Randy' s name wri tten all over it. He definitely was the ma n to bea t there . I fell bad for Randy when he ran out of gas earlier. He's been having a bad yea r and hasn't gotten an y breaks . He's still m y m entor, and even . tho ugh we're competitors, 1 still look up to him. He's the grea test. Same goes for Matt. W hil e Ra ndy, Ty (Dav is) a nd [ basicaIly do this for a living, he's got a regular job. To consistently finish in the top five, like Matt d oes, a nd s till hold down a job takes a lot of dedication." Stavish said : "After the event, I heard qu ite a bit of whining about the severity of the course. But that's wha t an enduro is s u p posed to b e like, es pecia lly a National. You can't lay one out wi thou t tryi ng to take so me points. Last yea r, I wo n a shorter version of this enduro wi th a nin e: And two of those were (ea rly) points. With the addition of the two AA sec tio ns this yea r, I'm su re we wou ld have gone into tha t last 13-mile section wi th scores like eight or nine. But when it rains, th a t ju st ma kes it in to a r eal end u ro . Eve ry cou p le of yea rs, it ra ins lik e this du ring a n eve n t a nd then we hear the whining. Hey, they can't build a gu tter arou nd the trails just to make it eas ier. It sure lets you know wh o's been eatin' their Wheaties wh en you see wh o finished." Third overa Il fini sher Fredette co ncurred. "Now, that was a full da y of in-your face rid ing ," Fred e tte sa id . "W h en J talked to the clu b earlier in th e week, they said they thoug ht the faster riders mi gh t get bored w ith the ea r ly loo p . After th e r ains, even th at was pretty ugly. There were guys struggling even in the two-track. 'The biggest problem was the und ergrowth and the tree branches that were hanging over the trail from all of the rain. "You just couldn't see, and that ma de it ha rd to get any rh ythm going. And for 100 miles, it was su rvival mod e. It's definitely o ne of the tough est enduros I've ridden in a couple of yea rs. But tha t last section - it wa s goi ng to be m iser abl e regardless of whether it rained or not. There we re times that it was so tight that you 'd make a mistake and sta r! to crash and the trees would just hold you up. It w as unbeli evabl y ti g h t. Bottlenecks weren' t reaIly a problem, because there weren 't eno ugh guys that made it to the final section. But I did see plen ty of examples of wha t not to do. It wa s a good oldfashioned end uro ." Senior A rider Pat Feal said, "For me, it wa s just survival mod e for that last sec- tion. I've never seen so many logs and trees in my whole life. There was litis one hill that literally took eve rythin g I had to ge t up it. After a w hile, you just hated to ge t off yo u r bi ke to push becau se yo u w ould sta rt to cram p up. You'd think you had just about had enoug h, and then Stavis h p asses yo u and yo u swea r he looks like Superman." Feallinished with a score of 113. After the eve nt, local District 23 rider Jesse Blom berg said of his day's ride and his fourth ove rall finish: "Ma n, tha t was cool (fi nishing fou rt h overall)! It ju st doesn't get any better than this . Especially after rid ing that las t sectio n. It was pretty ugly. I've never seen any thi ng that tig ht before. Goi ng into today, J never expected it to be fun - but at times I have to ad mit it was a blast." New York State's Mike Slechta had a similar response to his fifth overa ll iinish. "Actually, I was happy to see it rain," Slech ta said . "Being from out East, it's a . lot easier for us to co mpete in the ra in than fo r mos t. Even the tight sec tio ns Briefly--.,.,. •••_ Pre c e df nq the e~ e n t : o n Sat ~rday, the Minnesota Depa "rtme nt of Natural Resources dedicated 84 miles of exist ing slnqle and two -track trails in the Paul Bunyan State Fo res t as th e state 's first Off· Hig hw ay M o torcycl e

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