Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ROAD RACE nlmImola Grand Prix : WR O LDCHAMPIONSHIP ROAD R SERIES ACE than his previ ou s mount, the hybrid 1996 chassis an d 1997 motor . 0 :55.199); 21. Emilio Al7 ora (1:55.35 2); 22. William CMt~ 0 :55.3481 23. Luca Boscosccrc 0 :55.742); 24. ; O li ve r Petru cci an i (1:55.900): 25. Davide Bulc ga Imola Grand Prix Imo la, Ita ly Re.u~. : July 6, 1997 (Ro und 80115) Cavi ra (I :57.b89). 12 5ee QUALI FYING : 1. V..lentin o Rou i (]:58.886 /92.766 mph ); 2. Tomomi Manako (1:595 20); 3. Ga rry McCoy (2:00.123); 4 . Fn-deric Pt>t:it (2 :00_102); 5. Kazu to s........ ta <2:00_355); 6. Nooo ro UN d (2.00..1i1 >; 7. \h "i l i Tokudom e (2 :00.507); 8. Io rge Mar-ti n e z a (2. Xl.5l. ); 9. You ichi Vi <2:00.644); 10. Roberto Locatelli { 1 <2:00.872); 11. Yoshiaki Katoh (2:01..Jtiij); 12. Cianluigi Scalvi ni (2 :01. 603); 13. jarce tev Hut es (2:01.751); 14. Ma !lao Azuma (.2:01. 7 88); 15 . Lu ci o Cecchi ncllc (2:01.936); 16. Mir ko Cia nsa n li (2:02.166>; 17 . Jua n Maturana (2:02. 179 ); 18. Ci no Boeso i (2:0 2.373); 19. Gabriele Dcbbia (2:02.586); 20. Peter Oet tl (2:02.658); 21. lo Dirk Raed ies (2:02.715); 22. P.lO 'ressan (2:02.720); 23. Ange l Nieto Jr. (2:0 2.804 ); 24 . Ivan Goi (2:02.890 ); 25. Ma nfred Geij;sle r (2 :03 .1 12) ; 26. Igor Antonel li (2:03.7 46 ); 27 . Io se p Sol rJ", (2:04 _014); 28. Chri ctia n Pi" lu n i (2:05 .245 ); 29. S te ve Jf'n kn f'r (2: 05.402);. 30 . Ma u rizio Cu cchiarini (2:05.439). 125t'c GRAND PRI X: 1. Valenti ne Rossi (Aprl ; 2. Tomo mi Manako (Hon), 3. Kazuto Sakata [Hon ); 4. Ga rry McCoy (Apr); 5. Nobo ru Veda (Hon): b. Jor ge Ma rtinez (Apr); 7. Roberto Locatelli (Hon): 8. Youichi Vi (Yam); 9. Mosco Azu mJ (Hon); 10. Mirko Gla nsa nt! (Ha n); II. Gianluigi Scalvinl (Hon); 12. Yoshiaki Katoh (Yam); 13. ja rosta v Hules (Ho n); 14. Angel Nieto Jr. (Apr); 15. Peter Oettl (Apr); 16. Ma nfred Ceissler (Hun); 17. Dirk Rau d ies (Hon); 18. Steve Jelllne r (Ap r); 19. Chri~tid n Pistoni (Hon): 20, Ma urizio C Ul'Thiol rini (lInn). Timt': 41 min., :iJ .114 M'C. Di!\ita ncto: 21 laps, 64.33 mill"!!. Average speed. 92.267 mph. M.rgin of victory: 1.625sec. 1"lSl~st lap: Lap 15, Valentino Rossi, 1:58.490 / 93.076 mph. 125cc WORLD C'S HlP POINT STANDINGS (After 8 of 15 rounds): 1. Vale ntino Rossi (17 0 /5 win s ); 2. Noboru Veda (123 / 2) ; 3. Tom om i Manakc (111) ; 4. Kazu to Saka ta (lO t) ; 5. Jorg e Martinez (77); 6. Garry McCoy (67); 7. Masaki Tokudome (56); 8. Masao kuma (54); 9. rne Youkhi Vi/Frederic Pt.'I it (·m ; 11. Roberto Locate lti (40); 12. Yu~hi.t li Kdtuh (3 q) ; 13_Gian lu igi Scalvlni (34 ); 14. Mlrlo Gian!Odnti (32); 15. Ivan GeM (18); 16. lJaru ch ika Ne ka jo (16); 17 . (TIE) Lu cio Ceo: hiOt'lio/ Jat'O!llav Hule5 OS); 19. Peter 0ettI OI) ; 20. .. Juan Molturana (9), 250c c QUALIFYINC: I. Olivie r Jacqu e (1:51582/ 98.838 mph); 2. Mall. Biaggi (1:51.758); 3. Rail W.1ldmann 0 :52 .290 ); 4. Tohru Uka wa 0 :52.376) ; S. Loris Capiros.llii 0:52.441); 6. Tetsuya Harada 0:52625); 7. Tak~h i Tsu jirnur .. 0 :5 2.656 ); 8: Marcellin o Lucehi (1:53 .075 ); 9. Stefan o PeruKin i (1:53 .224) ; 10. Je rem y McWilli.trru. (153.374); 11. Lui.. D'Antin (153.3&.1); 12. Giu<;t>ppe Fiorillo (1.:53.933); 13 . ~mu ~i ya 7.ak i 0 :54_21.'\); 14. Jow lUl~ Carom.o 0:54.389); b . Fra nco 8dUAini 0;54.655); 16. lIaruchika Aoki 0:54.681); 17. JAmi~ Robin. ~n 0:54.949); 18. Seba~n Porto 0 :55D63); 19. Noriya~u Numab (1:55.0&3); 20. Cristiano Migliorab n :5b.203 ); 2b . Eustaqulo GolVlfo1 (1 :56.345); 27 . Id ali o 250cc G RAND P R IX: 1. M~ x Biaggi (Ha n) ; 2. Oli vier j olcque (H on); 3. Tohru Uka wa (H a n); 4. RaU Wa ldmann ( H a n) ; 5 . Te ts u y a H arada ( A p r) ; 6 . Marwllirn..> l ucchi (Apr); 7. JL'remy McWilliamo. (Hon); 8. Haruchlka Aoki (Hon); q. Ckolmu Miya7A i (Ya m); 10. l Em ilio Al7...lmot"ol (Ho n): 11. Fra nco Batta ini (Y.lI m); 12. WilliA m C(Kl:~ ; l b. Oliver (Apr); 17. DD"'idc Bulcga (Apr). T ime 43 mm .. 17.419 scc. D isu ncc 23 laps. 70.46 miles. Ave Rge speed: '17 .657 m ph . Mug in of vict ory: 0.656 sec . FutKI lap: Lap 16, Tetsu ya H arad a , 1:51.872 /98.582 mph. 2SOcc WORLD C'SHIP POINT STANDL'IGS (Af tl"r 8 o f 15 round,): 1. M dX 8iaggi (13 6/ 3 w jn~ ) ; 2. Ra 1f W" IJnwnn (131/ 1); ." Trl.. uya lIaradd (117/ 2); 4 . (fi E) (Ilivier J..cqul"lTohru Ukawa (81/1); 6. Loris Capirossi (6,) ; 7. Harochika Aoki (58); 8. Takeshi Tsujimura (45); 9. Jeremy McWilliams (42); 10. Stefano Perugini (40); 11. Noriyas u Numata (33); 12. Osamu Miyazaki (3]); 13. Mar cel lin o Lucc hi (30 ); 14. Lu is D' An ti n (29); 15 . Sebastian Porto (26); 16. Daijil'O Kate (25/ ]); 17. Franco Battaln i (24): 18. Wll1l m Costes (23); 19. mE) Emilio a Alzamora lJamie Robinson (5). 500(e Q UA LIF YING : 1. Mich ael Doc han (1:48.997 /101.1 83 mph ); 2. Carlos Checa 0 :49.374); 3. Anthony Cobert (1:49.652); 4, Nobuatsu Aoki (1:49.817); 5 . Tild " yu l i O lada (1:49 .92 5); 6. Takuma Aok i 0 :50 .0:30); 7. Noriek Abe (1:50JJ661; 8. Luca Cadalom 0 :50.339); 9. jea n-Michel Bay le (1:50 .348) ; 10. Alex Barr os (1:50.4 91) ; 11. Sete C iber na u (1:50 .789) ; 12. Alberto Puig O ;5U.854); 13. Juan Borja (1:51.257); 14. Daryl Beattie 0 :51.-175); IS. Iu-gen van der Coo rbergh (1:51.5 30); 16. Doriano Rombon i (1:51.664); 17. Jurgen Fuchs (1 :51. 890 ): 18. Bernard Ga rcia (1;5 2.514); 19 . Kenn y Roberts Jr . (1 :53 .367); 20. Luci o Ped e rci ni (1:53.4 76 ); 21. Kirk McCarthy (1:53.657); 22. Laur ent Ne vea u (1 :55 .308 ); 23. Frederic Pro ta t (1:55 .890 ); 24 . F~ Monaco (1:56 .606). 500cc GRAND PRIX: 1.>1 Doohr"sl"" : 9'J,m mph. M,lITg in 0 victo ry. 8.648 ~. fullts l I.p: Lap 19, Mick Dooha n, 1:49.436/1 00.776 mph. . 5OOcc: WORLD CSHlP POL"'IT STANDINCS (After 8 of 15 rounds): I. MICh.le1 Dooh.1n (195/7 wins); 2. Alex Crivill e 0 02/1); 3. Nobwtsu Aold (] OO,; 4. T.1dayuki Five straight for Doohan I -. >. ::l 12 t wa s five poles in a row fo r Re p sol H on da' s Mi chli el Doohan, the ru naw ay championship points leader m dking the bes t of th~ Imola bumps to knock MoviStar Honda Pons' Ca rlos Checa off the provision al po le he'd ta ken Friday. The time came just pa st halfwa y through a blustery and sunny 5.1t· urdn y a ft e rn oon sess io n in which e hc ca not only did n't improve his time, but also cras hed. More import.mtly, .-I look thr ough the l·omp lete lap times shows that Doohan's times we re consis tently in the 49s, a ll done on race tires, w here Checa' s wa s a one -o ff, as was that of th ird -pl aced Anthony Gobert, the Lucky Strike Suzuki rid er celebrating his arrival on the front row . " It' s edsy face tra ck, Ulis one," Doohan said aUer settin g a f.,st time of 1:48.997/101.1 83 m ph for his 43rd ('i'tret"r po Ie-. Because the trnck has been fcmcilsurcd, .:l nd the length altered ( ~h ou g h the actual track length didn't change), the tim~ stands ab a ne w lap record . "It' s a lot of wo rk. There's pretty much only one line, so if you gel off-line and try to get back down on the line-, it ('an ca u s~ a few problems. But today, the wind wa s a big problem bCClUSC it was pu shing you all around and pushing you off-line a little bit . YllU had to adju:-.t your ril.!ing for thdt d little bit." And tht" bumpoq,. "The bumps have been resurfaced , basically : Doohan said. "I think the only other track we 'll go to tha t's more bumpy tha n this i:o. Brdzil, for sure." Ge tti ng th e bike comfortable u nderneath him was paramount, Doc ha n said , hf'cause of the physical nature of tht" 3.03mile circu it. -rhere arc reall y no straights here. It's reall y just com er aft er corner. TIle tires art' go ing to playa big pa rt in tomorrow' s race . The place is no t only physically demand in~ it's demanding on tires a nd machi nt"ry. 50 rea lly it's try in g to ma ke su re that things arc going to last for 50 minutes." Checa di u n' t come dose to improvi ng the time which would end up bein g .377 of a second behind Ooohan . An d hi!' best effort waq laid low w he n he cras hed on what he thought was his be'St flying lap. "I expected to do well at the beginning of th is afternoon's Valent ino Rossi won the 125cc Gran d Prix · again. Here he leads ru nner-up Tom omi Mana ko . Okada us'}); S. Carlos Chcea (83); 6. Luea D da lora. (b9); 7. Nonfumi Abc Ie"); 8. Takuma Ao ki (64); 9. Ale'" &nos (59 ); 10. Alberto Puig (48); 11. Dorlano Romboni (42); 12. Daryl Beattie (36); 13. Sete Gibern.1u (29); 14. Anthony Gobert (27); 15. Jea n. Michel &vle (23); 16. Rt'):tis uconi (20); 17. Juan Borja (14); 18. Troy Corser (1)); 19. Jurgen Fuclui (9); 20. ~y Roberts Jr. (8) Upcoming Rounds: Round 9 • NUrburgring. Germany. July 20 Round 10 - Rio de Janiero, Brazil, August 3 ~siun ~m.e immedidtdy I Wd~ alm~ t as fast dS yes terday .md then, when I was trying to improve my best lap time , suddenly I lost the front and I crashed," Checa said. "1 think that it wa s because of the wind and , though 1 wasn 't injured, my nurn~">f-one bike wa s damaged and I .couldn't USt' it aga in during practire." His bes t time of 1:49.431 had ('Ome on the lap pri or to his crash and , afterward, he cou ldn't get below 1:50. Lucky Strike Suzuki's Gobert also cra shed , about halfway through the one--hour !'~:!>ion, dud he .tlsu only d id on~ litp in the 1:41Js late in the session, but it was ~ood pnoug h to put him third on the grid in his fifth Grand Prix. The 22~ycJ, r-old Au s ~ tralian put it dmVTl to pa ticncc, something he had n' t had m uch of in the earlier races. "Every time I've gotten to d trdck a nd did . '1lte bumps an d the u ps and downs do n' t bother me like they do so me othe r rider s . I'm an ex-motocrosse r, so perhaps that's why." On the front row, yet again, wa s Team Elf Rheos FCC's Nobuatsu Aoki, the oldtc'St Auki brotheT the first of a string of four Japanese riders. Aoki said he'd only reached 95 percent of the bike's potential due to hrakp problt"mQ in thf' final qua lifying session. Nex t up was Re p so l Honda 's Tadayuki Oka da, who 's ~a med the two pole positions this yea r which Doohan hasn't. Okada ~ id his team mad e great improvemenN betwt't>n the morning a nd afternoon sessions, and he thought he was ready for the race. HN ow I hope I have chosen the correct tire and that I will make the rostrum again like I did last year," Okada said. '< ' thi n k the- heat w ill be thp higgest problem in the race, but of course it is the same for all of us." His Rcpsol Honda teammate Taku ma Aoki was sixth, quick. Iy up to b~.J on le,arning ,the circui t on the Honda NSRSOO Vtwin, thou~ he knew there was little chance of victory : "The trouble L. Michael Oooh.:m - he is always so fast!" Aoki a problem . CaualoTd could n' t sol .... e h is problems : a difficult y to chan ge direction through the chiCclne and wheeJies on the exit. '" gu ess that'~ the prohl em wi th this sort of circuit with so many slow comers, but I'm having trouble controlling the throttle to keep the-front d own." Cadalor a said. A qUdlifying bt.ost put Fren chman Jean -Mich el Bayle in ninth, first on the third row and only .009 of a sE"COnd off the second row, which he was bumped from by Cad.dora in the fin.U two minutes of qualifying. Marlboro Team Roberts ' Bayle sa id that, beci:lu~e the Moo enas is down on power, the wind affected him more than m05t. I lis lig hter bike broke in the afternoon sessi on , so he was forced onto the heavier bike which wasn 't set up as well. Like Bayle , Honda Gr~ini's Alex B.UTOs hdd proble ms wit h his best bike a nd was dropped to 10th just in front of Abe' s team ma te Setf:' Gihe m au . MoviStar Honda Ponq' Alberto Puig filled out the third row, the Spanish vcteran bla ming the wind and too mu ch time spen t testing tire compounds. Farther back, Lucky Strike Su zuki' s Dary llkattie struggl~ home 14th fastest after not finding any improvement \o\-'ith a new sll!'pe'Jlsion hnkage. On the TOW be h ind him ca me Kenny Robe rts Jr., who'd crashed hca vily in the morning session when his engine seized in the- first chica ne. "Normally yo u C('I n hear whe n an engine's abou t to seize , bu t it wa s !'OO wind y I did n't hea r a thin g':' he said afte r qualifying 19th. " My bod y wa s a little sore this afternoon and, wi th the time we los t yes te rday and gt::'tting thrown d ow n the TOdd, I d idn' t feel like J knew w hat the bike was going to do."

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