Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 07 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~~ America 's weekly motorcycle VOICES n ewsp ap ~r LETTERSTO THEEDtTOR Vo lu m e XXXIV Sharon Clayton, President Micht two characters indi cate the year of the last issue. Subscription ratec Rate; for the United Stat~ and it". po~~ sions year, ISO i~'lU es ), SSO.lIO; two years (1(J() l1Suesl, $95.00; SIX monthJl, 125 issues), $26.00; mal sub (15 I!lSUt'S ), $19.00. Canada and Foreign one year (SO issues), $90.00; ~o . years 000 issues), $175.00;six months (25 issues), $45 mal .00; 0 • sub (15issues), $38. 0. r--... Cycle Npws wf'lro ml.'S um;olic:itf"d ro i to~ al ,:" i1 t~1 including 0\ . ~ tom, cartoo ns. photos, pte. Such millena l lf pubI L,,~ed, . 0'\ becomes the exclusive propertyof CycleNews. Repnntins;10 'l""""I whole or part only by permission of the publisher. Adverti:r ins rates and circulation infonnatlon will be sent upon \0.... request. SeeS.R.O.5. .... ~ W~~ ~cill:£noN 2, Printed in U.S .A. 6 Thanks for the greatest motorcycle publi ca tion ava ila b le . A t time s m y wife ' seems jealous of Cycle News. In re fer en ce tu W a y ne Gard n e rs co m m ents (" In the Wind ," Issu e #26, july 2), it sou nds more like he's tryi ng to di scredit Mick Doohan and Eddi e Lawson than contribute any useful informalion . It looks like the "the olde r I ge t the faster I was" sy nd rome is starting to ge t aho ld of Gardner . Maybe he should just get his fat butt o u t of retirement and show Mick how to do it on h is "eas y handlin g" NSR. I bet he'd ge t pitched ov er the bars by th e new N SR ju st as readily as the old one. Did you see Criville in practice from Assen? Ouch! I also agree wit h David Rogers' letter (Issue #26, july 2). What's so impressive a bou t needing a 400 cc four-stroke to co m pete with 250c c two-strok es? If it Was a YZ250F and could run with 250cc two-strokes, then I would be impressed. Hey, if the YZ400F becomes the bike to beat and everybody junks th eir 250cc two- str okes to race a 400cc four-stroke will they still call it the 250cc class ? I hope Dennis No yes writes a GP book. Man , he had me crying with that piece on Nieto. Wh at heart! . . . Don Walter Tucson,AZ Co~yrightCi Cycle News, In('.1991. Trad emark Cycle News registered U.s . Patent Office. All righb reserved. Dave y Coom bs hit the nail on the head w it h hi s co lu m n about Dam on Bra ds haw (Issu e #22, j une 4). I am a hu ge Brad sh aw fan, whether he' s in firs t or last. Certain mo tocross publicatio ns and jou rnalists make it a point to bash Br~d shaw . It is lime they grow up and gIve him a break . Bradsh aw left motocross beca use of p rob lems that nobod y could un derstand except him . It takes a big man to tum his back on money and fame in orde r to ge t his personal life in ord er . The motocross indust ry is be tter off w ith Bradshaw around - so than ks to Davey' and Cycle Neio» for not bashing him. I a lso wan t to say, "Tha nk Cod for Cycle News." I am in the middle of th e . deser t in Saudi Ara bia an d it's a hu ge mora le boost every time I get the paper- even though it takes a while because of the mail service. Tim Wal ker Prince Su ltan Airb ase Saud i Arab ia Isl e of Man I was at the IT and wish to say that the Isle of Man IT ar ticle by Stephen Burn s (Issue #25, june 25) was great. I realize you d on't have eno ug h space to put in all the activities of the IT festiviti es - but co u ld n ' t Burn s put in th e s ide ca r results? There is one major error in his report: The production race was not shortened two laps because of "fears of bad weather." The start of the race was postponed two h ours be ca u se the m ist on the Mountain was below race sa fety and th e track at th e Hairpin and over th e mou ntain ran ged from damp to wet. The officials had to shorten the race two laps so the Senior race could be run that day. I also tak e objection to the statement "... the competition below them ranged from competent to mediocre to downright slo w ." I don't care if the rider is going so slow that he gathers bugs on the back of his helm et, they d eserve the sa m e respect as th e winner - jus t for ha vin g th e g u ts to ge t o u t th er e and rac e . In the 90-year hi st ory of th e TT, th ere have been 79 races (1916 to 1919 a n d 194 0 to 194 6 didn 't run du e to World War I and World War II) and 179 racers have lost their lives. Mr. Bu ms, have you ever put in a lap on th e TT? O the r th a n th at o bjecti on, Mr. Burns, 'y ou wrote a very good article. James D en t San [ose, CA Foot in mouth First of all, MOX4 8, w ho di ed...? Are vou sayi ng it was Dou g Henry o r Ihe fuur-stroke? Last tim e I checked , Doug Henry loo ked alive and we ll, with the exce p tion of two casts . Second ly, a re you im plying tha t all two-stroke riders clear a ll thei r ju mps? Do we nee d to me nt ion all the co u rag~ous racers, past a nd pres ent, wh o e n d u p ser io u s l y injured from their love of the spo rt and desire to take risks? And yes, befo re yo u as k, I personally ended up sho r t on a double a nd paid the unfortunate conseq uences. But I still en joy rid in g bo th m y two- a nd fo urstrokes. . I, for the recor d, con sid er myself an "equal opportunity" mot ocro ss fan and do not di scriminate agai nst two- and Zor! fo ur-s tro ke bikes . My hat's off to a ll Ama teur and Professiona l racers. Alex Sokolov Sou th Pasadena, CA V for Victory I'm glad I can always count on Cycle News to be first with the information. The Polaris V92C (Issu e #27, july 9) was especially interesting in design and concept. You d idn't mention it in the article, but I noticed that this bike has right-tole ft i n te r ch a n gea b le e xh a us t pipes, brake ro tors, master cylinders and belt drives, along with some o ther component s. I d on't kno w wh y customers would want these features, bu t I'm sure Polaris did extens iv e market research be fore incorporating these id eas into th eir new motorcycle. I can hardly wa it to visit my local dealer to see th is exciting new concept. Kent Stephens Reno, NY Good catch. One of our photos was indeed scanned backward... Editor. . Letters to the editor s houl d be se n t to Voic es, Cycle News, P,O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90806-0498, faxed to 56214276685 o r e-mail.ed ito m. Pub lis h ed lette rs d o not necessa ril y refl ect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters s houl d not exceed 20 0 w ord s and all letters are s u b ject 10 ed it in g. Ano nymous le tters will not be co ns id ere d for publ lcat ionr All lett er s should cont ain the writer's name, add ress and daytime phon e nu mber .. . Edit or. INSID E Issue#28Jut 16, 1997 FEATURES FEATURE World Superbike facto ry team managers " " ROAD RACE Round 8 - World Championship Road Race Series frum Italy 8 Roun d 5 - WERA Nationa l Endurance 30 Series from Cla remont, Indian a DIRT TRACK Round 8 - AMA Grand National Championship Dirt Track Series fro m Lake Odessa, Michigan 14 MOTOCROSS Round 7 - AMA 125/ 250cc National Cha mpionship Motocro ss Series from Buchanan, Michiga n 16 30th annual Mammoth Mot ocross from Mam m oth Lakes, California ,,, 24 Round 7 .. 500cc World Ch ampionship Motocro ss Series from Sweden ......."....32 INTERVIEW Mike Kidd 20 " ..22 ENDURO Round 6 - AMA National Cham pionship End uro Series from Ake ley, Minneso ta 28 PROJECT BIKE Tom Morgan Racing (TMR) Yama ha YZl25 ~ 34 RIDING IMPRESSION Hond a Am eri can C lassic Ed ition 750 , 36 DEPARTMENTS EVENTS RESULTS CALENDAR LEADERBOARD WANTADS DAY SIX LOOKINGBACK e --- . ., '----...:--:-... .................-:.... ON THE FRONT COVER : .38 48 ..49 , .58 .59 :.75 75 Yamaha' s john Dowd w on his seco nd straight AMA 250cc MX National, wi~h thi s victor y com ing a t Red Bud In Michigan. Photo by Kinney jones. Inse t: Cameron Coatney flies ou r Tom Morgan Racing YZl 25. Photo by Matt Freema n.

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