Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Buell Buell Buell I ADVERTISERS INDEX ~~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::=::::~ A lot A Pro Aacng .._.•..•._ _._._ •.__._.•._•. 83 A-loopOtl Ro.d ACME SuspenIIan . Action NA. 1nc.•... _ 79 ._._..•__• ._•. ~ .__._._•.__._•.• _.83 Adion Spons ~ ..•.•.••..__._•._ .• _.8t AdManlo ~y._._._. ._5Iil Aetoelhctl •__•__•_ _ .79 Airconlt Vlc: 79 __.__...._...__ ~ AI Bakers Xt's ~ .•-.-•.- .._._•._.-.-:..-.... _.78 ~~~-_._-~ AI'nencIn HondI. • '" Amencan Me lnIUIUII ••_._. •__.__82 AInerican SUzullL•.• •._.__•__._. ..• _5.7& Andrews YatMha-Kawasakl.• 70 AMP RKlng. • -'" HeIndl ...__14 App/iIIcI RK:Ing .__.__•.. n -_._---_._---_ .. ~ y~ M ••• _ Atot1'lC22r~_ •••• _ •••• _ F ~ R8diIIor s.tvice ..•_ .••.••.••.•..•.•._ .85 FNmonC Cyde SIlMlgI & Accna && G F I RM:ing __.._....•...••.•_•..•_._•..•.59,60 ~ flO( Sc:hooI & V .57.81 Gal Gal: USA. Inc. _ _•_ _ ._.73 Giw /Ii GIIl __..._ ...._._.._ .__._..._._.57 GMn ....... ~ Inc..•. _ . ......81 GHC MllklcfoI8 _._ _•__..._••_._._...58,58 GDochIga USA. 1nC-.. ._73 GPIICtol CydII PYuducIL.._ _... 7. ChI» L#tIbunl ._ _• ._n ....... ""' ........_ _. _ .__._....&4 ~Ptasta . 7S . . . .1; HuIq\Iama ---82 Gf1Iphcs _ _• ._11 HIIp.k:W'lea 1nl8f'l\Mionlll. ._••_ •••••. .81 H8)ward Hon:S8_ _• •••__•• 78 a.rv ~ ~ Tt'Iiets HIir-.on RKlng _ .•_ Motocroaa.••.•..•_ _ 1-96 ~y .•..•....•..•_~ I.C.O.•.•.__._ ~ .._.__• 73 BaJMtI Tool , Eng. _......_•.•_ ....... __ .•.__._..81 e.I~ l.ubncenta .•......•_...•.•..•.......•......._.....73 Bel HeImetI ...~._.._._•• ~._.~._.~._._ ..--85 !nIer·SIaIe 011 =x.~l~.:::::::~~:::::::::::::::::~::::~ \oIllra CycIa A8cyders._._._. ~ DNA RKing. _ _ ~ Mille Kidd Promotiona.. MIilce+s Cyda ~ •..__•.•.. MilndsptWlg _ _._ .•_ ""'*' ......... _ _ •._ .•_._.•_ ...__..._......._ ....83 .. _ _ _ _ _ _. _.._ n , ....._.__ ..83 ••5,81,83 ~~1JnIimIMI MlJuNawI ~ ••_ _ 76 ~_.•.__ ..12 ...-=====.:=-~g :so~ MSl T ._.83 Mytan; RadiIIiota.•.•_._••_ ...._ _•__••__ .7S Ne8ndIwth8l Cycle ~ .__ _ •.•. _ .81 NeIIt SfKwts • __.•..43 ::s~"b~:::~=_-=::.~:::~::~ ::u.~·:·inc·::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ PIoIAA _ _ .58 =:n~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Nor1:h w '*-co' CZ••..• ~ _ ...••......_._.18 ~ s....... 1ne _ _•.••_ 18 o.lcl8ncf Sports: Canl", _ _ _.60 On Two WI'weII_ _ n aw.r the HiI Gang .•_..••.•.•.__.•_•...._._.._.58 Pwta E ~ _ _ __ _..__ 85 Penguin AolIdradng School ....•_•.__•.....•....••.•75 _ 7S _._._._ _ .._._.72 .83 =-==:~:::::::::=:::=:~:::~:::~ Macnine _•..••._ 7V 81 .25 _•.••._..75 Fast _ Fast By FerT*:d .64 _._.•.•_•..._••...72 _----_ Molo PoinI._ _•._ . !?~~:::::=:~::::=:~:~ _ .._._._. __._.7. _ .._ . _...._._73 ......... ..81 FIldOfy ConnIctIon _ _ 75 .._.__•__.• _.14 Mello Iut ._._.•..•..•_•.... _._ Mote Atnerica. 1nc.••_•••_ _ •••_•••.•••••••••••. _75 l.illIt1y CycI8••.•.• • .••.•__ ..&l 7V FaIic:on PtftonNlnoe EnglnMl1ng _ Mcln:itWV+a H·O _._.._. E~ E\ItIfIt TtICtW'lOIOgy._ F&L ~ __ .&4 •••_._._ .•.._••._ 74 ._._•.••.•.•.__.•_ .•._•.1. _. MisaoIon Yamaha ._._•.. ~ Pro ~ Pit BuI 5tIncII ~::~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ PwfterI;ec)n PIt Pro•.•....•_ ..•.•_ PJ1:P..Ii _ n.85 83 11 BlWldI_._._.._._._.._ 84 _ _ ...- •..•.•.•..••...--..•.- •..•--.73 Potnon8 Valloy ~ .••_ Powey Honda/KawasIIki _ 74 74 ~ _ _ PowfoI,Ine._.•_._ _ Pro Adion T ~ _ .._ .._ Pro M WOfks .•__.._ _•__• Pta CiR:uil: Pro~ 18 _.•....•.._•. 79 ...._.81 ~ ..•_ .•_ ~ ..-.- n -n _ ..73 - .75 .85 •_ _ n AC~ .. •. __ _ _•. 74 RKA_ .. A K ~ o - ... _ _ _••__.55 4 ____ _ _V.. . PVLBaarona • Race TCl ="iro.~::"-=_-=~ .A7 Red Bud AecreIIIon Club.•._ Repton Fabril::aIiafw, . Ack PM8fMn Motor Spona. __ T5 --'" RidetwllIa CY'C*:'& _._._.._ ~73 ~~..:==::::==~::::::~ Roc*eI: Rex Aaang_ _ , .82 Ron Wood R8dng ._•.•_•.•_•.••.••.....72 sahan CycI8 ~ •••.•••.••.•.•_._._._.__ _ ..7$ 8entII Clara Cycle s.v .13 5eaIs ._ _..__.__..88 ~tIona. Stwftca;kinz •__••_ •••_ Shinto r _ .1$ 7& _.__•__••_ __ _ ~ •.••. .85 •• ~~~ •• ~ •••••• n Shock Therapy ._.. ShoIi HeIrnMa ...._~ __ Shoup E~ ~ _ SiIulIentl SimI V..., HtJndI, _ _ ~ •••_ ~ Bto8.•_._.•••_ •••_ ~ Racing 5miIh Cycle Aa::e88 & 9la •._.•..•_ n _....•.57 _ ••••76 .B2 72 _ Sole ~ .•._.__ &-\it Sport W SpectIO 0lIs 01 Americll .83 _ 7V 17 84 75 Spl'oclutt Specialists S18tweSt SX Parte ,60,82 SticluwPOInI USA. 1nc !1 ~ Slodle(.S1al1er.s Sl~ Perfonnance. Inc S~ Honda Kaw k1 Sudoo Int~ =-~~'L.::::::~::=:.~::::::~~ . Mid Cili8a Honda ..•_._. __ ..•.••.••.... B4 _._-=----S1 Co 76 =.n. =~-~::::::=--~::::::::::::::::::::~ R8cInrg ...•_•.••_ .._ _••_ _.__ .n ~s Moccwtyde ••5 18 74 :m~::::::~.::::=:::::::::::~ Powet~~::::=::::::::::::::::::~ McGtaw InIuf'8nce ._._._..._..._..79 _ .._ .._ ••.•._._._..•.N .__._.73 ~ .".;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~ 85 MIC SpeoaIt _ Elf l.ubncantlI N. ""*U _ " INC Concepta••..__ ..A9 _._.72 Olocati ._•..__• • -"3 Ducati e...ttv _ _ _._ __ 75 Dunlop Til'e ...._.._.•.....•.•..........•.•..•.•....•..•...•....16 78 ~ __ _ =~,::I:~:.:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::~ =eE~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: M.C.C•.•..•..__._._._ _...•_ .•_•._._•.....•_...• n o.wot R8Icw'O .85 7S ~~.~~.~~:::::::::~::::::::::::::.l.~:~ Cycla 5enra RIclng .. __ _ ..•__•__ _._.58 CydII ~AlhenI _ _ ..•_ _ •...&4 0&0 ~ .85 0&0 .............. . - . . . _ _•._ _ 70 O&S Kawauld Honda _ _• 70 ~_ ••_ •. _ . 0.1.0 _.' ~CO Fugd .._ _ ~ ._81 00nn0s .... 02 0eMtI Onty Y8fMI'lIl n OG •..n ~ _._ L & A R8clng ProduC1 ._._._1. s-v.e..._._ _ __ Klemm Rnoarch 63 =~s::::::::::..-::::::::::::~=::::.~~ _ _ .83 ~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~: 76 72 ..81 _ _ Comrnunirv CoI8glI __••.•....._ Kawalakl Molonl Cor;I n C)'de News SUb _ _ Cyda Pros._.._ _._ _ _••__18 _ .59 JC Motors CBR Beating CO n Ch8tnpIon ~ng Frame•._ _ .._ _._..n " ' - " " Cup _ . _..•._.••_._._•..•.._•.'" ChapliJnlI CVd8 SUppty.•..........•.•.....•....•.•..•.••.76 C\art(e MIg. Co.••.•..•.._••.•.•_ _ _73 CMA. ._.••.••.__._ _~.._.•_ .._ .•---59 CometlC ~ __•••_ --81 Cotnptlition r East _ . _ _.•_•.•.•••.•.58 Copper GuUta 1..Jr*nUc1._._ _•.•_ .. _16 ~ MoIors. _ _ 73 Creative Energ.n ...._ _. ._.__ 72 "-'>0 ...__.. .... ---"5 Cydo ......,.....•...._ ...._..•.••.•..•_._._.•_ .•_ .•73 Cycle NawI DeeIer Sales•....•..•....•.....•.•..•.•..•.•62 Cydo ~ l'laIjIIl USA.•..••_ ..IN 1rI'v)va1lOnl J. Wood & Co g:m=~ ~tg..Ci;;t)::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::~ = _ •••_ ~ ~ay_ Italian F8CSOfY 76 8ridgeslone TIre .•••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.•••••••••••••••••75 BiJshmIIsler 73 CLl Racing Frames 73 C Cycle Suspension Service _79 CPC _ _•. _ 73 CanadIan Off Road COIrb P.". W.rehouM _••..82 _..•9 _..•...•.....•.... .81 _ Co..~ 1ntetnationIII ~ ••_ lJl) _ _B4 c.roon Tectl n =~iisa;·_::::=:::.~::~ __ _ ..•_ _ .82 BII Cody RaCIng _ _ _ _ ••-85 Bill's PIpes .•..•...•..•..•_ .._._.._ . _... _.75 8tadI & at-y Deslgn MFG. __ _ _ •••. _.--83 Can·Am ~ lrr'IoYation Sporls Bent ~ •• _~ •••._._•._ •• ~ .•_...__._._... _~79 _._ __ _ __ _. -""'-._.._-----_._ .. Banzai Part&_.• us.-. • ...82 .__.__ 73 _ ~ 71t Honda 01 Aua.-.. ..•_ __ _._ _.7S HAP _.. _.. _",85 HUIIlbefg Motc:ln:yd8. USA _ _ :.;: i.5f!:=;~:::::::::=::::=::=::~::~J Btall'lllfCllnl'l Raceway, Bralung BMW 01 North America • ~ ~ ••• ........__...__._._ _._7. 78 73 Yamahli 84 Jt3 Sunatw Engineering 73 Super Row Corporabon._..•.•_._..•_ ...•.•.•..•.•..79 SupIri)ika ..... EngIne8ring._.• ...•_ _•. 79 SupIriot~& ~ n _ Supeftnlpp Inl:tlJIen8I; . _ . _ _ _._•• _.43.81 _'--------.-.82 _•..•.. .81 Team c.aanwn YSR TumIiM Aoechang Fangew ._ _. ..82 n TClCMl~ Tech ProductI_•.•..•....•.......•....•_...........•....•_•.15 _ _.._ _ .81 T8l'l)lCIIbIe Products .w•••_ _ _ _. _ ._ _ .76 lh8 ea.vton FoundIition ,•..•.••.•_•.•..•_•............•7 'T'hoIJ88nd OllIla YanWlaIK8wu8ld _ •..•...••_•.84 Ttunpat RKlng.-..._... ., r--..n Actvan&9.........•........_ _._ 11 T~WhMIa TNT MoIoraports _ w 7S Ao Tony 0 MX SchooL.._ _ .., _ _...83 Tony Doukas ~_ __ _ _ .82 Too TCl ~ . _ . _ .82 TClRlO RKlng Oil . _ _..78 Town' Cowllry C'ydM; 15 T,.. QIII ..•_._ UFO. LJr-. V..., SpIs ar._. _c..- __ _.._ _._.._ .. V-.on~ I/ldM) ~ .~._ ~ ~ WERA•._._._ _._.._. 1995 KTM SX250 Factory Works Race motor with custom matched Mertin pipe (from England). Only used for 52 minutes of paved track testing. Cylinder needs sleeve, otherwise all as new. Includes some spare parts and all factory data on motor, pipe, and computer data. Over $16,000 invested, first $1,800 takes all for quick sale. (898)375-1234, (219)926-6S47.IN. WIli8CO ...._ . •__._._•..__••.•_._.78 Wonts Cotw1I8Icdon _ •• __. _••_•••• _._._81 Worb Enduro RIdltrIWEA .81 ~ Y8I'tlIIt\8 Motor Corp YOlhimuta RlO.._ ~ Z RM:ing .••_ _ ~ Mtg. 1991 GSXR750 WN340cc 180++Bhp _ _.71t Slreet legal- All Ohlin's suspension, Yoshimura. Colorado...$10.Sk...days (303)678-2499, evenings (303)776-2SOS.CO. Prototype '97 Maico 320 _._..•_.71t 79 ~ ~ ••• ~ _._.81 I _ _ Race ready or collector ~em. Extra parts and tires $5,500. 1978 Maico 250 very good condition. $1,000. (614)852-5238. OH. 1997 F3 Race Or Street Raced once, never down, 49 state. This bike is ready for AMA 600 Superspor1 this bike has ~ all, too much 10 list here. Over $16,000 invested, will sacrifice for $8,950. Call Creig or Teny. (510)6067002. CA. '96 Husaberg FE501 E Rode six times, looks like new, getting rnatried need money. $ 6,5OO.Momings (515)279-6656 I work (515~.IA. Rolary shock revaIving, fori< revaIving and springs. 7 day service. (408)37Hl151. CAo _ _ _CN "Olive Diamond"@$11.95 _ _ (Size M L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) CN "Tan Diamond" @$11.95 _ _ _White/Black@$16.95 _ _Gray/Red@$16.95 _ _ _Gray/Black@$16.95 _ (Slzr.M _ _ L _ _ XL_ _ XXL_ _ ) _ _CN"Lt. Green Diamond" @$11.95_ _ _Team Smitty@ @$11.95 T"Shlrts _ _CN "Athletic Dept" @$11.95 _ _ L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) _ _ _CN "Dirt Track" @$11.95 (Size: M L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) (Size:M _ _ L _ _ XL _ _ ) _ L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) _ _ _CN "We Don't Care"" @$11.95 _ _ Miscellaneous _ _ _Team Smitty Comic Book @$2.95 _ _ _Cyde News Slickers 2 FREE with S.A.5.E. ROTAX 600CC: TITANIUM valve (brand new), Wiseco Piston, frame; nickel plate, fork; Ceriani, extra parts; eIeclronical ignition. sprockels assemb1y, rear wheel with brand new tires, price $5,sao Canadian money. Bike IZO: $2,000 Canadian money. (819)371~1. CAN. 1995 KTM 250 EXC Senior owned. Low hours. Excellent condition. $3.500. (814)864-<1026. PA, walls, ramp, 70 gal. water tank, power washer, lights, workbench, vice, toolbox, cabinets, receptacles, storage areas and diamond plate. Roof deck with ladder also has .extra storage bin. Many other custom features. Ready for decals. $9,900 I 000. Leave message - will return all calls. (413)569- 08S8.MA. "THE DUCATI STORY" By Ian Falloon. Brand new copy $27. Also Haynes manual for Honda 650 Revere (shaft drive version of Hawk GT) $23. .(248)541-5948. Mi. '93 KXSOO Used twice. All Sloci< in showroom condition. Desert tank extra. $3,sao. (805)496-5781, (80S)~3. Leave message. CA. V&H POWERPAKS F2 I FZR660, Fox Shox FZR400 "600, F2 slip-ons, wheels and rotors for late model sportbikes, fork legs, F2's $100.00 each, cartluretors $125. set. CBR and GSXR minors $35. (210)679-<:1783. lX. Champion 250 Honda Water cooled 250 Honda, new Jemco pipe, MllIZZOChi forks, Fox Shox by LE., motor is in great shape, everything done right. $1,900 lobo. Also, Cosman triple clamps with CBR F2 forks by LE.• brand newl $I,OOOIobo. (916)934-9243 evenings. CA. Independent Repair Shops We would like to have your parts buainess. We are a Honda Suzuki Yamaha dealer in business in California since 1963. We are open seven days a _ _ and ship five days. We oller IlveraJ discounlS. Order by fax (805)967-3996 or phone (805l9679898. You must have a resale permit. CA. '93 Yam TOMaso /'91 Due 900SS sm, _ $4,350. Ouc:d, ful fairing. carbon pipes, jetted, very nice. 55,950. (818)96&Yamaha, 04S2.CA. YAMAHA TR3 AIR COOlED 3550cc roadracer. New spares include fairing, nose piece and right side. tIIch, cylinder . - , $4,200. Monte (702l623- 6229.I-N. Yoshimura Suzuki Yates chanmpionship winning '96 GSXR750 Supersport and Barnes Vegas winning '96 GSXR750 Superspott from Cycle Motion. Call lor _ $12,000 I ollo. (423)479-7256. TN. Mise VZf Parts Showroom condition. All original. Best in show. (212)633-7839.NY. YZF kit air box. YZF750 Ohlin shock, fully edjustable fresh LE. rebuild. Nor1halar OWOl F1 fairing. GSXR1100 6-piston calipers. Dan Turner evenings (970)593-1705, Rex Days (970)6674771.CO. 1994RC45 PARTING 1995 900RR everything. Also, SRA07SO pads. (714)725-0204. CA. '79CBX Red 1988 Ford Box Van Six months warranty left on new engine. Almost new tires, brakes, hoses, belts. Sleeper, water tanks, work bench, lights, _,c.b., tool box, cabi· nels. $11,000. (804)979-5325. VA. Total _ _CN "White Diamond"@$I1.95_ _ CA res. add 7 '1.% sales tax (S;ze:M L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) LA County add 8 '/.''1. sales lax _ _ _CN "Blue Diamond" @$11.95 _ _ Shipping and Handling included (Size:M L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) Foreign orders add $15 S/H _ _CN "Gray Diamond" @ @$11.95_ OrderTotaI area has roll up door, heater, tiled floor, carpeted Showroom condition, less than 800 miles. Privale collector $2Ok, Kevin. (216)891-1931 x201. OH. (Si..,M _ _ L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) (Siz.e:M less PARTS: 1980 KZ1300, 1984 LTD1100, 1981 GPZll00 no motor, 1978 ZI R no mofor, 1984 Ninja 900, 1990 Ninja 600, 1984 1000 1nl8n:eptor, '86 and '88 Hurricane 1000, 1991 ~ 1400 no chassis. (614)663-S010.0H. _ 81 73 Prodl.Ica _ WotldS9Otta.••.•.•..__._•._ Super Custom Vandura 3SOO with trash molor and tranny. Recent replacement of exhaust, battery, tires, brakes, all balljoints, coils, leaIs, shocks and steering components. Gab features powerful stereo, CD, CB, AlC, PIS, AIT, PIB, Captain chairs, stainmirrors, bug and wind deflectors, running boards, rain guards and cuslom _Is. Sleeping quarters has carpeted walls, sunroof. storage and screened windows. Work and three bike storage Warranty remaining, new Metzler radials, must sell, will sacrifice, $4,395. (Bike in Northem Galilomia) (602)777-8793. AZ. _.n WorQ 1986 GMC Pro Race Van TOM aso Yamaha 6k As New ._.__._._.83 _ _•........•.....•.•.....•.•. _..•.•_...•...58 W ~ .••..••_ _ 74 w.t Coat Honda _ _ ••_ 81 W..-m Honda. _ __ _ Wettem MIg. Corp. _ 71 Wheet WorQ _._••••••__ 74 Wtwa. &uI. Cyda ~ _._._ _.84 WiKtw.- ~ _ .58 Exp. Date (1st color is IuIt top, 2nd coloNs IuIt bill) L(SizeM _ _ L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ l Cash! For Brochures Poslers, books, magazines etc. Any age or amount. Dale (901 )876-6883 collect anytime. T~. WSMC _ "CN " on Front "Cycle News" logo over back arch L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) · Please call 1(800)833-3778. CA. PORTED CYLINDER HEADS lor '94 GSXR750. Make offer. After7pm (414)731-7953. WI Tl-l000 By Undemann Embroidered Cycle News Hats _ _ _CN "In Plate"@$11.95 Wanted 1979-80 KZl000 MKII .._ ...--13 Zip Credit Card Number (Size:M 1977 Ducati 900SS Silver and blue classic 70's superbike. 8,800 miles. Pro Italia service. $9,500. (805)96g.{)742. CA. _.28.2t ~ _ L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) course. Penguin Racing School basic and advanced Street riders - experience the thrill of the race track I Racers - get an adge on the competition with our top instruc10rsl (508)339-4673. MA. 11 VP Racing FueIia_._.•_ ..__.• Cardholder's Name (Size: M Ride Mid Ohio July 11 ...35 Payment method.: 0 Chedc 0 Money Order, (sony, no COOs) Charge my 0 VISA 0 Mastercard ($5.00 minimum for charge ordezs) (Size: M PARTING: ZX9R... Erico Motorspor1s 1(888)875- 8960. CO. _T7 Vanc:.1 ....... ~ Canlat_.__ 12 ~ _ _ _CN "Not Enough" @$11.95 Project with great beginnings, straight cut primary gears. clutch and close ratio trans. by Nof1h Shore gears. Ken Augustie heads, E.P.M. mallS, stock bodywork. spares. extras $7,000. John. (415)8925886. CA. .---85 .----8o' U.s.~ _ Phone( _ _ ) '76 Ducati 900SS Racer Two EkoIwa Raang ......_.__•.. _ .... _._n Address State PARTING ALL YEARS and models GSXR, CBR, FZR, Ninja. Big volume, fast tum - around, excellent prices. Money beck guarantee. C.O.D. Visa, Disc., MC, AMEX, U.P.S. daily. Sport Cycle Center (757)451-3360. VA. 74 TSR_•• Fill out completely and print dearly. Send onler to: Cyde News Products, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 24 HR FAX Order line (charge orders only please) (562) 427-{;685 City Used and new ign~ions $85.00 each. Coils $85.00 each. (888)375-1234, (219)926-6547. WI. .• __ I cnm [i]j:2f1 PRODUCT ORDER FORM --,- _.DE. Motoplat Ignitions And Coils _ •.•__ ._....53 ._.•_ •.•. _ •. _.••.•..15 _ T Tra RIa'lg F ~------------------------------, Name Tons of used and new RZ500 parts, rebuild kits, new and used pipes, new taclDry and replica body work, complete engines, service manuals. I have ~ all. Call Lee (302)368-5235 from 5:00 to 10:00 eastem time or 8:00 to 10:00 2530. ''IN. AnlItt line PToductI_._•.•_•.••.•_ ..._•.••._......&& FMF R-=w1IliJ _•••••_._._••_•• _.14 _ _.._ _._.._ ...82 AXO Span ....•.••.•.••__...•.....•••_ •.•..••__..•..•.•.•. 72 BacIuoads AdvenlUr.. B,C InC..._._ ~.82 Avon nr. •••••• _ RZ500 Parts New And Used Overstoci< on new Lightnings and Cyclones. Save now. Good color seleclion. We ship daily. Price with freight included. Delano Sport Center. (800)827- GSXR WIth Tons Of Spares Three Alarm Racing is seiling GSXR7SO and all spares, including extra frame sWingsrm, frontend __ ~ wheels ete.1llke has 7.7 gallon endurance tank also has extra stock tank. Tons 01 peI1a. _ 2 com· plele bikes for the price of one. Aaking $4,500 or best oller. Bike is in Columbia, Missourt. Con1llct Mike Snell (573)444-2783. (573)474-8310. CA. Big Bore Fans ZXll's, ZX9's, GSXRll00's, TL1000's, RF900's. All at raduoed prices. Gall for price quote. Victorville Suzuki Kawasaki. (76O)241-2FUN. CA. Dealers... Are UMd bikes getting hard to come by? Use tile Cycle _ Want Ads to buy & Sall the bikes you need for you inventoryl CBRR900RR '93-'97 AND C8R8OO F2 and F 3 _ (O.E.M.) complete exhauat aystems. Vary good condition $100 eech. Also C8R9OORR 49 _ cam shafts. $125 I set. Gall anytime (305~. FL

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