Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ty nice race with me and Steve - just like the old days in Canada." Tire woes also slowed Kipp, who was fortunate to have finished, as his tire was also in ruins. "We were up and down all weekend," Kipp said. "More than once, I asked them to change everything. I had a carb glitch midcorner that slowed me down, and then the tire problem at the halfway mark." Bostrom was next, bea ting Pegram in spite of an off-track excursion. Pegram was in despair, having suffered a miserable weekend. "I rode like shit," Pegram admitted. "I made a bad tire choice. I chose a hard rear when everyone else had a medium. I figured they'd all come apart; they did, but only two or three laps from the end.I took a gamble, but 1" was riding badly anyway. It was just one of those weekends, but I can fix all that next week- end. 1I (Above) Steve Crevier (14) and Pascal Picotte (21) race around one of Road America's 14 corners, Crevier finished fifth with Picotte sixth. (Right) The top three - Yates, Mladin and Chandler - celebrate in the winner's circle at Road America. t:N Road- America Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin Results: June 8, 1997 (Round 4 of 10) SUPERBrKE QUALIFYING: 1. Mjguel DuHamel (Z,11.630/109.398 mph); Z. Mat Mladin (Z,12.11S); 3. Doug Chandle' (2,12.388); 4. Tom Kipp (z,1Z.681); 5. Aaron Yates (2:12.746); 6. Pascal Picotte (2:12.780); 7. Thomas Stevens (2:12.988); 8. Steve Crevier (2:13.135); 9. Ben Bostrom <2:13.444); 10. Larry Pegr~m (2:13.453); 11. Thomas Wilson (2:14.012); 12. Tommy Hayden (Z:14.716); 13. ee.. ld Rothman (Z,15.Z73); 14. Chds Carr (2:15.407); 15. Doug Polen (2:16.643); 16. 'Tripp Nobk-'S (2:16.664); 17. Don Munroe (2:16.850); 18. Fritz Kling (2:17.624); 19, POlu] Hnrrcll (2:18.451); 20. Eric Moe (2:18.468); 21. Michael Barnes (2:18.550); 22. Michael Taylo' (Z,18.647); 23. jason P,idmo,e (Z,19.Z8Z); Z4. Mark Miller (2:19.434); 25. Andrew Deatherage (2:19.958); 26. Christopher Rankin (2:20.621); 27. Quenni King (2:20.858); 28. Dale Kieffer (2:21.205); 29. Mario DuHamel (2,21.485); 30. Anthony Lupo (z,z1.570); 31. James Milmy j,. (2,21.729); 3Z. Greg Frye' (Z,Z1.787); 33. Jacobi (2:21.964); 34. Richard Alexander Jr. (z,2Z.143); 35. Ken K,ebs (z,zZ.690); 36. James Randolph (2:22.786); 37. Dax Snow (2:23.017); 38. Richard Kirk (2:23.248); 39. Roger Bell 11 (2:23.506); 40. Boyd Bruner (Z,23.751); 41. Daniel 8aJley (2,23.759); 4,. Teny Teske (Z,Z4.04Z); 43. G,eg Mye, (Z,Z4.109); 44. Jimmy Moore (2:24.394); 45. Brian Gibbs (2:24.4.55); 46. Shane Clarke (Z,Z5.12S); 47. Roge' Henddeks (2,26.349); 48. Kelly laCount (2:27.027); 49. De.,n Mizda! (2:27.724); SO. Brian Boyd (Z,28.20Z); 51. Mike Walsh (Z,28.838); 5Z. Christopher Blockston (2:30.819). AMA SUPERB IKE NATIONAL, I. Mat Mladin (Due); 2. Doug Chandler (K.,w); 3. Aaron Yates (Suz); 4. Miguel DuHamel (Han); 5. Steve Creviel;' (Hon); 6. Pasc.,1 Picotte (Suz); 7. Tom Kipp (Yam); 8. Ben Bostrom (Han); 9. Larry Pegram (Suz); 10. Gerald Rothman JT. (Due); 11. Tommy Hayden (Raw); lZ. CMs Carr (H-D); 13. Pau.l HarrelJ (Yam); 14. Michael Barnes (H-D); 15. Michael Taylor (Kaw); 16. Thomas Wilson Jr. (H-D); 17. Fritz Kling (Yam); 18. Andrew Deatherage (Kaw); 19. Eric Moe (Kaw); 20. Maria DuHamel (Suz); 21. Dale Kieffer (S!Jz); 22. Doug Polen (Suz); 23. RicR 'Kirk (Kaw); 24. Chris Rankin (Suz); 25. James Milroy Jr. (}(aw); 26. Dax Snow (Suz); 27. Don Munroe (Kaw); 28. John Jacobi (Suz); 29. Greg Fryer (Yam); 30. Daniel Bailey (Suz); 31. Shane Clarke (S~Z)i 32. James Randolph (SUZ)i 33. Kelly laCount (Yam); 34. Roger Hendricks (Suz); 35. Roger Bell il (Suz); 30. Boyd Bruner (Suz); 37. Thomas Stevens (Due); 38. jimmy Moore (Suz); 39. Bdan Gibbs (Suz). Time: 35 min., 31.803 sec. Distance: 16 laps, 64 mi.les. Average speed: 108.078 mph. Margin of victory: 0.724 sec. AMA/MBNA SUPERBIKE NATIONAL C'SHIP POINT STANDINGS (Afte, 4 of "to rounds), 1. Doug Chandler (131/1 win); 2. Miguel D~Hamel (115); 3. Steve Cr:evier (107); 4. Mat Mladin (105/2 wins); 5. Pascal Picotte (104)i 6. Aaron Yates (99); 7. Larry Pegram (68); 8. Tommy Hayden (62); 9. Eric Moe (59); 10. Paul Harrell (58); 11. Tom Kipp (SO); U. Beo ,aosb"om (49); 13. (TIE) Dale Kieffe,/Thomas Wilson j,. (44); 15. Chris Carr (43); 16. (TIE) Tripp Nobles/Gerald Rothman Jr./Dax Snow (4.1); 19. John Jacobi (40); 20. Scott Russell (37/1 win). r,. Upcoming Rounds: Round 5 - Loudon, New Hampshire, June 15 Round 6 - Brainerd, Minnesota, June 29 a .According to track personnel,. ~ome 30, atten.ded Ruali(ying and the race.s at Road America ave' the .three:day event.. Road America .posted a.$45,006 S·uperbike purse, with race winner Mat Mladin· pocketing $7000, ·while second-pJace finisher Doug Chacdler earned $5000. Aaron Yates took home $3500 for·his third-place finish, The totai pmse for the weeKend was $75,000.· . Tom Kipp had suc;h successful teSt in Colo~ado that he thoughi ,that. thi'1gs· would be easy when the arrived in Wisconsin. BUI that wasn'~ the case. :'Right away, things didn't go the same way," Kipp said afte' finishing seventh in the· National. "It was.a big surprise:arid itcaught me "off guard. ' . had a fantastic test in Colorado· last. weekend.'· We . . . . . . . Prio, to th.e start of the ·$uperbike Nati.onal. .the lop three :riders in·the champiorship were awarded their cash awwds from. MBNA. Dou.g ChaIJdler t09k home $500.0. for)eading the first third of lhe .championship, with Miguel DuHamel pocketing $4000 and Steve Crevier earning $3000;.Another $30,000 will be paid.out. foliolNing .the !;lraine,d . Mat Mladin was forced· to cut short his trip home to Australia when team owner Eraldo Ferracci called' him ·back.for a test at· Pulnam Park In . round of the series, with $40,000 more going out at season's end. . Indiana. l':he· two:day test was a success: with Miadin tryi~g new front Harley'Davldson-mounted Michaet Barnes earned $5"00 from Kinko's fork that he foun(l to hi~ liking. The Australian ended uj:> lapping at ?' "0.1, ·for lapping quicker than any" othe' privateerin the Superbike National, taking so'!'e three secontls off the existing lap record: Qff th!" irack, .. .. .. Barnes e~ded up finishing .16th. Mladin seems lo have. cilOght the golfing bug in a big way. "I'ye been hit.ting abo·ut 200 golf balls a day," he said. . yance &Hines Du·cat;"'s Thomas Stevens wi's kno~ked .out of, the E~aldo Ferracci recently. completed l:iuilding a Ducati for mUSicia~/actor SUp'erbike National eady after running as high as sixth .. Stevens p'itte.d ·Lyle L~vett. ·AH b26cc. lhe Ducati is lhe biggest one .that Fermcci has .after two laps. "There was a fronnire maifun<;tion.' but I'm not sure ever built. The bike produces :1.46 horsepower and also feat~res a teleme-. what." .stevens said: "Lt wa~ mounted backwa,ds: I thought I was haVing try syslem. . . . a fiat and. I pullee off in turn five and looked. Then, in turn ·14, it· did it. again. ·We·chenged it aadwent ·,?ut to test, Dul then it started jumping out Yoshim~~a suzuki: Muzzy Ka~~saki, Hadey-.Davidson,· Yamaha and .of second. gear.. , ·The transmission probiem may·have· been caused by a fifth-gea' misshift: in the· morning warrl1up - filth and second gear sha'e the SmoKin' Joe's Honda all tested at" Pikes Peak Internalional Raceway' in same dog ~n the Ducati, accor:dlng to Stevens. . CQlorado Sp-rings, Colo'ado, durihg. the six-week break betWBe.n the .Laguna Seca round and this one. Opinions on the track varied,.· though all . agreed ·the surface will have to be redone since it came apart during the· The fa·ctory Hadey-D.avidspns didn't farewell in !Tont of a horne audience, test. "It's s.nall: iI's not prettY: .. Doug Chandler saia. "We were .Iifting .. with Road A(tleric.a only a.n·tiour.o, so. fmm the home office in MilWaukee. Chris Carr niade the cest it.:finishing 12th in .the ·Supe·Ji:iike· Natiohal the paveme·nt. It was really bad. iI's lighter·than:Loudon .and P-hoenix, arid after su"fferin·g thr.ough a m·iserable iiveekend of machine pmblems ..-1 ·there ~re· only two piac~s· to pass. It's a big problem ... Miguel didn'l get to ride much this weekend, and I. had same arm· pump." Carr· DuHamel, on the pthe, Iiand, was ·Iess critical.. "II's good,' DuMamel said. "I.iost all feel of the brake lever.J didn't get on the-trac~.until Satur·said.. "I.fs short, obviously, and I'm. lobbying against them usirig a chicane day morning, and that was in the rain. I wasn'ceven·in the race until Satur-: . on ihe !Tont straight.· Chan·dle,,: Bostrom and those guys should love it: ··because. it would be liks a half·mile in thaUirs! corner. They' x the.p-av\l- .day afternoon. I'm 'pleased·to. nave finished.·1 qualified 1"4th and finished ment, I'm su,e. Ifs.a good faci.Jily. aice garages. ". Chandler ended up lap- . 12th·. With some attrition·.· so thaI's pretty good. I've had worne weekends . . .. . . ping at 55.8. secpnds,. a few tenths· qUicker than DuHameL.· a.lthough they .and·I've h"d'better." . .. .we·re constantly. playing with djfferent ·track c9nfigurations. DuHamel ·said· Ca;"s t~ammate·T"o",as ·Wilson' had· a ." ;emi-!Tustrating·';"e~kend." that a dual-compo~nd.tire is definitely. :equi~ed at track.. Eventually finishing ·16th, Wilson did ·so· despite ·.il bad tran:smission: "I DuHamel· sp~rit the ;"ajoiitY of. h'is;ime during the b'eak cetween. races .rode the whole race with it like that, - he said, "I didn.·t think I was·in any danger·of it locking ·up, .and that's why.l stayed out. It was kind.of a semi- . wheeiing and· dealing -:as well·as playing a little golf. "I bought:some c,?~dos in Montre?1. and sold one for a go~d profit. '. DuHamel said. 'Tm test.the '",st of the:race.1 had pr.oblemswith fifth and sixth gear, -and theie was nelie, a.lap that it.didn't mjss g~ars. I. stayed off-line because I also· hooking for a home in Florida, .and I did some .stock'market stuff - just moaey:stuff, .mainly. I·also spent 10 dayS·in Myrtie· BeaCh. It WaS fun, al)d "Yas- worrie.d someo,",e was goi':l9 ·to. run iflto m~ fr;om behind. Ii was jL!~t a ·bad·weekend·, It's unf9rtunate,..but we'i1,pe okay in Loudon.' Hey', the. .I·piay.ed some riice golf courses." . motor. was. abused and II there tough. It reaily·shouldn't have, the· . Paseal Picotte was h.appy ·to ·repornhat the :Yoshimura :Suzuki. team . : w8.'l it,was over~rewed . (met I mean really 9v~r.revye.d." had made trem~ridous progres,;"with the SUZUKi G$XR750 aft~r test session·s at both PikeS· PeaK 'and Las ·Vegas Motor Speedway. ·... The chassis' Two-time Wcirl9 .Superbike "Champion DOu.g ·Polen was r"nning·12th and "suspension is muc'h better.... Picotte' s'aid: .·r-The engine is the:same, until ""nning out· of gas on the final lap.· Polen managed to Anish:Uie race· ·but we definiteily improved eVerything el~e .. The neXt step I.,better brakes,·· in·22nd."His.crew said the AMA wouldh'i·allow lhem to top·off Polen'·s ·tank 9n the ?tart.!ine. .. _....'.. an~ we shouJd' have those ·by Loudon. " . . ., . . a of. 9

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