Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Shawn Clark (27B) leads Billy Martin (74) and Ken Yoder (57) in 600cc Expert racing in the Pennsylvania state half mile championship at Port Royal Speedway. Clark went on to win. (Above) Nick McBride (14) nails the holeshot In 125cc Novice action at the Hollister, California, Ponca City qualifier. Price, Clark share crown at Port Royal HM By Len Breech PORT ROYAL, PA, MAY 26 Georgie Price and Shawn Clark shared class wins in the Pro classes as Two Wheel Promotions brought motorcycle racing for the first time to the historic, picturesque Port Royal Speedway for the Pennsylvania State Half Mile Championship. Price took the 750cc Expert-class victory on his Pop Sweden-sponsored Harley, while Clark put his Cayuga Tool & Die-sponsored Rotax in front of early-leader Billy Marlin for the 600cc Expert win. A tip of the hat should go to the track-maintenance crew, who worked throughout the night to work the track in after steady and sometimes heavy rains fell most of Sunday. They turned a swampy, messy slop (with parts of the pits as a reminder on race day) into one of best daylight clay racing surfaces in some time. Price jumped out in front of the 750cc Pro class right from the start, with teammate- Ken Yoder several lengths behind. L.J. Schaidt, Rob Gette and Shawn Clark battled for thlrd. With the front 'two several lengths up and pulling away, Gette took over thlrd as they completed the thlrd lap. A few laps later, aark found the limit of traction on his Harley and slid down to the ground, unhurt, in the fourth turn. Earlier, Clark had been involved in a spectacular four-way battle for the lead of the 600cc Expert final with early leader Billy Martin, Sehaidt and Yoder. Clark took second before the end of the opening lap, while Yoder slarted to make use of a high line off four to move into third at the halfway mark. Price moved into fourth on the following lap, but was several lengths behind the front trio by now. Coming off the second turn on the seventh lap, Clark shot by Martin on tl,e outside for the lead. Once there, he quickly put several lengths on Martin. Yoder again went to his fourth-turn high line to take second from Martin as they came down for the white flag, but he slipped slightly off the line in the second turn, letting Martin back into second. Results 50: 1. John Lewis V (Lem); 2. Chris Shank (lem); 3. c.J. Win· ters (KTM); 4. Evan Baer (Act); 5. Brian Demuro (KTM). 65: 1. Jared Mees (Kaw); 2. Shawn Bacr (Knw). 80: 1. Jason DiSalvo (Han); 2. jared Mees (Kaw); 3. Brian Phillips (Yam); 4. Dan Guiseppe (Han); 5. jim Ullcs (Suz). 125 SCHBY: 1. Jason DiSalvo (Hem); 2. Brian Phillips (Yam); 3. jim Lilies (Suz); 4. Travis Slade (Yam); 5. Jonathan Reid (Yam). 250 B: 1. Raun Wood (Yam); 2. Ben Miller (Yam); 3. Ken Godwin (Yam); 4. Aaron Humphrey (Han); 5. Bruce Miller (Han). 250 A: 1. Cory Roth (Hon); 2. Don Mullen II (Hon); 3. Mike Mashewskc (Yam); 4.1oe Zydinsky (Han); 5. Jim Haas (Knw). 600 B: 1. Sam Winters (Rtx); 2. Will Russell (Yam); 3. Will Slade (Hon); 4. Nathan Davis (Yam); 5. Larry Hoffman Jr. (Yam). 600 A: I. Dallas Bacr (Rtx); 2. Cory Roth (Rtx); 2. jim Haas (Kaw); 3. Mike Mashewske (Rtx); 4. Nick Annenl (Rtx); 5. Don Mullen l.l (Rtx). 750 A: 1, Bob Sweden (H~O); 2. Robin Will (Tri). SR: 1.'Steve Wilson (Kaw); 2. Brinn Eckert (Rtx). 250 PRO-AM: 1. Mike McKee (Suz); 2. Ace Phillips (Hon); 3. Tim E:.,des (Hon); 4. jeremy Thompson (Han); 5. John Wi.rucett Jr. (Han). 600 EX; 1. Shawn Clark (Rtx); 2. Billy Martin (Rtx); 3. Ken Yoder (Rtx); 4. Georgie Price (KIM); 5. L.J. Schaidt (Rtx). 600 PRO-AM: 1. Ace Phillips (Rtx); 2. Mike McKee (Rtx); 3. Roy Miller (Rtx); 4. Jeremy Thompson (Rlx); 5. Brian Newman (Rtx). 750 EX: 1., Georgie Price (H-D); 2. Ken Yoder (H-D); 3. Rob Gette (H-D); 4. L.J. Schaidt (H-D); 5. Robert Lewis (H.-D). White bright at NMA Ponca City qualifier By J. R. Canaguier HOLUSTER, CA, MAY 25-26 With great weather and a track groomed to perfection, the racing was fast and furious in all classes at Motowel:t Racing's NMA Ponca City Qualifier. Some of the most exciting racing of the two-day event came from tomorrow's pros, the 125cc futermediates. As the gate dropped in moto one, it was Aaron Baker displaying another of his perfect holeshots as he led the field for the first four laps. Coming on strong were Ha wk White and Harold Hageman, who were battling each other while gaining on Baker. About midway through lap four, Baker began to show signs of fatigue. White stuck his foot where it didn't belong, bobbled, and let Hageman by. Hageman soon moved his Suzuki right on Baker's rear fender. By the end of the lap, Baker had to give up the lead to Hageman, Baker, in his first race since suffering injuries at the World ·Minis in Las Vegas, faded fast in the last two laps, letting White and Cody Ki1lan get around him. When the checkered flag flew, it was Hageman, White, Ki1lan, Baker and Rodriguez. Like the first time out, Baker put his KXl25 into the lead at the start of moto two, followed closely by White. As the leaders pulled a sizable gap over the others, Hageman, Kilian an,d Rodriguez were having a private war of their own. Rodriguez turned up the wick on his Honda to get by Killan and Hageman on lap two, and looked to be a serious threat to challenge the leaders. Danny Ornelas was also on the move as he shot past Hageman and started closing on Rodriguez. . Meanwhile, on lap three, White made the move on Baker and took over the lead. Justin Seuller put on a late-moto charge and moved into fourth when Hageman took a soil sample. Hageman soon remounted and closed back in by passing ornelas and pushing Sculler. White took the moto win, with Baker second. Rodriguez, Sculler and Hageman rounded out the top five. Results 50 MOD: 1. Brylln PCIT)'; 2. Ryan Ferris; 3. Kyle Bergantz; 4,. Kyle Parino. 50 (4-6): 1. Matt Sani; 2. Oillan Moore. 50 (7·9): 1. Corey Pennington; 2, Matt Spencer; 3. Milt! Williams; 4. Matt Kent; 5. Coiton Walker. 60 (0-8): 1. Dustin Enochs; 2. Jared Morrison; 3. Cnsey Hinson; 4. Ryan Ferris; 5. Bryan Perry. 60 (9--11): 1. ChllJ'lie Morrison; 2. Nick Davis; 3. Dnniel Sam; 4. Aaron Bergantz. 60 (9-11) BEG: 1. Kyle Parino; 2, Tony Campos; 3. Paul Lawrence; 4-. Don MC£ullough; 5, Kyle Kent. 80 BEG: 1. Snakeman Guisande; 2. Josh Weatherly; 3. Anthc> ny Houser; 4. Allen Kenyon; 5. Aaron Bcrgant:l:. 80 (1-11): 1. Nick Jarret; 2. Vincent Blair; 3. Charlie Morrison; 4. Tony" Wolf; 5. Nick Davis. 80 (12-13):1. Robert Harold; 2. Billy jurevich; 3. Jeremiah Gerber; 4. Bobby Bonds. 80 (14-16): 1. D.lniel Blair; 2. Dustin Miller; 3. Angel Morales; 4. Brian Hulsey; 5. Tyler Prince. S/MlNl: 1. Bobby Bonds; 2. Daniel Blair; 3. Robert Harold; 4. Brian Hulsey; 5. Nick Jarret. 125 BEG: 1. Brigham Craun; 2. Trafton Chandler; 3, Don Hodgson; 4. Toby Chali06; 5. David Dunham. • 125 NOV: 1, Nathan Tiearney; 2. Kenny Heess; 3. Evan Laughridge; 4. Nick McBride. 125 !NT: 1. Hawk While; 2. Aaron Baker; 3. Harold Hageman; 4. Auggic Rodriguez; S. Cody Kilian. 125 PRO: 1. Tyler Evans; 2. jallOn Jenkins; 3. Justin Quinn. 250 BEG: 1. Ryan'Hann; 2. Jeff Marsh; 3. Chris Cismondi; 4. John Bames; 5. Frank Q'lave:.e. 250 NOV: 1. Aaron Mattson; 2. Jeremy Santoro; 3. Chris Platero; 4. Jeremy Chins; 5. Mark Woolsey. 250 !NT: 1. Josh Chisum; 2. Beau Baron; 3. Mike Hodges; 4. Hawk White; 5. Brent Nichols, 500 NOV: 1. Gary Plaatje; 2, Scott Williams; 3. James Williams. 25+ AM: 1. Aaron Mattson; 2. John Moore; 3. Richard Quinones; 4. Jeff Neal; 5, Richard Martin. Chis~~ MSTR: 1. Mike Hod&es; 2. Kevin Hunt; 3. Jeremy 30+ NOV: 1. John Moore; 2. Todd Townsend; 34 Richard Fajardo; 4. Don Hodgson; 5. Tom Basona!. 30+ !NT: 1. Shane Verdin; 2. Jeff Molina; 3. Dale Hansen; 4. Gary Plantjc; 5. Mike Seeley. 40+ AM: 1. Greg Muscatell; 2. Kenny Walker; 3. James Man· chester; 4. Rod McCullough; 5~Mitch Weatherly. 4-STRK: 1. Beau Baron; 2. Shannon Cone; 3. Wayne Bunch. OTHG BEC: 1. james Mancht."Ster; 2. Bob K06Ovilia. OTHG NOV: 1. Bobby Tabag; 2. Joe Tanner; 3. Kenny Walker. OTHG lNT: 1. Todd Townsend; 2. Rob Dresser; 3. Mark Stepovich. Dunaway runs away with COCR Motocross By Rupert F. Pellett SUGAR GROVE, OH, MAY 17 Team Green racer Charlie Dunaway frustrated the competition at the. Buckeye State motocross track, as the Lucasville resident polished off all four A motos in style. Warm spring weather and a well-prepared track were the order of the day as more than 200 racers stopped in to do battle at this serpentine circuit. While Dunaway used holeshots in all four motos to establish dominance, the pesky Yamaha of Joshua Steel would offer early resistance in both 125cc A motos, while Suzuki-mounted Mike Blair cruised in third. Dickie Hoy mounted a charge in moto tw<;, to take th.ird away from Blair, but his fifth-place first-moto finish relega~ ed him to fourtl, overall, behind Blair's 3·4 post· ings. Steel's consistent 2-2 finishes netted second overall. In the 250cc A class, it was Pomeroy's Jason Frecker attacking Dunaway with his Honda, but Dunaway was too much, and the flying Frecker would card a pair of seconds on the day, behind Dunaway's impressive 1-1, and just ahead of the Yamaha of third-place Steel. Results 50 (4·6): 1. Haven Holdcroft (Cob); 2. Tyler Bowers (Cob): 3. Kris Nelson (Cob); 4. Ryan Ivers (KTM); 5. Kyle Ferguson (KTM). 50 (7·8): 1. Devan Welch (Cob); 2. John Be.nza (Cob); 3. Aaron Kline (Cob)j 4. Riley Wimer (KTM); 5. John Romanyuk (KTM). 65: 1. Derrick Dunaway (J(.aw); 2. D.R. Atwood (Kaw); 3, ~:~~I Roberts (Kaw); 4. Nick Bc.nza (Kaw); 5. Chris Chapman 80 (1-11): 1. Chris Wh.itcraft (Yam); 2. Dillion Rhoades (Hon); 3. Derrick Dunaway (Kaw); 4. n.R. Atwood (Yam); 5. Michael Robert:; (Kaw). 80 (12-15): 1. David Whitcraft (Suz); 2. Josh Hamilton (Hon); 3. Derek Sturgell (Kaw); 4. Nicholas Mowry (Hon); S. Mark Diehl (Kaw). 250 A: 1. Charlie Dunaway (Kaw); 2. Jason Frecker (Han); 3. Joshua Steel (Yam); 4. Mike Blair (Suz); 5. Dickie Hoy ('Yam). 125 A: I, Charlie Dunaway (Kaw); 2. Joshua Steel (Yam); 3. Mike Blair (Suz); 4. Dickie Hoy (Yam); S. Eddy Turner (Suz). 250 B: 1. Fred C. Kuhn (Kaw); 2. Joshua Dohn (Suz); 3. Mati Waitman (Hon); 4. Johnny Stewart (Hon); 5. Bryant Torrell (Kaw). SCHBY 125: 1. Jeff Gibson (Kaw); 2. Jason Wade (Suz); 3. Justin Weber (Kaw); 4. Trevor Moriva (Yam); S. Brandon Perry (Suz). 40+: 1. Larry Shumaker (Hon). OPEN B: 1. Frt.-'d Kuhn (Kaw); 2. Phil Wood (Hon); 3. Larry Shumaker (Hon). . Belsole tops Smith Road Raceway MX By Carl Davis MEDINA, OHIO, MAY 26 Smith Road Raceway kicked off its 1997 Sum· mer Holiday racing schedule with its annuaJ. Memorial Day race t and Brian Belsole had a hot day in the saddle·as he blasted to the overall win in the Over 25 Vet class, then returned for a solid second overall in 125cc Intermediate racing. Belsole had to work his CRl25 through ille Over 25 Vet pack in moto one just to make the top three, then came back and pulled the second-moto holeshot to win by a good margin. Yamaha-mounted Greg Urban held off Craig Smith's K1M to take second overall. Belsole also had a good ride in the 125cc Intermediate class, where he picked up second overall. Dan Kunsman grabbed up the win on" his trusty Yamalla, while Brent Hahn took third overall, The largest class of the day was the 125cc Novice division, whete Jeff Graham battled to the top spot. Brent Be1sole kept his family on top of the leaderboard as he took second overaU, with Kawasaki rider Phil Archer taking third and Cory Skinner in fourth. The top battle of the day was in the Open class, where Dave Hughes put his Honda 400 thumper up against John Bell and his CRSOO in a hot race through the twisty Smith Road circuit on the monster bikes, Moto one had Bell out front and Hughes moving up fast on his stroker. Hughes flew by Bell mid-moto as the two pulled away from the pack. Scott Beard had his big YZ490 holding down third in a steady ride, while Bell closed in to try a pass on the lasllap . but lost the .front end. He remounted for second. Hughes took the overall win.

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