Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Above) Australian ISDE star Shane Watts piloted his prototype KTM 125 to a fine third overall in the mud. Notice the IInkageless rear suspension in the photo. (Aboe right) Plessinger wasn't certain what position he ~ad secured when he crossed the flnlshline, but overcame steering problems to finish second overall. seconds over Summers after three laps, 25 seconds over Watts on the fourth lap, and took the checkered flag nearly three minutes clear of everyone. Then Plessinger and Watts came charging into the barrels together, foHowed by the ever-steady Andrews and a troubled Hatch. "It was just one of those days," said Hatch, who has two wins to date in the series. "Every time I would try to go fast, I would just faU on my head. I just kind of wore myself out. Just a few miles before the finish, I was right there with Plessinger, but I ended up faUing again. He got second, so that makes me feel a little bit better." "It was hard to tell where I was, but I was dicing with Plessinger at the end, made one mistake, and he got around me," said Andrews, who won the GNCC crown in '93. "Even after he passed me, I could hear that 125 (of Watts') revving and revving, and I started wondering if that was second place, and I guess it was. I just ran out of time before I could catch him." "I had no idea where I was, either," said Plessinger, who came into the barrels thinking that he may have won but was still happy after being informed that he was econd. "I had one of my worst days in a long time, but it stilI turned out okay. Something happened to my front end and I couldn't steer every time I went into a tum, it went straight and I'd fall down. I was getting real di gu ted. I just kept plugging away, but I was having a heck of a time. Everyone was going real smooth, but I wasn't doing anything right. I feel like I rode miserably." "With two laps to go, first place, which was Summers, aU the way back to eIghth place was only about 40 seconds apart," sajd Hawkins, who has two podium finishes to date in the '97 series. "Everybody was right there together. I'm not sure what happened to Summers, but he went from first to seventh real quick. If you chose the wrong line or made one wrong move, two guys would fly past you right there. It was as if we all finished a 2 I/2-hour race and then lined everyone back up for a twolap motocross race. It wasn't Like we were passing lapped riders; we were aU out there racing together." I.:" (Left) AVR Yamaha's Fred Andrews survived the muddy camageto finish fourth overall. (Below) Early race leader, Team Honda's SCott Summers, finished sixth overall after crashing and lodging his bike under a tree for a few costly minutes. BoyersGNCC Boyers, Pennsylvania Results: June 1, 1997 (Round 7 of 13) O/A: 1. Paul Edmondson (Suz); 2. Scott Plessinger (KTM); 3. Shane Watts (KTM); 4. Fred Andrews (Yam); S. Steve Hatch (Suz); 6. Scott Summer.; (Han); 7. Randy Hawkins (Yam); 8. Brian Keegan (Kaw); 9. Doug Blackwell (Yam); 10. Jim Jarrett (Yam); 11. Jason Dahners (KTM); 12. Joshua McLevy (Hon); 13. Rodney Smith (Suz); 14. Ross Benson (Suz); 15. Tim Shephard (Yam); 16. Todd Morain (Yam); 17. John Bennett (Yam); 18. Robert Bennett (Yam); 19. John Vincent (Yam); 20. Rodney Judson CHbR>. PRO: 1. Paul &lmondson (Suz);.2. Scott Plessinger (KTM): 3. Shane Watts (KTM); 4. Fred Andrews (yam): 5. Steve Hatch (Suz). OPEN k 1. Rodney Judson (fisb): 2. Dave Gunn (KTM); 3. Michael Grizzle (KTM); 4. Richard Surbick (KTM); S. Brian Kaufman (KTM). 250 '" 1. Jim Jarrett (Yam); 2. Ross Benson (Suz); 3. Todd Morain (Yam); 4. John Bennett (Yam): 5. James Ott (Yam). 200 A: 1. Joshua McLevy (Hon): 2. Scott Phelps (Kaw): 3. Curtis Bardonner (Yam): 4. Tim Mosberger (Kaw) 5. Heath Bennett (Yam). • 4-STRJ< A: 1. Ron Bumfield (Suz); 2. John Shaffer (Suz); 3. Harvey Whitaker O

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