Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(18) e-troI HIIlory of ~ Roclng ThiS 3-tapeIvoIume lXliIecIDl's set traces 1No_ histDion Ty Davis. Fotow L1nv _ along on II1e _ he used III train 10 win 10 Baja 1000 avents. Con'IJIne _ wilh great helm.Ham foolaga wilh an originaIlTlUSlC scanBIY SO\.IlCIlrad< lor II1e best oil-road riding _ ...... 45 minutes from _ . $2A.95 . FREESTYLE .I CRASHES (1121) flY Chad< out lIis &piing' 95 release from Fox...leaIunng Fox stars Jeremy llcGralh, Damon Bradshaw, _ Metzgar, Doug (Mi) Doytona CllulCi '96 Haruy, JoI1n llowd, KeYin W_, and Sarge 1;u;deny, Wilness the "Return oIlNol.ogends" In 1996 In action, on-bike ptJing 011_ aerial _ r s a1 places ikelNo Pans ond beIlind-the-scenes a1 Daytona Inn 5l'eedwaY: Geoff IluIme !tlrougtl1l1e ranI« Story The amazmg saga 01 Amarica's moot Wlfamous MX racing star. From his humble begInr01gs 10 his m a _ racing career, lIis sOOw wi lake you on an amotionaI.- a>ester. 45 rrinules from Mo1oYideo. $34.95 (I25~Coop: ~ JoeI-, _ (11208) Temlflrma 3 Tenalinna is avarvItllng you'd expaclln Ihts series and MOREl More JocalIons, ridors and insanity1 Filmad In Francs, Auslraila, Oregon, Utah, Maryland. Michigan, Tannassee, you~ ... a11111e big names In motocross: Jeremy McGrell1, Lamson, Metw SIep/Iane Pelerhansel as he wins 9Ol11e of INo ~roolon:ycle raIy races WOl1dwide, and join Yamaha', ·fit oI_r.· ridefs (161) No Respact on lOOtS Itllouah Aus1raJia, Baja, and U • 93 minu1es by F'iImad ""location In Haws" fealuring Brian Deejlan, Cliff DuIstlaps In a dozen 1993 ~ ride~~ Angeles (Colton), . . on from Powarspods 5a1l.wday, and contInJe from Barstow 10 W Vagas on Sunday. ="~~.-sports. 55 _ ftyou rods 1hisl!Y8l1l, you're_on Ihis_ 110 """"'" from Aller ' " - Video. 534.95 ('17SA) Bike W... The most memoraIlle momenls of ~ IncWng HarIeYs. 5Iole11likes, Din Track, Isle 01 Man, _ , Bladywise, Alice In ChaIns, ~' Fur Coa( Colorado 500, along wilh a i0oi< at II1e 1995 ride, _ BOO Future SOl8lds 01 london and Sotrldbox. 35 _ from Fox miles 01 beautif1.j ROcIm 199O!tlnJ 1996. Includes urlleIievabIe crashes & ~ from mo!OCtOIS, !ruck racing, single-seatsr midgets racing, relly cers, GP moIOn:ycIes raJIyaoss autos saloOn cars, Aa:ording 10 Il1e producer, no racers were seriousIv hurt in the production of this video. 60 minutes by DuI«Iargy music score, go 10 remole Iocallons wilh legends ROoar DeCosIar, Jeff Ward, Rid< JoIlnson, Bob Hamah and Jeremy IIcGrall1. Flmed n 0Yef 2D Iocallons II1rtxqxlU1I11e USA. 24 rrinutes from MoIo'Iideo. S2A-95 snowboard, wakeboard. BMX and surfing aver compiled In one video. Air Raid Is a jam~ assaulf 01 lree·ndIng, lUbe rides, jt.mping, ClBShing, and _ , wilh an awesome soundtrack. 35 minutes from FoX 'V'1deo. $29.95 (158) Sick Air Get sicI< with "SIck Air!" Follow IlfOIo.maniacs Brian Manley, 1134) 4-Slk _ _ T~1ng & IIaIlIllii. . . Eric Goo demonstrales angina rebuilding and per10rmance Iu=~ Japanese 4- shows whal" lakes 10 reach !he lOll. 85 minutes from Gary SemIcs Video. $42.95 (137) Gary SsmfCl!IX TadlnIquea 13: JumoIng & Whoops Shows how 10 practice & master aD aspects 01 jtJ~ & whoops. Teaches approadllllOad. rear brake control, compression & retlound, ckllch & lhroaIe control, body lTlCMImant, and loot placement 40 minutes from Gary Samics Vodeo. 542.95 (1381 Gary SamIClIIX Technlques M: The bltteience _ AmaIeuno & Pros Jeremy McGrell1', personal trainor, Gary Semics, uses his new 4·slap _ process 10 leach you II1e not-always-obvious diffarences between Il1e wry best riders on II1e !rack - and averyono else. Featuring footage sholln early '96, youl ... whare Jeremy and _lop riders !rain and llI1damentaI ndIng racen; Wes Cooley, C1>Jck Graves, 0aYil Emda, Cal Rayborn III, and - . wi sOOw you more safely Iechniques that you 11ldnque. 42 nwMes from T11urI>ar Racing. $38.95 can lIpIlly III your street riding. 45 minu1es from 1 _ MolOlcyde Video. $34.95 (122) Adv_ Technlqua. of 0lHl0ad RIcing Oick Bul1ason axpIaIns advanced rnotoICyde setup and riding lechoiques lor chaIenging tenrain and _ . 26 minutes (11358) Street - . Vol.... 3: Danger ZOnal from TIunper RacIng. $3.3.95 Danger Zonas is Il1e final YOIume 0I111e set, and daaIs enlireIy WJfh streeIlaCbCS, and leis you whallO avoid and whY, Also shows how III gal out 01 bad situations i shotid Mel 1123) _ Tire Changing yourself In a filjlI spol 36 minutes from rn"'lemalional Dick Burleson shows how 10 make short work at changing MotOlcyde Video. $34.95 off-road motorcycle tires, both with tubes and the popular bib mousse Insert. 23 minutes from Thumper Aacmg. $23.95 (130) Cartridge Fortl5ervtce &Tuning Oirt Rider Magazine'. te<:h editor Eric Goo shows you how to do oomprehensive se_ and luning on Kayaba and Shows cartridge lorb. Appficallle 10 din and ''''1 bimpelition from II1e fUM', G!3Ild National T"",IO MoIocross; 0esaI1 Ra<:ing 10 ice Racing; INoISOTto II1e Widowmaker Hlk:Imtl; Il1e BonnnaviIe SsIl Flats 10 II1e ElsInore G!3Ild Prix- 9D minu1es from KWB Markeling Group. $44.95 ('181) Heavy Duty: 90 V .... wi H-O An aD-around _alll1e H·D mystique, from Il1e 9DII1 anniversary celebfalion in Milwaukee 10 StJ..n9s and Daytona; a i0oi< alll1e various bill !win designs, a lOut 0I1l1e Milwaukee factory, aJSIom buili Hal1eys and racing, too...Harley drag racing, dirf track and road . ,Including some SllOCfaCUtar crashes. 7D m1nutes by Du~ I'Illile Slar vKfao. S32.95 r------------------------------------------------------Order Form (Please fill out completely & clearly) PHONE ORDERS (562) 427·7433 24-Hour FAX UNE - CnIdit Card Orders - (562) 427-6685 Name Address _ City State o o # _ Order Date # _ Card # Signature # ZIP Phone {_. ) # # # _ Exp. Date Please rush the following tapes: Quantity Tape #lDescription. _ Sand Check or Money Order payable 10: Cycle _ Producta P.O. Box 498, (eng Beach, CA 90801.0498 or cal (562) 427-7433 during business hours, 9:00 /lJ/, 10 5:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time 24-Hour FAX (Credit Card Orders only) (562) 427-6685 Older Ilia Cyde - . Online - htIp:Jlwww.cydanews.oom Prices subject to change· please use current order blank All 01 these VHS tapes are available free of shipping and handling charges, from Cycle News Products. Orders Not Accepted Outslde 1he Continental U.S, # Price per Tape Total $ $ $----- $ $ $ $ $ $----$---$----$----$----- # - - .::-::T=.,..,.-::=::c=~=::7:":~-----$ (Use additional sheet if necessary for extra tapes) $-~--- $ -----Subtotal $ CA Residents add 7·1/4% Sales Tax - - - - - LA County add 8-1/4% Sales Tax $ _ (Orders Not Accepted Outside the Continental U.S.) US Sh' in & Handl' FREE IPP g ~6TAL $ ------ 29 ~---------------------------~------------------------------------~

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