Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, • NEVADA MOTOCROSS - Night Motccross series, ROO 3, Nevada Old T"""rs, Fem~ IntemationaJ Raceway, 70214ZHl226. • NEW JERSEY DRAG RACING - Ken Fem~.lnto: i.mlderman Raceway Patte, Till' Street Motoo:yde Championships, Raceway PilI1< Dragstrip, Englishtown. Info: 9081446-7800. NEW YORK MOTOCROSS - AMAIIsland Mococross 01 New YorI< Inc., IlridgehampIOO Race Track, Bridge!lampton. Into: 516/924-2399. • OHIO MOTOCROSS - CRAIMaJvem Motocross Parl<, Malvem. Info: 33012624945. VIRGINIA MOTOCROSS - Poweriine MotOClOSS P"yground, Summer Series Po;nts Championship, Floyd County, Wm~.lnlo: 5401789-726(). WASHINGTON NIGHT ENDURO - Seat of the Pants Night Enduro, _est Moloroycle AssocIation Enduro SeriesIRlver City MC, Copilol Forest, Olympia. Info: 2061922-9163. •WISCONSIN SHORTTRACK • NIJJ_ Cyde CIob re, altho CiIiJgrw1cIs,lJIke Mills.1nIo: 41413535920. Sun, July 13 CAUFORNIA RIDE • los Angelos HMly. Davidson &Buell, 5Ih annual Snow V*, Day Ride. Info: 562/408-WlB. CAlIFORNtA MOTOCROSS CRCIlACR, Los Angeles County Raceway, 1000 OalcilgIon. I'*>: 60617445916. • MISSOURI MOTOCROSS· Mid America Motccross Productions. ChaIenge Trax Motccross Parl<, Kingsville. Info: 816/77905020. 7171359-4310.. • CAlIFORNIA SPlEEDWAY • Fast Fridays, AMMlislricl36. Dixon May FaiIgrwlds. Dixon. Info: 916/878-7223. Wed, July 16 • UDUISIANA DIRT TRACK - SwaJT'jliand Raceway. Grand Prairie. Into: 31813633734 or 3181363-3371. sat, July 19 T_. • CAlIFORNIA SPEEDWAY· Mondey Y_Motorized 0I-fn'4lics, Orange Coy Road, Weiland. Ontario. Info: 905IB352754 or 9051734-7058. • DELAWARE SHORTTRACKDe"wara Mocorsports. Sealord Speedway. Seaford. Info: 302I422~1. flORIDA MOTOCROSS - Dade City Raceway. Night Motccross, Dade City GEORGIA MOTOCROSS - Thunder Creel< MX, High Falls. Jackson. Info: 9121994-6630. GEORGIA SUPERCROSS - Southern Raceway,Bainbridge. Info: 912/246- r----------------------------------------, I Calendar listings are a flee service. Type or legibly print all the inlOllllalion asked lor below and mail to Cycle News Calendar, P.O. Box 498, Long EleacI1. CA 908014198. Galendar listings cannot be accepted over the phone; we must have a complete Calendar listing form. Listings must be received by the dose 01 bIlsiness on Wednesday for publication in the lollowing week's issue. Evenldale: • COlORAOO MOTOCROSS AMAIRMXA, Semi -Pro wi1h Youth. A2!I1:; Fanity Raceway. CoIorac*> Springs. Info: 719/473-6723 or 303I271.Q190. COlORADO ENDURO - Colamity Pass EnlUll. Front Range Trail Riders. National ROO 8, Rand. Info: 303I9B89661. FLORIDA MOTOCROSS· ProSpof1s USA. Yamaha Smshine state MK Championship Series, Motocross 01 Marion Couritv, Reddick. Info: 40713332356. IDAHO MOTOCROSS - Owyhee Motoroycle Club, 4- Stroke National, Bolse.lnlo: 208I3B4-5512. IlliNOIS BIKE SHOW - J&P Promotions. 12th annual Molorcycle Parts and Ride in Bike Show, Will County Fairgrounds, Peotone. Info: 319/462-4668. IWNOIS HlllCUMB - RocI< River Riders, Cub Grounds. Polo. Inlo: 8151232-2731. INDIANA HARE SCRAMBLES - Stoney Lonesome Me. State Road 46, CoIumbus.lnlo: 812fJ42-4411. 5088. I FREE CALENDAR LISTINGS CAlIFORNIA MOTOCROSS - SImmer GlOve Series, lemon Grove Motocross. PIIIJ. Into: IKl5I52Hl808. _ • ICN/A MOTOCROSS· AMAlDiS1rict 22. Motccross SerieslSuzul: IlIl4I724-4Jl2 orB3lXl710. Sun, July 2:T CALIFORNIA GPoAND PRIX - SRA Grand Prix. Consbad. Info: 714/957-2985. • FLORIDA ROAD RACE - CCS!Moroso Motorspons Pari<. Wesl Palm Beach. Info: 561n93-3394. FLORIDA MOTOCROSS· ProSports USA, Yamaha Sunshine State MX Championship Series. Dade City Raceway, Dade City.lnlo: 407/3332356. • MARYLAND MOTOCROSS AMAlDistricts 7&13, Builds Creek Motocross Pal1<, Budds Creek. Inlo: 301/475-2000. 'CALIFORNIA OBSERVED TRIALSDonner Ski Rarch World Championship Observed Trials. Donner Summn.lnlo: 916/426-3635 CALIFORNIA SCRAMBLES AMAIllIstricl37. lost Angels. Red Mountain. Info: 3101376-1329. _~ , • NEW YORK MOTOCROSS AMAINorlheasl Classic MX. Championship Race, Walden P"yboy MX. Rnd 5. Walibny.InIo: 5o:JI257.QB71. • WYOMING SHORT TRACKIMOTOCROSS - Pro-Am, Jadcpine Gypsies CIt.ilgrounds. casper. Info: 6051347-3418. . OHIO MOTOCROSS - Amherst Senes, __ MC.~216!1l8- 9100. • OHIO MOTOCROSS - OlD Motocross. Kenwor1hy's GP Club. AMAA: 7021267~. Pro Payback: 0 Yes 0 No Event sanction/promoter/sponsoring c1ub: PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSSAMAIDislrict 6. Aying Dutdvnen Moton:ycle CIOOInc., PIne Grove. Info: 717/345-6340. • CAUFORNIA SHORT TRACKITT - Lad Me. Morse Road. !..olI. Inlo: 20915441027. Raceway. L.ivings1on.ln1o: 4061222-8318. Racing. GR at Night MX Series Rnd 6. Perris Raceway, Perris. Info: 90916534042. • OHIO MOTOCROSS - CRAIMalvem Motocross PilI1<, ..-n. Info: 330/262. 4945. CAlIFORNIA MOTOCROSS ClIAIIlounty _ Series. Night Race. los Banos. Into: 2O!lI673-8OllO. • OHIO MOTOCROSS - AMMlislrict 11, BucI

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