Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WIN aTRIP to the Kenny Roberts Training Ranch in • CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS • Fri, June 13 • CAUFORNIA SUPERCROSS - K-B Racing Promotioos, Night Race, 5aaamenIo Raceway, Saaamento, Info: 9161682-6123. 'CAUFORNIA SPEEDWAY - Fasl Fridays, Gold Country Fairgrounds, AMAIDistrict 36, Challenge 12, Auburn. Info: 9161878-7223. • DElAWARE SHORT TRACKlleIawanl MotorspoIts, 5eafOld Speedway, SeafOld.lnfo: 302/422-8661. GEORGIA MOTOCROSS - Thunder Creel< MX, Baja Joot<:1ion Raceway Inc., Jackson. Info: 9121994-6630. IDAHO SHOAT TRACK - Owyhee MoIOfC'/Cle Club, Boise. Inlo: 208/3845512. INDIANA SPEEDWAY - Waslem Hi~ Honda-Yamaha, Pro-Am, Motolm Raceway, Bainbridge. Info: 9121246- 5088. • INDIANA MILE - Amal.... Semi·Pro, Pro-Am Fasl TracI< Racing Inc., Amal.... National Warm-Up, Inciana Stale Fairgrounds, Indianapolis. Inlo: 2191486- CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS - NMA Grand NaIiona1 MX C'ShipIPonca City S~ Pari<, Moreno Valley.lnlo: 562Ill68,s112. • COLORADO MOTOCROSS AMAlAt.1XA, Semi Pro with Youth, NMA OuaIWIOf, Pueblo MotosporlS tnc., PMI Racaway, Pueblo. Inlo: 1191473-6123 or 3031271-0190. FLORIDA MOTOCROSS· ProSporlS USA, Yamaha Sunshine State MX Champoonship Series, Dade City Raceway, Dade City. Inlo: 4011333-2356. • FLORIDA MOTOCROSS - 00ubIe A lin. I(JWA OBSERVED TRIALS· AlTRAlAi Iowa Trials Riders Association, Anamosa. Prornotioos, 3 Year Anniversary Race, North AorIda Raceway, Jacksonville. Info: 9041268-2223 or 845-2016. Info: 51512n-ll212. • NEW HAMPSHIRE HALF MILE AAWProfessionaI, SIdeways Promotions, Night Race, Rochester Fairgrounds, _ . Info: S08I874-1732. MARYLAND MOTOCRDSS.tIARE SCRAMBLES - AMAIOistrict s 7&13, Pro NaIiona1 Amateur Day, Budds Creel< Motocross Part<, Budds Cr1loIt Info: IWNOIS MOTOCROSS· NMA Grand NaIiona1 MX C'ShipIPonca City OualifierlMldwest Region, Byron. Info: 309/792-5813. NEW YORK MOTOCROSS - ACE Motoc:ros$IAMA llislrid 34 ChampionsIip Point Series, Modena. Info: 91414632093. 301/415-2000. MICHIGAN TRIALS - AMAIDisIrid 14, West llid'Ogan Trials Club, Hopkins. Info: 6161793-7634. • MISSISSIPPI MOTOCROSS - Info: m'339-9265. AMAISouIhem Sports Promotioos, JaOOon CounIy Fairgrounds, • OHIO MOTOCROSS - AMA, Perry Pascagoula. Info: 6011255-8110. Counly Fairgrounds, New Lexington. Info: 6141596-2057. • MISSOURI MOTOCROSS - RJ Promotioos, Chaienge Trax Motocross Pari<, Kingsville. Info: 8161779-5020. • WISCONSIN STADIUM MOTOCROSS - Lake Geneva Raceway Suzuiar Bluff. Info: 5731686-4181. • VIRGINIA FLATTRACK - AMANirginia Flat Tfacl< State Championship Series, Birch Creek Motorsports Part<, Danville. Inlo: 1lO4/ll36-{)110 or 1244392. Sun, June 15 Enter now for a chance to win an 8 day /7 night vacation for one to Barcelona, Spain for group training with Jimmy Filice at the Kenny Roberts Training Ranch, the running of the FlM Barcelona Grand Prix, and the Dirt Track USA event. PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS - Fox AacingPro Action District 5 Summer Series, Pleasure Valley Raceway, Johnslown.lnlo: 8141536-1845. PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSSAMMiurricane Hils Sports Cenler Inc., Route 106, Clifford. Info: 111/222-9290. • TENNESSEE MOTOCROSS - Rose Racing, 3rd race, Memphis. Info: 901/465-4511 or 901/486-5635. This is a: o New Subscription Please bill me one payment of $38.00 o Enclosed is my check or money order Renewal o Bill 3 EZ payments of $12.67 each Charge my 0 VISA' o Charge Card# Signature Exp. Date Send To: Cycle News, Inc. 1997 Spanish Summer Sweepstakes· P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 No Purchase Neceasal)l. FlII out the offlc:IaJ entry form (Of 3"ll5- facsimile). including your name, addrea, city, state, liP .. ~ ot= and nurr'lMr. ~==~:~mbe7::~~:'~ I~~~~~~ ~~~J:~~=':.~~'.1:~ ~= aft~n:.,= =~C~=I~K~' =,::nt~ to~I,=I.::'::f~ra~:Ia~ioM. ~r:~';;11=~1~"r ~~~.~:~~~ !rlft.air from major oontlnenlal Unlt.a &a11tS airport, ~.nd itin.~::.. al dtrellon ~velCralt. Hotel •• lhared double room. To =e' ~.:..c~~~ ;~V:~~~~.:;.~O~~ =~';n:=st~ ~~ r=I:-~w:a=::.=~ 1·~::~~::-~~.~l~=.w~~:iI~I:WU::~~:~~~~ " regIIrdhg 1cenM, cadit. and 1Ig8. car rental portion of prize indudes tMIM Nl'ltaI ~ not incalde any other upenMIIlndudIng but not Imil.ct to Q8lIOIN. Insutance opUona. dIwnage, 1abIity, IIdcItbnaI tenteI ."., partIIng and lOlII. W1nnef -"d be soIoty respontlble lor q and .. damllgel andfor I theft to f1lnl.t vehlde. SUbdtute iWMla) Or cah consIdendion Ihd not bt TMdt In !he ~ thai: the priu winner cannol UN any and/or .. por1loM I d the prize. In ac:cepting the prize: 1M wmner gl1lntl CycIiI N-.wI Inc. and Tra".cratt pennlI8ion to promole and publlcIzIJ hl& or ner photogfaph and lhe L • ~ I prize won. All empk)yee8 of Cycle News, Inc. lind TI'8Y8tCfatl and ItWtir lall'lll* a.. not eligible. I

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