Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 05 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOICES America.s weekly motorcycle newspaper LEITERS TO THE EDITOR Volume XXXIV Sharon Gayton, Presidrnt Michael Klinger, Publisher Editorial Paul Carruthers, Editor Kit Palmer, Associate Editor Scott Rousseau, Associate Editor Ma.rk Hoyer, Managing Editor . Keith Bush, AssIstant EdItor/Copy EdItor Cameron Coatney, Assistant Editor AJan Cathcart, European Editor Advertising . Terry Pratt, National Accounts Manager Mark Mitchell, Eastern Accounts Monager Mark Thome, Western Sales Manager Thomas Gonter, Western Sales Milnager Forrest Hayashi, Western Sales Monager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Monager Rick Matheny, Eastern Sales Milnager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Bridgett Bobrofsky, Assistant Carla Allen, Eastern Ad Coordinator Tina Farr, Assistant Marketing & Promotion Mark Thome, Director Forrest HayasJii, Manager New Media Development Mark Mitchell, Director Rick Matheny, Webmaster Robert McTigue, Production Manager Classified Ads Laurie Torstensen Graphics and Production Roo Johnson, Production Supervisor Mandy Loo, Production Manager Dennis Greene, LAb. Tech. Stacey Guest, GrapHiC Artist . Amanda Wollny, Graphic Artist Administration . Judy Klinger, Coordinator Leanne SiJns, Adn7llllstratrve ASSIstant AccountinglData Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond, A/R Coordinator Geneva Repass, Assistant Herlane Lewis, Credit Circulation Rheba Smith, Milnager Alma Anguiano, Processulg Coordinator Keshona Dawson, Billing Coordinator Carol Maggio, Dealer Coordinator Service and Support Susan Moreno, Receptionist Micha.eI Swedberg, Service and Support National Headquarters . 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 (562) 427-7433; (213) 636-8844. FAX (562) 427-6685 ·Eastern Office 4188 First Ave., Tucker, GA 30084; mailing address P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA3008S-Q805. (770) 934-7850. FAX (770) 934-3112 In jest from the Pres I was really disappointed with your "rumors" story (Racer X, Issue #17, April 30). I mean it was good and all, but how could you have missed the news that radical AMA rule changes in 1998 will ban all engine configurations from MX/SX· except 750cc V-twins, giving those introduced prior to 1975 a weight break, thereby providing you-know-who much-needed exposure before the GenX, headbanger, youth market. Please take us a little more seriously by acknowledging our forward-thinkingness. Ed Youngblood President, AMA Westerville, OH Godspeed, Gary On Sunday, April 27, we lost a great friend and motorcycle enthusiast, Gary Blackman. He was part owner of Blackman's Cycle in Emaus, Pennsylvania. The plane he was piloting went down in the foggy skies of Virginia. We would like to wish his family and friends the best through th.ese hard times. Gary was a grea t asset to everyone who knew him. His great personality, his business knowledge and, most important, his love for the motorcycle industry. His willingness to help others made Gary rise to top of the fast-paced motorcycle industry. On behalf of Blackman's Motocross Team, Chris and Jeremy Garges and family wouJd like to .extend our condolences to everyone at Blackman's Cycle .. Gary will be greatly missed. Chris Garges Get well, Mike For those of us who ride motocross, the threat of any serious injury is always a thought that we try not to ponder - until 'it happens to a good friend and a great person. Mike Young is just tha t. Always cheerful and fun-loving at the track, I look forward to the time he returns and we can all enjoy his friendship. I know Mike has the strength to get through this. Mike, we are praying for you and your family. Good luck. Jay Oark Perris, CA Mike Young suffered spinal injuries during a practice crash for the AMA National Fou r-Stroke Motocross Series at Glen Helen Rocway in San Bernardino, California on April 27. According to Clark, an allction will be held at Chaparral Cycle Supply in San Bernardino on May 9 to help raise money for Young's rehabilitation. For the latest information on Young, see the In the Wind section of this week's issue... Editor. The winner says... I would like to thank Chris Carr, Steve Mayfield and Knox Associates for. what was one of the best nights of racmg at the Lodi Cycle Bowl. It doesn't take much but sheer dedication from these two racers to involve themSelves and others by giving back to the sport of professional dirt track rae: ing as they did. For years we've been losing tracks, promoters and side-byside racing on the West Coast, but April 26, 1997, was a night when everyone went home a winner. Thanks again for your efforts and hard work in making this race a success. I am proud to say that ,having the opportunity to participate in the Burger King/ ~pplebee's Spring Classic was something I'll always remember. Andy Tresser Redwood City, CA as wide as they do in realliie. Oh, well, I guess I've got a good reason to make the trip to the next U.s. world round when it comes back to the East Coast. Andy Hanson NASCAR vs. Motocross This is. in response to Glenn 'Rawlinson, . who wrote complaining that the May 4 round of the AMA National Motocross Championship at Glen Helen just har:pened to be on the same day as a ASCAR race. One word: What? How can you even consider going to a ASCAR race when there's a motocross - any motocross, for that matter - to go to. You can't compare athletes like Jeremy McGrath, Mike LaRocco and Jeff Emig to old, out-of-shape car drivers. How insulting. Armen Oawson Tulare,CA Get dished In Wade McQueen's letter (Voices, Issue #18, May 7), he tells of his difficulties get- ting TO to carry Speedvision. TO doesn't offer it in my area either. So what? Yesterday (Sunday, May 4), I had a choice of four road races, including same-day feed of the Spanish Grand. Prix and the World Superb ike race at Donington Park. Wade, quit holding your breath: Get 'a dish. Randy Warren Corle Madera, CA Trials a go-go I am really enjoying your coverage of the World Championship Observed Trials rounds. The preview article by John Dickinson was great and set the stage for the intensity of the 1997 competition. The photos were pretty good, for the most part, too. Somehow the photos never seem to do justice to the sometimes incredible maneuvers that the riders at this level are capable of. The climbs never look as steep, the steps as vertical, or the chasms Letters to the editor should be sent to Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90806-0498, faxed to 56214276685 or Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 wo·rds and _all lellers are subject to editing. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. All letters should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number ... Editor. e-mail FEATURES lnternet MOTOCROSS Round 2 - AMA National MX Series from Sacramen to, California Cycle News (USPS 141~340) is pUblished weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by , Cycle News, me., 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Oeach, ~ ?OS06. Periodicals Postage Paid at Long Be.lch, CA and at addJtionaJ mailing office. Can.ld" Post Intc.m"tionaJ Publications Mail 6 1154601S. Round 2 - AMA Western National Four.Stroke MX Series/White Brothers FourStroke World MX Championships from San Bernardino, California _ 24 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 908O1-()498. World MX report To detcnhine the expiration date of your subscription, check the four numbers on the first line of your address label. The first two digits indicate the last issue number you'll rettive md the last two chancters indicate the yen of the last issue. 30 Subscription rates: Rntcs for the United States and its possoessions forane year. (SO issues), S50,00; two years (100 issues). ROAD RACE Round 3 - World Champion hip Road Race Series from Spain 12 $95.00; six months. (25 issues), 526.00; trial sub (15 issues), $19.00. Canada and Foreign, one year (50 issues), 590.00; two years 000 issues), $175.00; six months (25 issues), $45,00; trial sub (15 issues), $38.00. Round 3 - World Su~rbike Championship Series from Engla~d .16 Cycle News welcomes unsolicited edito~1 ,!,ateri~l including stories, cartoons, photos,etc. Such matcnal, if published, becomes the exclusive proPC~ of Cycle News.·Reprinting in whule 9r pari only by permiSSIon of the publisher. Advertis· ing rates and circulation information will be sent upon reque>l. s.e S.R.D.5. W!!P.a ~~Wt1T1ON Printed in U.S.A. Co~yrighto Cycle ews,lne 1997. Trademark C)'c1e News regtslered U.S. p.lenl Office. AU rights ....rved. ENDURO I Round 4 - AMA National Championship Enduro Series from Shelton, Washington .32 DIRT TRACK Spring Classic Short Track from Lolli, 36 California DEPARTMENTS .38 49 LEADERBOARD .50 CALENDAR .51 59 ON THE FRONT COVER A VIEW FROM THE FENCE 28 EVENTS WANT ADS PREVIEW 1997 FIM Speedway Grand Prix Preview 37 PRODUCT EVALUATION INTERVIEWS Kevin Atherton ......•................................20 Stephane Roncada 34 RESULTS 75 LOOKING BACK 75 Greg Albertyn won the 250cc ational Motocro s at Hangtown, via a 2-1 moto tally. Photo by Kinney Jones.

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