Order from the greatest selection of motorcycle video tapes available
(II) Thla 1 1 _
ProOJcid In 1996, lhIs video features a brill histofy of motocross,
lips on getting started, action from amateur 10 GP level competition,
lnleMIWS with WOfIlkhampion riders, and a look at the Supelcross
phenomenon. 55 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34,85
(17) TIlt Evolution o f _
Gary Semlcs has put tooether the story of motocross' &arty days.
hlglllgtlting 52 years 01 European and American raclng. From the
days when British dinosaurs ruled the roost to Jeremy McGrath on
his CR2SO, yoo'U see ~ all In !his 95 minute video from Gary Semics
VIdeo. SC,f15
(112) Dift 00Yl1I
some of the gr_ we bs_ AIIon '90
wlCooper VI. KIedrowsJd; Bodd's Creek '90 w/Stanton vs. Ward; Mt.
Monts '91 w/Stanton vs Bradshaw; UilMl1e '91 w!Bradshaw vs.
Bayle: Washougal '92 w/Swink ... Emig. Addilionli ·Hot Shots'
locus on techniques for starts, passing and some spectacular
crashes. Narrallon by Lany _
60 milkltes trom PoM!spol1s
Video. $33.115
Rogel DeCoslor _
(171lC) '11 GP _ : Anol!lor RaInoy!loy
(1162£) ll1M.MA Nort MX _ . Narralod by I.arty MaIofs, r... l1elHIgIligllts ol the ..tit. 1994 Wayne Rainey cIominates !he GP Series for his 2nd conseculive
AMA 250cc Nalional MX Championship Serlts. 60 minutes from World Championship. Exetllent summary coverage from each
clrcuit 1()5 minutes from GP VIdeo. S2US
(1780) 1192 GP Revlow
Wayne Rainey becomes the filSt rider slnce Kenny Roberts to win a
ttlirtl-consecutlve 500cc GP World Championship as he assumes
(1301G) 1996 OrlinOo SupercrolS
. the tltls again In ltlls review olltle 1992 500cc GP Serles. 3 hours
Round It 01 12S125Occ AMA Supercross Serles aetlon from the C"· Irom Duke Video USA. $4US
rus Bowl In Orlando, Florida. SO mlmrtes lrom Fox VIdeO. $24.85
(178£) 1113 GP _
1131OG)19811 MlnnlJlPOlls SupererolS
A complete 3-hour video detailllg the en~fe 1993 FIM SOOcc Grand
Round t2 of 125J25Occ AMA Supercross Series aetlon lrom ttle PriIc Road Raclng Series. Follow the triumph and heartbr8aJc at lIle
Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota. SO minutes lrom Felt VIdeo. season wbh the top GP players Induding Mick Ooohan's amazing
comebadc. KocinskI's ~ relUm to the premiere 500 class.
Wayne Rainey's triumph arid InJgedy, and ltIe crowning of Kevin
(1303G) , , , , _ ~
Sd>wantz lor his 1Ilst_ World ChampIonshIp. All " rounds ""
Rouncll3 of 12S12SOcc AMA Suporeross Series aclion trom the 10<- hero - don' mIsa ~1s groaI soason _ . 180 miIkIt"trom Duko
mer Rams Stadium in Anaheim, CaIlomla. 50 mInu1es !rom FOlC Video USA S4US
V1doo. 12U5
(17IF) , ... 5OIlco G P _
(13'2GI'" _
Sllpor..3 hou~ ol forTifIc 5OOa: GP a<:1ion. a momo"'" soason ~ fOt9l.
Round t4 of 125J25Dcc AMA Supercross Siries action lrom!he exciting and ctramalk: racing. All 14 rounds are covered with
Kingdome in Seallle, Washington. 50 minutes from Fox V"1deo. extenstte carnlN8 footage fiknecI from the air, the track, and on-bIke
with the top riders. 1ao minutes from Duke VIdeo USA. MUS
After 13 years of wivllng ItIe "OlympIcs" of motocrolIs. !he Ameran
18am came up HC(Ind to the BrttIsh champs. You'll see how It
(1304G)1" Sen DIogo Sllpor..happened In this 9O-minUie show from MotOYldeo. S2t.I5
Round '5 of 12St'Z5Oc:e AMA Sopereross Series action from Jack
Murphy Stadium In San Diego, Calffomla. 50 minutes lrom FOll:
(lISE) lllfl5llotocrou . . - . .
Great BrhaIn slopped the USA's winning streak In '94, I)ut the stroog Video. $24.95
Belgian team made 1995 their tum after a 15-year W8~. See Just
how close Team USA came 10 taking ~ bacIc. 90 minutes from O1Jke (1308G) 1 . AUanti SUpet'CfOU
Round IQ 01 1251250CC AMA Supercross Series aellon from the
VIdeo USA. l34.f15
Georgia Dome in Allanla. GA. 50 minutes from FOll: Video. S2U5
(167) 19115 World 12!ioo Ill( _ _
Follow the entire '95 Woril Champlonsh~ MX Series, from the stlffing heal of Ita~ 10 '118 naJ>biIilg _
• Gormany _ just 3
poinls separated ~ ltaIiorIs Puzar A Cl1Io Is bIIIng ond provided • lilting 5CIIt
birthday celebration for the mosi lamous event In American
rt1OIOIq'do racing
60 _trom MoI0vkt00. 121.115
A bamer from Brisbane becomes Ihe most successlul Australian (1131') 1992 _
rider of allUme, a Texan hero bids a sad farewell 10 GP racing, a Enjoy !he drama as Scott Russell and Doug Polen duel to a photoSupertike sensallon from Georgia makes his 500 GP d&but... S&e all IInlsh In one of the most ell:cillng Daytona llnlshes In history. 60
the drama and OU!standlng pertormances In this ollJclaI round-up of minutes from Dulce VIdeo USA. $19.95
all 13 rounds of the '95 500cc GP season. 180 minutes from Duke
Video USA. S4IU5
(I78Hll" 5OIlco G P _
Doma's olllclal review oflhe best action lrom an 15 rounds of !he
1996 FIM 500CC World Motorcycle GP Championship. From
CadaIora's lItry opening-round win at !he Malaysian Cl9fln1f to Ctfy.
lIIe's challtr.ge to the bitter end. you'. see n an as MIck Doohan
(1314G) 1"~~
sttyod 100000ed on wlnnIng his IItird consecu1iviko Series trom S1art to filish as Doug
Polen and ScoII Russell force a 0u:aIl ¥s. Kawasald showdown lor
lhe tlIIe. 55 minutes from Duke Video USA. $3oU5
(1241A) ll1M _
SllportIIko _ _
.. 11'0 199' 250ce GP Iighlghts • 9Il sonsatIonaI "",,, Tray CMor. JamIo James, CoIl1EdwBlds, FIId Morkol ond 11'0 ....
(I3U7GI'" IndIanapolIo Sllpor.......... bItIIanl.: 120 fight "the ltnIsIt
I1illItII!#tI vkIoo 0/ the '94 U.S. _ _
Round .10 01 125/2SOCC: AMA St4>ercross SerIes action from the plus 11'0 bssl 0/ ... 1251.30 _
Series. 40 _trom MoIovldoo.124.f15
RCA Dome in tndiarIapolis, 1odl8na. 50 mnutes from Foll VIdeo. _trom Ook' V1doo USA. 131.15
SuportlIU _ _
2 hou~ of c:Ioo&-lotqll WoOd CllampIonsfllp road I8dng _ring With all 1M fammar lop names (Corser, Edwards and RusselQ
Round '11 0112512:5Oce AMA Supercross selkts action from Flori- aD IhI 250cc rounds and lhe best action lrom the 125's. Blaggl roI1Jming " th, WS8 WOJS aflelll'o first AMA IOIIId 01 Iloy1ona. 11'0
da's Tampa Stadium. 50 minutes hom Folt VIdeo. $24.85
d8f8Ods his crown agai'lst Herada & Waldmann while teenage star Smokln' Joe's dynamic duo of Mike Hale and MIguel DuHamel
Aold holds off Perugini, Sakata & the rest In the 125's. Includes sIormad their way through !he rest of America to T1tum. the U.S.
(13OIG) 1. . _
Sllpor..plenty of on·b/k! camera footage. 120 minutes lrom Duke VIdeo Superbike Series title back 10 lhe Honda mantle. Yix(U see hlghlights Irom each roond In this 47·mlnute show from Motovldeo.
Roond .12 of 1251250Cc AMA SUp8rcross series action from the USA. 134.115
Sllverdome In Ponllac. Michigan. 50 mlnules from FOll: Video.
(17IHll. . , _ G P _
Two hours 01 tIghtty-paclted eltcftemenl wIllch covers every round of (14OOAlll1M World SupofbIk, _ _
(13OIG11" _
the 15-mce 25Occ: Serles and all !he higllligl1ts ofllle 125cc GP sea· Follow Ihe hlghllghlS: 01 each round of Ihe '94 WSB Series as
DucalI's Carl Fogarty takes his Ducall down 10 !he wire for the World
Round '13 of 1251250cc AMA Supercross SerIeS action Irom North son. 120 minutes !rom Duke Video USA. S3U5
Championship agaJl'lSI defending Cll&mplon SCott Russell alte, a
CaroIlna's Char10tte Motor Speedway. 50 minutes lrom FOll: Video.
soason·1ong bal1lo. 60 _trom _.l2C.fl5
(II) U.s. Grond Prix
Roat GI01Id PIts road I8dng lor the WOIld C~ _
Amorloo " Stoady Edde UIwson ond F", Jimmy _ boa! 11'0 ( _ ) 19115 World Sllport>Ib _ _
(1311G) ' " St. t..ouIo Sllpor..• '95. Can FogaI1y _ .... _
... _
his lata' Bllllsh
Round '14 of 1251250cc AMA Supeteross S8I1es action !rom the best at laguna Seca. From Powerspons Video. S33.t5
TransWo~ Dome In Sl Louis, Missouri. 50 minutlS from Folt
fans by ~onning througlt his socond succosslII WS8 ~~
on the big Duca11916. HlgItIgtts trom .. 12 IOWIds trom _
V1doo. 124.fl5
(111') '10 ~ Soco US Gnnd Prix
..... Illp IIdors, onRai'Iey and Schwantz race cIMr of a crash-filled flild fealurtng heim " !'NIp Oland, ~ by _
(131SG) 1 . DenYer ScIpercroa
Lawson, Mamola. Gardl'l&r, CtIiII and MagN. 250cc adion also screon grapIllcs. cI1ampIonsItip positions and behind the scones
F",,1OIIId (115) of 1251250cc _ 5<.1>0""'" Se"" aclion!rom . _ 52 _trom GP V1doo. $33.115
fOOago. 1911_trom Duk' Video USA. 13I.fl5
Mile High Stadium In DertVer, Colorado. 50 minutes Irom Fox
(1lOOC) 1. . World Sllport>Ib _ _
Video. 124.115
(1118)'" ~ Sor:o US Gnnd Prix
Different from the NBC/ESPN broadcasts, this video Includes Folow Troy Corser In his relentless purstJl of his fif"Sl WS8 !Me lor
by-sIop guIdo to
1ec:t1niques. 62_trom
scenes prolIes on how It aR happens. 60 minutes lram Motovideo.
(1140)1113 I0Io of lion TT
Duk. VI... USA. 134.115
ThIs actIon·packed video toIIows Ille champlons of !he Isle 01 Man
on !his 86th nmning ollhe ,no Unsurpassed race lootage plus on- (11115) Triall
(ISO) • _ _ " " ' _
An aetion-paclced music video showcasing all the best leatures thai board cameras on bikes and sldecars put you In !he hot seaU For II you combined wor1cl-etass trialS with a supercross-Slyle Indoors
have made Mike KJdd's AMA Na~onal Arenacross Series such a hn the "1St tlme, we show on·screen RPM &speed dala from one olltle pres&ntallon, you might come up with something like this 1996 Inter(12418) 1llfl5 _
(1313G) ' " Tompo Supon:rost
with motorcycle fans all over ltle United Slates. 30 minutes from
Motovkleo. $24,95
(1105A) 50 Y_ o f _
400,000 enthusiasts dliCendec! on Daytona for lhe 1991 50th
"""'"""Y 0/ Blk' Woek. See the 'Msln S....• A Hortoy ""'"
from 11'0 blgg8S1 yoar ..... 60 _
proci.<:od by PI01llCOII1 trom
ProgressIvo DesIgn. l22.f15
_113 ol12S125O"'- aclion trom 11'0 finals 01 Ponnsylva- A look at all the things away Irom the race Iracts at Dayt0f\.8
Beac:tl's Bike Week '96. It's jUSlIIke belng there, ellC8ptlor lhe
nil'. S.... Cily _way. 50
k,," Fox V1doo. 124.115
"'_.61 mlnu1"trom Duko V1doo USA:. l34.115
(11&28) '11 AlIA Not'1 MX - . _
(0213) TIlt Roodo of CoIorodo
Follow lhe 13 stops on the 1991 AMA National MX S&r1es as MIke
Actual footage of selected roadS and points 01 Interest throughout
Kiedrowski duels with Guy Cooper lor Ihe " plate dtle honors: Colorado. ThIs vld&o makes an Ideal toot lor anyone planning a
250cc and 500cc action follow the dominance of J.M. Bayle oyer motorcycle !rIp lhrough Ihe Rockies. 90 mlnules Irom L&M
Stanton, Ward, and Bradshaw. Approx. 2 hours (2-lape pacKage) ProdUCllons. $29.95
from Powersports VIdeo. $42.95
Not'l MX Seuon _
The definitive video review 01 the 1992 AMA Nellona1125, 250' &
500 Motocross SerIes. Narrated by Larry Maiers: 90 minutes from (178A) '1118 BItce GP c.mptallon
P o _ VIdeo. 134.115
A review 01 the '89 FIM GP Road Raclng season worldwide, as
Lewson toads , _ AmeIi:ans Rainey end Schwantz " .-p 13
(11120) '13 _
Not'L Ill( - . _
US wins In 15 rounds. From Powersports Video. $3US
Follow the ~ of the 1993 outdoor _ . all 3 _ .
Irom Southwick. Gainesville. Sacramll'lto, Mt. Morris, Unadilla. ('718)
Doyo: 1110 GPllo""
Buchanan, Glen HIMln, Troy, MUIviIle, Washougal Delmont and Follow Wayne RaIney's mardlto !he lItIe. from SuzW to ~
BIr9>omton • the c:hoso 10< the 125. 250 ond 1osI_ 500 _
I&Iand In lhIs 10Sri\ut1 bIcdcbLlster 01 an annual m;ew. Probably
the bssl BIko GP _ _ From ...._ . 124.115 .
NationoI we aowns. 9Il_trom _.l2C.fl5 .
(1182C)'92 _
leading RVF Hondas. 100 minutes from Duke Video USA. $42.95
(IME) 1l1M I.to of lion TT
national Indoor Trlallrom BritaIn's Shellleld Arena. Features all the
top names In trlals In an enlertaJnlng circus-like atmosphere. 55
minutes lrom Duke VIdeo USA.. $34095
"The 11th Mlleslone"·Hundreds 01 entries Itom 19 countries,
thousands 01 fans gathering on the Isle ol Man from all comers of {I202All. . NATC Tr1alo: California
11'0 globe. lOCOIll-br&8king ..co ection - you~ ... " eI • ~1s long- Round 11 of the :96 NATC Series opened " 11'0 2fi1h Annuol 8 mal
Yersfon 120 mnU18 tape from Duke Video USA. $42.95
de Espana dasslc. ThIs eYent was held n the high desert area of
(1I4F) 19115 "" of MIn TT
~ ection trom 11'0 mad racing copltaI 0/ the wortd on
the oIIicIoI vldoo of 11'0 Isle of Man TT. 72 _trom Duko Video
USA. l34.fl5
Lucerne Valley. norm of San Bernardino. CA. Top 3 IImshers
scored only 1 point apart each! 120 minules Irom Technovideo.
(l2OlA) ,. . NATC TrWs: IIInoIo
(IMG) , . . I0Io of lion TT
Joey DIIlIOp _ e s • ~1s oIIicIoI tong-vofSion vldoo of the vonerabIe Isle of Man n. FeaIUri1g tamasdc oo-bike carnetI action as
the rac8fS take you around !he tsland. 151 minutes Irom Duke
V1doo USA. SC,f15
(113) "'" Sunday: TIlt F,no' TT
Top class road racing mlghl be ona.good reason to visit lhe lsIe ol
Man TT. but 11 sure IBn, the cfiy.one. Even ~ you're never lucky
enougl'llo ell:p8rienoe the fans' n lor real, n's all here: "everytl'llng
else' you'll ever set besides the racing on the weekend 01 Mad Sunday. 60 mlnules from Duke Video USA. S34.~
l!Ml 2nd .... 3Id ....... ol the 1996 US National T"'" Chempl-
onsh\> took pIaco "'" Moum ClIve IlIitois.. "'" Marwila>-...
the 2nd round vidory .... Ryan Young won the 3Id rOlS'od. 120 minutes from Technovldeo. $2>1.95
(1203) 19115 NATC TrWs: PAINY
Rounds 14 A 15 ol th' '95 NATC Sen" trom ~, muddy Candytown, Pennsylvania and Watkins Glen, New York (same location as
woOd round) sites: Aaron and Young' spin vlctorles, 120 minutes
trom Tochnovktoo. $24,95
(1204) 1llfl5 NATC TrtaJo: Rhodo lolortd
Rounds f£ and'7 01 the '95 NATC series Irom!he Slepplng Slone
Ranch In Wesl Greenwich, Rhode Island. LoIS Ol spectacular hUISIdes and rock nelds to challenge all skUll. 120 minutes from Tech·
novt.... 124.115
(176) RoInoy'. y_ - TIlt 1 _ SIooy
Triple World Champion Wayne RaIney recalls the challenges,
memorable moments and dramas 01 his 1992 season. From
preseason l8StIog 10 ra1aXlng at his new Califomla hOfTl8 after the (1205) 1llfl5 NATC TrWs: _
final raet, Ihls video traces every stage 01 his cfJftlcull year. 75 Rounds IS .... 19 ol 11'0 '95 NATC Series trom 11'0 Sled< Ronch
m..... !rom Duko V1doo USA.134.fl5
"'" Canon Cily. Colorado. H.1d, hot ridilg • high _
"' ...... 120rmnutestromTor:hnovideo. 124.115
(01030) KMt ~ - World a-plon
The terrific Tuan IInaUy acheivad his goal In '93 after a tough (_'llfl5NATCTrWs:Cltopl
season 01 highs and lows. Follow Kevin's rise to the World _ I t O AItl of the '95 NATC Sorios trom Codor C