Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 05 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bates Leathers i·ADVERTISERS INDEX AHRMA.•.•....•...._ ••.••.•..._._.._ .._._._.37 • :~~=:::::::=::::::::::::::::::=::::~ ..._ •._ ••.•_ .._157 ACME ~ . AcMon N.A, 1nc.. •• __• ••••. 71 AcIkln Spcwta PromoCior'e_•••__••_ ••••_ ••_ .....S7' Adellii-.:. ~ __...,... ••••.••_•. _•.__ ••_..._tI7 ~ ~ . rT Ajrccne 1nc.. __ _. 1tJ 8Mel'a XFta Only ALlREDY c:.nopiIIt._._.__. Amenc.n Din Bite. n:. •. .18 •.15 "5 we .,..........__._......._..__.. Nrencan SuzlAcL_. ~ AIdno-_. .. -55 .84 .1S2 Andrews Y8milN-KawauAd .__.. ........ ~ HondI y."..,.. __.._._ - "'-i HeIrnMI;_••_ A&omIc 22 TbniI.m __ •• Avon Spcwt _ AX.O Tn •• ":_ _ 72 •• •. _.82 _70 .80 ~ B.C.• InC. 10 BIlja Deslgns _•.•...•.•. __•.. __•.••.....•.• s.- Oft Reed ToutS._••_•.••.__..••._.._ _..• 81 Baja OfI.-AoIld Adventures. Parts B8meu Tool & Eng Bent CIol:hing 62 ~ Q BeI·Ray ~ 8eIl Helmets ~~.:..1!I1 ~ ~ ~ ~ .... _USA Moton:ycIieI ~~ - .._ BiI"I Pipet _.M _ ~ _ ~ _ 1!I1 _ ~.~ •. _ 73 ri7 II3 _ 1!I1 BIeI'te USA. Inc. ._ _ _ 81 ... Cody _ .••.•••••- ..•- •••••••••.••••.•••.•••.••.••.•73 _ _ BIedl& ar.y DesIgn Mfg. BrMwn:llnrt RIlcewt;y _ USA ..._ ~rw. ~ .l!I3 71 .54 _._.__.__._.. _._.72 _ _ _ l!I3.78 C&J Racing FI'lIIT'I8S C Cydt 5uIpeneion SfKvtet CPC 81 , ri7 ,81 83 c.Iifofnla Cyctit c.MfofnIa AIClng ClUb 52 es c.n·Am P.m W.I1!thouMl SO sa CIlbon Tech CBR Bearing Co Chemplon Radng Frames 65 S5 lS4 : ~Cupsen.. ~~cr:.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,' ~ Cllyton Fout1dItlon _ CMA Cometic Gaskel _ _ _ Copper Galketa Unllmlt.c:t. ~ _-_ _ , _ 55 55 l!I8 73 CounopoIItIIn Moton.. 81 Creative EnergIeI ... ~ ~~._~ ~ •• ~~ ~~ 80 " - ..•.__•..•_._._._........•_ _.•_.__._ _.73 Cyda EJcpreI:L _ 81 Cycle News DeeIer s..._....57 Cycla News Haaa....~~ .... _.~.~ •.__ ~_... _.~.!5e CVda News Cln-Une._._.••._ .._ ...._._...._43 ~ ...... ..__.._---'" Cyde Newt Video l'hMtN .._ Cycle PnlII ~- .2e.27 _ .. "., •._ 72 ._.73 .. OF ~ .__.._ .. _._~_... ~~....... _.54 o & S KawuakI Honda fIlIl ...~~~ ...._ Cyde~AltlInI 0& 0 Motwqode SeMce 0& 0 ExM&at: ~ 0.1.0._... ...__.15 ._70 Darwli& Kirk ._._ _ _• o..rt 0Nv YImIhI __.._ .. Da¥OI Ra:ing_.._ OG ..65 . __ .~._•. _ Peftonnra. 87 C*tnd ~ .._._ _•_ _.__ ~ _._.~-52 DNA Ra1g _ .._ _ __ Ducati North Arneril=- .._ ..__._ DuaIti ~ _._.~ _.; 73 FinIsh line Produc::ts_.__ _ _ .. _._.72 Fw.t AuIo Spotts T.V ~._ .. ~ _ .5 FMF Radng _ .._ __ 62 Fontana AltcIatot WortcI- _.~_._._.73 F~ Cydt.s.Mvt & " " - . 72 FIAIIown ~ . _ . .. _~ •..53 G F I RKIng __ --'2.53 _ _ _ "" ..,"001-.__.__._._....._._. . OM OM lJSA. ft. ._ _ .8t Glen Helen RKing. h:. ............ ~ GNC ~ . _•••.•••• ~.~ .._ •. _~......--..52 Goodt'lcJDe LISA. .... II 1 ~_~.. 82 GPVCAOL.cyde PToduds ...-_------_ .. ... ee _._._ .. ... __ __., . -A7.IM,1nMrl 70 Ameril:an Handa. Arrllanean -_ ...55 • _ 61 71 __ ~._•. ~_._l!I3 Gr-::e ~ ..... ..85 _ 73 Hd's~_. 70 ~~----_ _ ••. _ •. ~._ HeId'. HodMa ~ _ _ - - . - - - . - - ..-.157 . _ " " ' - -•.•••_•.....•.•..•.•.......•..•_•.......72 HonctIi of ~ ... _.~ __....._ HAP Produc:ts._..._ _ ~.~ "...._.. ~.~ Hc..abetg Mo4orcydIiS USA ~ _ ~ ~ Mclklcn:leI.~ lC.O __ _._ __•_ _._ _ ~ ~.l!I8 1mpol'I5pe(:ialtW/CCM 8M ..loM _ .. _73 ~ InnovaIion Spcwts. 70 kftt·$taM Oil CO ~._._ ~ __.. _~.71 IntefnIItlor* ~ •.•_ ~ ~ 68 IntefnIItIonaI SpeedWey .~ _ .. _~ 54 IowIlIkes CommunIty __.__..85 tta¥et USA...._._ _ .~_..__..__._ 1S3 .... ~ """_ JC Mc:*:wI .......__ _ _ Kawaald Motofs Ccwp _. CIoIch F.etofy IOerTwn RaeeIICh 1m! 01 _ .•._..........•..•__...••.._ KG Eric:'. Molof'cycIe CO _ _ .._ .._ ~-=~:::::::::::::::=:::=::::::::::~ E~ C'fde SPecUl/tI8S Event TtIChnOIogy.._ F&L ~ .._ ~.~ __ 84 _ 83 __ .~_._80 Fa:tofy Corv'ICIIon ~ ~ _ .._ Falicon Pec1onnIlnoe ~ Faat By FIlf'reCd Fasc Cotnpany ~ ~._ _ _ 71 _ 88 l!I3 71 70 .21 .23.62 _ _._ __ ee _ .. _ 62 _ 84 .. ~MR~--=~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ _ ,...•...•113 lMnoon""",," ~110~, ..1.~.::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~ =:.escrc:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Letko CcwnpetItlon Cyde 1S3 MI'C Concepts._ 72 82 MI'C Spedalllea 82 M.C.C ~ 0iItribcJt1on 70 Maler ManuIK1uring _ 71 MaxIma RIclng Lub~ 72 McGraw ~ SeMce _ .._ .._ _ _.67 _ _ .••.._ ..••.•••_ •..••••••.•••.rT Melz*' Moeotcycte Tn _ _ 33.82 MId HondII .. 72 MIkiI Kidd PwomotionL._. _ _... _~_~....83 .....'. C)'dI P._ _.__._._72 MRtIprin;. •_ _•_ _.47 llIeIion yllT\lltll ..~._ ..._ ..__.._ .._ .....~.......eo 152 Moronay.. H-O __ ~ McmAll .81 Malo AmefIca. n:.. ...._._ _ ~.~_l!I3 .• 72 au. ~ _LI>oo1y~ Mom line .71 Mom Pl:*lt _.~.__.....~~ ....~_ ...._._ _ 85 McIb:roa Ft:KrIg Auoc. ....".. ~ _......._ ...._ ........ Mc*:ln::yde ~ Ullll, ~ RIcIng._ _ .., _.71 ._e9.71 84 _ .54 t 1 _ ." MclurUIin~_. MSO 91lIIon. l!I3 _._71 .l!I3 _ .. MSI T _~~ MyIet'. RIl:IIatofs_._ _._. NMndet'lhaf C'yc» s.Ivege.~_ _ _ Uting Q om-_ _._ _._ _._ .. Norltl W..t Ma.:o & CZ NorI:hwest s-..... 1nc Oaldancl Spotts Cent.0tIJNS On Two VV!"IIeIs _.85 M __ _70 _ _.._ _-_ .. .: =~.~.~::::::::-~:::::::::::::::::::: Enzo Aecing ..: ~.83 _.S5 .85 _~~.~.7'5 ~ SIIic:on CarbidIlt NilfouI 0xidlI SystMw. Inc. ..__.._ NMA _ a..__ •• _._.70 .._ _._ ~T,.... _~ 64 • _ _.. _~ _ _.. _.~.e1 ~_~ _ 88 ~EWcitTt'IYeI ,e7 En Lubricants N. AlMrtca ~ .. ~ _.17 DL""op Tn Dynatlk _ ESC ==.. PJH BrandI PoIls/W'Ig expr.s __ _ _.72 ~~ _ ~ e1 ~ ~:::-.::~=::~~::-~:::::: .. ~ _~_~._._.~ PowYoI.Inc. ._ _ es 80 47,.51 ='~~::::::=:~.:.= ..~:::::=::: ~.~~ _~ Penguin Aoadracing 5c:hool ~ Rd'lg Per1om'lenc:e M.etb .._ Peuatuon Pro Suepenslon snoca. PifeIIj TIra Pit Pro ~ _ ~ _ ~ , ~ 7 ..3S l!I5 _ 73 _.__..~ 83.53 87 _~._ _ .. ~.67 85.73 _.~ 43 ~. __ 71 :- ~ 68 •• _ Parts ~ ,.._ PIt SUI Slands .._ ~.~.Jle __ ._~.~..84 ~ ~ .. ~ _~~ A complete ram air conversion kit using the'stock airbox is available form Westech. (512)847-8918. ~1~ R ~._54 ..~_._ ..~ : _ ri7 Pro Adion Ttc:hno/IOgy ._.._ ..._. 88 Pro An WOf1iCa _ _•_ _._.._ _ Pro CitaII ~.~.~~.__._..~.....__.....~..15 .. -..a:l PARTING 1994 GSXAll00 everything. Also, SRAD750 parts. (714)725-9204. CA. (319-23) Pro-V,-- 1997 &. 1996 KX's For Sale .~ .~.15 Pro~ .~_73 •_ _._IIS P V L ~ RC~ .....52 R K. _ _. __ .. R K AIcw'D QW'l 52 Riaot TICh ....:__• • __.• _~ ....81 ..... lh _ _.. .15 __ •. .._.52 _ _ " " , - * *...- - -..---.113 ~ 1997 KX25O, never ridden best olter. 1996 KX250 $4,600 1 abo, 1996 KX125 $4.500 1 abo, 19116 KX80 S2.700 1 abo, call (204)896-0211. CAN. (319) ~72 -------_ -_._._----._--'" ---_ = H R P PToduds k _ HIip..lclr-. Unusual factory charcoal color, mechanic owned. 80hp, 61ft -lb. of torque. Over $4k invested, for datalled information and great pic's, look online at h up :lIka hu na. sdsu. edu/- kelleyc/pics. html. Modifications include FBF pistions, FCR 41 's, Race Tech, plus much more. Asking "around" $8,500. Will trade for mid 80's Boxer plus $6k. Call days (619)464-4286 or (619)286-8414. evenungs CA. (319-20) 900RR Ram Air Finelina ~ •.: ~ ~~ ~ _~ ~ M'C~-~ - ..- ..83 ._ _ ~_.83 FIlbIb1ions .. ..... Ric* PMnen MoW~_._.~._ .l!I3 _ .._ _ .e1 __•__ .81 _._ ~Cyde._._ FWIng St.WI knporta _ _. _ .._ AM e.....~._~ AodoIt Rex RIclng.~ Ron Wood Radng SRA _._ ~ ~ _ _~ _ _.. 81 ~ .. 70 _ •• ~ .. ~ ~ _ , ~ ~ _ _ _ _ ~ eo 53 gc: =-w;;g.._:::-.::::::::=::::~ 33 SBS .. _~ ~ seals CommunicII~ ..~ __ ~._.~~ ~ 1Sl _ ~ .._ _ _ 73 _ _ ~ _ _ _ ...&4 _ _ _ _. 73 Shoai tieIcntts ~ ,.~ 1J5 ShatbIcint_ StW*o Tn Shock~ Shouo _ - SifnI V~ Honda SlaW aro. _ -_.__._.__. .. ~ _ ~ lS4 ~._.~._ '70 ~ ~ ~ 71 _ _ __ ~ ~ • SIniCh Cyde ~ & SIlI Sote P~ SonC Spof't WMI ..__ Spadro OIIaof ~ , eo ~ 81 ,U 72 ~ _ _....._••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••_••.•113 S&s1weC ~ PaItt 55 StIc:kerPoInI USA. Inc ~ SIoc:*Ks Stltte,. Storz PerlonnIIru, Inc &IW'Its HondiI KawauId Yamaha SUdco lna.natIonal 89 ,68 68 72 71 61 ,87 St.WI.tarE~ Soper Flow Coq)otetIon ,., SupefbMce Mitw E~ Supelrtor SIMve & ~ Syed LM"*,, ~ ~ Team Callmatf YSR _._ Teemlne Aoea1Ic:Ing F~ Tech c.. ~ Tech PYodJcts ._ _ ...~ 87 S5 S8 70 , Supertrapp Incl~"" ei ~ 70 .. ~~._ _~._~._.85 ~.~ ~ 83 T ~ wt..-.~.~~ .._ Terrf c..._ _ _ JI8 _ _. .&4 • ~OIIc:sY~ 72 l'tlun1* RecIng .._71 ~ ~ _._ _...._._._ _.811 TNT Motutsporl&..... ._._ _... Tony 0 MX SchooI-_.__ ~~._... ~ __71 Tony Doukas RacIng . ....._ _ 10 TooTac:n~_70 Ton::o R8cingc. .ee . Town & Cou"'YC¥daTrwIIlc:Idt Trictl ~ F ~ ~ T. . . . 13 ._73 «l-' -.55 _ ~ . ~~~~.~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1992 Ducati 900SS Speedway 1 dirttrack, very nice condition 5'10" 160# $300. (805)686-2926. CA. (119) TllR _ _._- - -~.~~~_ 73 __ - .__ISO UFO 1981 Kawasaki GPZ-550 Classic sport blka. Almost perfect $2,500. 1986 Suzuki GSXR-750 3,000 miles $3,500. (303)526(1191P) 1009. CO.. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE ON five acres with motocross track in Johnson Valley, California. $57,000. Phone (760)364-2485. CA. (119) For Pre-Mix Use An Accu-Mix Jug (BOO)283-1202. OH. (2191EOVTFN). '95 YZ 250 EXCELLENT conditi'!n. $3,100. After 7pm (714)892-2575. CA. (419-21) Limited Offer New Yamaha parts up to 50% off. Fax 1 phone 1 mail order 40% off without part numbers, 50% off if you supply part numbers. Sale applies only 10 stock on hand for pre 1990·motorcycles only. Dealer inquires welcome. Sale excludes oil fitters, batteries, light bulbs, tires and tubas. Honda Suzuki Yamaha in Goleta, 5718 Hollister Avenue, Goleta, CA 93117. (805)967-9898, Fax (805)967-3996. CA. (219-22) 1985 RZV500, 1986 TZR250. Also looking for TZ250 parts I rolling chassis '88-90. (810)743-6264. MI. (319-21) Dyno Races I Open House t.JpmIe . _..72 Cyde~.~_._._._ c.v... ~ V...- & HInes MotcwcycII V....... lAatt1ers _ .__._ VP Radng FueII _ ~ WERA ~ _ W S M C.._ _ ~ __ ~._ ~ ~._ _ _ _ 85 ~ ..eo ...8l!I _~_ ~ ..71 71 .55 _ ~.~ Web-Cam .~~ , , 52 _ : 73 We.! ~ HondiI Western HondL. _ _ _ 85 Westetn MIg. Cofp 68 Wt-.I Wor1l::s .....~ _ .._. __.._ •••_._.82 Whit118tocI. Cyde $pedaIlIeL.. _ _ 72 W-'CO.~.~ ~ _ " ,lS4 WorQ Corvwc:lJon._~ .._ ~~ .._ .._ .. ~ ~ .. WOfb Enduro RideflYlER _ ~ .eSl Worb ~ Produds ~._ 87 9OORRlF31F2 parts (714)725-0204. CA. Wor1dSports_ Yamaha oea _ _ _ _ _ _ Yoshknunl R&O•. ~_ Z RecIng len3 NIne Mtg. ~ ::~ _ Payment method: '89 CBR600F, 8,000 miles, $950. '92 ZX600R, 12,500 miles, $950. Neil (520)628-7069. AZ. (319-21) ATKSale New non current 406 at $3,999. Sanders MOlOrsports. (209)733-8585. CA. (219-20) EXOTICS: 1997 CBR400RR new and perfect $8,899. 1995 VFR400R flawless, 1,300 miles, $6,799. (408)n9-9151. CA. (319/P) '94 Husky 610 Rocket 87 _ .37 ~ ~ Excellent condition. Low hours. Tons of extras. $4,250 1 abo. (408)462-3326. CA. (319-20) 81 87 e1il Knight· Rotax Chassis Zip -.,,-_ _ _ Cardholder's Name _ Credit Card Number Exp. Date _ Embroidered Cycle News Hats _ _CN "Olive Diamond"@$11.95 _ _ "CN " on Fron~ "Cycle News" logo over bade arch (su., 101 L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) CN "Tan Diamond"@$11.95 _ {1st color is hat top, 2nd color is hat bill) _ _ _White/Black@$16.95(5i=M_·_L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) _ _ _Gray IRed@$16.95· _ _ _Gray I Black @$16.95 CN"LlGreenDiamond"@$11.95_ (5i.., 101 _ _ L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) _ _ _Team Smitty@ @$11.95 (Size, 101 L _ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) T-Shirts _ _ _CN"AthIetic Dept" @$11.95 (Size, 101 L_ _ XL_ _ ) _ _ __CN "Dirt Track"@$11.95 . (51..,101 L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) _ _ _CN "Not Enough" @ $11.95 (Size, 101 L_ _ XL_ _ XXL_ _ ) _ Miscellaneous _ _ _CN "We Don't Care"" @$11.95 _ _ (51.., 101 L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) _ _ _Team Smitty Comic Book @$2.95 . _ _ _Cycle Ne~s Stickers Wilson:s made a special purchase on 1995 and 1997 models. This gives you great prices. Example: 300EXC as low as $4,999. call for datails (BOO)956-2925 or (209)237-0215. CA. (219-21) COLLECTORS - YAMAHA FZR750R, 1 of 200, 1,723 original miles, stored Indoors. like new, $5,195, Bob. (203)262-8068 evenings, (860)3553161days. CT. (319-20) '92 KX80 No Engine Everything else is there. $300 1 abo (408)462-3326. CA. (319-20) PARTING MOTORCYCLE MAGAZINE collection, books, car craft etc. TV 250 parts. (405)672-8126. OC ~1~ '97 Ducati's New '97 916, 748, M9OO, M75O, 900SP and CR's in stock. Can ship. Beaudry Motorsports. (800)7352407.10. (319-21) like new $700. Twin headlight conversion $400. (913)235-6717. KS. (319) 2 FREE With S.A.S.E. '89 Honda Hawk Race Bike Total _ _ _CN "Blue Diamond" @ $11.95 _ _ Shipping and Hanci\ing included (Size, 101 _ _ L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) Foreign orders add $15 SIH _ _ _CN "Gray Diamond"@ @$11.95_ (Size, 101 L XL XXI. ) Order Total ~_~_~_~ 1993 RS125: '94 UPDATES, new bodywork, good spares, steal it at $3,2001 New factory '94 cylinders $200, c~nks $150. (408)779-9151. CA. (319) HONDA CBR600F2 TANK with patcock, no dents $150. (410)674-4834. MD. (119-21) TC RPM Chambers For RG500 700cc. carriUo rods. Two Brother plpas. Fox shock. Port and polished heads. RC45 bodywork. Must sell baby's here. $1 ,BOO. (718)601-9891. NY. _ _ _CN "White Diamond" @$11.95 _ _ CA res. add 7'/,% sales tax (Size, 101 _ _ L_ _ XL_ _ XXL_ _ ) LA County add 8'/,% sales \ax L __ Kit includes 8mm - 10 -12 -14 -17 and no. 2 and 3 screwdrivers. $49.95. Evertast Racing. (818)2525996. CA. (119/P) WA200, WR500, XR200, CR's, KX's, RM's and oth(319) ers 50% off. UPS dally. TX: KTM KTM KTM Check 0 Money Order, (sorry, no CaDs) Charge my 0 VISA 0 Mastercard ($5.00 minimum for charge orders) _ _CN "#1 Plate" @$11.95 .(51..,101 L_ _ XL_ _ XXL_ _ ) Complete rolling frame. Everything included. No motor electrlcs or carburatlon. $3,850. (805)4667388. CA. (319-20) Kowa Deep Socket T·Handles _ 0 Ducati 916 Italian Exotica, 1995 5k, with extras, don't dream at $16,000 new, own ~ and ride it for less than $13,000! It is sweet! Many (319-33IE01) other parts. (860)867-8547. CT. Parting Address Phone( _ _ ) Race or street bike. call lor details (860)867-8547. Cor:. (219-33lEOI) Low Mile Motors 10. 1t.89 Y*"IhI! Motor Corp _ 5tote 1994 GSXR750 &. 1995 ZX-6R (319-25) ee -,- ---'- DUCATIS, MONSTER $7,750, 900SS $7,500. Hondas, 1980 CBX $3,950, Z50KO $750, CT70HKO $1,450, CT90 1110s $1,500. Maicos, Yamahas, RZSOO $3,750. (415)312-8025. CA. (319-20) ...-_~73 U.s. ~\MIporta....... _ .. Fill out completely and print clearly. Send order to: Cycle News Products, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 24 HR FAX Order line (charge orders only please) (562) 427~ City Precision machined from 7075-T6 aluminum. Hard anodized 36 through 41 teeth. Dealer inquires wetcome. $159. Vreeke In~. (805~-1408. CA. (319-25/P) Come celebrate Koup's Cycle Shop's 40th year open house on Saturday Mar, 17th form 9:00 - 4:00. Oyno Horsepower Races, re reshments, vendor displays, spacial prices and more. Harrisburg, PA (71n939-7182, (219) ~------------------------------, I (jjill~ PRODUCT ORDER FORM I Name Ducati 916 Rear Sprockets '79 Ford Box Van --~ ~ 460 auto, captian seats, bench, bed, cablnets, 80g water cap, 3,500 watt gan 11' x 7' cargo area much more $9,500 call evenings (913)625-3184. KS. . (319-20) 1995 TZ125: METICULOUSLY prepared by Roland Cushway, fast. trash Feb '97, tons of spares, no reasonable offer refused I $5,399 lobo. (4OS)n99151. CA. (3191P) Ducati 955/888 New' 955 Ferreccl motor. Two sprint races. All receipts. Many extras. 130 rwhp. Quit racing. Best reasonable offer. AHAMA 1 CCS Crussherl Must (319-20) sell (215)968-3137. NJ. 199,4 1/2 HUSABERG FE501. Barely ridden. Original chain, sprockets. Street registered. $4,500 I abo. Trades considared. (619)385-5246. CA. (319-20) RG500Gamma Updated, trick, U.S. tille $4,800 lobo. Evenings (562)690-0615. Days (714)541-5415 ><219. CA. . (319-20) RKA Custom Bags Saddle and tail 3 piece for Duck 900 S5. Never used. $250.00. Free shipping. (800)828-8665 or (702)884-2082. Peggy. NV. (319-20)

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view archives of Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's - Cycle News 1997 05 14