Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 05 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Hon); 23. Frederic Protat (Yam); 24. Alberto Puig (Hon). Time: 47 min., 30.624 sec. Disunce: 27 laps, 74..04 miles. A 5p""d: 93.504 mph. Margin of victory: 5.636 sec. SOOcc WORLD CHAMPIO SHIP POINTS STANDINGS (After 3 of 15 rounds): 1. Michael Doohan \10/2 wins); 2. Alex.Criville (65/1); 3. (TiE) Tadayuki Okada/Nobuatsu Aoki (38); 5. Takumi Aold (37); 6. orifumi Abe (26); 7. Luca Cadalora (23); 8. Carlos Checa (20); 9. Alex Barros (19); 10. Alberto Pu.g (17); 11. (TIE) Sete Ciberneau/Regis Laconi (14); 13. Doriano Romboni nO); 14. Norihiko Fujiwara (7); 15.jean-Michel Bayle (5); 16. (TIE) Daryl Beattie/Jurgen van der Goorbergh (4); 1 . mEl Troy Corser/Peter Goddan:! (3); 20. juan Sorja (2). Upcoming rounds: Round 4 - Mugello, Italy Round 5 - A loRing, Austrla fNCS (After 3 of 15 rounds): 1. Tetsuya H~rada (56); 2. Max Bioggi (50/1 win); 3. Ralf Waldmann (49/1); 4. (TIE) Tohru Ukawa/Haruchika Aoki (30); 6. Takeshi Tsujimura (26); 7. (TIE) Daijiro K..,to (I)/Olivier Jacque (2S); 9. Noriyasu Numata (17); 10. Jeremy McWilliams (14); 11. (TIE) Y. Kagayama/Stefano Perugini (0) 13. (TIE) E. Alzamora/Olivicr Petrucciani/O. Miyaznki (9); 16. Cristiano Migliorati (8); 17. (TJE) N. Mafsudo/j. Can:!oso (6); 19. Loris Capirossi (5). 500 QUALIFYING: 1. Tadayuki Okada (1:43.403); 2. Michael Doohan (1:43.560); 3. Alex Criville (1'43.712); 4. obuatsu Aoki (1:43.874); 5. Alberto Puig (H3.89O); 6. Carlos Checa (1:44'.054); 7. Luta Cadalora (1:44.068); 8. Takuma Aoki 0:44.127); 9. Regis Laconi (1:44.250); 10. OOTiaoo Romboni (1:44.578); 11, Jurgen van der Goorbergh (1:44.582); 12. Alex Barros (1:44.901); 13. Juan Sorja (1:44.901); 14. Jean-Michel Bayle (1:45.132); 15. Norifumi Abe (1:45.600); 16. Daryl Beattie (1:45.620); 17. Sete Gibemenu 0:45.754); 18. Troy Corser 0:46.194); 19. Kirk McCarthy (1:46.475); 20. Jargen Fuchs (1:46.570); 21. Lucio Pedercini 0:46.752); 22. Kenny Roberts Jr. 0:46.790); 23. Peter Goddard 0:47.295); 24. Laurent aveau (1 :47.652). 500 GRAND PRIX: 1. Alex Criville (Han); 2. Michael Doohnn (Han); 3. Tadayuki Okada (Hon); 4. Takuma Aoki (Hon); S. Nobuatsu Aoki (Han); 6. Doriano Romboni (Apr);·7. Norifumi Abe (Yam); 8. AJex Barros (Han); 9. Sete Gibemeau (Yam); 10. Regis Laconi (Hon); 11. Loea Cadalora (Yam); 12. Daryl Beattie (Suz); 13. Jean·Michel Baylc (Mod); 14. Jurgen van der Goorbcrgh (Hon); 15. Kirk McCarthy (Yam); i6. Jurgen Fuchs (Elf); 17. Lucio Pedercini (Yam); 18. Kenny Roberts Jr. (Mod); 19. Laurent aveau (Yam); 20. Peter Goeldan:! (Suz); 21. Troy Corser (Yam); 22 Carlos Checa (Above) Ralf Waldmann jumps for Joy after winning the 250cc Grand Prix. He is flanked by Tetsuya Harada (left).and Max Blaggl (right). (Right) The Spaniards celebrate with their hero, Alex Criville. Brieflv·... American millionaire entrant Bob MacLean has taken ovar the troubled Power Horse Yamaha team - but the bikes of Luca Cadalora and Troy Corser ran in the old Promotor/Power Horse colors in Spain because the deal was struck only In the week after the Japanese GP. MacLean. a long-standing racing benefactor. has' taken over the team as a going concern. after founder Alfred Inzinger ran into financial problems'after failing to secure expected sponsorship from Marlboro. However. MacLean has not taken over' Promotor. Inzinger's debt-laden company which ran the victorious World Superbike team last year. It is understood that Yama· ha has waived the lease fee for the machines -. a second financial knock for the company. after they took over the backing of Wayne Ralney's Yamaha team when Marlboro pulled out of sponsoring them in January. The team will run under the WCM (Worlped. Kenny Roberts announced that he may build a four-eylinder machine in the future. -At the moment. the V-four Hondas have !he highest comer speed in the class: he told a surprised press conference. "We'd expected to be faster through the corners with the trlple - and our computer readouts show that Jean-Michel Bayle is going through some corners 10kph (6mph) faster th!'n last year on the Yamaha, But obviously Honda has made a leap," he said.. "If 'beating Honda means that we have to build a V-four. then that's what we'lI do.: ray room. The Modenas started the meeting well, with Jean-Michel Bayle Rfth-fastest at one point on the Rrst day of practice - but as the pace picked up they dropped back. With new. better crankshafts arriving for this race, along with a lightweight magnesium water pump and new cylinders. the Modenas was a step further along the development road than at the Rrst two races, Roberts said. Bayle added. "This is the first race where we have been playing with djfferent chassis settings. - But an overheating pro.blem was· cutting power. and they were the slowest of the 500s on the straight. 12.4 mph down on the top Honda. "We're working through !he p(oblems step by step,' said Roberts. -There seems to be a flow problem to the rear-mounted radiator. I can't say how long it will take to fix. but by the middle of the season at Assen you should see a very different machine. We need to test. - The team was staying on in Spain after the GP to put miles on the bike at Jerez, aod R6berts also hoped to have an' off-track test team soon. - Randy (Mamola) would be our first choice to ride it when we're looking for speed testing. but at the moment we're testing more for endurance and reliability. - he said. Disgruntled Honda 2?Occ riders 'Ralt Waldmann and Olivier Jacque have now both received their Mk2 versions of the NSR chassis already supplied to Max Blagg; -but the German kept hiS x- Also upsized - Aprilia's 500cc-class V-t.;.,. which has grown from 430cc to 46Occ. ",!,th the gain of S. hp but witnoutthe loss of any rewability, according to designer Jan Witteveen. The Outch designer originally coose the' smaller capacity to maintain the rev characteristics of the Rrm's successful 250. The database in Doma's site on the World Wide Web has been expanded and updated (0 include full GP results from the start of the World Championship series in 1949. The database now includes results and championship points from all solo .classes from then to date. plus other details for the extant , 25/250/500cc classes including fastest laps from 1974. and' race averages. Access to the website is via httll:l/ Aprilia racing boss Carlo Pemat Is now trying to defuse e simmering row between the factory team and their ex-rider Max Biaggi. One point of dispute had concerned the use of Ferrari Engineering carbon-fiber wheels and suspension parts. Aprilia thought they had an exclusive contract with the firm. but Biaggi bad made personal approaches. and showed up with the lightweight wheels on his Honda. Aprilia were outraged. leading among other things to their protest against 8iagg;'s start-line delay in Malaysia - but now factory boss Iyan 6eggio has told. the tacing team to calm thin'gs

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