Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 04 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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EVENTS CYCLE NEWS 1997 APPALACHIAN DUAL SPORT TOUR DIP B (35-39): 1. Les Abernathy (Kaw); 2. Kevin Barret (Kaw); 3. Dan B~ (Hon~" Kent Hoeft (Suz.). DIP 8,w..o.~ I Davtd Husell (Hon); 2. Kart Scant.1n (Hon); 3 Pal Ireland (Yam); 4. RId: Cheslll~(Yam);S, Bob Kirme,. (Kaw). WMN: I. JunM Swanngm (Suz); 2. Sean Hoeft (Suz). alP A (25-29): L Chad Clemen CHon); 2. Jaywn Monroe (Yam); 3. Matt Berwagt"l'"{Yam);" f\'icby~(Yam). DIP A (JO.34): 1, Don Conl'K':l1y (Suz); 2. Oms Swift (Sux); 3. Bob Prida (Suz); •. Scott Richeson (Kaw); S. Jim Flanagan (Yam). DIP A (~39): 1.~Sped{Honl;2. Bit Keek(Kaw). Gardner rips Reddick MX By Kyle Myers MAY 3 &4 TOUR 1 HURRICANE MILLS, TN We'll kick off this year's Tour at the horne of the Queen of Country Music - Loretta Lynn's Ranch in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee. Tucked away in the rolling hills of Tennessee, Loretta Lynn Ranch is also horne of the premiere cross country and motocross races in America - the AMA Cross Country National, held one month before the dual sport ride, and the week-long Amateur National Motocross Championships, held in August. Saturday night vittles feature a Catfish Fry with peach cobbler. Rank: Challenging to difficult. 6'" ANNUAl. CArF'SH FRY & COUNrRY MUSlCl > r= AWARDS (Only 2-Day Pricipants e1igiblel APPALACHIAN DUAL SPORT TOUR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday: 6·9PM Registration at Headquarters Saturda : 7-8:30AM Registration. . y 8:30AM Mandatory Riders' Meeting 9:30AM Last Check- Out 'i < SAlURDlY SUNDlY SILVER FOX (Oldest Rider) IRON BUn (Loogest Distanre 00 Bike to Eveflt) HARD LUCK DUNLOP SCAVENGER HUNT Sunday: (Wilmer wins lour car tires!) ANSWER POKER RUN: Riders ~op 10 Hands) Passengers ~op 3Hands) SPORTSMANSHIP ACCOMMODATIONS ..IlE-E",Il" fEU: 2-Day Rider: $75.00 1-Day Rider $40.00 2-Day Passenger $40.00 1-Day Passenger $20.00 At Event: Add $5 ea. $DUATLOP ~." Sb"ck Wifll Us r'(E,;t'ry ;oybe ~op;;d)- Ranch: 615/296-7700 (Camping) Best Westem: 615/296-4251 Super-a: 615/296-2432 Days Inn: 615/296-1202 r r, ='- oJ ~ E:J:i7:). I - - - - - -r - .~ KTM* LUNCH Last Check-In . Cycle News· Dunlop· Answer* Acerbls· Sullllll· DINNER. Contingency Prizes &Awards. FREE to all2-Day entrants (Family &Friends welcome for additional fee) 7-8:00AM Registration 8:30AM Mandatory Riders' Meeting 9:00AM Last Check- Oui KTM*LUNCH 3:00PM Awards 6:OOPM 6:00PM RACER PRODUCTIONS Rt.12101267 Morgantown, IV 26505 1304)284-0084 fu:1304)284-0081 HEADQUARTERS Loretta Lynn's Ranch Hurricane Mills, TN 1-40 at Exit 143 7 mi. N. on Rt. 13 on left (70 mi. W. of Nashville) • SUZUKI .... ACC=tm FUN IN MOTION - TOUR NAME: _ OFillCE USE ONLY # Date received: Amount:$ Name::---:--::.,..._ (Please Print) First Last Address: (Please Prin"'7;-")--;:S'7"tr-ee-t:------~C;::::-:-ity----------'St:-a'7"te---------::;Z;:-ip------t AMA# AGE: Passenger Name: _ Required(i! you are nal a AMA Member you can join at the event) In Emergency, Contact: I AM .",.RING: ---, 0 807H DAYS Please send entry & Check or Money Order to: RACER PRODUCTIONS, Inc. .. R~t:.l~Bo~2~7,_M~g~t~~~~5~5 ,Phone: =::; SAT. ONLY _ JSUN. ONLY k _____ Bike Make Model ----Year cc _ FORT REDDICK. FL, MAR 9 More than 350 riders competed in the opening round of the Yamaha I Parts Unlimited Florida MX Sunshine State Championship Series held at Motocross of Marion County. Todd Gardner picked up where he left off last year by winning all four motos in the Opeo Money and Over 2S classes. In the first Open Money moto, Gardner led the lO-rider field into tum one with Jacob Fogg. Brad Jerminski, Al Sanders and Shaw Dunkel all in close pursuit. Fogg hounded leader Gardoer for three laps until he slid out in a tum and handing second to Jerminski. Ronnie Renner was on the move after a bad start as he worked his way into fifth by the fifth circuit. Dunkel passed Sanders at the halfway point as did Renner a few turns later. Gardner held on for the seemingly easy win over Jerminski, Dunkel, Renner and Sanders. Moto twp saw Gardner grab the holeshot with Fogg. Dunkel, Sanders and Jerminski giving chase. Fogg. once again, pressured Gardner for the point position until falling on lap two. After that, Fogg packed it in for the day. Sanders uddenly found himself in second, then he out-jumped Dunkel to take over the lead. Renner was on the move after another bad start and but was in control of fifth after only three laps. Within two laps. Renner had moved by Jerminski, Sanders and Dunkel to take over the runner-up spot, but he had no chance of catching Gardner, who was long gone at that point. When the checkered flag came ou~ Gardner scored the win and overall for the day. Gardner later returned to win both Over 2S motos over Tom Dixon and Tim Eggers. Ryan Davis was another double-class winning. topping all four motos in 80cc 12- to 15year-old and Supermini divisions. Kyle Chisholm was the only three class winner. Kyle scored the hat trick in the Pee-Wee Modified, GOcc 9-11-year-old and the BOcc 7-11year-old divisions. He won al1 six motos. Results P/W(4-6): I. Bmd Bollmann (Cob); 2. Max Rash (Cob); 3. Jeff Fame (LEM); 4. Bobby Lash (LEM); 5. Collen Maynard (LEM). P/W (7-9): 1. Ricky Renner (LEM); 2. Om'm Yclerosy (Cob); 3. John Mullerey (Cob); 4. Danny Weyer (Cob); 5. Kyle Keylon (Cob). P/W MOD: I. Kyle ChiBhoim (Cob); 2. Devon YelefO!ly (Cob); 3. Danny Weyer (Cob); -t. Kyle Keylon (Cob); 5. KurllS Halliwell (LEM). P /W BEG: 1. Alec Ehrhardt (Yam); 2 Michael Halliwell (Yam); 3. Fawn Arm!ltrol.\g (Yam); •. Brenton Alloway (Yam). 60 BEG: 1. Kyle Meeks (Kaw); 2. Tyler Nobles (Kaw); 3. Davi Bwsten (Kaw); 01. Asley Jacbon (Kaw); S. Tony Oicena (Kaw). 60 (5-8): 1. Ricky Renner (Kaw); 2. Jon Camp (Kaw); 3. T.,. Rhonelli (Kaw); 4, Kyle Keylon (Kaw); 5. Danny Wqer (Kaw). 60 (9-11): I. Kyle-Chisholm (Kaw); 2. Bobby Lucroy (Kaw); 3. Forrest Suuth (Kaw); 4. Randy w.nble (Kaw); 5. Jordon Gooch (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Brad Meeb (Hon); 2. JermlY Sanders (Kaw); 3. Kyle Meeks (Su%.); ii, Sutch Fowler (Suz); S.Justin Nobles (Hon). 80 (7·11): I. Kyle Chisholm (Suz); 2. Kyle Williamson (Hon); 3Dale Kump (Hon); 4. 8;lrrett Smith (Kaw); 5. Cody Smith (Han). 80 (12·15): l Ryan DaVl! (KawL 2. Quinton Bigak'lw (Yam); 3. Jesse Richards (Yam); 4 Brad SteveMOn (Hon); S. Shawn ~uyo (Kaw). S/MlNI: I. Ryan Davis ( 2. ~uton Biplow (Yam); 3. Jesse Richards (Yam): 4. Kyle Chisholm (Suz); 5. Bamtt Smith (Kow~ 15-24: 1. Jacob Fogg (Vam); 2. Oemck Januszyk (Kaw); 3. Ronnie Renner (Yam); 4. Chns Reynolds (KTM); S.}elf Neilander (Hon). 125 8: l Buddy Duffy (Yam); 2. Jason Fink (Kaw); 3. Kyle MeAfer (Honj; 4. Scott McGuigan ('Yam); 5. Andrei 8oloni (Suz). 125 C: 1. Tom Parsons (Kaw); 2. Doug Wright (Yam): 3. Nash Permenler (Yam); 4 Nathan V.dc (Kaw); 5. Paul Reilly (Yam) 125 BEG: I. M rk [)ek,ppeT (Kaw); 2. IWtt p~ (Suz); 3, Tom Jackson (Suz); 4. Billy Wak.efield (Yam); 5. J~ Blal'" (Hon). 250 opeN C: 1. James Armitage (K.w); 2. Sean Howard (Han); 3. Mike Delano (Kaw); 4. Dan Sail (Hon); S. Nell Mclb)· (Hon~ 250/500 BEG: l Ambal Rahaln (Hon); 2. RJdwd DKoNI (Han); 3. MaTCWhlt~(Hon);4 Jim Bedgett (Yam); 5. Mtke Luddy (Suz). 2SOOPEN B; I. Ja.'W\ Fink (Kaw); 2. Buddy Duffy (y.m); 3. [)cr. ridcJanuszyk (Kaw); 4. Jeff Neilander (Hon); S. Mike Sontala (Suz). 25+~ 1. Todd Girdner (Hnn); 2. Tom Obion (Hon); 3. Tim ~gget'5 (Suz); 4. Bryan Abel (Kawl; 5. Brian Vemcs (Hon), 30+~ 1. TIm Eggel1l (SU7.); 2. Tom Oixlon (lIon); 3. Willis Brock (Suz); 4. Rob Arm:ltrong (Vam); 5. SIeve Dye (Kaw). 3S+~ 1. Tim Eggers (Suz); 2. Will,~ Brock (Suz); 3. Lenard Leggett (Soz); 4. Rob ArmstronK (Yam); 5. Armondo Cnrmsquillo (Hon). 40+: 1. Randy Kelley (Knw); 2. Bill Hagan (Hon); 3. Duayn Emberton (Yam); 4.. Rob McAfee (Kllw); S. Robert 0 ..,.. (Kaw). 50+' 1 Bill Hagar (Hon); 2. AI Gardner (Hon); 3. Robm Dare (Kaw); 4. Ted Donnan (1(aw); 5. Lou Whitney (H0T'l). OPEN MONEY: 1 Todd Gardner (Hon); 2. Ronme Renner (Yam); 3. Shaw Dunkel (Suz) 4 Brad Jermlnski (Kaw); 5. Alan Sander; (Yam). WMN~ t. ratty Whltehou (Suz); 2. AshI~ Jackson (Kaw~ 3. JesstCB Hand (Hon). YTH (12.15); 1. Tom Parsonl (Kaw); 2. Ray logginS (Hon); 3Andrei 801oni (Stu); 4. Ryan tub' (Han); 5. Derrick Karn (Suz).

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