Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 01 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 99 of 167

list Pnce . list Pnce .. ...$8.996 ~ &lgine Iype ~1'8bO Cartx.r1llioo ~ Triumph Adventurer D9taI- Rakeltrail .. . .27'/I05mm Seat heigIlt ..... .29.510. Front lire .. .110/6Q.18 Roar lire . .. .. 160 or 15OI8Q.16 Front wheel travel . .5.9 in. Roar_ travel 4.3 ... Front broIut.oon .. C3J 36Ilvn MOOn CV ~ .D9tOI oW:t"" TIMSIIl108lOl1 speeds .5 Starti't . 495IlsJ5181ls. Triumph Ust Price .. .. .. ..$10.695 Displacement. . .955cc EI\Qine type •.... UqlJid.cooIed. In·line Daytona 1200 Us! Price .... ' ...SII.495 Displacement fu)Ine!)1Je . . ~ ..79 x65mm ~ IlIbO . 11.2,J Cartx.r1llioo .... .Eiedronic fuel njec· tIon Ig>tIon .();gitaITransmissloo speeds 6 Slatting system. . .EIectric Fuel capocIIy 4.5 gal .I 180cc Bore x stroke L"lUid·cooled. in-lone Iour-eighl Front lire \\lleebse Rake!treJI .. .. Seal heigIlt fmnllire . .. .31.1 in. 120170.17 Rear tire ..160/55·17 Front wheel travel 5.9 in. Rear wheel travel 5.0 in. Front broIt ..495Ils. Triumph DeytonaT595 56.h. 315~. Roar tlte Front wheel trMI Roarwheel travel 24'/86mm 120/70.17 190/6Q.17 4.7 in. 5.5 h fmnl_ Roar_ ~ disc FinlIIciM 0. Disc Claimedciy~ ..~51ls.

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