Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 01 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LEIVI LEMCrossW .'708. eoe/.'-32'7' W.M: Moto,..n DI.....butlng. P.O. Box 1037. Chino. CA Mot:o........ ne Ltd. Inc.· P.O. _ _ 327 • Dumont N,J om. Err: list Price ....... .$1.640 DIsplacement . .49cc Engine type . , ....Air·cooled. sLngle· cylinder _stroke Bcw'e x stroke .. , .39x411mm ~ralio N/A N/A .COI T"",""SSstroke Ben xstroke ... ..39 x 41.7mm Compress,," _ .N/A earbufl!llOn .. ,....NIA Iglibon COl TIlll\SIlXSSKlll speeds 1 Stanlng system .Kick Fuel capacity . NIA _. WA Roke/t13ol .N/A Seat Ile9't .. 22.4 n Front.... ..2.50-10 Reartiro .... 2.50-10 F""'twheellJll~A Rear wheel oaveINiA Fron! breke . .. .. .Drum Rear brake ..!JnJm FInal drive ....Chain Claimed dry we;ght . .70,51ls. LEMCross CR3-USA list Price .. , Diisplacemenl " Engine twe $1.770 49cc .Alr-cooled, single- cylinder two-stroke .. .39 x 41.7mm ComptesSKlll ratxl .. N/A C8ftlurelion,. .N/AIgrntIon • .COI TIMsmissioo speeds 1 Stamnq system ' , Kick FueI"'!""i'Y. .. NlA _ .. " ..N/A Ben xstroke. Rakeftrlil.. .N/A Soot heq1t .. .. ...287 ~. Frontbre ... floor 1ft .2.50-15 3.00-12 front wheel trMI ,NlA Rear wheel trMI ... N/A Front breke .. , .Drum Rear brake .. .., ..!JnJm FInal drive ' Chain CIarned dry Might ,,92.61ls, ..12.6 bo. lVIalca Ust Price ' .. .. U.S. M.lco. 2 ' " Lark Dr.• Oaford. AL 38203·2015/831-3028 ..55.799 DispIlcement ,. , ,247cc Engi1e type ."., ..Liquid-coolod, ongIOcylinder _stroke Ben xstroke .. , .. ,67 x70mm ~I1Itio,.,NIA MaicoRC320 Maico RC440 Maico RC500 list !'nee ...... . .$5.799 list Price .. Displacement .. Engine type .. .318cc .Liquid-cooled. sillgle· cylinder _stroke Ben x stroke . 76 x70rnm Compresson_ .N/A Carbureton .. .38mm ......... 1M)( Igrution . ..COI TI!llS11llSsioo speeds .5 SIlrtiIg system . . .Kick Fuel capacity ...2.7 gal Wheelbase ... .57.9 •. Rakellrall. . ....N/A Soot height. .. ..37.8 •. front tin>.. . ..90190·21 Rear!lle ..... .. .13019018 front wheel travel 12.0 •. Rear wheel tnM!l t2.8 •. Front breke Dlsc ReM brake ..Disc DIsplacement. .438cc Engstroke Bore xstroke. .82 x83t .2151>0, ..579 in. .. N/A ..378 in, .9019021 Reartiro. .. .. , .13019018 front wheel travel ' ,12,0 in. •Rear wheel tnMI . ,12,8., front breke , .DisC RaN breke, . .DIsc ,mal drive .. ' .. ,Chil4n ClaImed dry weight . ,224 ~•. Ust Price, ... .55,799 . 247cc Displacement fngIne type . . , . ,lJquid-cooIed, slnglecylinder tw<>stroke Ben x stroke, . , .67 x 70mm Ccrwessioo 11100, ,N/A earourotioo , , " ., ,38mm Mlluml TMX 191111~n ' , ,COl Transmission speeds .5 Slarting syslem .... ,Kick Fuel capaciIy .2 7gal, WheeIbose ... .. ,579., Rakeftrail.. .., ..NlA Soot heii;tt . ..37,8 In, l~~~~~~ __---.:~.:::...:..~~_~~~~~~_J IIaico RE320 Ust Price Displocement Engine type .$5.799 318cc Liquid.cooled. single· cylinder _stroke Bo,.. stroke ...... 76 x 70mm Canpressiln r1Iio •..N/A Carilunltion ...38mm Miluri 1M)( Ig\!ion . . ..COl TIMsmissioo speed•.5 SIar1i'9 system. .. Kick Fueicapacily ......2.7 gal. Wheelbase. .. .57.9 in. Rakeftrlil NIA Seat~t 37.h. Front lire 90190·21 Rear tiro . .130190·18 Front wheel tnMI .. ,12.0 in. Rear wheel trMI ... ,12.8 ., Front_ .. ..Disc Ijeor _ " .. Disc MaicoRE440 MaicoRESOO Ust Price .. .. .. .$5.999 DispIocement . • .. 438cc Engine type . .Uquld-cooIed, sillglecyIndertwo-stroke Bo,,,, _ . .. ..82 x 83uression 1lIlio N/A Cerburetion ' 4Omm Bing Ignition .. COl TIM"""S,",,, speeds .s Stalling system ... KIck Fuel capaciIy" . ,,2.6 gal. WhOeibase , 58.5-00 In Rakeltrail "NIA Soot height, " , 37.810, Front tiro " .. , .. " ,9019021 Ae8ftlre ., "" .130/9018 Front wheel trMI .. .12.0 In, Rear wheel trMI " .13,5in. Front breke ' .Disc Rear breke Disc FiloI drive , CIorned dry we;ght •.2281bs, a.on Reartn ' ,13019018 front tie .. " 9019021 FroIt w!letI trMI .. .12.0 In. RearwheeltrMI ' ,12,81n FroIt InIoe .. . . .Disc Rear breke. .. Disc FiloI drive .. , .Chain CIornedciyweigllt ..219b1

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