Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 01 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 89 of 167

KnI 50 SX Pro Sr. list Price, "", $1,848 [);opIacement ",. ,49,8cc Engi1e type . , .... Alr·cooled, single· cyIt .81 6 1>$. KTM 125SX Us! Price " , $\,498 IlispIfqment ,124.8cc EngS. Ust Price . . .. , ..$5,648 DIsplacement, ,246,8cc Engine type , .UquOJ.<:ooled. smgie. .,. ,$5,898 Us! Price .. Dloplacement . ,., ,3535cc Eng~type, , , .Uqu;d.cooed, • cylinder two·stroke Bore xstroke . ",,67.5' 69.5mm Borexstroke. cyI~der_ .78x74mm Compress~n mtio ,.N/A Carburetion .. .38mm Kelhin Ignllion , ..Dtglal Compression ratio "N/A Carbureti04' ' , , , " .38mm Ke~ln Transmission speeds .5 T ransmisslorl speeds .5 Sterting system ""Kick ~n«ion Slatting system , .KJck Fu~ capacity ,,,24 gal. Knl250SX KnI 620 LC4 SX KTM360MIXC WheelbaSe ."". ,,578 in. Ralt.217,2!>s. list Price " " . " . ,,$6,598 IJiopIacemonI . ",,608.8cc EngIne type " ,Lquid-cooled. sI1gIecylinder foor,stroke Bore, stroke " ,101 ,76mm Compression ratio "N/A CarlJuretion ' .. , , , , .4Omm Del'Orto Ign~ ".." "Dtgia T ransmissioo speeds .5 Slatting system .....Kick Fuel ~;ty " ,,2.3 gal. ~base ' ,,59.5 hl, . ,28'/ N/A Seat heighl '" " .37 0 In, FronltJe . " .60/100-21 Rea-tire "." .. " 110/90·19 Front wheel trMI " 11.8 in Rea- wheel trMI.. ,13,0 in. Front brake . . ,DIsc Rear Il!llke ". .. "DIsc FNI drive ."."".Chain Claimed It)' weoght ,,260.21bs, list Price .... . ... .$5:948 Ds, .D~lflj Fue capacity" ",,2 4 gal, KTM360SX Wheelbsse . ,57 8 ~ Rekeltmil , ".26,5'/ N/A See! he;gIlt ,37 2 hl Front Ie ' 80/100-21 Reartin! . .110f90.19 Front wheel trMI , .11.8~, Rear wheel trMI" ,13,4~. Front _ " ." "DIsc Rear _ " "".Dtsc FIflOI drive ... ." ..01eit Claimed dIy ~ ..2172!>s. Us! Pnco " ...$5,848 lllopIocement ., ,. ,297cc Engine type , .. , ,UquIdgIecyIrureboo ' . , .37mm DeM'O!to Ignitiln ....D'!j1ta1 T "",sm.slon speed. 6 StarllllQ system KJck Fuel cepeclty .2.4 gal I'.I1eeIbase ' .56,3 hl, Rals,

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