Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 01 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AS MUCH AS e Ru.,h down to your Yamaha dealer for your ABSOLUTELY FREE, totally complete YZ/WR Contingency Payback Schedule. It has EVERYTHINGI You get a complete c1ass-by-c1ass breakdown that shows you how much money you can win. In some events, there's payback mon.ey all the way down to 20 m FINISHING POSITION I rafd Poss/!JIe Purse AMA Grand National Cross Country Series (FUNCIPAIWY/OH/IN) '---'---; Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit (CO/NMrrX/AZ) AMA District-37 (Best in the West) (CAl F.T.R. Hare Scrambles (FL) N.M.A. Off-Road Series (WNOR) E.C.E.A. Enduro Series (NJIPA) Texas Cross Country Series (TX) Texas Stale Championship Enduro Circuit (TX) Missouri Hare Scrambles Series (MO) Mid South Championship Hare Scrambles Series (GArrN/IN/KY) SERA Enduro Series (LNMS) SETRA Enduro Series (SC/FUGAINC/AL) NETRA Hare Scrambles Series (CT/MAlRI) Black Jack Enduro Circuit (ARrrXlOKlMO) $182.000 $67.000 $57.000 $75.0000 $48.000 $53,000 $93.000 $41,000 $37,000 $48,000 $82,000 $76,000 $66,000 $52,000 1996 or newel' YZlWR models lire eligible. Comingcnl'y will be paid to WARRANTYREGISTERED owner only. Only U.S. models sold within the United $t:iles arc eligible. In cases of multiple divisions of the same class. Yamllh" will pay only onc division as specified by promoter. Comingcncy will be paid 011 riders best finish in one class only per registered machine per event. There will be no multiple-class payouts al the same evcnt for the machine. Thc Y:lInah:l logo and original plastic componellls must remain on all Y'ZlWR machines eligihle for cOlllingcncy. There must be a minimum of seven riders in a cla~s to qU:llify for cOlltingency. [n caJo.c~ of dllal~sallctiOl\cd events. rider will bc paid for onc cvent only. Yamah:i will pay contingency upon confirlllntion from promoter th:it rider compcted on a properly qualified milch inc. AMA Professional Supcrcross anti Nalional winners will be pOliti by check. All other winner:- will receive "YZ Buck!'" ccnific:lIcs. redeClll:lblc for p:lrts and mcrchandi:.e al any partkipating Yamaha dealer. All contingency ccrtilicme., earned in 1997 lllUSI he redeemed by December 31. 1997. Program dl.:wils subject 10 change. Sec your 101.':11 Yamaha dealer for more detailed contingency information. 30·d1lY limitcd warranty. Warranty terms MC limited. Limited wnrr:lllly docs not apply for unitJo. being raced. Ed Scheidler is an employee of Yamaha MOlor C0'l).. U.S.A .. No endorsement or promise is implied. Drc~s properly for your ride wilh II helmet. eye protection. long-Jo.leeved :.hirt. long trousers. gloves lind boot,. Yamaha and the Motorcyclc Safety Foundation encourage you 10 ride s:lfely lind respect lhe environment. For further information regarding the MSF rider course. please call 1·800·446·9227. Do not drink and ride. It is illegal :ind dangerous ©1996 Y:II1l.lhll Motor Corporation. U.S.A. (Cypress. CA 90630) For the Yamaha dealer nearest you call: I"SOO-6-YAMAfiA Amdfevr &: Proressiondl CMC Golden State (CA) AMA Winter AM Series (FL) GFl Winter Series (CA) GNC International Final Lake Whitney (TX) 0-29 Ulta Series (NC/SC) NMA World Mini Grand Prix (NY) CMC Spring Classic (CA) GNC Texas Series (TX) CMC Pac-West Series GFl Night MX Series (CA) Mammoth Mountain (CA) GNC Good Time National Lake Whitney (TX) NMA Amateur Nationa' (OK) AMA Amateur National (TN) GFI Fall Series (CA) CMC Trans-CAL Series (CA) S.R.A.C. MX (dbl. pts.) (CO/NM) AMA Winter Olympics (FL) N.E.S.C. Championship Series (CT/MElMA) AMA National Arena Cross Series (lAlILffXIOKlKSIWl/OH/CA) CRC Dunestown Series (CA) CMA Bounty Hunter Sereis (CA) AMA District -5 PA State Champinship (PA) AMA District -6 (PA) AMA District -7 (MD) AMA District -II (OH) $144.000 $52.000 $139.000 $23.000 $82.000 $20.000 $47.000 $34.000 $35.000 44.000 $20.000 $12.000 AMA District -14 Spring Series AMA District -18 (MOIlL) AMA District -23 (MN) AMA District -34 (NY",,):,--c:--c PA Spring National Series (PA) Nuclear Series AMA District -16 Triplecross i,W]fIL) AMA Mega Series (TN/GAlKYIV A) Pacific onhwest Championship (WA/OR) U.S. Eastern Pro-Am MX Sering Series (V A1NC) North East MX Classic Series (PAINY/NJ) Dixie Moto-Cycle Spons Series (GA) Alaska State Championship ~AK) Wild West NatiOnal Series (UT/NVIlD/WY) GFI Youth National MX (CA) NEMA MX Series (MAIMElNHlNYIVT) AMA Florida Gold Cup Series (FL) AMA 125cc Professional Supercross Series AMA 250cc Professional Supercross Series AMA 125cc Professional National Series AMA 250cc Professional Nalional Series $5~500 $61.000 $62.000 $62.000 $65.000 $34.000 $187.000 $79.000 I $32.000 1--~=--1 $30.0~~_ $42.000 $-45.000 $45.000 $36.000 I $46,000 $34.000 $45,000 $39.000 $32.000 $44.000 $21.000 $77.000 $31.000 $24.000 $39.000 $22,000 $28.000 $39,000 $9,000 $42,000 $36,000 $300,000 $364,000 $240,000 $240,000

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