Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 01 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AIU::z.GIIfA .....hey....hI 3&18 W. Comel_•. AZ 85819 1&021973·5111 _II Ptwersports 1801 N. ScalIsdaIe ScolIsdaI•. AZ 85257 1&D2J970-48oo 'ALXFOfUfXA Anaheim Yamahl 125 f. Ball Rd. A ..heim, CA 92805 1714J5&3·1700 r etitiye cre~~-ceuntry he 1!JRoe"C return~ I er C;'lI1 P ff read rider~ alike racer~ and recreatiena : w~,~ durability and th in 1997. 'l'e increa~~ t and upper ceil -- prereliabili ty. a ne'.l CDr ~~'lI1inq; and le~~ feulinq; at yidinq; i'll1preyed ~park . F'rent brake perfer'll1ance le\ler ~peed~ -- \lere ad~=fnq; the 1997 YZ;';bG frent ha~ been enhanced by and fer increa~ed tractien, brake 'lI1a~ter cylinder b en added. other chanq;e~ ne\l Dunlep tire~ haY~an~lebar~ er better ridin~ include: lC'lI1'l11 taller . d 'lhite celerinq; and q;raph pe~itien and ne\l blue an . T ic~. 8.rts Motorcycl. M.II 900 West Foothill 8lvd. Alllu. CA 91702 1818J334·1288 8.1If1.Wlr M ...rsp.rts 10401 AI.ndra 81vd. BeINI...r, CA 9070& 1310J925·5097 Yamaha Puwerflouse 150 S. Fifth SI. Co.linga, CA 93210 1209J935·5009 M."w.rld Of fl Coj.n &&0 fl Coj.n 81vd. fl Cojon. CA 92020 1&191442·0941 N.rth Co.nty y....hI 1315 las Villas W.y f....dido, CA 9202& 1&191432·9501 Mission Yamaha 25891 Cmm V.lley Parkway Lag... Nip.l, CA 92&77 17141582·0351 Heres d winnin(l tledl JUST FOR YOU! Buy any new '97 or prior year Y280, Y2/25, Y2250 or ;t//(250 between August 1st and December 31st and get- inferest! fJnfil April/, /997* poymenf! fJnfil April/, 1997* AnteIop. V.lley Yom. 400 West A ..... I La_r, CA 93534 1805J94I·l019 y_hI Of Modesto 1302 9th St. Mod...., CA 95354 18001909·CYClf " 12091527·5&03 Munilla MotorSports 288&0 JaIfIrson A ..... MurriotJ, CA 925&2 1909J&98-4123 Mot."'" 1425 Soorth Coast Highw.y Oce.n.ide, CA 92054 1&191433·4333 Montclair Vlmahl 111 g5·1 Clntrll Av.n•• OnlJri., CA 917&2 1·8OO·RIOf·YAM Copitol Ylm.hI 4622 Aub.m Blvd. Slm....... CA 95841 (80Dl7·YAMAHA F•• 8il1. Clnter 4689 ColIVI)' St. SI. Dillgtl. CA 92111 1&191278·8835 _dOaksY....hI 2388 f. Thoosond 1IolI. Blvd. Th.usa.d Oaks, CA 913&2 [8lI51497·37&5 Col Co.ost Motorsports 3D59 f. Main. SIIIet V_ra. CA 93003 1805J&53·5884 Wntcoast MotortYdes 1851 Pin. Ridg. Rd. Noples. Fl34109 1941l594-5535 II.Imsey Cycle Sp.rts 995 Route 17 Soutlo 1I.I...y, NJ 07446 (2011825·3333 ARS Pow.,..,orts 4422 Highway 441 N.rth OII......b... Fl34972 1941J467·09OB Sasse. MotII,..,orts 44li R.ute #23 Sasse'. NJ 07461 1201J875·3&48 Ri.. y. . . . 3801 N. Oili. Highway Pomp.n. Beach, Fl 330&4 19541785-4820 Cycle. Of Pllm Beacb 2353 N. Military Trail PII.. BelCb. Fl 33405 [4071&83·1 &42 r",,,,, ".ini,,,,,,,, ro'l til",' 1here ~re re~ J'1~ 1~ lire eoulill t. the ~ree-~p1rlted thrill a~d ex~erle~ce ~r DistllrC]cllnJ;. A.:'l.d th ... t'" '.Thy it·.!> Imp.rtant ",r a l l . " U3 t. d" .ur part Ii'!' rC3ptt:'l."ible rider". oy .... 1111.·.Ti:1~ l~u;lcal CSmDl,:'1-3e:1"e rule". '.le Clil,n tr..w.lntlilln "elil..".n a .... ter 3e..."S:1 un;ll.ralleled enjsymcnt .r .ur ~p.rt. ~l~ay~ remember ts reYle~ yeur Yamaha MetercJcle O~ner'~ Ma~ual be~ere 1eu rIde. e~ch rJde, take tl~e te chec:<" all y.ur eOUIpme:1t. U\1Ii.Y~ '.1ear an ll.p-preYed helmet, eye prstectl.:1, l&n; tr&u~er~. :;19Ye~ li.:1d b9"t~. A..nd ahla:v~ be ~ure y.ur bi:<"e i~ in rlr~t cla~~ c.ndltisn ridIn!;. Neycr ride a y~ &:1 paYcd ~ur~ace~ sr rUbllC rSlil.d~; neyer en:;a'jc 1n ~tunt rldln~ .ll,:'ld aY6l:id exce~~lye ~pecd. Prsylde parentlil.l ~upcrYl~l9n ',lhen a m$t61rc:'!cle i~ beln; 6lperated by a -mlnsr'. Eyery m.tsrcycle rlder ~h.Uld be a' . f the 11,m1.t~ 6)f h1.~ IIr her ~klll~, exper1.ence a:'ld Iil.bl1ltle~ liI.:1d ride acc&rd1.m;;ly, Be:;lnners shamld be extremely cll,ut1.u~ w.nd ll.llem extrll t1me and d1~ tance fllr -mancuycr1n; and brak1n:;. ~ll riders ~h(iluld ride \lell ',Y1 th1n the l1mits • f their abillt1e~, neyer beyllnd the-m. D. nst dr1:1.k Ilnd ride. It 1s 111e~al and da:1'jer"u~. '{amahw. and the Metercycle ~a~etJ Fsundatl&:1 e:1cllura;;e yeu ts ride ~afe IJ and re~pect the enylrenrr.e:1t. Per further 1nfermat16m re:;ll..rdln:; the M~F' ceurse, pleli.~e clilll 1-0t0-44o-9c~7 lhe rlder~ u~cd dur1n~ phete;raphJ are h1;hly ~killed, yerJ talented pr&~e""1.n al racer". 6,11 a~ the act1&:1 TU.S "hat 61:1 a clascd c.urse, lil.:1d 1" nst 1:'ltended t. be duplicated 1n any ~li.y. ~pec1~1cll.ti.:'l~ ~ub,\ect t. ch.a:1:;e ',lltheut n&tice. ';'YZs c&me ',lith a 3(-D...] LimIted F'act&rJ \·,'lil.rrll.:1t . L1mited ',Yarrant] o&e" net apply t. U:'lit~ ~er rw.clnOl;. <;ee yeur dealer ~.r dctli.t1~. .I' y....hI of Aug.sta 2500 Pilch Orchlrd Ro.d Augusta. &A 3090& [70&1793·2338 Beech.ont Moto~rts &00 MI. Moriab . Cincilllllli, OH 45245 (513J752·0088 Yamaha Of O.ltun 205 W.ugh SI. Oilton, &A 30721 170&J278·1&20 Motions Yamab. 333 N. Cobb Pkwy. IHwy. 411 M.rietta, &A 300&2 (770)425.4000 nLXIlfGX:; Banlli MDtDr'SfIorts "1IIiIlli.Largest" &11 N. Milw••kee Avenu. lib.rtyvill•• Il &0048 (84713&2·7110 luvertDa V.lhI 10380 SW Cntade Blvd. ng.rd. DR 97223 1503J&84-&&OO Pf.IlfIlf:;\,U'AlfXA Cycle City 2555 WestI:hester Pik. 8r1Omoll. PA 19008 1&10135&·2&&2 &ibslli. Cycle Clmr 4&84 Route 8 &ibs.nia. PA 15044 1412J487·2803 H.IzIIa....s Pn _ Sports 1070 N. Mill Nasbville, Il &22&3 1&181327-4005 8 & 8 SIIes & Service 791 Flory Mill Rd. Lane. PA 17&81 17171569·57&4 XIlfDXAIifA 8l1Ck's POWIrsports 393 f. U.S. #30 Vllporaiso, IN 46383 [219)477-4700 MX'IIXG-Allf Bright y....hI 3854 Oi. Rd. linc.ln Plrt<, MI 4814& 13131382·1220 MX:;:;G"~X Surdytle Rat:ing 1305 HighwlY &1 F.stu., MO &3028 18001748·R/Of 17433J MGIlfTAIifA Hi·Tedo _,..,orts &54D S. Frontq. Rd. 8111ings, MT 59101 1·800·735·9356 foff.B&MkA 11.1... _ 3333 S. &lst Ave. _ . Nf&81116 14021556-1306 m"ADA fff.W IIAMP:;IIXRf. Ceatral Sports Inc. ""ute 12 PIoiafield Plainliold. CT 0&374 (860)5&4-4223 or FAX 186015&4·1283 H._ Cycl. Clntor, lne. 2 FIa..... Oriv. Hudun. NH 03051 [&031882-1573 FLG~X~ ~f.G-GIif Ros.burg P..., SjI.rts 238& Oiam••d Lak. 8lvd. Roseb.rg, DR 97470 (541J&72·4179 City y....hI, Inc. 8801 N. Socood Street Machesney Part, Illinois &1115 18151&33-71&3 22123 Ventera 81vd. W ....lond Hills, CA 913&4 1818J348·78&5 Ceatral Sports Int. 555 N.rwich Ave... lallvill•• CT 06380 (860J886·2407 GIIXG G-f.GflG-XA 'GIlffff.TX"'T -\\ illl ~Illlr,,\ ..d •·...... it ".jlll: rllt" \ ,..""h" n ..,hl ..,"'t!: 1".K'~ \"W ,," h..lum .., up '" ~.J"MI: IL"', \I'W "II lilt' ,1O.rh.." "fll", 1",1..". St>.UlIO. S5u fim"'...• dHln:,', I ht> lmr..h,t,,·rl M" f.."mll.."l.,.. io.. ,-n",r.,. Bobby J's y....... lne. 4724 Monlot 81vd. N·f Alb.,.m"" NM 8711 0 585884·3013 Ath... Sjlort Cycles I... 1&5 Colu."', Rd. Atloons,OH 45701 [800)592·4484 SporUWalY_ 8545 W. Saban La. V.gas, NY 89102 17021221·97&2 ~Cyd.Slles fff.W Mf.,"'G fff.W ~R~ Moti.n fnler)lriseslllOlh. 2907 Fire Ro.d fgg H.rtI" T.wnship, NJ 08234 [&09)&45·8181 M.rtin MOlI..,..u 148& S. H ...vor 51. IRt. 1001 Potlslow1l. PA 19415 1&101323·0525 loti•• MlIorsports 1881 Wbilal1lrd Rd. yorte. PA 17402 [7171757·2888 Tf.fofffU:;f.f. &rell Ould••r Store 475 Highw.y 51 Byp... Dy.r1b.rg, TN 38024 [901l286·5584 &rall••, Store 50 N. Midi... H ••boldl, TN 38343 1901J824-1000 Y ......I Cycle _.Inc. 2405 f. Stone Dr. Kin_It, TN 37&60 14231247·8561 Parfonnuce PIal Y •••I.. 5312 PI....ntY'. .w _phis. TN 38134 19011385·8296 "TAlI Villey MotInlllrts 11553 S. Stm SIIIet O,.,or, UT 84120 180llS7&·I899;XIlfXA Ja....I'. s,ortcycles 1141Dtlo St. N.W. ChI_IIIe, VA 22903 [8841293·_ Colonlla Pawenpart 14105 T.lgrapb Road W.ocIbridtl., VA 22192 [783)237·34OD WUI!XIIf~GIIf f.....llwYlm.... 408_ WA 98022 [380)825·4502 longview Motoraports 1113 V.nde....k WIY longview. WA 98832 [3&01&3&·1220 8rowlrd M ......,.rt 4101 OlYi. R ~ f_i.n .. H.llywaad, Fl 33024 1954J43&·9905 Mation Enterprises Vlm.h• &29 While H.rse Plk. H .........n, NJ 08037 1&8915&1·8181 WXoXGt(:;Xt( Yo..hl M_ s,orts Depot 2240 NW 119110 SIIIet M_~ Fl 331&7 13051&87·1177'. 111. Y . . &iaaI . 1207H......y35 .....,NJ 87753 (881)924-8371 Y . . . Of Port W . ......... 540 W.linaII A _ PortW.......... W1 53174 14141284-5195

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