Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 01 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 73 of 167

List P!tce .... .. ..$14.110 lliopIocemool. . .134Occ list P!tce . .. .$13.760 lliopIIcoIIWil ..•. .13«lcc fngN ljpO. . .. AW-cooiod V·_ Ilcn._ EJ9r>e1)lle Ilcn,_ 88.8. 10llmm ~ _ 8.S1 e.txnIicI> ... 40nrn KoIlin .EIoctric 4.9 goI. SInlg Iy8lOm 88.8x 10llmm 8.S1 Carbntion . :.... 40nrn KoIlin ~ EIe<:lnnc T_opoodI.S $IIrlIng", .Eloctrl: Full capdy.. . 4.9 goI. _ 63.881n. RoIoeI1nII .2r/103.7lIIn S. hoigjr .27.75 In. fiont til llJlII9O.19 Floor 1ft 13Q11O.16 Fnlnt whool_ .. .u In. Floor _ _ 4.71n. fiont _ DuoI cIoc Floor .Dioc FiNI cho . llol Cloimod dryWllFt ..621'" ~1IIIo 9iIJon.. . .. .. . .S EIe<:lnnc T Full c:lIpICIty AW_V_ ~ .65.SIn. .32'/129._ SooI hoigjr .26.SIn. fiont tiro .. 100IJ).19 Row1llt 130190-16 fiontwhoolllMl 6.9". ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Row_IlMI 4.0". fiont _ DuoI cIoc Row_. .. IlIoc FNlcho ........ .IleII Cloimod dry woijt ..6lII1lI. I!IIoII1nII ..,DawI•.• ""'DawidIon fXDS.CONV FXDLD,na Law ..... D,na Cor....... $14,760 list PrIce.. .. .$14,140 13«lcc list PrIce lliopIIcoIIWil &1gilo ljpO IInlkt ~ EJ9'tljpO I34Occ AW_V_ .. AW-cooIod V_ Ilcn• Ilcn._ 88.8. 10llmm ~_ c.bnaan VT 6.5,' ...4Omm KellIn EIe<:lnnc .5 ~ 11IIo e.tlontian ~ T 4OllIIIKoIlin .8ocInlnic .5 !Ildv.,.. SlIIlIng.,.... . .. .EIoclric Full capdy _ RoIa'1nII 5.2 goI. 56.1 In. , .32'/129._ S. hoigjr .26.7511. F.ant 1ott8O-21 Floor IIrI 130190-16 Fnrt_1lMI 5.61n ' - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Floorwhool_ 401n. fiont _ .1lIoc Floor_ .Dioc FiNlcho .IleII Cloimod dry WIIFt ..6lII1lI. .88.8x 10llmm ..•8.5:1 .Eloctrl: 5.2gl11. ............. .I8.51n. ~ , . .34"/127... SooI hoigjr .26.62 iI. Fnlnt1llt 21 Floor1llt .MJ9O.16 fiont _ _ .. UIIn. --I FloorwhoolllMl 4.06 In. FuoIcapdy L- ...., ....... FDTCS.W Fnlnt_ Row_ FiNlcho . list PItce .. '" ... $14.765 listPltce $15,215 lliopIIcoIIWil . . .. 13«lcc EJ9'tljpO Al<-cooIodV·lwIn lliopIIcoIIWil . .. ..134Occ HlrteJDIruI•••• FXDWGD,na .... GIde Ilcn,_ ~_ c.bnaan '" 9iIJon T_ CU.,. &1gilo I)lle Ilcn._ 88.8x 10llmm ..8.S,' .DIoc .llol <::Ioi.-I dry woigIoI ..813'" ~1IIIo AW_ V-IWIn .88.6. 10llmm ..8.S,1 e.tx.-. .... . 40mn I

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