Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1997 01 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Besides their winning bikes, Kawasaki riders share other green commoditiescash and track-side support. In addition to putting up more than $4.0 million in contingency money, Team Green'" provides Off-Road Racing and Amateur Motocross rider support, track-side technical service and emergency track-side parts support at nearly 300 events per year. For d~tails, see your local participating Team Green dealer. Ill.. C1996 ~ - ZiUerkopf leares Hare aid Houlld pursuers barking up the wrong tree. TUTlling pro turns Carmichael into Rookie of the Year. A ho/esbot Ial1lldted Greg Zitterltopf I"to the "otorlou. "1110011 rock." terral" .o""east of Rello, Nerada. And by the tI.e he retumed to Eart", hi. hard-fou,"t battle for two .Imulmuou. rlctories complete. Hurlillg "I. USIIII throu,h the Nrrort, dust-cholred lIIashes alld rocJrr """,hills of this IIIlld and tech.lcalII challe.ging course, Zitterlropf opened up .ear· Iy a fire-minute lead orer fellolll Tealll Gree. racer and title contender Paul Krause. Capturing not Just the even', but the best-fireof-seren-races AMA Hare and Hound Natlon.1 Championship. The ,uys .t the of the p.clr thlnlr there oug"tta be • le••h '.111. He alre.q the AMA Am.teur Athlete of the Ye.r, IIIith more AMA Amateur N.tloll.1 titles th.II .01 rlder ill hi.tory. Alld IIIlthl. rreeIrs of joining the ranlcs of the pros, Ricky Carmich,,' nOli h.s ••other hOllOr to ",. CIfIIIlt as well. By early Norember, the 16-yearold motocross ace ".",. H.nn., Rorida h.d beell UIIIed one of the 1996 AMA Pro Roold.. of the Year. Becomill' the ftftll cOllsecutire Te.m Green rider to thl. recognition for dolll' IIIhat he does best. Blow alrlY the competltlo•• 1rI. Corp.. USA. Nways _ . _ and oppropriaIe apparel. For oIf-road 1rI. Team Green twists Baja 1000 into 9th straight win. Enn • IIIheel full of bame" lllire could"" cut the unstoppable trio of Ty Davl., Paul Krause and Greg Zitterltopf out of yet another Team Greell rlctory III the grueli.g SCOREfleca,e Baj. 1111111. Thi. ninth win i" a rOil for Team Green iriS the fourth coueclltlre rlctory for D.ris, the third for Krallse and a first for Zitterlropf. At the end of 14 hours ..d 11 ./outes of raciog, they finished with a 14-",ioute margin. Despite a stop barely 211 miles the race to uorallg/e their USIIII from the prlclrly obstacle, the Green riders already had recaptured the lead before the first pit. And those behi.d them c/e.rly got the poiot. raceo. Kawasaki KX mocorcycteo are modItiad lD ...- applicable off-road _ noiaa and sport< anester _itaments.

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