Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 10 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AT TN~' PA'TlaPATlffG tAMANA DQL'U _ _c," Mn,CMfA .....e-.a '- JIl••. ,.,.. AI 1511. 1112317,.,111 ara- .......... I_"~ ~,AII5Z57 ....,.. ~ ~n lZU III _ --'1:& II. [714]_1711 etitiye Cr6133-C61untry he WR2bG return3 f61r C611flP ff r~ad rider3 alike reati61na1 e - W d racer3 and rec the WR' 3 durability an in 1997. Tfj increa3~ t and upper cfjil -- prfjreliability. a ne\T CDI ~~lfIing and le33 f61uling at Yiding ilflprfjyed 3park dd d Frfjnt brake perffjrlflanCe lfj\Ter 3peed3 -- \Tere a e i~g· the 1997 YZ2bG frfjnt ha3 been enhanced by U3 d fer increa3ed tractifjn. brake lfIa3ter cylinder an n added. other change 3 ne\T DunlfjP tire3 haY~ b~~ebar3 ffjr better riding include: lG'lItDl taller ~~ "hite cfjlfjring and graphpe3iti61n and neu blue iC3. T ... --.,. _ Foo6III1n. • -.,1:& .1712 1I1.lJ34.1Z11 ...- ........ 11411 ........... . . . . .,1:&117. C31D11Z5-5117 ,-,...... 1511. . . . CooIop, 1:& mIl lZIIJDS._ ~.BCojoo _B~"" B[11_ _1 Cojoo, IZIZI ....CIIity,. . ... ... a-= .. .... 131511I . . . _ !oooIIIlII. I:&.IZIZI [.II1GZ..- , malen.~......, [71 .-1 IZI77 ..." ...._1 ....... ,-,ca13S34 , Buy any new '97 or prior year Y280, Y2/25, Y2250 or ~2SO between August 1st and December 31st and get- ~ml 1. . . . . . . . calUl4 --............. -.cYCU .lZIIJ5Z7•. , IZIIZ 1_....m3 .....", 148. . CaMl""" _ _ _,1:& IZI54 II1IJQJ.4DJ --..,,- 11115-1 CaoInIl_ ...... 1:&.171Z 1. . . . .·'11I CIfIIoI'" 4IZZ ......... ~1:&_1 m.J7·'''''' FII.e- -e-" ........,.. ....... 1:& 1Z111 II1I1Z7W1J5 U.l . . . . . . . . 1In. .......... 1:&.1. lIBl4I1.J7IS CalCaMl _ ..... _ l ......... -,1:&_ 1.1 . . . . . 11. ....... fl341. 1141. ._ •• SPlc...... WZ.....,441 .... ,fl S4I72 1141l411_ . ..,.. , t ... 1._....., " - .... f l _ 1IMJ715-41Z1 ..... zm"-,'III lIIII,. .... R _ lcu.a-1142 G-iOfH;J:A ,_ ......,11..... ' . . of ....... Z5II ...... - .... l71117a·m11 21511II ........ .. ...., . ....... JI1Z1 [7IIIV1-llZ1 ...... , 3D .. _ ....,.!hJ.411 ~ -- ....... .......... ILLPfOJ:~ 111 . . . . . . _ ~l_ 1I47lIIZ·7111 ............... F.-aIy'......... ......., . . . . . . . 11115 lI1DD-na ............ ......." 111I . . . ........ 11Z2D 1I1111Z7_ - ZlftPJ:AIfA .............. ......... .lU. .. 1%1114"-4711 M%QI%.AJf 1ItaM,. . There are thrill and experience ef rer all If u.s t. d• •ur part Ill.S respen.slble r1ders. By f.ll.~ln; leglcal c.~.n-sen3e rules, ~e can lIIalntaln seastn after seas.n .e unparalleled enjlYMent .f eur spirt. A.lqays 1"ellle1ll0e1" t. rcyleu yeur Y~aha Metlreyele O\Tner's Manual ceCere yeu ride. BeClre each ride, take tll11c t. check all yeur equipMent. A.luays uear an apprlyed hellllet. eye pretecti.n. leng Wlltercyellns;. treu~er~, fe~ j.y~ A.nd 1n l1fe equal t. the that's \Thy 1 t' s free-~plrlted Il11pertant r;l .... e~ and beet~. And al'.Tay~ be ~ure yeur b1ke i~ 1n rir~t cla~~ c.nd1t1en befere r1d1ng. NeTer r1de a YZ en pa...ed ~urface~ er publ1c read~j neTer enga;e 1n :stunt r1ding and' aTe1d exces,,1Te "peed. Pre.,1de parental ~uperTi"i.n \Then a .etercycle 1" being eperated by a .,1ner. E...ery .etercycle rider sheuld be amire ef the lim1ts er h1" er her "kills, exper1ence and ab1lit1e" and ride acc.rd1ngly. Beg1nners sheuld be extrelllely caut1eus and alleu extra t1me and distance reI' lIlaneu...er1n; and brak1ng. All r1ders sheuld r1de \Tell \T1th!n. the 11.,1t~ er their ab11it1e~, beyend thelll. De net drink and ride. It 1~ 111egal and dan;ereu~. Yamaha and the Metercycle 9afety Peundat1en enceurage yeu te r1de safely and respect the en... 1rerJent. Per further 1nfe~at1en regard1ng the M9F ceurse, please call 1-8GG-44o-9~Z7 The riders used during phetegraphy are highly skilled, ...ery talented prefess1enal racers. 411 er the act1en uas :shet en a cle~ed ceurse, and 1s net 1ntended t. be dup11cated 1n any uay. 9pecificat1.n" subject te Change u1theut n.t1ce. *YZ" e ••e u1th a 3G-Day Limited Paetery Warranty. Lilllited \Tarranty dee" net apply te units reI' rae1n:;. gee yeur dealer fer deta1l~. .. - s.n,b .... 1115111a1-Y 11 ..-, m.J7a-1IIE [74131 ..,... -...... MCNfTA!IfA _I. FnoIaaa II. ..... 11'I11111 1_7J5.1J51 -.... _.. Ift8IlAMA 3133 I. I1.U... ....... 111. 1 _1_ _ CIoboI .......... .....e-, .... FLOfU'PA --.. 41.1 .... 1IId~ 1154_ _ _ ~R 131Z4 T ............... zz• • n...... ....fl.llZ lJI5l11Z·11ZZ ~ _ =._mu 1In.~ 4724 '1 JIl3 ~ -Jlooot~". 1.~1I. _,.41111 ~-- -='::'1:11 ClodIIIIl,. 45Z4I 151Jl7SZ.- ...... ,........ u. .... 0MG:efif .. .- l*1In. ~HI1411 ......, 1141 -4111 1. . . e-IlIt ..... ~ 11m ~nrAJfXA 5S .fJrdtI,tar 'III -. 111____ '-'·~1_ "':,e. . . . . .. 15114 [41Zl411~ .u.......... m :.";.11. -. 111I1 l71~ ..... . . . . .11 .. lit. 111I 1.1. _ ~"1" II1IJm.eZ1 aatIIII ......... 1111_11. T ..... 17. [7171157·ZIa 4:7J:=tIIllZ11-5514 MI'»OUU' Hi,., RAMNIIZM 555....-1_ 'oIIwIII, cr 113II _-'Z1I7 .... "'" MuenO I1TJIJIZ·1ZZ1 11I--' II II1IZ CIoboI .......... .....11 11411 lZIlJl1l._ ~ 1rIII ........ -.... .... I Z _ -.cr1a74 m.J5I4-IZZI. FU _ . .1m s.:=m- JIM,,"" .......... 48148 'OffflU'%'UT 11.'' ' ·Wllh IppF'O'l'dcredil usiRJ: I~ Yamaha c.nctl1 card: lLlJ'" APM. un bala_ up 10 56.000: APR Oft 1M pordon oil 1M balanct onr 5'.000. $.50 minimum liNIn« (~. Unll mu.q bt 1Wr'dlaWd _ rrom 4taIn- innniory. ~11441 1211 3133 ~.,. mD_1In. ......... 1:&11. [llI1J41.7. -.u-_ ~I:~:n:: ""ADA ......... T . . qIZ)221-111Z Z,..... ..... . . . . . . . .1 lIIIl11Z·un ......... 1rIII ........ ........ 1IlJ134J lII1J1Z4.1_ T_~ CIIlIr, "II. I•. _ .. ~1I_ "'5I1Z_ .... .. ... , 47..- ~U:':34 l!tAft ........ ...~ mal. ..... -;;;,11_ 1571-1_ _ fDG:Pf%A .. ~ 1141. . . . . . Qw. . . . . . . " ZZIa lII4JZIJ.- =:=i= ~.mlZ 37·141I -- WMIIZ'!f(;fCMf ~ ~ "'" null' ~,- 1IotIII~'" 2a7Rn .... 1Ia:::;::1.z IIIZ2 \0 0\ 0\ ,...., 1Iqvtaw_ _ Way 1113 _ ......... N" En-''''''''', II IIZ34 [-...1.1 IZI _ T " _ ~_ ... _,IIaa7 1.1511-1111 ..."..1111'...... 1m...,..;. . . . . . 11 I17U [_4-IJ71 ~,.l_ 1-< !aXOIlfHH ..n 0 ,_.PtotW........ 541W..... _ Ptot. WI 5JI14 [414 ,. 0 lJIIIIJI.1ZZ1 !lC OJ ... U 41

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