Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 10 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Lett) Mike Tomlinson the winner In the 250cc Novice c at the Combo Serlea MotOCfOllll In Palmdale, Cal"ornla. (Below left) ErIc Ca. . (204V) topped the Vet ExpertlPro c.... at California Racing Club'. annual Outlaw Grand PrIx In Palmdale, California. OIT AM; I. Richard Bealer (Yam); 2. Charles Watanabe (Hon); 3. Fred Kalmick (Kaw); 4. Arley Williams. OIT EX; 1. Bob Sherred (Hon); 2. Scott McDonall (Hon); 3. Dan Bftnardino (Sw:); 4. Charles Howell (Yam); S. Walter Miles (Hon). OIT MS: 1. DenniJ M~dam (Kaw); 2. G~ Williams (Suz); 3. rwhke Chesbro (Hon); 4. Leonard Uston (Yam); S. Bill Schultz (Y"",> Casas raids Outlaw GP By Greg Robertson PALMDALE, CA, SEPT. 2 Eric Casas parked his YZ125, borrowed a friend's YZ250 and proceeded to blow away the competition in the Veteran Expert/ Pro class during the California Racing Club's annual Outlaw Grand Prix at the Los Angeles County Raceway. Rick O'Donnell used the power of ros CR500 to lead the large field at the start of the 45minute race. Craig Conaway held down third over jim Sendlebach and Doug Yarnell, It didn't take Casas long to get used to the bigger bike, as he passed O'Donnell and built a five-second lead with just over a lap completed, jonny Zahrt was slicing up through the pack after a last-place start and had made hjs way around Sendlebach for fourth and was knocking on Conaway's back door. By the 15-minute mark, Zahrt was up into second, but still 15 seconds behind Casas, who was showing no signs of slowing. Zahrt appeared to be slowly reeling in Casas when disaster struck in the form of a rear flat. With Zahrt out of the picture, it was clear sailing for Casas all the way to the finish. O'Donnell put in a commendable e.ffort, but there was no way he could match the pace of Casas and he would have to be content with a runner-up finish. Conaway would hold on for third-place money over Sendlebach and Russell Reilly, Frank Costanzo set the pace in the Veteran Intermediate class for the first couple of laps before Karl Allen caught and passed him for a lead that he wouldn't relinquish. Randy Tittlemier held off KTM-mounted Harold Smith to take third with Tony Pulliam rounding out the top five. Results Ordelman overalls Combo Series Motocross By Greg Robertson PALMDALE, CA, SEPT. 1 Geint Ordelman picked up the 125cc Noviceclass overal1 win without winning a moto as the Los Angeles County Raceway hosted round two of the California Racing Oub's Combo Series. Ordelman timed the drop of the gate perfectly to lead the pack on the first circuit of the sandy Saddle Glen course. Travis Smith was right on Ordelman's tail, and by lap two had found a way around the Yamaha rider. Smith was untouchable as he took the first-moto win without much resistance, Ordelman finished a lonely second, well ahead of Chris Honnold, who battled throughout the moto with Chris Thompson, Honnold grabbed the second-moto start and would run out front for five laps before jose Polasek and Thompson pushed rum back to third. Polasek continued on for the moto win and second overall with 5-1 finishes. Ordelman put a last-lap pass on Honnold to finish third and take home the first-place trophy, Thompson's second-place finish was good enough for third overall. First-moto winner Smith had a troublesome round two, where he could manage only a ninth-place finish. Christopher Tocco's day didn't start out on a good note after he broke a rear wheel and transmission during practice. Luck:Jy, home is only a couple of mjles away and Dad was able to get the practice bike to the track in time to have Christopher dominate both 80cc (12-13) motos. Donrtie Dureer used a pair of good starts to finish second both times out, Bobby Steffan, KH Kunath and Miles Buck rounded out the top five. Terrance Malan went 1-1 over Doug Parsons and Lex Malan to win the 125cc Pro class. Parsons returned to lead every lap of both 250cc Pro motos to earn first-place money over Bill Sauro, Tommy Srubayama and Willy Musgrave, Results P/W (4-6); 1. Shawn Buller (Yam); 2. William a.lleslero (Yam); 3. Shana Rhinehart (Yam); 4. David Medina (Yam); 5. Logan Russell (Yam). P/W (7·9): 1. A.C. Joney (Yam); 2. Troy Creta (yam). S/ST)( (4-6): 1. Cole Seely (KTM); 2. Tanner Langham (KTK); 3. Trent Pugmire (LEM); 4. Brian Staminck (KTM); 5. Co!e Pugmire(KTM). S/STK (7·9): 1. Douglas Carter (KTM); 2. Timmy Ritder (KTM); 3. Bryan Hatchitt (KTM). MOO (4-6); 1. Tanner Langham (KTM). MOD (7-9t. 1. Riley H"""" (lEM). P/W BG TRK: 1. Cole Seely (KTM); 2. Timmy Ritzier (KTM); 3. William BallestelO (YaM); 4. A.C. Jolley (Yam); 5. Shana Rhine- lwt(Yam> 60 BEG: 1. Jimmy Soliz. (Kaw): 2. Timmy Me Darnel (Kaw); 3. Bradley Hatchitt (}(awl; 4. Brys Kuntz~w). 60 (9-11); 1. Chris Nihan (Kaw): 2. Anthony BarbKOvi (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Dave Carter (}(aw); 2. Jimny Eberie (Yam); J. Troy Tittlemier (Hon); 4. RI. Garcia (Suz); 5. Kyle Kelly (Yam). 80 (1-11): 1. Chris Nihan (Suz); 2. Shane Smith (Hon); 3. Anthony Barbamvi (Yam); 4. Nathan Pamintuan. 80 (12·13): 1. Chris Tocco (Suz); 2. Donnie Dutm'" (Hon);..3. Bobby Steffan (Su%); 4. Kit Kunath (Yam); S. Mi'es Buck (Suz). 80 (14-16): 1. John Grove-r(Yam); 2. Bm'lt Gilliam (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Justin Witcher (Han); 2. Tyaon TittlemieT (Hem). 125 NOV: 1. Gerrit 0rde1man (Yam); 2. Jose Polasek (Han); 3. Chris Thompson (Suz); 4.. Chris Honnokl (Kaw); S. Travis Smith (Kaw). 125 lNT: 1. Jeremy Chau~ (Kaw); 2. Caris Neitzel (Kaw); 3. Nick Mairose (Suz); 4. Michael Diloreto (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. Terr.mce Malan (Suz:); 2. Doug Pal'flOl\5 (Sw;t 3Lex Malan. 250 BEG: 1. Mike Dian (Hon); 2. John Hughes. 250 NOV: 1. Mike Tomliruon (lion); 2. Mike Utt!e; 3. Tyler Buck (Suz); 4. Eddie Laret (Suz.). 2SO INT: 1. Nick Mairose (Suz); 2. Justin Osborn (Kaw); 3. Robbie Dunham (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Doug Parsons (Suz); 2. BlIl Sauro (Hon); 3. Tommy Shibayama (Su%); 4. Willt Musgrave (Hon). SOO NOV: 1. Char1e!l Calles (Kaw); 2. Karl Allen (Hon). 500 PRO: 1. Jason Higgins (Kaw). ]R VET BEG: 1. Robert'Scheffer (Hon); 2. Kent Harle (A TK); 3. Troy Creta (Hon). JR VET NOV: 1. Jason Williams (KTM); 2. Gabi Abayou (Hon); 3. Eric Lathrop (Kaw); 4. Assa( Alush {Hon). JR VET EX: 1. Le9 Saul (Yam). VET BEG: 1. Frank Pineda (Yam); 2. David Jensen (Yam); 3. Russ Schalder (Hon); 4. Kory Russell (Kaw). VET NOV; 1. John MacMJller (Suz); 2. Kyle Reutgen (Suz); 3, Marv Church (Yam). VET INT: l. Karl Allen (Hon); 2. Randy Tittlemier (Hon); 3. Joel Harriott (Yom); 4. Frank COlltanzo (Hon). VET EX-PRO: I. Jonny Zahrt (Yam); 2. Eric Casu (Yam); 3. Rodney Morri!lon {Hon); 4. Robe" Barnum (Suz); S. Sootty Walker (Suz). SR NOV: I. Rick Bohannan (Kaw); 2. Res Benson (Hon). SR EX; L Randy Anderson (Yam). OfT NOV: 1. John Webb (Hon); 2. Peter Perry (Hon); 3. Frank. Deroy (Hon> P/W (4-6): 1. William BaUestero (Yam); 2. Shawn Butler (Yam); 3. David Medina (Yam); 4. Shana Rhinehart (Yam); S. Logan RttsseU (Yam). P/W (7-9): 1. AC.jelley (Yam); 2. Tyler White (Yam). S/STK (4-6): 1. Cole Seely (KTM); 2. Tanner Langham (KTM); 3. Andrew Couto (LEM); 4. Kevin O'Oonnell (LEM); S. Corey Hungerford (KTM~ S/STK (7~9): 1. Douglas Carter (KTM); 2. Timmy Ritz.1er (KThI> MOO (4-6): 1. TanneT Langham (KTM). MOD (7-9): 1. Riley Harper (LEM); 2. Chad Cole (LEM). P/W: 1. William 6a.Uestero (Yam); 2. Shlwn Butler (Yam); 3. Andrew Couto (LEM); 4. Timmy Ritzier (KTM); S. Ta.nner lang-ham (KTM). 60 BEG: l. Tye Hames (Kaw); 2. limmy Soliz. (Kaw); 3. Timmy McDaniel (Kaw); 4. Robert Memoli (Kaw); 5. Wesley Parrish (Kaw). 60 (0-8): 1. Justin Pamintuan (Kaw~ 60 (9-11): l. Sean Collil!r (Kaw); 2. Anthony BarbIlcovi (Kaw); 3. Garrett Norr (Hon); 4. Billy Bloom (Hon); S. Mitchell Alsobrook (Kaw).. 80 BEC: 1. Jared Tebo (Kaw); 2. Jimmy Eberle: (Yam); 3. Dave Carter .(Kaw); 4. Kyle: Kelly (Yam); S. Troy Titt1mlier{Hon). 80 (7·11): 1. Sean Collier (Kaw); 2. Daryl Ecklund (Suz.); 3. Chris Nihan (Suz.); 4. Shane Smith (Hon); S. Nathan Pamintuan (Hen> 80 (12·13): 1. Shane Bess (Suz); 2. J.R. Terry (Yam); 3. Kurt Cassdli (}(aw);". Donnie DutTer (Hen): s. Kit Kunath (Yam).. 80 (1"'16): 1. Levi Reid (Yam); 2. john Gtovft' (Yam); 3. Steve Shea(Y""'> B/W: 1. Mike Meadows. vtNT: 1. Ken Greene (CZ). OLDSCHL: 1. Greg Robertson (Yam); 2. Toivo Kent (Bul). WMN: 1. Heather Home (Yam); 2. Denise Engstrom (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Justin Witcher (Hon); 2. Tyson Tittlemier (Hon); 3. David Johmon (Suz.); 4. Chaz. Smith (Suz.); S. Jared Sproul (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Kevin Townsend (Hon); 2. Chris Thompson (Suz); 3. Ryan Orr (Yam); 4. Otris Honnold (Kaw); S. J.J. Bonnano (Kaw). t25lNT: 1. Chris Neitzel (Kaw); 2. Michael Collier (Kaw). 121 PRO; J. Casey Lytle (Hon), . 250 BEG; 1. Mike Dion (Hon); 2. Jeff Mathews (Hon); 3. Mike O'Donnell (Hon); 4. Robert von Schneridau (Yam). 2SO NOV: 1. Ronnie Densford (Yam); 2. Rusa Pigget (Yam); 3. Ryan McCarthy (Hon); 4. Eddie Laret (Suz), 2SO INl;': I. Justin Osborne (Kaw); 2. Cory Ayers (Hon); 3. Nick Milirose (Suz). SOO BEG: 1. Rich Ellinson (Kaw); 2. Brian Palmer (Hus); 3. Kyle Tittlemier (Hon). 500 NOV; 1, Charles Calles (Kaw). SOO PRO: 1. Dave Ondas (Kaw); 2. Paul Shafer (Kaw); 3. David Crab~ (Kaw). JR VET BEG; I. David Gallagher (Yam). . JR VET NOV: 1. Donnie Pines (Yam); 2. Gabi Abayou (Hon); 3. Assaf Alush (Hon); 4.. Pasha Asshar (Yam); S. Ron Goodwin CHon). JR VET INT: L Mike Licitra (Suz); 2. Tim Nash (Yam); 3. Cory Ayt"I'lI (Hon); 4. Gene Ehenbe:rger (Suz~ JR VET /F)(: 1. Leo Saul (Yam). VET BEG; 1. David Jensen (Yam); 2. Mark Jones (Yam); 3. Steve Nakamoto (Yam); 4. RUM Schudler (Hon); S. Frank Pineda. (Yam> VET NOV; 1. Donnie Morrison (Han); 2. John MacMiller (Suz); 3. Scott Davis; 4. Randy Geniec (Hon); S. Gordon KdIer (Suz). VET IN!: 1. Karl Allen (Hon); 2. Frank Costanzo (HOn); 3. Randy Titt.lemier (Hon); 4. Harold Smith (KTM); S. Tony Pumam (Hon> VET EX PRO: 1. Eric Casu (Yam); 2. RkkO'OonnelI (Han); 3Craig Conaway (Hon); 4. Jim Sendlebach (Kaw); 5. Russell Resl1y (Suz). SR U\'T: 1. Gary Egioff (Hon); 2. Steve Gordon (Suz). SR EX: 1. Mike Webb (Suz.); 2. Randy Anderson (Yam); 3. Bob Dunham (yam). O/T JR/VET: I. Harold Smith (KTM); 2. Greg Robertson (Hon); 3. Kyle Reutgen (Suz); 4. Rob Townley (Suz); S. Matt McBride(Su.z.). OfT NOV: 1. Raleigh Webster (Hon); 2. Bill Warren; 3. Con-nie Holl (Hon). O/T AM; 1. Lee Chapin (Kaw); 2. John Flande.~ (Hon); 3. Riclwd. Bealer (Yam); 4. Bob Breach (Suz). OIT EX: 1. Frank Mathews (Hon); 2. Robert Zingg; Bob Millner (Hon); 4.Jim Smith (KTM); S. Charles Howell (Yam).. OfT MS/B: 1. Greg Williams (Suz); 2. Mike Chesbro (Han);, Dave Rogacz.ewsld; 4. David Rodgers (Hon); S. Norm Schiel (Hon). OfT MS/A: 1. Mike Webb (Suz); 2. Steve Oark (Suz); 3. Carl Gazafy (Hon). Tum BEG: 1. James Morganridge/Jeff Mathews; 2. Erik SandinlJordin Bums; 3. Don Gossett/Joe Neit7.e1. NOV: 1. John Butler/J. J. Bonanno; 2. Bob Arens/David John- son. lNT/EX: 1, Troy Welty/Jon Zahrt; 2. Casey Lytle/Michael Collier; 3. Kenji Gauthier/Charlie Morris; 4. Jason Fontes/Chris Allen. V'ET/BEC: 1. Randy Gerniec/Brian Palmer; 2. Mark JoneslJack Tanner; 3. Randy RhlnehartlJohn' Butter; 4. Brian Merrill/Tony Lare. VET/NOV: 1. Mike O'DonnelllJeff White; 2. MarY Church/Bruce Gibson. VET/EX: 1. Craig Conaway/Rick 0f00nne.1I. 60: 1.. Tim McDaniel/Billy Bloom. 80: 1. J.R. Terry/Chris Neitzcl; 2. Sean Coller/Daryl EckJuncl; 3. Mike Meadows/Kurt Caselli; 4. D.J. PriputenlTarnata Neitzel. Iron Man BEGJNOV: I. Pasha Afshar. 2. Patrick Brown. INT/EX: I. Brad McLeod.; 2. Matt Blacklock; 1 john Whitaker. Beauvais bags title at Canadian Dirt Track By F.C. Wood BARRIE, ON, CANADA, AUG. 23 Veteran rider Ronald Beauvais became the number-one plate holder in Canada for 1997 at Barrie raceway. Beauvais' win was the third time in Canad' dirt track racing that the crown went to a Quebec rider. The first Quebecois to win the plate was Yvon DuHamel, the second was jean Bourrett. The championsrop did not come easily, however, as Arai USA-sponsored Beauvais battled the entire race, first with Scott Sehl on a Pooles Wood Rotax and then jimmy McIlvena on a Mac Racing Harley-Davidson XR750. Seh! ran on the notch for all but the first lap and took home third-place money. displaced McDvena 0 .... the penultimate lap and motored home fourth, which gave him eight points toW;;;-d his quest whkh was won ironically by one point. Scott Buchan had entered this event brimming with confidence. With no B83 class on the program and no 600cc ride, Buchan could concentrate on the Castrol-backed Harley XR7SQ Buchan is a half-mile specialist and already had won at the Trois Rivieres regional and backed that up with a win at the Tillsonburg National. He was a scant five points behind Beauvais going into this event. At one point in the National, Buchan enjoyed a three-bike-Iength lead on Marine Transports' Bryan Bigelow. With Beauvais mired in the bat_ tle with McDvena and SehJ, it looked as though Buchan's fondest dream would become a reality, but as the laps wore down, so did Buchan's energy and Bigelow closed, Entering turn one on the with three laps to go, Buchan and Bigelow body-checked one another and there was an audible gasp from the packed grandstands. Both riders bobbled, but remained upright with Bigelow coming out of tum two with a slight lead. Buchan's confidence seemed shaken and he dropped off the pace slightly, fuUshing three bike lengths behirld at the flag. Bigelow had predicted in a 'pre-race interview that, while he had scored no national points in Canada, he could prove to be a spoiler in the championship race - and he was just that. Had Buchan beat Bigelow, the Canadian number-one plate would be his. Reaults EX 7S0: 1. Bryan Bigelow (H-D); 2. Scott Buchan (H-D); 3. Scon Sehl (H-D); 4. Ronald Beauvais (H·D); S.John Parker (W-R). EX 600: 1. Bryan Bigelow (Rlx); 2. John Parker (WR); 3. Ronald Beauvais (H.D); 4. Todd Sh.arpless (H-D); 5. Jeremy Thorn""", (RIX). INT 600: 1. Scott WilkinJOn (Rtx); 2. Harry Vanderveen (HD); ~. Glen Neate (Hon); 4. Ken Shaffer (Rtx); 5. Darren Bed(ord (RIX). !NT/EX 250: 1. Thompson (Hon); 2. Kirt Bieggar (Hon); 3. Greg Hall (Hon): 4. Glen Brown (Hon): 5. Tom Braith· waite (Yam) NOV 600: 1. Jeff Sequin (Hon); 2. Sam Donnelly (H·D); 3. David Taylor (Rlx); 4. Martin Wingate (RIX); S. Jake Fry (Yam). NOV 250: 1. Rob Rainville (Han); 2. Colin Hoy (Yam); 3. Ryan Rainville (Yam); 4. Steven Metcal(e (Yam).

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