Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 09 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ - ~ ~---.- . ." I ~. ~ - -~ l' .-. .'" . - .." -- <~ '. ' / ~ IS> 'ro ~ Order from the greatest selection of motorcycle video tapes available FREE SHIPPINGI from the Georgia Dome in Affanta. GA. 50 minutes from and heartbreak of the seeson wtth the top GP players The drama of this most heroic of aI seesons is here, along including Mick Doohan's emazing comebad<. Kocinskfs willi !he lighler moments as Schwanlz enjoys himselt as a Fox Video. 524.115 triumphant return to the premiere 500 class, Wayne specIatDf et!he Tour de France, hangs his I_IS on !he (17) Tho Evolution of _ _ Rainey's lriumph and traoedY. and !he crowning of Kevin well 01 Ihe Hard Rock Cafe and woos the daughter of 1996 Houston SupercroIs Gary Semics has put together the story 01 motocross' (<<102G)4e of 125125llcc AMA Supercross Series action Schwantz lor his first-e"-er World Championship. All 14 Argentina's president with a gift of 1,000 roses. 70 Roond early days. highlighting 52 years 01 European and from the Astrodome in Houston. Texas. 50 minutes from rounds are hera - don' miss this great season review. 180 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34.95 . American racing. From !he days when British dinosaurs Fox Video. 524.95 mirurtes !rom Duke Video USA. 544.95 ruled !he roost to Jeremy McGrath on his CA250. you'li (1115) CuttIng Edgo Bliotl ... ~ en in this 95 minute video from Gary 5emics Video. (1314G) 1996ll11il11 Supo...(mF) 1994 SOOcc GP _ Join Mat Oxlay as he les1s !he bast of the '94 GP _ . 542.95 Round 49 01 125125llcc AMA Supercross sanes action 3 hours of terrific SOOoc GP action in amemorable season inciuding Doohan's Honda NSR500. Btaggi's 250cc from Texas Stadium in Dallas. 50 minutes from Fox of Iough. exciting and dramatic racing. All 14 rounds are Aprifia. and saketa's 125cc Aprilia. This video provides a (112) Dirt Dovfls _ covered wtth extensive camera Iootage filmed !rom !he air. behind !he scenes look at the Iead''"!l edge of motorcycle Video. 524.95 Roger DeCoster dissects some of the greatest MX baltles: !he 1racI<. and on-b~e willi !he top riders. 180 minutes racing and developmenf. 72 minutes from Duke Video Axton '90 w/Cooper vs. Kiedrowsij; Budd's Creek '90 (I307G) 1996lndianapolll SUpercnllS from Duke Video USA. $49.95 USA. $34.95 w/Stanton vs. Ward; Mt. Morris '91 w/Stanlon vs Round 410 of 125/25Occ AMA Supercross series action Bradshaw; MiIIv1'1e '91 wlBradshaw vs. Bayle; WeshougaJ from !he RCA Dome in lneianapolis. Indiana. 50 minutes (mG) 1995SOOccGPROYlow ('137) 1991 Daytona 200 '92 wlSwink vs. Emig. Addttional 'Hot Shots' locus on from Fox VIdeo. 524.95 Abattler !rom Brisbane bacomes!he most successful Aus- Enjoy e race that lived up 10 its billing and providetd a techniques for starts, passing and some spectacular lralian rider of all time. a Texan hero bids a sad lareweillo fitting 50th birthday ceJebration for !he mos1 femous IMlnt crashes. Narration by Larry Maiers; 60 minutes from (1313G) 1996 Tampa Supen:rou GP radng. a Supertlike sensation from Geo'1jia makes his in American motorcycle racing history. 60 minutes from Powersports Video. $33.95 Round 411 of 125/25Occ AMA Supercross series action 500 GP debut...... ell the drama and outstanding perfor- _eo. $29.95 from Florida's Tampa Stadium. 50 minules from Fox mances in this official round-up 01 all 13 rounds of the ~ (4I65D) 1994_roaa dol Nollona SOOoc GP season. 180 minutes lrom Duke Video USA. ('137A) 1992 Daytona 200 Video. 524.95 After 13 years of winning !he 'Olympics' of motocross. the 549.95 Enjoy !he drama as Scott RussoU and Doug Polen duel 10 American team came up second to the British champs. (1309G) 1996 Pontiec SUptlCrou a photo-finish in one of the most exciting Daytona finishes You'lI see how iI happened in this 9O-minute show from Roune 412 of 1251250cc AMA Supercross sanes action (179F) 19941251250cc GP _ in hi51ory. 60 minutes trom Duke Video USA. $19.95 Motovideo. $29.95 from the Silverdome in Pontiac,..Michigan. 50 minutes Watch all the 1994 250cc GP highlights in 90 sensational minutes plus the best of the 125s in 30 minutes, all in one ('125) Hogs Wlldf from Fox Video. 524.95 (/Hi5E) '1995 Motocross dol Natlonl brilliant tape; 120 minutes from Duke Video USA. $39.95 A reVIew 01 the 1992 U.S. Harley-Devidson TwinSports Great Britain 510pped the USA's winning s1reak in '94. but (I308G) 1996 CharloUa Supercrosa Championship as Scott Zampach and Mike Hale duel to !he 51rong Balgien leem made 1995their tum affer a 15- Round '13 of 1251250cc AMA Supercross Series action ('790) 1995125125llcc GP Review the finish for Ihe series tille. 56'minutes hom Duke Video year wa~. See ju51 how close Team USA came to taijng ~ from North Carolina's Charlotte Molor Speedway. 50 min- 2 hours 01 close-fought World Championship road racing USA. $34.95 back. 90 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34.95 featuring all !he 250cc rounds and the bast action lrom the utes Irom Fox Video. 524.95 125·s. Biaggl defends his crown against Harada & Wald- (11248) 1992 AMA Supolblka serln Review (lI67) 1995 World 125cc MX Series Rlvlew mann while leenage 51ar Aok ho~ off Perugini. sakata & Follow the '92 AMA Supertlike Series from start 10 finish (1311 G) 1996 Sf. Loull SuptlCrou Follow !he entire '95 World Championship MX Series. ltom Roune 414 01 1251250cc AMA Supercross Series action the resl in the 125·s. Includes plenly of on-bike camera as Doug Polen and Scott Russell force a Ducati vs. the stilling heat of Italy 10 the nail-biting clincher in Ger- from the TransWorld Dome in Sf. Louis. Missouri. 50 min- lootage. 120 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34.95 Kawasaki showdown for the Iille. 55 minutes from Duke many when jU513 points separated dynamic Itelians puzar utes hom Fox Video. 524.95 Video USA. $34.95 & Chiodi. 90 minutes lrom Duke Video USA. $34.95 (19) U.S. Grand PrIx 1988 . Reel Grand Prix road racing for the World Championship (1248A) 1994 AMA Superblke series Review (13150) 1996 Denver SuptlCross (I68A) 1995 World 2SOcc MX Sories Review revives in America as Steady Eddie Lawson and Fast Troy Corser. Jamie James. Colin Edwards, Fred Merkel Final roune (415) of 12512SOcc AMA Supercross sertes Belgium's Stefan Everts s1arted as favorite. but received action from Mile High Stadium in Denver. Colorado. 50 Jimmy Filice beat the best at Laguna Seca. From and the res1 fight 10 the finish line in this hlghllghl video of constant pressure from fellow countryman Bervoets, minutes from Fox Video. 524.95 the '94 U.S. Superbike Series. 40 minutes Irom Powe"'llOrts Video. $33.95 USA's Moore and Vohland, Italy's Bartolini. Germany's Molovideo. 524.95 Beirer. end England's Nicoll. Highlights cover allIS (I325B) AIrtime - Thrill. of Supercroso (181A)'90 Laguna 5eca US Grand PrIx rounds. down 10 when the li1Ie was decided at the final in A review 01 each round of the 1992 AMA Camel Rainey and Schwantz race clear of a crash-filled field (112488) 1995 AMA Superblka Series Review France. 90 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34.95 Supercross series as Jeff Stanton. Damon Bradshaw. Guy leatunng Lawson. Mamola. Gardner. Chili and Magee. With aft the iamiliar top names (Corser. Edwards and RosCooper. Jeff Matiasevlch. Jeff Ward and the rest go lor the 250cc aeticn also included. 52 minutes from GP Video. soU) retumiing 10 the WSB wars after !he first PJAA round at Daytona, !he Smokn' Joe's dynamic duo of M~e Hale (168) 1994 World 25llcc MX Series ROYlow gold. 60 minutes from Motovideo. 524.95 $33.95 and MigueJ DuHamel s10nmed their way through the rest of Highlights of all the rounds of !he '94 250cc MXGP series America 10 retum the U.S. Supe~e series title back It> featuring Greg Albertyn. Stefan Everts, Donny Schmit. (1325C) All Crossad Up (181 B) '91 Laguna 5eca US Grond PrIx Yves Demaria, Mamlcq BelVoetS and Kurt Nicoll in their 'this review of the entire 1993 Supercross .season sees Different from the NBClESPN broadcasts. this vide.. the Honda mamie. Yoo'l ... highlights from each round quest lor the World Championship. 90 minutes from the emergence of Jeremy McGrath as "the greatest includes complete coverage & commentary of 500 & 250 in this 47-minute show from Motovideo. 524.95 Motovideo. $29.95 Supercross rookia sensation' in history. T'Y'"ll1o achieve classes. sidecars too. 52 minutes from GP Video. (14OOA) 1994 WOI1d SuporbiiIlghled by interviews with top riders, on-screen graphics. Maryland. Demaria led a massive European revo~ eager 524.95 Laguna Seca. 55 minutes from Duke Video USA. 524.95 championship positions and behind the scenes footage. to baat the dominant Americans at their own round of the 180 minutes from Duke Video USA. 539.95 . World Championships. 47 minutes Irom Motovideo. ('325F) Superrnac Attack (141) Bike Experience $149.95 From Orlando 10 Las Vegas. fallow Jeremy McGrath as he Race with Wayne Gardnetas you crouch over the collects his third consecutive AMA-sanctioned U.s. Super- handlebars of a 200 mph Grand Pnx Honda in actual race (416A) Feel Riding the Roberts WlY ('15OG) 1996 Galne.vllie AMA Nllfonaf MX cross Series championship. Includes highlights 01 14 conditions! 60 minutes, From Powersports Video. $34.95 A unique and fascinating insightjnto the .Kenny Roberts Round 41 01 1250c and 250cc action from sandy Gator- rounds with behind the scenes proliles on how II all hapTraining Camp in Barcelona, Spain, Watch the King in bact< Cycle Pari<, 50 minutes from Fox Video, 524.95 pens. 60 minutes from Motovideo. $29.95 action again as he and Randy Mamola put the school's (494C) 19921... 01 Min n Fabulous racing in fabulous weather, a host of lap and .first pupils through Iheir peces ane shows you how to get ('162B) '91 AMA NIl'1 MX season Review race records and all the best action on and off the track the most out of your sport and road race bikes. 65 min-Follow the 13 stops on the 1991 AMA Nalional MX Series ere captured in this fuillengih video review of n '92. 115 ules from Duke Video USA. $34.95 as Mike Kiedrowski duels with Guy Cooper for Ihe 41 plate minutes hom Duke Video USA. $42.95 litle hooors; 250cc and SOOoc action follow the dominance of J.M. Bayle over Stanlon. Ward. and Bradshaw. Approx. ('106A) 50 Yeers of Dlylona (4940) 1993 Isle of Man n 2 hours (2-tape packege) from Powersports Vid.eo. 542.95 400,000 enthusiasts descended on Deylona for the 1991 This action-pecked video lollows the champions of the Isle 50th anniversary of Bike Week. See the "Main Streer & of Man on th~ 86lh running of the n. Unsurpassed race (175) 1995 World Trial. RlvIew Harley scene from the biggest year ever. 60 minutes lootage piUS on-board cameras on bikes and sidecars put Is there 00 Slopping .Iordi Tanres? Right from the start if. ('162C)'92 AMA Nol'1 MX SoIlOt1 Review The definitive video review of the 1992 PJAA National 125. produced by Panacom from Progressive Design. $22.95 you in the hot seal! For the first time, we show on-screen the season the Spanish trials pheoomenon continued the 250 & 500 Motocross series. Nanated by Lany Maiers; 90 RPM & speed data hom one of the leading RVF Hondas. roll which had already brought him his record-breaking 6th (11213) Tho Roads of Colorado minutes !rom p.owe"'llOrls Video. $34.95 100 minutes from Duke Video USA. 542.95 world title. This comprehensive review of all 10 rounds Actual footage of selected roads and points of intere51 leetures a superlalive display of concentration. incredible throughout Colorado. This video makes an Ideal i0oi lor (194E) 19941111 of Man n ("620)'93 AlIA Nol'l. MX sellOt1 Review agility and awe inspiring entertainment. 60 minutes !rom Follow the highlights 01 the 1993 outdoor Nationals in all 3 anyone planning e motorcycle trip through the Rockies. "The 11th Milestone-·Hundreds of entries from 19 Duke Video USA. S34.95 counlries. thousands 01 tans ga1hering on the Isle of Man classes. from Southwick, Gainesville, Sacramento, Mt. 90 minutes from L&M Productions. $29.95 hom all comers of the gIoba, reoonl-breaijng race actiion - (1127) Thl.I. IIofllfqcle TrtaII Morris. Unadilla. Buchanan. Glen Helen. Troy. Millville. you'lI ... ~ all in this iong-version 120 minute tape from Washougal. Delmont and Binghamton in !he chase for the (11220) Rodline America Top lriaIs riders Sieve Colley ane sammy Miller explain Enjoy a sport-touring ride(.-eye view discovering the Unit- Duke Video USA. 542.95 . 125. 250 and ias1-ever 500 AMA National MX crowns. 90 and demonstrate the art of trials riding, from basic ed States bes1 motorcycling roads. See !he Blue Ridge minutes from Motovldeo. 524.95 princfples 10 winning tachriques. This video also IXW8TS Par1

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