Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 09 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ii TNi ·t1.'~ AT TN~i PA~TlaPATr"G tAMANA DiALi~ ...,.. ~. .1.W.c--.. ...... azam. !llZllJl.5111 . . . . . . . . . . .b 1.11. SooIWoIo ~lZam7 .....,.. .......,.... ...,..... • 1 Il. Ibdo IIiIIIRY ' - ...... R . . . . lI54lJ15.4l1Z1 ..,....... CyIIIIt.,. ...... Z3131l.:iTIII ~ ....... ~A ' . .If...... a . .............. lZ5llollllL etitiye CrS33-CSuntry he WR2SG return3 fsr n~~PSff-r$li.d rider3 , . ra.cer3 a.nd· recrea.tis the WR' 3 dura.bility a.nd in 1997. Ts increa.3~t a.nd upper csil' -- prsrelia.bility, a. ne\,- CDI un in a.nd 1e33 fsuling a.t y.1ding imprsyed 3pa.rk d~i: ~rsnt br&.ke perfGlrWla.nce ls\,-er 3peed3 -- \,-ere a. e i' the 1997 YZ2SG frsnt ha.3- been enha.nced by U3 dngfsr increa.3ed tra.ct16m,· ma.3ter cylinder a.n n a.dded. other cha.nge 3 ne\,- Dunlsp tire3 b~~eba.r3 fsr better riding include: lG1I!II\ ta.ller h~ \,-hite cslsring a.nd gra.phpS3i tisn a.nd ne\,- blue a.n iC3. 17III7I3-D3I • WIlt hIIMI .... ..... CA .1712 1Il1J334.1. 11I"""-....._ 11411 ....dn 1Iv1I. 1IlIIknnr. CA 107. [3111~'''7 y.... PI_tl• • lHUlflllSt Cool..... CA 13210 (2811. . . . ......... IIBCojoI . . B CojoI'" BCIjoo, CA I2I2D (I11l442_1 IlIItII e-ty , . . 131. . . . . .., bl:oIlMI, CA I2I2D (I11J432-lIIl --,.. ...... .. .--_1 ,....... a.le-...,,...., 1.-...... CA 12117 17141512. .1 ......... , .. .......... . . . . . . . . . Sl . . . . . . :m21 [711I271-1121 ......, 333 •. 1*...,=.411 177~ :nu;"OD ....... .......,... "1I11olt 1aItnt" 111 .............. 1iIIItyIlh, 11lll4l 11471312-7111 fantl~, ; Dll.. lie. S1IIII ........., ........111. 1I11JUS.71U ...... lma 1I111J27.... ............ ~~ mlU,. .. . . . . . . . 4U13 .." ~.CAIII34 Buy any new '97 or prior year YZKO, Y2/25, Y2250 or ~2SO ME'RG:JUf between August 1st and December 31st and get- 1. . . Sl ....... CAI5354 lIIIJIII.l:'Iaf .l2IIJ527-5a3 ....... M SjIooIt 2I.e.wr.n. .... . . . . . CA !12!112 [. . . . .123 ;/nferesf! 1997* ~. Until April/, ......, . . . 1IlL 41I41 lJ131.·12211 u.. ..... MX~ 1=;':~":J 1312I '-'-t. (lllJ741-11. 174331 IIlIlaPro 1425 SooIIh Coat IIIInAY MOtfTAffA .....1*. CA 82054 1/. r.... MIIIrtpor1t [119J43~ - S(IJIIt CyIIIIt lie. 1.c......1IlL . . . . . em ........ -.z..... .......... IfAb . . . . . . . . 45245 [5131752-_ 0MG0!f ...........s,w .....,... 238 . . . . . . . . . . ........... 1747• U1411sn... 171 1131I SW CIIcIdt 1Iv1I. TIpnt, II 17223 l5I3ll114-. . PUrlQnYA"XA CydoClly ZI55 Wlltl:hllll ... ....... N l _ (I11J3!l1-2112 ....... . . . Cydo CIoIIr ........."' .... s,w 1m . . . 121I14n...711 . . . . .111. I. , . . . . ~ 1..,...1142 HOR4;XA 17141513-1711 '*' 4n4 . . . . . . . . 1Io£ ... • •711. [5I5JII4.31U eD , lIIZII7I-a. ...... CA_ "'''' MuenO .......N 11144 14121417·211I .uSlllla ...... m 1Iory.1IlL '-oN 17111 171 711II-5714 .... _ ...b ...-..... l . s . e - S l I l t 1111 ' - - N 1. . (I11J323.t5Z5 1111 ........ 1IlL '''''N 17412 l71nm-2111 ~ 1inII ........ 47'.......,'11pa """"'TlaI24 1.11211-5514 1inII ........ 511 •• 11I..... ..-.....y...... I54D 3. ~.Id. "-,CAI17I2 ~kA , . . . . CycIo CIolIr, Inc. 2485 lS-.r. 3333 $.SitU... ......,.£111. ..,. _Pl.. ,. . 11115-1 CIotnI . . . . , 1·.10-11I.·,. CIjIilDI,...... 46Z2 ....... W - - . CA 1!II41 11II17·'_ F-. ... CIoIIr 1I11i1p. MY 5 111 1·100-735-.351 ........... (4IZl55I-l. ",YAPA . . c.n,St s,wWat,.... 11111271-1135 . . '_IIV 11112 s. ..... CAm11 .... CydoSllll 22123'- . . . _ _ IIIIIt,CA .1314 111.1341-7115 ~.rnIlt ·Wlth apprond endil usiftl the Vamaha ~Il c.rd: 16.11110 ",PM 011 "'l&~ up 10$6,001; 11.'110 ""R ()filM purtkJn ollht balance et't'er $6..000. minimum nIYIIa riI~ Unit mu!lC ht pul"CbMccl _ f'nnn dealft" Invenlory. There are feu j.~3 1n 11fe •• t.rcyclln~. A.nd that's \'hy equ~ it's t. the free-spirited thrill and experience .r lWlpertant fer all .r us t. de eur part as respensl'ble riders. By r.11e\'10.; 1e.l;loa1 c••un-sense rules," \'8 can Wlalnta!n sea- sen after seasen .r unparalleled enj.~ent .r eur spert. 41uays remember t. reyleu yeur Y~aha Metercyele Ouner's Manual ceCere yeu ride. BeCere each ride. take time t. check all yeur equipment. Aluays uear an appreTed hel~et, eye pretectien, leng treusers, ;leTes and beets. An~ aluays be sure yeur bike is in first class cenditien befere ridln~. NeTer ride a YZ en paTed surfaces er public reads; neTer engage in stunt riding and aTeid excessiTe speed. Preyide parental superTisien \,hen a lIletercycle 15 bein~ eperated by a lIliner. Eyery ~et.rcycle r1der sheuld be a\'are er the li-.its ef his er her skills, experience and abilities and ride accerdin;ly. Beginners sheuld be extrelllely cautieus and alleu extra ti~~ and distance fer lIIaneuyering and braking .....11 riders sheuld ride \,ell \'ithin the lildts er their abilities, neTer beyend the~. De net drink and ride. It 15 illegal and dan;ereus. Y~aha and the Metercycle safety Peundatien enceurage yeu te ride safely and respect the enTlre~ent. Per further infe~atien regarding the MSP ceurse. please call 1-800-'40-9227 The riders used during phete;raphy are highly skilled, ~ery talented preCesslenal racers .....11 ef the actien uas shet en a clesed ceurse. and is net intended te be duplicated in any ~ay. Specificatiens SUbject te chan;e uitheut netlce. *YZs cellle uith Ii. 30-0ay Ll11\ited Pactery \·Jarranty. LIWlited \,arranty dees net apply te units rer racln:;. See yeur dealer rer details. CIIlIII s,w ... ..... 12 PIIiIIIIIlI 1541 W. IIIoIn 1712J221-1712 iftWlIAMPaQl . . . Cydo e.-," 2"--- ..... . . . . . . .1 lII3JII2-1m "'''' nRa\' - ... .. ....... CT1I374 IIIIJJM.4223 • fIX lIDIJII4-1213 "':::e::'" 2117 ...... CIIlIII s,w .. 1W ....' ....... 1lJ 112M TtfI6,CT . . --'_7 ~, ......... fLOR.DA ................ 41.1 ......... ~ ...,...,R 33124 11I41431'_ --.......,.. 1.51",,,,,,1IlL ..,R341.. 11411514-5535 . • u ....,._ 44Z211i111RY 441 IlIItII , , R54In 1141J0W7.- ........ Tl38343 11011.2..1101 II~Tl3r. 14231247-15&1 5312 . . . . . . . . .........,Tl3I134 11111315·121I ImY! SII6 •.., ...... ts 11553 Ultlll S1IIII ~,17114121 11I11571-1_ tDG-Zl(%A ......'. SjwotoydIt 1141... SlIl.W. a.1IIIww. VI 2211I3 11I4I2II..- CIlIIIII r - - t 141.. r..,. ..... "'''''22112 l7I3J237. . . .. ........ ....,..•,..... -r:.= .............. lIIIJI45.Il.l .121 ........... IlJ IDI37 lIIII5I1-1111 ~ ~, e ~ \0 0\ 0\ IllS ........ .., """"""""" """" I-l C!) .....,CyIlIs,w ........1DI32 ..0 12I1Jm.33U ~ s... ...:_ , . . . PIot . . . . . . ~,walDl22 1217~'1 17753 124-1371 ...... 17S1111l ....." IlJ .7441 441 .... llaa,1lJ 17411 l2I11175-3141 l3IIIIZ5-45I2 l3IIII3I-l221 541 . . . . . _ Partw"at Wllll74 (414)214.- S C!) ..... 0.. C!) rJ) 23

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