At the Broome-Tioga AMA f2Scc "au.
Ke";R bfU$hed right /laSt the co~~/"'OIQ
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callie back witll another motu .
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trill for a Pert,
eet f-f sweep and the overa
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¢ZsatiO to Team Yamaha's Kevin "Windstonn" Windham and his _Inning
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ropgf8lll . maY almost be over, but Kevin Is still cleaning up_
1\ItI sefles
Professional rider depicted during closed-course event. Do not attempt these
maneuvers. Dress properly for your ride with a helmet. eye protection. long
sLeeved shirt. tong trousers. gloves and boots. Yamaha and the Motorcycte Safety
Foundation encourage you to ride safely and respect the environment. For further
Information regarding the MSF rider course. please call 1-800-446-92:27. 00 not
drink and ride. It is ltlegal and dangerous. Cl 1996 Yamaha Motor Corporation.
U.S.A. (Cypress. CA 90630).