Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 09 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOICES America.s weekly motorcycle newspaper Letters to the ed~or Volume XXXIII Sharon Oayton. President Michael Klinger, Publisher Editorial Paul Carruthers, Editor Kit Palmer, Associate Editor Scott Rousseau, Associate Editor Mark Hoyer, Managi"g Editor Keith Bush, Assistant Editor/Copy Editor Cameron Coatney, Assistant Edi Tom Titus, Copy Editor Advertising Terry Pratt, National Accou"ts Manager Mark Mitchell, Eastern Accounts Manager Mark Thome, Westem Sales Manager Thomas Gonter, Western Sales Manager Forrest Hayashi, Western Sales Manager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Manager Rick Matheny, Eastem Sales Manager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Allen, Eastern Ad Coordinator Laurie Snow, Assistant Marketing & Promotion Mark Thome, Manager New Me.dia Development Mark Mitchell, Director Rick Matheny, Operations Classified Ads Sharon Van Hazelen Graphics and Production Ree Johnson, Production Supervisor Mandy Leo, Production Manager Dennis Greene, Lab. Tech. Stacey Guest, Graphic Artist Vance Lanoy, Graphic Artist Administration Judy Klinger, Coordinator Leanne Sims, Administrative Assistant Accounting/Dala Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond, NR Coordinator Geneva Repass, Assistant Herlane Lewis, Credit Circulation Rheba Smith, Manager Alma Anguiano, Processing Coordinator Pam Klein, Billing Coordinator Carol Begovic, Dealer Coordinator Service and Support Bridgett Bobrofsky, Receptio"ist Kirk Chavis, Service & Support National Headquarters 2201 Cherry Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 (310) 427-7433; (213) 636·8844. FAJ< (310) 427-6685 Eastern Office 4188 First Ave., Tucker, GA, 30084; mailing address P.O. Box 805, Tucker, GA 30085-0805. . (770) 934-7850. FAX (770) 934-3112 e-mail· Internet Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc., 2201 Olerry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Periodicals postage paid at Long Beach. CA and at additional mailing office. Canada PosllntemationaJ Publications Mail 1546615. Terry Marshal, Gales Creek, OR Nortons in the 1930s. When he started beating the factory ortons, they hired him to ride for them and his great moment was winning the 1938 SOOcc IT on the Isle of Man at a record speed on the first of the teleforked rear suspension, overhead cam Nortons which were later called "Manx Nortons." That Harold Daniell, a stubby, bespectacled, genial little man, could still win another IT in 1949 (the Grand Prix you alJuded to) 11 years after his previous win and after not racing for the war years and after that (1939 to 1947), well I think you ,should set the record straight that he retired not long after that first WID to go back to running his London'motorcycle shop. Unlike ~o many racers who ride after they shouldn't, Harold knew what it took to wrestle those "Garden Gate Nortons" around the TT course and he left the job to a younger generation of riders like Geoff Duke. Allan Johnson Ontario, Canada To show or not to show Go, Tommy I am a 14-year-old motocrosser from Molalla, Oregon. I have been a fan of Jimmy Button since I got my first RM80. I even have his old #34 on my 1996 RM80. When I saw the ads from the Xtreme open house at Portland Offroad Center, 1 talked my mom into driving me the 36 miles to see Jimmy the Thursday before the Washougal ational MX. I was very excited to meet Jimmy and get his autograph, and I brought my racing jersey and my mom brought her camera to get pictures of Jimmy and the PJl/Xtreme team. Well, we waited for an hour and no Jimmy. Then he called and said he was on his way from his hotel so we waited another one and,a half hours and still no show. It may not seem like a big deal to these riders, but if I was a Pro rider I would do what I said I was to do. Torrence Leftridge Molalla, OR I would like to congratulate Tommy Hayden on his great finish at the 15th round of the AMA Grand National Championship on the DuQuoin Mile. Tommy finished second in his heat and eighth in the main in what was only his second mile as a Pro Expert - racing with the best dirt trackers in the world. We have had the chance to meet, race and have fun with the Haydens; they are a nice family. See you at the races. . Mickey Lane ValJejor CA Since we live over an hour from the shop, I had to take off a half day of work to get him there to meet his idol, Team PJ1/Xtreme rider Jimmy Button. After waiting over two hours for him to show up, I finally had' to take home a very disappointed 12-year-old boy. Come on you guys, is it too much to ask for you to keep your promises? The kids look up to you. Harold Daniell While it is technically correct of you to say that "Brit Harold Daniell won the first-ever motorcycle GP and never won another," this does a great disservice to the memory of one of the best preWorld War II British road racers and tuners. Harold Daniell had a bike shop in London and raced on his self-tuned_ INSIDE Subscription rates: Rates for the United States and its posses-sions for one year, (50 issues~ $50.00; two years (100 issues~ S95.oo: six months, (25 issues), 526.00; trial sub (1S i sues), S19.OO. Canada and Foreign, one year (50 issues), $9(W); two years (100 issues), 517S.cXJ; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues), 538.00. ~ OJ ~ ~ Cycle News welcomes unsolicited editorial material including stories, C4lrtoons, photos, etc. Such material, if published, becomes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Reprinting in whole or part only by permission of the publisher. AdvertilY ing rates and circulation infonnanon will be sent upon request. See S.R.DS. .2:l W/BD'A 0.. VI...!".;.... AUDlTED . QRCULATION ~ Printed in U.S.A. 4 Co~yrightll Cycle News, Inc. 1996. Trademark. Cycle News tegJsten!d U.S. Patent Office. All rights reserved. Kevin Windham take warning - here comes Ricky Carmichael. As I understand it, Ricky makes his AMA National debut very soon. I was very impressed watching him at my local track in Milton, Florida, on August 17. He raced against our local "unbeatable rocketship" Ricky Palmer and won. He did this on a KX12S while Palmer and the rest of the Open money class were riding 2S0s. Beating Palmer is no easy feat. Having a few AMA 2S0cc Nationals under his belt, including the last Unadilla race, Palmer has a reputation of chewing up local Pros and spitting them out. Personally, I believe Ricky Carmichael has talent at least comparable or beller than most of the Pros riding Nothing missing I just returned from the Washougal round of the AMA ational Motocross Series. Great crowd. It's awesome to see the support the ationals are getting this year. Congratulations to Steve Lamson for his second championship and how about that 2S0cc war between McGrath and £mig? I mostly wanted to relay a story of my personal experience at Washougal this year. Due to the large turnout, and a pressing engagement later that Sunday evening, I bailed out two laps into the second 2S0cc moto. In my haste to make a quick exit, I left my briefcase on the trunk of my car. Three hours later, I arrive in Seattle - briefcase-less. I quickly called back to my off-road manager, Brian Fleck, and he informed me that he found my case near our Dunlop service trailer. The bottom line here is that some kind soul not only found the case but also took the time to deliver it back to our trailer. And everything was intact - nothing was missing. To this Good Sam I say, thank you. If you're a moto-head, I think you've at least earned a pair of 7S2s (call me). It just goes to show, motorcycle people are some of the greatest folks on this planet. Mike Buddey Dunlop Tire Corporation Buffalo,NY Buckley can be reached at 716/639-5319. We're betting at least 75 people will call Buckley and try to get free tires for "finding" his briefcase... Editor. Letters to the editor should be sent to Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90806-0498, faxed to 310/4276685 or Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to editing. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. All lellers should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number ... Editor. . ISsue 136, SePtember 11,1996 FEATURES CROSS COUNTRY POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 908OHM98. To determine the expiranon date of your subscription, check the four numbft'S 911 the first line of your addte5ll bbel. The first two digits ind.icate the l.1sl issue number you'll receive and the last two characters indicate the year of the last issue. Here comes-Carmichael the Nationals. He's going to be a great one. Good luck to you, Ricky. Give the others heck. Charles Herbstreith Mary Esther, FL MOTOCROSS Steel City AMA 125 /2S0~c MX ational World MX Report... Millfield AMA National 6 30 32 DEPARTMENTS EVENTS ..: CALENDAR Springfield Mile ROAD RACING Im01aGP Pocono NASB 18 24 LEADERBOARD .58 .59 ON THE FRONT COVER WANTADS 10 51 RESULTS DIRT TRACK 34 S9 IN THE PADDOCK 7S LOOKING BACK 7S Jeff Emig - 1996 AMA 2S0cc National Motocross Champion. Emig won both motos at Steel City to take the crown over· rival Jeremy McGrath. Photo by Kinney Jones.

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