Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 08 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'91 PWSO Brand new condition $900. (909) 359-7358. CA. (13().31) Ducatl 851/888 Electronic *~~:~~::~~~:~::~:~::~=.~ It. WA•••__ •••••••••••••_ . 54 ~===:=::=:~:::... .53~ ~....:r:..~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~=;;iA~:::=::=~ AirconIIInc....... .n Al.1.REDY ~_ ••_ ••••__._••••_._••••__.85 ~=oe:::=::::=::==::::: ArMran DIrt Bike, h:. ... Hondit.._.•.••..•__._••••_ _•. ~ sa Honda Mc*'f Ccwp .4liI AInerit:8n ..... l..JrnIIed __••_ _.84 ~MC~._ .._ _.__._ _74 AInertcan SuIukl.._.._ _ .__ .23 ~Y8fT1lllhl,~ .•.•_••._._•.••...••_•.8B ~ HondI __.._.__•.llI8 _ _ _._•. .•_ . _••__••71 ".,........,..•••_ _ 71l All( AnletIca, 1nc.••••••••_ 73 A\/Ol'l"" __...•..._ 73 ~ ~ •__•••••••7. 8«Ja'oedI ~ B.C., 11'IC. ==~::::::::::::::::::::::=.:~ a.n:r.1 Parta 78 s... ec:w. Bell ~~::::::::~::::~~:::~::~~ ProM Wofb_.._ _•_ _.._ _.... ee ~=~.~.:::::::::::::::: Proc.ra. Fen.:cI _ _ _ __ .87 ._.. _.ea Fast ~ M.-:.r::::. ~ lS __ l..Jne Produc:tlI FNF Rsdng .•._ •••_ HetmetI _ _ _._._ _._ _ ..74 _ ..74 n ~~s.Mce. FotTfW USA_. 71 71 ;75 BikeStaz. n 5:Cr~:~:::::::~:::~::::::::::::::::::~ =~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~~BtA:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ~~::::::.:::::. :::.2j cPC 85 C.R.E. Vnpotta Inc _ e8 _.._ ~ 84 ~..~..~~::::::::::::~:::::::::~:::::::~~ e.tb PIlrts ~ .•_ _ CMbon Tech _ .._ _ ..__ 54 _ ••73 ~'='::..~:::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 75 eo ll.oe 1I!S Cot'lcII* _ _ CMA.. CorneIic a.... _._ _.__..__ _ ~ ~ &;,-~~._ e.-M ~ _ 73 n :=._~:: ._..84 &::=:~=:~.:::::::==:::~ g=:=~::==:=:=-::::=~ : CycIiI PrcJ._ __ _ __..84 . Cyolo _ .•...•..._ .. ~~~=:::::::-~=~-=~7~ o.M KJril:_ o - t Only V _ 74 _ _.88 _ _ _ _ 71 0ICk Allin'. Vam.. Han. Knt. s..000 .87 ConnIe"'--' MX ~ .88 ~GruvwV~ 71 0ucIII ..__ _ _ _._ _ _ :J7.75 0uc:Id ~ _ _ __ 88 0unl0I:I TIte ._ 1g.88 OG~ ~s':ar;·H;o·:::::::::::::::::::~::::::::=::::::::::::::~ .... eo.. Cyolo ESC Btakn Ell ~ N. Atnerica , , , _ ..15 71 tr1 =~.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ServtoI_._._._.M _._73 _ .. _.78 ._M_._13 .. _ .58 Parting Out 1989 ZX7H 87 Polished clean liUed frame and swlngann, Carbon Fiber lender, complete plastic and gas tank. Perfect Sapphire paint. Engine with bad IrBnsmission. Much more. Kurt. (904) 531-()914. FL (330-32) ~=-·ySfi::::::::::::::::=::::~::::::~:::::::;; Tech c... Suspenslon _ 71 TICh Products ,..: ,~ , ~:;:.~:::::~:::~ TitInIum ~ -.&4 88 _ .. TNT~ __ __ __ _.75 .. ~ ~ =- ~HirWii'~C;;;;::::::::::::::~ ._.. .70 V....., tAd'lets .....__.._ ...._._.......--D4 Pat1s._ _..._ _•_ _ 71 ._ 78 wtleeI WOfIcs ... ~~~~..:=::.:::::::::1: _tIlS 74 70 e8 WOI1CS c:onr.ction Worb EndtR RIderNIER WotIcs ~•• 71 13 13 M ---- ~,- ~ - ~ ~, ICifiID~·PRODUCi': ORDER. FORM .••......... ·'·1 FiJI out completely and print dearly. Send order to: Cycle News Products, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 24 HR FAX Order line (charge orders only please) (310) 427~ Name Address ..:..... _-=-- Zip _ Laverda SFC 1000cc 1987 low hours, senior owned. $4,500. Days (916) 241· (331)-31) 1832 Eves. (916) 222-eo74. CA. Beautiful red body and gold frame, 10,700 miles, Conti pipes, K&N air cleaners, Rusaell brake Hnes and dutch. Cortlln seat. Showroom condillon, mlnL Asking $9,995. U.S.A. funds only, 200 models made. Vancouver B.C. Home (604) 872-2452 lax (604) 276-8679. CAN. (330-32) Exp. Date Credit Card Number Grand AM RS600 HonclafT. Knight Ex Ronnie _ , pristine $6,500. Mike. (818) 7662200 M-F 9-ll PDT. CA. (330-32) _ _ Cycle News Hats _ _CN "Tan Diamond" @$11.95 _ _ (s;.., M _ _ L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ I (1st oolor is hat top, 2nd oolor is hat bill) CN "Ll Green Diamond"@$11.95_ _ _ _White/BIad:.@$16.95(s;..,M_·_L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) on Fron~ "Cycle News" logo over bad:. arch 1995 VZF600 BODY parts. $450. for all. (7q8) 3392330. IL (330-32) 78 450 MAICO MAGNUM. Good condition, make oller. (801) 253-0358. UT. (330-31) '91 GSXR7SO Raceblke _ 1995 Husaberg 350 Fairings Fairings i=airings 5 Contact the fairing master. Suzuki. CBR, Kawasaki. Pipes, folks, lor aM makes. Chaapest lor whole ..... of anything. (718) 953-9427 or (917) 812·7981. NY. (330-32 1995 916 Parts Engne and electrical only (910) 832-0963. NC. (330-33) 1985 V·MAlt EXCELLENT condition, very clean, new rear lite, new battery, 20,000 miles. (814) 89t· 2988. 0Ii. (330-31) WANTED '81·'83 RM250 parts, '85 125 parts. (405) 672-8126. OK. (330-31) '94 9OORR, '92 ZX7 Parts Everything available. (701) 271-8714. NO. (330-32) 1991 GSXR PROJECT BIKE, clean, title n _ . (407) 348-8737. FL (13().31) '95 Husaberg 600 EJecbic Excetlent condition. Updated '98 motor, low hours. $6,200. (209) 838-1229. CA. (13().31) _ _ _Gray IRed@$16.95 Team Smitty@ @$11.95 _ _·_Gray/Black@$16.95(sw.:M _ _ L_ _ XL _ _ XXL_ _ ) MXJerseys '96 Honda 900RR L.qrt weight. quick retease $74.95. Dealer inquiries invited. (800) 426-0086. CA. (33O-33IP) Stock parts with zero miles. Pistons, rods, cartls., exhaust, Ignition and valvas. Make oller, leave IMS· saga. (330) 896-9006. OH. (330-31) Air-tech body, Fox, Lindemann front·end, stael lines, 364's, DAD exhaust. 520 chain. F_ races on molor. $4.500. (913) 357-7241. KS. (330-31) Cardholder'sName Embroidered M·Xl $15. XXL $16. Visa WC only. Plus freight. (800) 323-7734. AL (230-31/P) _ Payment method: 1:1 Check 1:1 Money Order, (sorry, no CODs) Olarge my 1:1 VISA 1:1 Mastercard ($5.00 minimum for charge orders) "CN " Cotton 100% Bent Shirts _ State Phone (_ _ ) ~ -'- City MMF Aluminum Uftstand _ .__.. _H ....,.. 810&. ~ SpeciaIIIIL _..54 ~~ / ._ _75 ... -- Ducati & KTM Sale 916,9OOCR & M900 Ducati's. 125,300 & 360 KTM's all at blowout prices. Ask Warren, Missouri (800) 530-5746. MO. (230-34) U.S. MM:::oIW~._ _ 7'8 _ . _ .__ _._....51 lJpstaMI Oycle_._ _.. _ _.. ee VMWha Maklr Corp - -: - last long at these prices. Fay Myers Motorcycle World. (303) 744-6632 fax (303) 722·3150. CO. (230-33) ~.-;;..._._. TWo WheM r: - - - -. - -.- ~ - - - Husky Parts at Dealer Cost Need parts for your Husky? Laroa inventory, won't •._ .._•.33.71 =~S:~:~:::::~:::~::::~~::::~ ~o.*·~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::1: 73.0UtIert On 77 ~~R&D~=::::::::::~~:::=:~::::::::::::sl·:: =.~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::fr . ~.Mig:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ _ _ SIlodca.•...._ 1995 Ducatl916! 2,000 miles street used only. No damage. Showroom condition $14,000./000. D. (413) 7338354. E. (413) 732~. MA. (330-31) Grumman with swing open doors. New paint, per· fect condition. Has everything to go racing. Oak, cabinets, work bench. vise. solvent tank, lights. Must see, like new. $10,500. (714) 861·5457. CA. (13().311P) U.S. TsubeId WCC~ M sa-w.. 3 funy adjustable circuits. 6 Baja ovarail wins RoeoelerlTy.Davis/Plesslngerli. Norton/Paul Krause. "There Is nothing close to Ir (818) 2486747. CA. (230-31/P) 88 84 _ _.__._ _oe w..n .... """'. __• __.._ .. _ •.. _ _.70 Honda. _.T7 _ _. _ _._._73 48 NIeMI ~ Ca'tMdt 7e ~ 0Xk:Ae Inc. __ 73 NofIl County V~ _ _ _ Nor1tl Texas V Nor1h WMI MaIco & CZ _ NotltlwesC 1nc.••_ _ _•__ 75 '85 E350 Ford Boxvan SCott's Steering Damper =-~~~=:=~=:::=:=:j; ='T='.~::::::::::::=~::::::=::::::::::::=:~ 87 :.- 70 70 ..57 EnginMrino VIIIDrix._._. .._ . _.._ _._.._ ..13.75 sv-r-. •.•_ _ ~~~.::;::::::::::=::::::::::::::::~:::::::~ Sb'J: PIIfforrnanl», Inc $tutgIlII RaIIV & 1nc. &Ideo 1nterfwtiOnaI UFO..._ . _ . _..._. --...---_ ... NI.tA... 78 ~~~::=::::::=:::::::::::::::::= Two BroGws AKtn; .. 74 Mc*:loC:rtles~~ .•_._•.•_ MyIst'. RsdiIdor_._._ _Cyolo NiMc:om D5 SIIac:Ke(. S&aMtII T~. =~.C;;;;;======::: Me*:! Ln _ 75 .._.__. _ +~~:===-.:::-~::::-.: TOfCO R-*'Q 0Is _ _ 70 =.~~:::::==:===::.::: Ml*l America, Inc. ._M ~_._ _ _ ~:'= ~;.::::::::~::::::::::::::::: :.=:-MCElfIW-:l~.::===-=.~ .17 ~ SlIter Ekos 74 74 78 71 MtC~__ Wanted H..Q MX250 Short Traetcar. Ready 10 ride or? Dietc eartson (817) 585-2409. MA. (330-31) 351 Tony 0 MX Sc:hoaI oe _ . . . . . , Mob'qde'Tft __ Mid CIislI Hondia K.-.Id _ .._ _ _..53 =~~_.__._ _ _. _ _--58 : ::=::::::::===: ~ 1993 Honda RS125 '94 up-grades, spare rim, rain tires, lois of extras, fresh motor, call Ed. (360) 896-8558 (360) 992· 8034. WA. (330-31) 17 7'8 IMgrun DiIdIution....._. New in crates ~Iele with Ca1b. & COL $1,400. plus UPS. (303) 744-6632 fax (303) 722-3150. CO. (230-33) 1993 Ducatl 888 SPO 5,500 miles, Termig. pipes, Chip, Braided lines, Caltxln fenders, rear brake kit, and more. Perfacl condition. $10,500. (310) 937-4636. CA. (330-3;!) 71 71 _ ~s:aL~::::::::::::=::::~:~::::~ __ 7. ~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ t:-=~~:::::.:::::::=:::::::~ ...c.c '96 CR125 Engines &.Ruki RM Cup ~~~~~~:~~::~:~~~:~ _ Suspension by Jake, excellent condition many exlras, vet owned, call for details. $2,000. (309) 344-2062.IL (130-31) &Jper Flow CofpotItlon J1l Los ~ Trtutnph. '91 VFR7SOF Perfect condition, 3,700 miles, red with Gold _Is. SS,5OO. (317) 539-5506. IN. (13().32) 1991 Honda CRSOO Exc. Cond. . _71 _ ~ ~~E,~~:::::::::::::::::::::S ~A==·~~:::::~:::::::::~::::::::~ L.arnson Porting ....... Cyolo_..•._ _. _ . _ __.._ _ SBS .. s.Js CotnmunIcattonI Shodt Thetapy _ _ _ ••_ ~ _ _ Sgectro OIls of AnwIca =~~:::::::::::::::::::::~ 75 Jude W...,. & ~ I-31) Fast, comfortable, Dynojet jet kit, Two Brothe~s exhaust, and stock exhaust, Black SpeedocrMn,' service manual, great shape, 20K I-tWY. miles. SS,lOOJobo. Must sell. (801) 833-6324. MS. (330-31) lIoIorSaie . '93 CBRlooo, '93 GSX600, '86-'94 ZX600, '85 FZ750, other modal. available. Call. (219) 4827820. IN. (231)

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