Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 08 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_y -....." 2SO """ 1. Todd "'""- ISuzt 2. DdWyto< (Hont3. john Hundomnuk (Hont c. lUck _ (Yam); S. Shannon -1Suz~ 500 AM: 1. K1' 'I'bano (Rlx); 2. Do"" Canwrioht ISuzt 3. BiD Mat\l8ek (Yam); ol. Joe Wippnfurth (Hon); 5. Crail Ven-oort (Hon~ VET, L Do"" <:artwripo. ISuzt 2. Rondy Ruffi (yamt .. Curt TUkll (Yam);" DIve IlanbolIh (Yam); S. TeD 80ftJrr (Kaw). SEN, 1. Roo Sd>ettJ (Kaw); 2. Un,- Ecka (Yam); 3. G'"5 ComoIod< (Rat 4. _ Priok (Yam); 5.... "'-"'" (Trl~ 2SO PRO: 1. Ceorp: lstvanrlt (Hon); 2. J«ftmy De.Ruyter (Hon); 3. Todd Kkuver (Suz); 4. Rich Janitch (Hon); 5. Mib Bertnm. (KIiw). 500 I'll(); 1. ... 'I'bano (Rlxt 2. _ """'" (Hont 3. Kurt _(Rlx);4. 1Ud< ..... (HontS.JohnH_(Yam~ 600 PRo. 1. _ """" (Yamt 2. ... 'I'bano (Rlxt 3. BiD _ (Rlx); 4. Don Paul (Rlxt 5. Kurt 80elhke (Rlx~ _y Smoday 2SO AM: 1. Todd 1CIeuv" ISuzt 2. o.Ruyto< (Hont3. John Hunckrtmarlt (Hon); 4. Curt Knitt (taw); 5. T.j. :uidl~ (Yam). SOO AM: 1. Kye Ybema (Rtx); 2. SIeve Forn!st (Yam); 3. John H............k (Yom); C. Jo< Wlpporiurth (Hon); 5. CnU& V",,_ (Hon~ VET: 1. Steve Forrest (Yam); 2. Randy Rum (Y~); 3. Tom 8ot'rger (K.1w); 4.)eff Wyma (lion); 5. Dave o.raboeh (Yam). SEN, 1. Ron Schettl (Kaw); 2. G"'8 Comatod< (Ra); .. !.any Eckes (Yam); 4. Steve Prisk (Yam); 5. Fred Pettis (H.O). 2SO PRO: 1. George )sty.nell: (Hon); 2. 8m Beyer (Hon); 3Brian JCrommy ISuzt 4. Brood Rosine (Yamt 5. DeRu,- _y (Hon~ SOIl PRO: 1. Rick Bred (Hon); 2. Bob Ybema (Rtx); 3. John Hundertmark (Yam); 4, Kurt Boelkhe (Rtx); S. Matt Kerscher (Hon). 600 PRO: 1. Jim Sumner (Rbc); 2. Rick Brett (Han); 3. 8ill (Rtxt 4. Brian JCrommy (Kaw); S. Don Paul (Ra). 150 PRo. 1. J'" SwnnO< (H·Ot 2. Geoop _ (H.I»; 3. Craig PoweU (H-O). State CwnpioMhl,. 2SO PRo. 1. Geoop _ (<0); 2. DeRu,- (26); 3. Brian JCrommy (22); 4. Todd KJeu"", (2lt s. Mib ......... (l9~ 500 I'll(); 1. 'I'bano P6t 2. IUd< .....

pf (JCTM); 2. Dous NoooJe. (JCTM);" c. Nonoajoon 1<- (\.EM); S. TyIO< Yod< (KN). 60: 1. Jimmy Hutl (K.Iw); 2..Jeromr ICItam8 pc.w); 3. Mark Hull (Hont c. Joot c...lwpf (Kaw); S. _ Woodro/f (Kaw~ l!lO BEG: 1.]oIh RyftI'r (Yam); 1. Ryan Manha (Yam); 3. ~yle }oko _ Ryttn' (Yam);" Tony £v.... (Hon); 5. M.a: Hull (Kaw). 80 JR: 1. Kenny Bell (Suz) 2. Tommy jNn (Suz); 3. Jnw McOonaId (Hont .. KmA - . (Yam); s. lID INT, I. . . . Boo""", ISuzt 2. FNddy Wri . . . - . . . (Yamt 2. T..... _ P... eaa.u.z.n, (Hon); 4. Rob IlIohop (Y"",~ (Hon); .. Ev_ s.}oNmy Ride at Redline on the Internet! with It had to happen· Cycle News is now !MIilable on the Intemet! Now. for the price of a local phone call. you can access Cycle . . . On,'- on the World Wide Web from any.vhere on the planet. FREE SOFTWARE! Through an exclusive agreement with Netcom. America's leading Intemet service provider. Cycle News readers can now receive the award-winning Netcruiser software FREE OF CHARGE which will enable you to easily access Cycle Ne_ Onll.... Netcom will waive the normal $25 Sign-up and registration fee and your first month will cost only $5! Then. for just $19.95 per month you will have unrestricted access. including the World Wide Web..usenet newsgroups. e-mail. FTP. Gopher. and more. Netcom is the nation's leading Intemet access provider with over 200 high-speed local access numbers. featuring nationwide live customer support. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. Co.e see whllt .11 the exclte.ent is .bout! CALL NOW 1·800·295·3004 .~. MJa»l ...ask for the FREE Cycle News software package* How ID Gd 'TMlt. Make it a habit! • Minimum system requirements for Netcruiser Software: 386/33 IBM . PC-<:Dmpetible. minimum 9600 Baud modem. MS-DOS 5.0. Windows 3.1. 4MB RAM. end 4MB of free hard disk spece. Credit card required.

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