Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WERA YInlIge Series NETRA TIIIlrey Awl Series _,OH,And16 Mcu1IMeriian, IN, And 17 - . TX, And 18 7tv GamltsviIIe, OH, And 19 Iv.l SI.mmit Point, WV, And 20 81. CoIIego Station, TX, And 21 812. Taladega, AL, Rnd 22 Gan8tlsviIIe, OH, Rnd 23 1v.l1 1v.l1·9/1 Hallelt, OK, And 2. Grattan, MI, Rnd 25 9/7 FeuIkviIIe, GA, And 28 9128 lOIS SI.mmit Poinl, WV, And 27 1019-10 _ , GA, FIIllli • dol.ilIe point race Info 4071631-7736 7120-21 BI2S 918 !lI15 AdIms, IotA Gatmef, IotA N. HaYeIt1iI, NH _ _,IotA 1~13 Wic:hendon, IotA Central Village, CT 6129 ·7/6 717 AHRMA HiIloric Cup Series 711&-21 I.elcinglon, OH 11I9-11 SouIh Haven, Ml !lI1. Sleamboat Springs, CO 1~..a TaIadega, Al 1r*l7151642-9699 AHRIIABIIW Cl8Ilc Cup Series 7/19-21 I.elcinglon, OH Info 7151642-9699 •' AHAMA SOSIBOTI BEARS Series 7/19-21 l.exinglon, OH 11I9-11 SouIh Haven, MI 1~..a Taladega, Al Info 7151642-9699 AHRIIA VIntage Iron NaIIonII IIXSeries 6129 717 Peoria, It CeI1sbad, CA 7fl!J Lexinglon, OH SouIhwicI<, IotA 8110 9/13 Sloamboat Springs, Co lMO HoIIis1t!<, CA Info 7151642·9699 AIRIA Sp.t • Sperl TriIIII Series Peoria,IL &!30 7113 Oonner,CA 7121 Lexington, OH !lI12 SleaIrboat Springs, CO 10112 White City,lL 10119 HoIister, CA Info 7151642·9699 AHRMA Classic Bike Magazine e-t Track Series 6129 &!30 Peoria, IL Peoria, IL Woodspon, NY 7tv HarIford, MI 8110 9/11 Hayden. CO 7151642-9699 "*' AHRMA MIdMst RegIonal Ill( Series 6129 7114 7fl!J 9/1 9/21 lOIS 10119 Peoria,IL Mnchell, IN l.esingIon, OH Denma~WI MiIIIlglon, MI Des Moines, IA Casey,IL lml.l~l AHRMA Western RegioneI Ill( Series 9122 10113 11/3 FemIey,IN Carisbad, CA Tulare, CA Inlo~l. AHRYA WllItem Regional e-t Track Series 711. 7119 8118 10110 8I8ntwood, CA, Rnd 6 Quincy, CA, And 7 Hollister, CA, And 8' Del Mer, CA, Rnd 9 Ramona, CA, And 10 1~11 10126-27TuIare, CA, Rnds 11 &12 Info 818/992·5343 NETRA CIanpionship Endwo Series 7121 !lI11 918 ilI'29 11l1S lMO 11/3 OJdOId, IotA Gnw1YiIe, IotA _,IotA Wrettwn. IotA Adams,1otA a-,CT SlalfOId,CT NETRA Chmlpionship Hln SCIIIllbIeI Series &!30 717 7/1. 712Jl 81. 8118 8125 911 9115 9122 10113 1~ 11110 Chelsea, VT Union, CT Windsor, IotA E.~,CT Somport, ME Union, CT CllesIInl, IotA lM7 NETRA Championship Junior Enduro Series 7/6 Iv.l 8110 8117 812. 9128 10112 1~ 1112 1~19 G_,1otA ~1otA 1lrinfieId, IotA Aosonent, IotA AIlon, M-i W_,1otA Tonopah, IN Las Voges, IN Gooc*nan,MS Breezy HW, LA R_,Al Jemison, Al MapIesvile, Al SERA Hare ScrambIell Series 212 219 Goocinan, MS McComb, MS Warrior, Al MapIes';iIe, Al MapIes';iIe, Al _ Augusla, MS Wiggins, MS VOmA YIIltage Classics IX Dirt Track Series 6129-30 Gambtidge, MN 7/5 Lake Odessa, MI 7/13 Rapid Cily, so Casper, W'{ 7114 Norton, KS 7/26 Otdahoma Cily, OK 712Jl 8110 Sturgis, SO 8112·13 _,KS Erie, CO 8/31 Hugo, CO !lI1 9/7 CoIumbos Junction, IA 9/1. Lexinglon, OK 10112 Del Mar, CA 1011. Del Mar, CA Info 9181B36-6999 Black Jack EndLI'o Circuit 1~13 Collins, Me Honr;elIe, OK SliIIwaler, OK 1lY29 ~,OK 918 9/22 RMEC Championship Enduro Circuli 7/1. Rand,CO 81. WocxIand P~ CO Gunnison, CO 8125 9/15 Post. TX Cloudcroft, NM 11l1S Info 30717.2-4136 NMRA DrIg Race Series FaJlen,1N 7/13 !lI1"15 Palmdale, CA Phoenix, 10Z TeA 11/9 Palmdale, CA Info 8181367-4417 canadian Supen:ross Series Practice/Qualifying 9AM Racing IPM rain-or-shine - ...... AIr. Plus u.s. Womens SRAC Colorado NIIlionlII SX Motocross Team Support Race Series 7fl!J Colorado Springs, CO 8/17 Grand Junction, CO 812• Briittfon, CO 9/7 TeA Info 1lOOI2.2-6581 • July 20th & 21 st Plus AMMllslrict 37 Grand PrIx Series l:1lJULUlllLl ----, Amateur Summer Classic 1~ Castaic Lake, CA 1119-10 Gonnan, CA AMAIU.S. Women's IIX Leegue 0Uld00r ClwnpiOlIShip Series July 19th & 20th 7120-21 ~NY Washougal, WA 8117 Iv.ll·!lI1 Steel Cily, PA Located 5 miles north of Berlin. NY 30 miles south of NYS Thruway Exit 31 (Utica) Mld-Allantic Vintage Trials Series Toronto, OH 8110 .9/7 FanandsviIIe, PA Toughkenamon, PA 11l1S Info 41M75-7209 !ICC. I FTA Trials Championship Series For More Information: (607) 965-8784 Crooms, FL &!30 Yamaha Sunshine State Championship MX Series Dna, FL &!30 Dade Cily, FL 717 7". -.FL 7121 Orlando, FL 712Jl Daria, FL Ona,FL 8/18 Dade City, FL BI2S 9/1 -.FL Orlando, FL 918 Dna, FL 9/15 Dade City, FL 9/22 Info 4071333-2356 FIorlda Vet Championship' Series 8111 Orlando, FL Florlda~ ChImpionship Series 6129 7113 7tv 8117 8/31 911. 9/21 Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL QIlando, FL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL EARA Atlantic Cup Series 6129 7/13 717 7tv 712Jl 8117 ~,VA _ _ Bloomfield, PA Bloomfield, PA BelaYia, NY _ Bloomfield, PA 918 9/21 BedlOld, PA _BIoomIiokl,PA 1IllS 10119 Bedlonl, PA Hamplon, VA 1112 Hamplon, VA 11/3 Info 3011791·2046 LaPlaya Grand PrIx Ill( Series 8/11 Rosarito, BC, Mex. Rosarilo, BC, Mex. 1016 Rosarito, BC, Mex. 12JB Info 011·52-&;1·22525 No. CaUf. MIni Road RacIng Assoc. C'shlp Series ~1otA 1~12·13 ~,CA AlIon, NH 11/16-17_,CA Info 9161722-5517 o.m Cotny, NH Colorado Springs, co _,CO AwoIa,CO Ber1holrld, CO Cheyenne, W'{ Colorado Springs. CO Ber1holrld, CO CIleyenne, W'{ Colorado Spmgs, CO 1~12·13 TeA Info 1lOOI2.2-6581 UVSC, P.O. Box 5 I 19 Edmeston, NY 13335 (909) 943--e535 CllHRQOCC HK SATURDAY NIGHT RACING PractJce 5:00 pm RKe 6:00 pm RKe cInMs for aI' .."..., sat., June 29lIl Super 6 Contillgellcy IS sat., JvJtv6111 Super 6 COlltillgellCY 16 No PI'IClIc:e No PI'IClIc:e SIt., July 13lh Tws., July 1611I SEPARATE Open Riding Practice TUMday & Thursday Nights Motorcycle Onlyl (909) 657-8845 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm PeE WEE TRACK Loc:IiIId 3 .... e.a 01215 Fl• • • y On IlImonI &prill IV lillie ug """' FIIrgroundI , Wednesday Nights MiniS Only' 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm NeW. saturday Mornings All Bikes 9:00 .m . 2:00 pm Seulons for Mlnlsl Pee Wee T,.;k A'-ys Openl central Florida MIC DeaIeIs Series W. GtIonwich, AI ~,KY AMAPro Motocross National ,J~ .. Championships ;, • July 21, 1996 ChampionshJp Series _,Duebec 9/21 Inlo .161363-9035 6129-30 ~,CA 7113-1. ~,CA ~,CA Iv.l-4 812..25 ~,CA _,CA 9/7-3 W.~,R1 IBmI &!30 711. 712Jl 81. 8111 !lI15 9/22 ilI'29 11l1S Union, CT SERA Enduro Series !lI1 10119 11/17 1211 1119 &\I SRAC Colorado MX 1217 ~,IN Info 7WID·ST75 &!30 8/11 9/15 1016 11/3 Palomar, CA ANerside, CA Penis, CA ilI'29 10126-27 Rosamond, CA 1112. Perris,CA 1211..15 Riverside, CA Inlo 909167..5357 The Ford 125ccl250cc 711. Union, CT SeaIsport, ME Best in the Desert SlIver StIde Series 9/21 CIIRRA socc..l25ce C'ship Road Race Series 7tv 8117 8/31 911. 9/21 Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Orlando, FL . . (901) 153 41M2 KORR Hare Scrambles Championship Series S1e1;:: 0;:' 19tr.... ~O'h ArlA So QlJJldl('1 S. p' Z2nej GI~1l Helen R ICP"J l~

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