Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Foreigners steal Guam gold By Mark KarlyaIDlrt Rider SANTA RITA, GUAM, JUNE 1-2 Racers from the Phili ppines and Japan won most of the more prestigious classes, but Guamanians still ended up with a number of victories at the annual Marlboro Pacific Off-Road Championships held at Guam Raceway Park. The motorcycle championships consist of three events: two supercross motos on Saturday, a two-hour "enduro (more like a western grand prix) on Sunday morning, then two motos for each class on the short track Sunday afternoon. The most impressive rides belonged to a young Japanese motocrosser, who begged to remain unidentified for fear of penalty by his country's federation. He nonetheless came away with two big wins and a third to earn the honor of top motorcycle racer for the weekend in this H once-a-year event. Shell-sponsored Yamaha rider Glenn Aguilar of th.e Philippines found himself unable to keep pace with the Japanese racer in the two }.25cc Supercross motos and relinquished the ,title he won the year before. "Back home, I was preparing for the 2S0s, because J graduated in the Philippines from the 125s,"he said.(He won the 19S Philippine 125cc MX championship)." When they invited me here again, I was preparing the 250cc bike. but they said, 'You have to defend tl,e (l25cc) title:" '1 don't have practice (on the 125s re<:enlly) so J borrowed my friend's bike," Aguilar said. When 1 came here, I didn't know how to use the 125 again - J think irs a 250; I have to find the clutch and everything - irs hard:' Nonetheless, Aguilar emerged the victor of ilie 125cc short track event and teamed up with countryman Jolet Jao for the 250cc-dass win in the two-hour enduro. One local (iliough he now lives on the island of Saipan) who did the hometown crowd proud was Cuci Alvarez. The defending co-champ in the 125cc Enduro, he and younger brother Peter ended. up third in that event this time, trailing the winning Japanese team and the young local team of Patrick and Steve Santos. However, Cuci (pronounced "cookie") did run a strong second in the USee Short Track and won ilie 250cc Supercross. "This is the event of Guam, where we invite offisland competitors," said Alvarez. "Racing here is not a Pro deal; it's just out of the sheer love of ilie sport, just for ilie fun of it. That's why we do it." Indeed. Six of the Alvarez clan raced (including father Ray, who got third in the twohour buggy event), with mosttrophying. Results Supercl'08J P/W 80: 1. Joson Fongelinan (Yam); 2. Matthew Cruz (Yam); 3. Boss-Boy Alvarez (Yam). P/W 50: 1. Jeremy Herring (KTM); 2. Tomas Pangelinan (Yam); 3. Cud-Boy Alvarez (Yam). 80: 1.105On Dumas (Kaw); 2. Gerard Perez (Yam); 3. Tim Kautz (Hon). 125: 1. Anonymous (Yam); 2. Clenn Aguilar (Yam); 3. Steve Santos (Hon). 250: 1. Cud Alvarez (Yam); 2. Jess rangelinan (Yam); 3. JClhn Atoigue (Yam). VET: I. jame! Cepeda (Suz); 2. Kim Aiken (Yam); 3. Dave Kaut%(Kaw). One-Hour Enduro 80: 1. John Cruz (Kaw) 18 laps; 2. Tom Akigami 17; 3. Matthew Guzman/Gerard Per&{Yam) 15. Two-Hoar Endaro 125; 1. Anonymous/Hido;o Too (Yam) 42 laps; 2.. Steve Santos/Patrick Smtos (lion) 42,; 3. Cuo AJ,·arttJ Pete Alvarez {Yam) 4L 250: 1. Glenn Aguilar lJolet Jao (Kaw) 40; 2. Peter AguonJRou Alvarer. (Yam) 37; 3. John AtoiguelJess Pangelinan {Yam).'!S. VET: 1. Jam" Crpeda/Dave Kautz (Kaw) 37; 2. Robert GapuinlJoh.n Gapasin (Yam) 36; 3. IGm Aiken/Dave Herring (Yam) 36. ShortTrad: 80: 1. Jason Dumas (Kaw); 2. Geraldo Perez (Yam); 3. Matthew Guzman (Yam). 125: 1. Glenn Aguilar (Yam); 2. Coo Alvarez (Yam); 3. Hido;o Too (Yam~ 2.50: 1. Jolet Jao (](aw); 2. John Gapasm (Yam); 3. Anonymous Japanese (Yam). Felicio tOPS Auburn Speedway 25-lapper ByM. Sober AUBURN, CA, JUNE 7 Fonner Aattrack racer Chad Felicia survived ilie rigors of fatigue to claim the win at ilie inaugural Fast Fridays 25-lap, 12-bike speedway Handicap main event. Ian Ferris, Chad Felido, Rich Marcucci and Vance Felicio assumed their norma] positions on ilie 20-yard line, while Malt Becker and Harlen Bast Jr., normally stationed on the 30, found ·ilie.mselves on ilie 6O-yard line due to the double-yardage handicap a-"signed in this event. Tommy Hedden and Pat Linn were the only 80yard participants. Fifty-yard veterans Louis Kossuili, Jimmy Sisemore, Bob Hicks and Bart Bast were stationed just in front of tum hvo on the back straightaway, a distant 100 yards from the green Aag. At the start, Ferris took the lead with Chad FeLicio, Vance Felicio, Marcucci and Harlen Bast Jr. spread out ju;'! off his rear tire. Unn was ilie first to retire as his GM expired on the first lap. Next out was Becker, who rolled to a stop on the infield after only two laps. Kossuth, Sisemore and Bart Bast approached ilie group by lap six, while Tommy Hedden and Hicks had also made similar progress. Leader Ferris, meanwhile, had his hands full keeping Chad Felicia at bay. By lap 14 Marcucci worked into third place but soon (ound himself on the ground when he crashed - directly in Hedden's paili. Hedden laid his Jawa down as a result, and so Kossuth inherited third and Sisemore took over fourili. At the front, Ferris finally succumbed a few laps later to the pressure exerted by Chad Felicia as he let his challenger past on the inside groove. Still running third at iliis point was Kossuth, though he departed a short time later with a crClsh in turn three, the victim of numbing arms. With just four laps to go the now-secondplaced Sisemore was stationed just where he iliought he wanted to be - right on Chad Felicio's rear fender. Unfortunately for Sisemore, Felicia held his line and took the victory. "He's an ex-flat tracker," said Sisemore, "1 guess I should have tried the outside on him:' Bart Bast, Hicks and Vance Felicia filled the top five. Results SCR: 1. Bart Bast Oaw); 2. Jim Sisemore Oaw); 3. Bob Hicks Oaw); 4. Louis Kossuth Oaw). HOCP: 1. Chad Felicia (Jaw); 2. Jim Sisemore Oaw); 4. Bart Bast (Jaw); 5. Vance Felico Oaw). 1J.2: 1. Ian Euary; 2. Bill Newby; 3. Matt King; 4. CecU WatlIOn; S. Kim Darwauh; S. Chris Neves. 1J.3~ 1. Greg Mattox; 2. Defk Silva; 3. Bob Peters; 4. Scott Olney. JR: I. Bryan Yarrow; 2. Matt Proto; 3. Billy Janniro. JR 0-2: 1. Jay Heidt; 2. Tony Martinez; 3. Ray Linn. Fast action at AHRMA vintage motocross By Dick Archer NEW BERUN, NY, JUNE 8 The roUing hills of New York state came alive with the sound of thunder as nearly 300 entries tore up the grass~covered Unadilla motocross facility during round eight of the AHRMA/Vintage Iron National MX series. Many bruising battles took place throughout the day, but the high-speed action was in the Sportsman 125 and 250cc Expert classes. Pennsylvania pilot Darin Emswiler turned in the fastest lap times of the day aboard his '74 Honda CR in ilie 250cc Expert class winning both m'?tos in convincing fashion. In the first 250cc mota, Yamaha-mounted Ri.chard Shipman powered out the holeshot up and around the tower, with Emswiler, Jim Greenleaf, Doug Wentzell and the rest of the mob in tow. Emswiler soon launched his scooter past Shipman, taking the lead for good. Greenleaf held on to finish clUrd. CZ rider Richard Field spent the moto working his way up from a poor start and by ilie last lap had managed to catch and pass Wentzell and Dan Corley, who took each other out going over a jump. Field took fourth as Corley was able to quickly remount and finish fifth_ In mota two Emswiler and Shipman went at it once again. Emswiler took the lead after an elbow-to-elbow first-turn skinnish with Shipman and put in a solid ride for ilie win. Shipman and Field fmished second and clUrd overall. The 12Sec motos were harrowing as Bryan Muscavitch won mota two, undoing Emswiler's first-mota victory and taking the overall_ As the gate dropped in mota one, Ohio's Carl Mabrey and New Yorker Bernie Kohler nailed the first corner wiili the lead, but that didn't last long. Emswiler and Muscavitch, both aboard CRl25s, flew past ilie leaders and scurried off in a battle of their own. Emswiler held off a charging Muscavitch the entire moto for the win. Muscavitch finished second, about three seconds off the pace. ray Kinder got the best of Rick Rosseter and Mabrey to take third. In mota two, Muscavitch took the holeshot .and the lead, but on his tail were Kinder, Emswiler and Bobby Kuhnsman. Lap after lap they were all close, but Muscavitch 'smelled victory. On the last lap he rode like a madman up the big back hill and took ilie win and the overall. Results SPTSMN: 1. Bryan Muscavitch (Hon); 2. Darin Emswiler (Hon); 3. Jay Kinder (Hon); 4. Rick Rosseter (Han); 5. Doug Wentzell (Hon). SPTSMN 125 INT: 1. George Tenian (Han); 2.. Bill Naz.elrod (Hon); 3. Craig Borders (Hon); 4. Scott Nkholas (Kaw); 5. Stephen CWe(Hon). Honda Elslnore-mounted Damn Emswiler (291) turned In blistering lap times on the way to his win in the 250cc Expert-claas win at Unedilia during round eight of the AHRMANlntage Iron motocross series. SJ7I'SMN \25 NOV: 1. Will Marrin (Hon); 2. Chris Hill (Hon); 3. Mike»;esdd (Hod); 4. Terry O'Rourke (Pen). SPTSMN 250 EX: 1. Darin Emswiler (Hon); 2. Richard Sh.i~ man (Yam); 3. RkNrd Field (CZ); 4. Daniel Coley (Ou); S. Doug Wentzell (Yam). SPTSMN 250 !NT 0-1: 1. Dick Strenkowski (C·A); 2. Bruce Bowman (Yam); 3. Scott Nicholas (Kaw); 4. Jay Wilson (Han); S. Paul Havir (Mai). SPTSMN 250 INT 0-2: 1. James Way (Man); 2. Norman Smith (Yam); 3. Craig Borders (Han); 4. Stuart Besser (Sui); 5. Tom Hurd (Hon). SP'TSMN 2.50 NOV: 1. Eric Brillo (Yam); 2. Chris Hill (Hon); 3. Wayne Zwicker (Suz); 4. John O'Hara (Yam); 5. Adam Krux (Olls). SP'TSMN SOO EX: 1. Dave Hurley (Yam); 2. Richard Field (CZ); 3. Dave Goyer (Mai); 4.. Mike Robin!on (Bul); 5. Doug Wentzell (Yam). SPTSMN SOO INT: 1. Joe Light (Bul); 2. David Tucker (BSA); 4. Peter Pilalki (Bul); 4. Eamon Massett (MaO; S. Jay Stuiso (BSAl. SPTSMN 500 NOV: 1. Mark Strassner (Bul); 2. Glen Kuykendall (Mai); 3. Tim Cleora (CA); 4. Peter Beard (CZ); S. Fred LaVance (Bul). • SPTSMN 1W EX: 1. Tom France (Han). SPT$MN TW INT: 1. Rich.Baulch (Yarn); 2 Dennis BleviN (Tn). 125 EX: I.John Ziska (HUS); 2.. john ShafTil (Hon~ CLSC 125 tNT: 1. Richie Baulch (Mon); 2.. John Wemsdorier (Ric); 3. Jeff Henkel (Hus); 4. Rick. Jones (Pen); S. Dennis Blevins (Hod). CLSe 125 NOV: 1. Terry O'Rourke (pen); 2. Mike PieiCki (Han; CLSC 250 EX: 1. Steve Tucker (BSA); 2 RobertPsole (BSA). 250 !NT: 1. John Gallager- (GRE); 2. Paul HlIViT (BSA);3. Craig Corcoran (Gre); c. Marc Comut (BSA). 500 EX: 1. Steve Tucker (BSA); 2 Alex Moroz (Tri); 3. John Hart (BSA); 4.. James Smith (BSA). CLSC 500 !NT: 1. Dave Tucker (BSA); 2.. David Light (But); 3. Jay Stuiso (Tri); c. Dave Rope!" (Gre). ClSe 500 NOV: 1. Dennis Brown (Gre); 2. Matt Ben50fl (HU5). PREM SOO EX: 1. Robert Pook! (BSA). PREM SOO INT: 1. Marc Cornut (BSA). PREM L/W INT: 1. Robert Trueworth.y (Bul). 30+ EX: 1. Mike Robinson (BuI); 2. Richard Shipman (Yam); 3. David Hurley (Yam); C_ Jay Kinder (Hon); 5. James Greenleaf (Hon). 30+ INT 0-1: 1. Joe Light (Sui); 2. Eamon Massett (Mai); 3. Tim O'Rourke (Han); 4. Steve Clare (Han); 5. Mark Williams (Mon; 30+ tNT 0-2: 1. Norm Smith (Yam); 2. Jim Way (C·A); 3. Dick Strenkowski (C·Z); 4. St-e Mickel!lon (BSA); S. Eric Kellner- (CZ). 30+ NOV: 1. Russell McCallister (C·A); 2. Erick Brillo (Yam); 3. Wayne Zwicker (5uz); 4. John O'Hara (CZ); 5. Peter Conley (Hus). 40+ EX: 1. Eddie Lambert (Suz); 2. Carlos Escudero (Mai); 3. Ron Smolinka (CZ); 4. Kim Burrows (Mai); 5. John Han (BuI~ . 40+ INT: l. Spencer Balentine (pen); 2. Joe Adomaitis (Mai); 3. Mlc.hael Zimmerman (Kaw); 4. Rick Jones (Pen); S. Roy Maley (Mai). 40+ NOV: 1. John McMiollan (CZ); 2.. William Martin (Bul); 3. ~hllip Beard (CZ); 4. Deborah Poole (CZ); 5. John Rauchfuss (CZ). 50+ EX: 1. Jeff Smith (C-Z); 2. John Sharra (Suz); 3. Robert Tapscott (Hus); 4. Robert Hayes (Suz). 50+ INT: I. Roy Maley (Mai); 2. Ted Grabowski (Mai); 3. Robert Trueworthy (Bul); 4. Bernie Kohler (5uz). 50+ NOV: 1. Ray Rondinella (CZ). '15-78 EX: I. Rick Rosseter (Yam); 2. Joe Lurch (Suz); 3. Karl Baumann (Yam); 4. Ed Blewett (Hon); 5. Mark Kielty (Kaw). 75-78 INT: 1. Daniel Way (C-A); 2. William Plante (Suz); 3. Joe Lapchak (Yamn); 4. David Boast (5uz); S. Peter Rodriguez (Hon). 15--78 NOV: 1. Martin Lee (Suz); 2. Gary Gardiner (Suz); 4. Mike Palamarchik (Hon). WMN IJ\.'T: 1. Deborah Pook! (CZl. WMN NOV: I. Kay McCallister (yam); 2. Debra Narayan (Han; asc Carsten triples at Hurricane Hills Motocross By Thorn Veety CUFFORD, PA,JUNE 1-2 Bromley Suzuki-sponsored Barry Carsten was the big winner at Hurricane Hi.lls Sports Center during round two of the Northeast MOtOCTOSS Oassic, taking home the gold in iliree classes: 125cc Pro-Expert, 250cclOpen Expert and the Over 25 Expert classes. New Tersey rider Chris Hunter was a double class winner, with wins in both the 125cc Amateur and Schoolboy classes. while Kevin Brodsky took his Yamaha to wins in both the B5cc (14-15) and ilie Super Mini classes. Mike Baker took his Honda to the front of the pack in the first mota of 125cc Amateur action. Teny Finkle gated second with Kurt Robbins foIlowed by Chris Hunter, Eddie Kunitz and Nick Sears. Finkle and Baker battled for the lead wiili Finkle taking the lead at the halfway point. The lead was to change again just one lap later as Chris Hunter powered his Honda to ilie lead and was gone. Finkle held on for second, followed to the checkers by Robbins, Baker and Kunitz. Dyno-Port-sponsored Suzuki-mounted Joe Hargett grabbed the holeshot in mota two with Robbins, Hunter, Baker, Finkle and Kunitz all in the lead pack. Hargett slid out in a tight comer on lap three turning over the l~ad to Hunter, wiili Finkle, Robbins and Baker all getting by before he could remount in fifth. Hunter held on with a 10-second lead at ilie finish. Finkle took second, followed by Robbins, Baker and Hargett. Bob Kiniry jumped to the early lead in the fust65cc (7-11) class wiili 1995 Pee-Wee National Champion Mitch Dougherty second, followed by Ryan O'Laughlin, Jason Lawrence, Chris Wagner and Jesse Gilbrith all in the chase. Kiniry was able to hold off Dougherty for four laps before giving up ilie lead on lap five, O'Laughlin held a steady third with Gilbrith taking over fourth from Lawrence on the last lap. Mota two was the Mitch Dougherty show as he grabbed ilie holeshot and was gone, leaving Lawrence, Kiniry, O'Laughlin and Wagner battling for the runner-up spot. They finished in that order. -Results 250/0PEN EX: 1. Barry Carsten (Suz); 2. Eric Reilly (Suz); 3. Jeff Yentzer (Kaw); 4.. Chad Kresge(Suz); 5. David Kratz (50%). • 125 PRO EX: 1. Barry Carsten (Suz); 2. Steve Hernian (Suz); 3. Chad Kresge (Su7.); 4. joel Dengler (Suz); 5. Jeff Ycntur (Kaw~ 65 (7-11): 1. Mitch Dougherty (Kaw); 2. Bob Kiniry (Kaw); 3. Jason lawrence (Kaw); 4. Ryan O'lauchlin (Kaw); 5. Chris Wagner (Kaw). 85 (12·13): 1. David Ginolfi (Kaw); 2. Casey aark (Yam); 3. Shane Bartholf (Hon); 4. Jeremy Cook (Kaw); 5. Jerry Suits (Hon). 8S (14--15: 1. Kevin Brodsky (Yam); 2. Joe Dr:llaversanc> (Hon); 3. Mike Dougherty (Hon); 4. Jeremy Welch (Sur); 5. Jason Fedo (YAM). 85 (1-11): 1. Patrick Simpson (Suz); 2. Dennis Ge1att (Yam); 3. Jesse Gllbrith (Kaw); 4. Jack Carpm~r (5u%); S. Billy Heddin (Kaw~ 37

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