Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Left) Gennan Danny Theybers motored his Honda CRSOO to third overall for the day at the Dutch GP with consistent 3-4 motos. (Below) Past SOOcc Champion Jackie Martens rode like an animal at the GP and was widely criticized by other riders for his rough tactics. He finished fourth overall for the day with a 5-3 tally, and moved up from 18th to 10th In the point standings. World Championship 250Cc MolQCross Series Round 7: Finnish GP AM flQtty 1tMMt.1a M HEINOLA, FINLAND, JUNE 16 arnicq Bervoets registered his fifth consecutive overall victory with two clear-cut wins in the Finnish GP to extend his lead over American Tallon Vohland to 55 pOints. Defending champion Stefan Everts lost yet more ground with a second moto DNF after finishing fourth in the opener. The GP was run one hour earlier than usual to allow the teams to catch the ferry from Helsinki on Sunday evening. They had been stuck in Scandinavia for two weeks after an original date clash with a major stock car race in the Finnish capital forced a one-week postponement. Bervoets is totally dominant at the moment, but there is a small glimmer of hope for the opposition as the next round in England is at a Foxhills track where the Belgian has never bettered a fifth-placed moto finish. 1:N Finnish 2S0cc GP Heinola, Finland Results: June 16, 1996 (Round 7 of 13) MOTO 1: 1. Marnicq Bervoets (Suz); 2. Jocke Karls on (Hen); 3. Tallon VohJand (Kaw); 4. Stefan Everts (Hon); 5. Werner Dewit (Suz)j 6. Pedro Tragter uz); 7. Kurt Nicoll (KTM); 8. Sandre Puzar (Hon); 9. Yves Demaria (Yam); 10. Jaimy Scevenels (Hon); 11. ..o.n. off Stefan Everts is ·due to contest the· Belgian 1250c GP and ..locke· the track becaus.e there is. a much great!'r danger of crashing if pne of those. tiits me· on the arm whether rm we~ljng a shirt or not:" Healey. Kiuisson the Swedish SOOco" GP.· while. Pit Beirer is SCheduled for responded In ·typically. flamboyant fashion. ripping off his .shlrt. and throw:boththe i25co·and·SOOcC·Germari GPslaterfn the season. . . . ' . ing it In the face of the official. ·Fuel consumptior>was. a major concern In the D.utch GP: Big· tanks were Traillpas Pai'ker was a ~on.an1val. The American, not ·satisfied·that he . the rule rather than. the exception. but many knew that they might stili run ·ou.t. Th~ KTMs IQokec! particularly vu.lneraple. but in. the !'nd· Q~ly ·two. rid-· can ride for podium finishes again this summer after suffering back injuries · ers - Bsigi~n Ci)ris J.acbbs. whjle running Sixth. anc;l Dar:nian King,. ; Hh, in .in March. Is reported to .have-a"anged with ·lils sponsors to stop raCing· this year and forgo payment If they.promise to back him in ·1997: '. race ·two. Gf' winner Gies!:lers. wl\o had borrowed a standard 363 KTM. said. "I have done· several 4U-plus-two motos.on similar tracks here 10 the a~ea· and I can't make It even with the 3.4-gallon enduro tank. We have· Franco: Rossi was absent a.fter injuring a knee while prac.ticinQ In Lom'. . blown It up to 3.8 and· hope it is enough.' Mike Healey had a· 3.9:gallon ·mel during the week.. tank. but"even· that" might" not have prplled enough for the throttle-happy· Calif.orniar. ·"1 rode wltli.a S.4-9allon tan.k In Lommel this week and ran dry ·ShaYne King·s factolY KTM fearured new eiectronlcs. to c~ntro·1 the exhaust valve system.· .. . in 39 ml~utes .." he said. . . . . , .. arrl). . . . .Pro.Grip. leam b;,ss Graham Kent was at lea~t ~pping the .cha~ces of a . non-stop ride with his machine preparation. ".One of the·major problems In the. sand when the air temperature is ·also hi9h like today Is that the fuel is !:lolling already. In the tank. rye Insulatep the tank with an asbestos foil. material like' they use in Formula One pehind th.e drivers seat•.•• Kent said. The experienced mechanic also brought his dual air fiiter system. into play. on race day because of·the danger of a blocked filter if racing in the pack.. .. KTM title candidate ShaY"e King;.a lot more delicate on the throttle.. .was..confldent-that·lils 3.4-gallon standard enduro tank was enough. 'I · have been. using les·s than 2. i gallons for 40· minutes ·In cansuinptlon .te?ts: he said. Even. champion Smets·was apprehensive.· "I expect" to use at ieast two gallons here under norma.l clrcumstances.·so I ·can't afford any spillage. Our tanks only· hold· 2.2 g~llon~." t\1osi teams were· also ·Ioaklns to 'prevent ol/emeatlng. With additional air fiow to the radla' tors. cutting hole~ .at the rear base of the front fender io direct additlo·nal . air.' Gerald Deiepine was a spectator in Holland and. said. he hoped to return to action at the next round. "The right ankle I broke In Austria In April healed a few weeks back. but at my first race back In Belgium I broke a bone In my left ankle," h.e said. . FIM fuel tests were carried ·out In HolI'lnd. It was nice to see that the two riders supposedly chosen at random were the title candidates Joel . Smet. and Shayne King. l\Jo one suspects either of cheating. but . expensive tests on riders who·finisn,. say, 13th. and 22mJ are nothing short . of. ridiculous.. . . . ' American Bo.b Moore crashed in F.rance· during t~e week and broke a small bone In the right foot. f:le is recuperatin9 In. America and will mis~ the "British 125cc·,GP. . . After an· Ineffective attempt to retum··from Injuiy at ·the indonesian GP; Claudi9 Federici was a non-arrival In FranGe. )t is not clear whether. or not ~e \lVili tJe at f o x h i l l s . · . · D~rryll King r~lumei:l to action witH a specially made brace for his right thumb. having broken a. bone at th·e base three weeks previciusly. ".I went· T~e Ital·ian TM f~ctotY hav~ Signed up· .Luigi S~guy .and .X·a~i.; to a hand sp·e~ialist in Antwerpen and he arranged the cast for me." said .. Colomer·to flllln.for the injured MoIssimo Bartolini; They both raced top sjx ·In F,rance: .... . . King. "It cost $30d and Is specially reinforced .'at the ·case· of the .thumb , . . . . .

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