Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Saturday night many of the riders attended an informal banquet at the Checkered Flag restaurant at the Speedway infield. A raffle was held, and a lot of fine products were given out to lucky winners, with the raffle proceeds to benefit the sponsoring club, Merrimack Valley Trail Riders. Jerry Randall of Valley Motorsports in Northampton, Massachusetts, helped present a check for $13,200 to CF, raised by the participating Honda dealers. Finally, everyone was treated to a IS-minute story told by honored guest Ogilvie of American Honda about the time he and Chuck Miller won the Baja 1000 after literally riding the rear wheel off his XR628. Sunday morning the riding group gathered again, this time at least an hour earlier, in deference to the club's instructions to get an early start on the 150 miles of trail. It was Ogilvie, riding the XR400 grand-prize bike, Mark Jenks of Popoli Honda, Jerry Randall of Valley Motorsports, Jim Dover of American Honda, and yours truly. Running contrary to normal procedure, we were actually ready and on the trail by eight in the morning. We were told the first 36 miles were the best, and not to be missed, so we dived in and found a very different course from the day before.·Where Saturday's course was mostly two-track, we were now discovering the club's stash of enduro trail. Much of the land seemed lower as well, and although we didn't have much in the way of bad mud (too many rocks!) there was plenty of standing water in the woods. They were right; it was plenty of fun for an experienced rider, but when we checked our time at the end of the section and found we'd spent over two and a half hours going 36 miles, we knew it was going to be a long day The next 30 miles were surprisingly similar to the first 36, which shouldn't be surprising to New England natives. There is a long-standing tradition that says the reason New Hampshire doesn't have any enduros is because the trails are too tough. They are challenging, but at least in a trail ride you can take your time and think your way through the most difficult secti9ns. Certainly, without all the rain, which was still spitting down occasionally on Sunday afternoon, it would have been a very different ride. Still, very few discouraging words were heard. Our group unfortunately had to start skipping trail sections in order to get the contest bike back and at least wash it. We got back to the speedway just in time to be 10 minutes late for the drawing of the winner, and Joe Higgins of Dorchester, Massachusetts, was standing there with a big grin on his face, regardless of what the XR400 looked like. Hey, at least he doesn't have to break it in, or worry about scratching it. After nearly 230 miles of riding over two days, we were spent. We washed the bikes, loaded up, and pointed toward the closest Dunkin' Donuts for a bucket of coffee. Yes, it was a workout MVTR rides always are, as far as I know - but we were definitely satisfied. Another tip of the hat has to go to Neal Lorenzen, trail boss and chairman for the ride, for a job really well done; and to the MVTR for giving him the room to do it. Also to Gary Galleher from American Honda, and Honda dealer Rupert Dance for getting the huge list of Honda dealers together in supporting this event. All in all it was a first-class job, and one that should be on every trail rider's to-do list every year. ll'I r-----------------------------------------------, 0 ~ ~ YES! Start my subscription immediately to Cycle News. One year/50 issues for $38.00. ~ ~ Order Form That's over $87.00 off the regular newsstand price! (Please fill out completely and print clearty) Name -'-- Address City Phone Send Order To: _ _ State _ _Zip Order Date @Jill ~ _ _ P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 TOLL-FREE SUBSCRIPTION HOTLINE (800) 831-2220 24-Hour FAX Order Line (310) 427-6685 L~~ This Is a 0 New SUbscription 0 Renewal Please bill me one payment of $38.00 Bill me three EZ payments of $12..67 each Check or Money Order Payment Enclosed o o o o Charge my credit card 0 o Card No. _ _~----------Signature Exp.Date _ _ . One Year (50 issues). 2nd class Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countries $78.00 (US Funds). 1st class and airmail rates available upon ~~~ ~

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