Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 15 of 83

MOTOCROSS · . AMA N ational Championship 1 1 S M 2S2 pcc XSeries Round 5: Budds Creek MXPark (Far left) Pr ivateer Buddy Ant unez (22) had a caree r-bes t r ide in t he 125cc class, f inish ing t hird o ve rall with a 4-3. He also won the Skoal Rac ing Pr ivateer Cha llenge Aw ard in th e 125cc class, as d id Jimmy Button in the 250cc class. : (Left) Jo hn Do wd (7) grabbed se co nd o verall in the 125cc class wit h a 4-3, while Tim Ferry (20) suffered in the heat. (Ho n); 2. Kevin Windh am (Yam); 3. John Dowd (Yam) ;.4. Buddy Antunez (Kaw) 5. Michael Craig (Hen): 6. Chad Pederson (Kaw ); 7. james Dobb (Suz); 8. Jeffrey Willoh (Ha lo) 9. Robbie Reynard (Hon): 10. Brian Deegan (Hen): 11. Scott Carter (Hon): 12. Timmy Ferry (Suz); 13. Tom Budds Cree k MX Park Budds Cree k, Maryland Resu lts: June 16 (Round 5 of 13) Clowers (Suz) 14. Ezra Lusk (Suz); 15. Rya n Huffman (Ho n); 16. Michael Brandes (Suz); 17. Davey Yezek (Suz); 125 MOTO 1 (30 minutes + 2 laps): 1. Steve Lamson (Ha n); 2. Mickael Pichon (Ka w) : 3. Buddy Antu nez (Kaw) : 4. Jo hn Dow d (Ya m) ; 5 . Scott Shea k (Suz) : 6. Cbad . Ped erson (Kaw). 7. Ezra Lusk (Suz ); 8. Jam es Dobb (Suz); 9. Timmy Fe rry (Suz): 10. Robb ie Reyn a rd (Hon): 11. Michael Cra ig (Han) ; 12. Kevin Windham (Yam); 13. Brian Deegan (H e n): 14. Ped ro Gonzalez (Hen): 15. Michael rry Brandes (Suz ); 16. Tony Lorusso (He n): 17. Ba Carsten (Suz ), 18. Jeffrey Willoh (Ho n); 19. Scott Carter (Ho n ); 20. Tom Clo wers (Suz ): 21. Larry Brooks (Yam); 22. Steven Herman (Suz); 23. Davey Yezek (Suz); 24. Cory Keeney (Yam); 25. Ryan Huffma n (Hon); 26. Mike Metzger (Suz); 27. Ryan Ter leck i (Ho n): 28. David Kratz (Suz); 29. Ryan Du ff (Ho n): 30. Josh Demuth (Yam); 31. Brad Woo lsey (Kaw); 32. John ny Onis ko (Ha n); 33. David Harri s (Su1'..); . 34. Kim Ashkenazi (Hon ); 35. Terence Kenn edy (Ha n); 36. Michael Brown (Hen): 37. Jim Chester (Suz ): 38. Shane Sla ther (Yam); 39. C asey Johnson (Kaw); 40. Tom Welch (Yam). 125 MOTO 2 (30 minutes + 2 laps): 1. Steve Lamson 18. Cory Keeney (Yam); 19. Tom Welch (Yam); 20. Davi d Kratz (Suz) ; 21. Josh Dem uth (Ya m); 22. Rya n Terlecki (Hen): 23. Larry Brooks (Yam); 24. Shan e Slather (Yam); 25. Steven Herman (Su 7o); 26. Brad Woo lsey (Kaw), 27. Johnny Onisko (Hon): 28. Scott Sheak (Suz) : 29. Davi d Harris (SU7J ; 30. Jim Chester (5uz) ; 31. Ryan Duff (Hon); 32. Mike Metzger (Suz): 33. Michael Brown (Hen): 34. Pedro Gonzalez (Hen): 35. Casey john (Ka w ), 36. 13

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