Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I':EdIted byKeIIh BiIsh EVENTS ·:' ·· I (Left) Joe Crippen (219) pursuee Mike Halpin (42) en routs to victory In the Sportsmen Intermediate claae In the last AVDRA motocross of the seaeon In Grande , Arizona. (Below left ) Bobby Schwartz (left) won the Penhall Classic at Costa Mesa Speedway In California. can tapes drawing McConnell with him. The infraction was cha rged to Faria an d he was out. It was an u npopular call as everyone wanted to see Faria race bu t th e rul e is clea r and the refe ree stuck to his guns. The secon d try was a clean sta rt and they all hit the first turn close enough to shake hands. They were still ru nni ng tigh tly packed as th ey exited four but Schwartz had a slight lead on the field wit h McCo nne ll, hu ggin g the Pv c. secon d . Lucero was riding double with McConn ell and Northrup wa s by no mea ns out of it in four. Schwartz continued to ma inta in a lea d and Lucero tried everything short of throwing rocks to get around McConn ell. Nothi ng wo rked an d four la p s w ere gone in a h e artb e at wi t h Schwartz claim ing the victory. McConnell was seco nd , Lucero, third and No rthrup fou rth . Results SCR: 1. Bobby Schw.rtz (Wes ); 2. Shawn Mc:Connl"1I (C O N); 3. Sieve lucero (GO N ); 4. And y No rth ru p (Jaw) ; 5. Mik. Fari a e Oaw ). CONSI: 1. luh n Adl'n O;aw); 2. Lance Kin~ (Wes ); 3. Charlie Vlmt'ga!l Q.lw); 4. Ga ry Hicb (WM); 5. ja ke Zem ke (Wl"!I). SOCAR: 1. C. Den nen /S . Cole (Yam); 2. S. Morrow / C Mag ~n (Suz); 3. R. Loeffers / A. Fimbres (Kaw ); 4. D. St_lt'/ D. King (CON). SUP: 1. Mike Re ad (Wes ); 2. C h arlie Coo ley (Ja w ); 3. Ra nd y Sk inne r (Jaw); 4. Cra i ~ DePh illippi (Ja w ); 5 . Ke n Ha nsen (Wes). DeHoop dials Dutch Sport MX By Larry Witmer Mother's Day MX ends AVDRA season By Mark Hayzlett CASA GRANDE, AZ, MAY12 The most successful season of the Arizona Vintage Dirt Racer's Association was wrapped up at Judd Raceway, where a record turnout of spouses no doubt had something to do with it being Mother's Day. Even though temperatures exceed ed 100, 34 riders participated in the final event where the club now ha s had three race s this season. The track is owned by a true race enthusiast who also has a clay ova l track and a su percross-style course on his property. Most of the motos on the special Vintage track brought out the best of some riders w ho aTe not accustomed to the winner's circle , and su rprised those who have been there often . John Rogers took his seco nd wi n this season on his Yamaha MX2S0, edging ou t speed ster Da le Whe lan in the popular 30+ Novic e class. Chris Reed dominated the Sportsman Novice division with h is Suzuki TM400, while relative newcomer Terry Mendel gave chas e for second. The previou s day, Mike Neal had attended a motocross school put on by David Boyd stun, and Neal u sed wha t he learned not only to lead his class on Sunday but also to take the flag ahead of all the big Premier bikes - riding a Suzuki TMI25. With the steady turnout of active racers and a 20-percent increase in club membership, th e AYORA has managed to ro und ou t promoter's racing sched u les with mo dern bik es and take advantage of open weekends at vari ous facilities with Vintage-only eve nt s, The succes s of the 10race '95-'96 Vintage Motocross series ow es much to the cooperation of the Arizona racing promoters, AMS of Tempe, and Vintage Hu sky of California for its part in the Cat-Zona Cha llenge. Results 5 PTS MN NOV: 1. Dal e Wh e ; 2. Ch ri l Reed; 3. To m Mike Ne a l; 5. Mikr McGough. 5PTSMN tNT : 1. Ryan Dicbon; 2. Gil Whitakt>r; 3. '( l(" Crippen; 4. Tom Rogel'fl; 5. Tim C urtis. 5PTSMN EX: 1. Darren Cu rt ill; 2. MikEo Halpin ; 3. Kt> vin Krugh; 4. Gil Whitakt'!'; 5. Ed Zo md. N O V (30 +) : 1. Mik e McGough; 2. Da le Whela n ; 3. To m ~ra; 4. Joh n ~; S. Steve Haa KRoKt'n; ~ . 2 1 (.30+); 1. Ryan Did.'ltm; 2. Gil Wh itaker; 3. Tom Rot;:ers; m 4. Ken Lusk; 5. J(WC rippen. 30+ EX: 1. Kevin Krugh,; 2. Gil Wh itak et ; 3. Tt'd Mink ; 4. Mike Ha lpin . NOV (40 +) : I. Mike Hara rou r t; 2. A ls ton Ne a l; 3. Te rry Mendel. 4. Ed Ellis; 5. Bruce Buchanan. INT (40+): 1. John Ho lto n; 2. Tim C urtis . EX (40+ ): 1. David Boyd!ltun; 2. Ed Zomell; 3. Joh n Sco tt . NOV (50+ ): 1. Jim Wil!lOl\; 2. Glen McM inn; 3. Sam Mink ; 4. Bud Hotchkiss.. EX (50+ ): 1. John Scott. PREM NOV : 1. jim Wihon; 2. Mikl' Haracourt; 3 . Da ve Chrone; 4. Gll'n McMinn; 5. Mikt' Bower. PREM 1 l'.'T: 1. Ryan Did!lOf\. PREM EX: 1. David Boyd!ItUn;2. Jo hn Scott. 125 CLSC NOV : 1. Ma rk. Ha yzle tt ; 2. Aid 5 una mi; 3. P;lul Shoen; 4. Tom Hull ; 5. Chri s l..ivl'lIi T NT: I. Ken Lusk; 2. Dicluion; 3. Ma rk Hay125 zlt't1:. 125 EX: 1. David Boyd stun. 125 SPTSM~ NOV: 1. Ch ri s Reed; 2. Mi ke Ne al; 3. Matt Har.rourt; 4. Da n JOf\e'!l; S. JeTTY Morri son . 125 SPTSMN INT: 1. Don Ruffin; 2. John Kova lcik. Schwartz comes back at Costa Mesa Speedway By Elaine Jones COSTAMESA,CA, MAYJ7 Bobby Schwartz, who h as been absen t from Costa Mesa th e past few wee ks, made his return in grand style Friday nigh t by winning the Penhall Oassic. It didn't take long to see who the ma in players were going to be. After one round of three of Scratch racing, St e ve Lucero, Mike Fa r ia , Schwartz and Gary Hicks ha d logged a win. When th e second rou nd had been completed Lucero was the on ly rider undefeated. and Lance King, Cha rlie Venegas and Shawn McConnell were add ed to th " mi x. Th e th ird and fin al roun d had Schwartz, Faria a nd McCon nell repe ating. Lucero who also had two wins wa s in a four-wa y tie with th e oth er three as a ll had garnered II points. With one spot still needing to be filled it we nt down to the last heat, and Andy Northrup w ith two seconds and a th ird rounded out the mai n-event field . Schwartz d rew the pole with Faria next to him in two . McConnell was in the center in th ree fla nked by No rthru p an d Lu ce ro in four and five . Con troversy broke out before the tapes ever we nt up. Faria got in too dee p an d hit the BLOOMINGDALE, MI, MAY 1HZ Todd DeHoop took the overall win at the ope ning motocross eve nt at one of Michigan's old est MX facilities, Dutch Sport Park by Red Bud . In the ope ning moto of the 125cc Expert division Kell y Sm ith p u t h is YZ into the le a d. Rounding the fir st corner be h ind Smith w as De rek Gayhea rt. To d d DeH oop w a s third, Michael Cole fourth, and Ahm ad Owen s fifth . Jay Wagn er wa s down in th e firs t comer , but qu ickly re joine d th e race. Smith es tablis he d a five-second advantage over Gayh eart , DeH oop had Gayhea rt in his sights and pinned it go ing toward s th e fini sh -line tabletop jump, takin g ove r the runne r-up slot, Wagner had worked his way into fifth by th e end of the first lap . Third-lap action saw DeHoop pas s Smith in the stad ium rockers for th e lead . Smith hounded Del-loop and ret ook the lead going through the tricky infield step-u p jump ar ea. DeHoop took it back in the sa nd rocker area when Smith got ou t of rh ythm. Wagner had moved past Gayheart for fou rth and got by Cole for thi rd on the fifth lap . Wagner set after the lead ers, but ove rjum ped and piled into the tunnel jump. Smith retook the lead on th e se ven th la p going toward s th e finish -line tabl etop jump, using th e insid e line to block DeHoop ent ering into the right-hand corner . Smith was jubilant taking the win, DeHoop crossed closely in second, Wagner recovered for third . Wagn er grabbed th e second-moto holeshot, w ith C ol e se co nd , Gay h eart th ird , DeHoop fourth, and first-m ota win ner Smith bu ried in the field. DeHoop mad e qu ick work of the tw o ride rs in front of h im . Wagner h eld a sm a ll a d va nta ge ov er DeHoop completing th e fir st lap , Ga yhea rt two secon ds back in third, and Smith mov ing th rou gh th e pack to be in sixth . DeHoop sa w hi s cha nce e xiti ng the stadium rocke rs, takin g the inside line and block -passing Wagn er. It wa s all DeHoop after that. Tw o da ys of racin g had taken its toll on Wagner, who was on hi s eigh th moto of the weekend . DeHoop took the win, and Wagn er held off the ad van ces of Smith for second . Resu lts WM.'\l: 1. Katie Jean (Kaw); 2. Lisa Wa gner (Stu). AUTO: 1. An thony lennin$;-"(Yam ); 2. Bn"tt Wa p1' (Yam ); 3. Rodney Ot' Miller (Yam ); 4. Michael Loy (Yam); 5. Mimal'l lRwis (Yam ). AUTO (4-.'1): 1. Ron Mitche ll (LEM ); 2. Brett Wagner (Yam); 3. An thony lennin$;-" (i.. IM J; 4. Tyler Murray (LEM): 5. Tom Fisher (KTht ). AUTO (7-8): 1. T.J. Auten (Cob); 2. G ran t MotI'l and (COO) 3. ; Mike Mitche ll (Cob); 4. Bob Loire (Cob) ; 5. Dt-rek Wright (Cob) . 80 C: 1. Willy Vander (Yam); 2. Ion ~an (Yam); 3. Chris lrey (Kaw) ; 4, ZachBeeke (Kaw); 5. Kt't'gan M)'t'T!I (Hon). 80 (7.1): 1. Eric Baird (Y;am); 2. Tom Osm ialowski ("-w); 3. Kody Kolilor (Yam); 4. Cory McDmnitt (Suz) ; 5. Andn-w Ingl es (Suz). 80 (12·15): 1. Brand on Sprin ~lt'ad (Hon); Z. Rand y Woodring (Yam) ; 3. Jon Sa nde rs (Ka w); 4. Joshua Spring!lte ad (Hon); 5. Mikry Tumblom (Suz) . 65 (7. 11): 1. Eric Baird (Kaw ); 2. Kody Kohtor (Kaw ); 3. Malt Cow (K.. w ); 4. Kirk. Newman (Kaw ); 5. Eric MilleT(Kaw ). 250 C: 1. Denve r Ru!lllt"l1 (H on ); 2. Bru ce Sht-ller (Yam); 3. Bra d Su llivan (Ka w ); 4 . Ada m Pa p ra n pc (Suz); S. B. JDhn50n ( ). 2SO B: 1. Mark Bnld ley (Kaw); Z. Kri th ~r (Hon); 3. ~ DPwer(Hon); '" 'elfCu pp (H on); 5. Tony Cre!lpo (Kaw ). 250 A: 1. Ja y Wagner (Yam ); Z. Kelly Smi th (Yam ); 3. Mark. Fran khn (Kaw ); 4. Ahmad Owens (Hun). 16-24: 1. Mik.e MI'n.'lin~ (Hon); 2. Matt Myers (Hon); 3. John C illiam (Su z). 125 C: 1. Jacob v aed ee (Hon); 2. O m ck Gek1e (Suz); 3. Justin Regnergll (Hon); 4. M.att Da ke (Suz ); 5. J.allOn Shimmell (Suz). 125 B: 1. Ch ri ~ Lowell (Suz); 2. Ryan Dewey (Hoo); 3. Matt Myers (Hon); 4. John lukallik (y am ); 5. Pelt' Sas~no (5 uz ). 125 A: 1. Jay Wagnt"t' (y am); 2. Kelly Sm ith (Yam); 3. Ahmad Owens (Hon ); 4. Mike Ml.n.!lingt!r (Hon); S. Tom Kirk (Y.m). · 125 (12 -15): I. Lu ke C rPn1land (Suz); 2. Alan Sa nd ers (Yam); 3. Chri s Briesmeister (Su:z); .... Brandon 5prinf;!'tt'ad (Hon ); 5. Iascn Vieno l (Suz) . 40.;. : 1. George Gilliam (Suz); 2. Tom Co le (Kaw) . 35+: 1. Frank Helm s (Kaw ); 2. DOU Barrett (Kaw) ; 3. Ste\'e R Bates(Yam); 4. Jim Gira rd (Hon). 30+ ; 1. Larry Witm er (Suz); 2. Todd Flickenger (Kaw); 3. Rod Seibert (Ha n ); 4. Barry Buell (Kaw); 5. Bob jenema (Kaw) . 25+ ; 1. Ja y Wagner (Yam); 2. Larry Witmer (Suz ); 3. Todd Ai ckenger (Kaw); 4. Bob 1homas (Kaw). 0-500 NOV : 1. Delalll.")'Rand (Yam ); 2. Jeff 5 tre fling (Hon ); 3. D ua ne V ei e t.'ltt'. (H o n ); 4. Mik e Kipp (Ho n); 5 . Brian Babri ck. (Hon). 0-500 B: 1. Bria n Seeger (Hon ); 2. Dartt'll Ben tle y (Yam); 3. John ny Banner (H on ); 4. LH' H eirnger (Hon); 5. Mike McMann (Hon). 25+ ; 1. l ohn C rewe (5uz); 2. l ay Wagner (Ya m) ; 3. Todd DeHoop (Su z); 4. Bobby WaKf\er (Suz); S. Cluck Hamillon. 30+ ; 1. John C rew e (Suz) ; 2. Bllbb y w agner (Suz) ; 3. Chuck. Hamilton (Yam); 4. Tod d Fliden ge r (Kaw) : 5. Don Weim er (Kaw). 35+: 1. Rick.Wa lswort h (Yam); 2. SWvIP Bates (Yam ). 40+: 1. Frank. Helms (Kaw); 2. Go rdon Baird (Suzl; 3. C.eorge Gillia m (SUZ) .... Don DOl,", (Suz); 5. Martin Murph y (Hon ). ; 125 (12· 15): 1. Ch ris Briemei !l er (Suz); 2. J.II.!lOn Vienot (Suz ); t 3. Casey Wood (Kaw ); 4, Alan Sandt'Tll (Ya m); 5. G rPg And rew s (Yam ). 125 A: 1. Todd DeHuop (Suz); Z. Kelly Smi th (Yam ); 3. l.a y Wa~(Yam); 4, Derek Ga yheart (Hon); 5. Mike Cole (Suz ). 125 B; 1. Ch ris Lowell (Suz) ; Z. Rya n Dew ey (Hon); 3. Chris Brjes meiste r (Suz ); 4. Srot Poland (Hon) ; 5. Matt Mye rs (He n ). 125 C: 1. Matt Dak.e (Suz) ; 2. M il.. ' Ely (Suz); 3. Pat Ingles l (SUZ); .... Ia son Shim'" (Suz) ; 5. Ch ris Owen (Hon). 16-24; 1. Matt Myers (Hon); 2. Scot Poland (Hon ). 250 A: 1. Ke lly Smith (Yam ); 2. Jay WaKJlef'(Yam. 250 B: 1. Kevin Dewe y (Ho n); 2. Bob Sm u tz (Yam); 3. Ma rk Brad ley (Kaw); 4. Keith Sft>ger (Hon ); 5. ScotPolan d (Hon). 250 C: 1. Den ver Rus~1I (Hon ); 2. Eric L.1nlcton (H un) ; 3. Brad Sullivan (Kaw); 4 . RU!I.'I Do m browski (Ha n ); 5 . Ran cal Ne lso n . (Hon). 65 (7· 11); 1. Wayn£' Dennis (Ho n); 2. Mar c M.lnl l")' (Kaw) ; 3. Adam Co le (Kaw); 4. J~ Penrod (Kaw ); 5 . Malt Walsworth (Kaw). fW (1Z-15 ); 1. John Penrod (Kaw); 2. Jos h ua Springstead (Hon); 3. Randall Woodring (Yam); 01 . Ion Sanders (Kaw ). 80 (7-11) : 1. JOI' Penrod (Kaw). 80 C: t . Zlckary Beeke (Kaw); Z. Jus tin Bates (Yam); 3. Kyle Kf'a rche r (Kaw); 4 . Jon loRan (y am ); 5, Keq;an Myers (Hon). 80 (14. 15): 1. Mikey Tumblom (Suz); 2. Jon Logan (y am ). AlJrO (U): 1. Tom Fisher (KTM); 2. Brittany Pa rtin (LEM ); 3. Ash lP.)' Phelps (KIM ); 4. A.I. AlIl.'Shou.. (i.. se IM ). AlITa (7·8): 1. Larry Pa rtin (0*'); 2. Micha el Loy (KTM) . AUTO (55): L Andrew Kitz m ille r (Ya m ); 2. Mich at'l Loy (Yam). 51MINI : 1, Brandon Spri nWltead (Hon). OPEN D/ C; 1. Tim Ritch ie (Kaw ). Fesler finesses Reddick MX By Ky le Myers REDDICK. FL, MAY 12 O ve r 270 rid er s com pe ted in the 10 rounds of the Yam a ha Su n sh in e Sta te Se ries h eld a t Motocros s of Marion County, whe re John Fesler used a little luck a nd co n si stency to w in the Open Mone y class with a 1-3 tally. In th e firs t Ope n Money moto, Ant hony Pocor obba gr abb ed th e early lead with Justin Jackson, Jason Dodds, Tod d Gardner and James Joiner follow ing. Halfway into the opening circu it Jack son 's chain fell o ff an d Gardner fell, moving Dodds, Joi ner and Fesle r into the top four p laces, Fester then powered by Joiner who was rid ing the onl y 125 in the field o f 250cc machines for third. Meanwh ile, Pocorobba now enjoy ed a huge lead over the pack as the race neared the end . Fesler pressured Dod ds for the ru nner-up spot and mad e his move on the stepup jump. Pocorobba sailed ove r th e tabletop jum p and looked to have the win in the bag, but he did n't cros s the finis h -line ju m p after th e tabletop and left the course, Fesler crossed the finish line nex t th inking he finished second, but after the moto he was told he won. Dodds, Joiner, Gardner an d Jackson round ed ou t the top five places. Pocorobba recei ved a DNF for the first moto. In moto tw o Jackson led the field into th e first turn with Pocorobba , Fesle r, Dodds an d Gard ne r giv ing chas e. Jackson woul d lead the entire moto wi th Pocorobba on his rear fender. Pocor obba tried sever al times to make a pass bu t Jackso n wa s rid ing a great race an d wo uld score the win over Pocorobba, Fesler, Dod ds and Joiner. Fesler 's th ird place in the second moto was good enough for the overall win. In other racin g action, Jason Thom as won all six motos in the 125cc B, 250cc Band 16- to 24year -old classe s for a perfect day of racing. Results P / W BEG: 1. Tim Prin cipato; 2. Devin Sabawr; 3. Jt'SSf' F r~ man . pP /W (U ): 1. T.J. Rionnelli; 2. Dean Dyes!l; 3. Cody Thorn .'IOn; ... . Kyle Key lon; 5. Mikr Nicolini. P /W (7-9): 1, Kyle Chisholm; 2. Jim Ke ys; 3. Ricky Ren ner; 4. Cody Nl"rl; S. Don Solley . 60 (5-8) : 1. Kylt' Chi :.holm; 2. Jim Keys ; 3. Ch rill Haack; 4. Trey Thomp!KJn; 5. G",.-; Race. 60 (9-11): 1. Goer kr ; 2. Barrett Sm ith; 3. Da vi Millsap!! 4. ; Dale Kump; S. Cody Roth. WMN: 1. Brianna Millsaps.

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