Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Order from the gre a test selection of motorcycle video tapes available FREE SHIPPINGI ~ MOTOCROSS (I162B) '91AliA Nat'l IIX Season Review Follow the 13 stopson the1991 AlIA Na tional MX Senes as MikaKiedrowskiduels with Guy Cooper tor the . , plate ('7) The Evolution of lI0t0cross tilIe hono..; 250cc andSODcc aclJon follow thadominance ther the story 01 motocross' 01 J,M. Be Gary Samics has put toge yleovar SIa_, Ward, and Bradshaw. Appro" early day" highlighting 52 years of European and 2 hours (2·!ape package)1rom Powe"POr1S Vidao $42,95 . rs American racing. From the days when British dinosau ruiad the roost 10 Jeremy McGrath on h~ CR250, you'U (1162C) '92AliA Natl IIX Season Review ' see nan in thi, 95minuta vidao Irom Gary Semics Vidao. Thedefillitivevid aorevi w 01 the1992 AlIA National 125, e $42.95 250& 500Motocross Series. Narratad by I.aJTy Maers: 90 (" 2) Dirt Devi . l Roger DeCoster dissec1s some 01 thegreatest MXballlas: Axton '90 wlCooper YS. Kiadrowski; Budd" Craek '90 w/Stanlan 'is. Ward: Mt. Morris '91 wlS tanton 'is Bradshaw; Millvilie '91 w!Bradshaw vs Bayle; Washougal '92 wlSwink vs. Emig, Add,tional 'Hot Shot,' locus on techniques tor starts, passing and some spectacu lar crashes . Narration by larry Maiers; 60 minutes trom Poweo;ports V_ . $33.95 minutes from Powa"POr1S Vid S34.95 ao. ('1620) '93 AliA Nat .IIX Season Re 1 view Follow thehigh/IghIs 01 the 1993 outdoot Nationals in an 3 classes trom Southwick, Gainesville, Sacramento. Ml . Morris, Unad Buchanan, Gien Hele Troy, II IDviIIe, illa, n, Washougal. Delmont andBinghamlOn in the chase forthe 125 ,250 and last...., 500AlIA Na!ionai !IX aowns. 90 minutesIrom Motovidao, $24,95 (I162Ej1994 AliA NafL IIX Season Review (1650)1994l1otoeroll de. NatIons Narralad by Larry Maiers, "s all here-highlights of the After 13 yaa.. 01 w1Ming tha ~"01 motocross,the entira 1994 AMA 250cc National MX Champ ionship Amelican team came up second to the Bntish champs. Selie,. 60minutes Irom _ a o. $24.95 You'D see how ~ happened in this 9Q-minute show from M _. $29.95 oo,OIs des Nation . (165 1995 1101 E) Great Britain sioppod theUSA's winning streak in '94, but the strong Belgian taam ma 1995 theirtum after a 15de year wail. Seejusthowclos Taam USA came 1 taking ~ e 0 back. 90 mll1lJfes Irom Duke Video USA. $34,95 (167) 1995 World125ccIIX Series RevIew Follow theentire '95World Championship MXSenes, from the stifling hea 01 Italy 10 the nai-bmng clincher in Ger· l l many __ just 3 points separated dynamic haliansPuzar & Chiodi. 90 minutes Irom Duke Video USA. $34.95 SUPERCROSS eoo.. TOURING AND ROAD RIDING (I10BA) SO YA .. 01 DaylOna (I153Fj 199511I._. AlIA NatIonaIlIX 400 ,000_ descended on Daytona for the 199 1 Round 1301 25Dcc actionIrom the19th amuaIHigh Pan 50th anniversary 01 Bik Week, See the "Main Street' & e Na!ionai !IX in III Mocris, Pamsytvania 47minutes from Harley scene from the biggest year ever. 60 minutes Motovidao, $24 ,95 producad byPanacom IromProgressive Design $22.95 (I154F) 1995 Budd Crook AliA NatIonaIIIX '. Round 14 01 250cc action from the Budd" Creek AMA National MX "Maryland . 47 minulas ftrom MOIOvidao. $24,95 (1213) TheRoad. 01Colorado Actual footage at selected roads and points of interest throughout Colorado. This vidao makas an idaal lOoI lor anyona planning a motorcycle tnp through the Rockies. 90 minulaslrom LAM ProducIion, . $29 ,95 (1155Fj 1995Southwick AliA NationalliX Round .5 01 250cc action ftrom thebrutally rough & san (.220) Radllne America dy Southwick, Massachusetts track. 47 minutes from Enjoy a spo rt-touringrid er's-eye view discovering theUn~· Motovidao, $24,95 ad Slat . bastmolorcycling roa . ds, See the Blu Ridge e Park way, Kodachroma Basi , Death VaileylMt Whitney, n (I156Fj 1995 Buch. nanAlIA Natl nalllX o Yosemite, Caliomia's Highway 1 and 130 Washington l , Round 16 01 250cc acIion Irom the 22nd AnnueJ Rad Bud Cascade 20, Needles Hirtensive camera tootage fiimadlromtheair, the track, and on-b with the lOp ride... 180 minutes ike lromDuke VidaoUSA.$49 ,95 ('7SG) 1995 50Dcc GPReview A ballle Irom Bnsbanabecomes themostsuccasstuf Aus· r tralianrider ofall time a Texan hero bidsa sadfarewell to , GP racng, a Superoika sensation Irom GaorgJI makes his 500 GPdebut...seeanthedrama and outstanding penormances in this otficiel round-up of all 13rounds of the '95 500cc GP season, 180 minuteshom Duke Vidao USA. $49,95 (1301 G) 1996 Drtando Supercross Round It of 1251250cc AM Supercross Serie, ach A on ftrom theCN Bowl in Orlando, Florida. SO minutas ftrom (. 79Fj 19941251250cc GPReview Fox Video. $24 .95 W_ an the 1994 25Dcc GP highlights in 90 sensational minutes plus thebest01 the1250 in 30mmutas, all ~ one (131OG) 1996 l1ln_ lIs SupertfOlS brilil8tll!ape; 120min.. esIrom Duka Video USA. $39,95 Round .2 of 1251250cc AlIA Superaoss Senes achon Irom the Matrodome in Minneapolis, Minnesota. SO min(179G) 1995 1251250cc GPReview utes Irom FoxVidao. $24.95 2 hours 01 cIose-tought World Championship road racing laalunng an the25Dcc roundsandthebestaetXlIllrom the (I303G)1996 Anaheim Supercroll 125 Biaggi defends M crown against Harada & Wald's. Round '3 of 1251250cc AlIA Supercross Seriesaclion mann while leenage starAoki holds ott Perugini, Sakata & Irom theIonner Rams Stadium in Anaheim, CaI~omia. 50 the rest in the 125 Includes p1en1y 01 on-bike camera 's. minutaslrom Fox Vidao. $24 .95 footage. 120mlI1IJtes Irom Duke Vidao USA $34.95 (I68A) 1995 World25Oa: IIX Serle. Review Bep's Stelan Everts startad as fa_a, but received constant pressure from fellow countryman SaNoats. 's US lloora and Vohland, Italy Bertolini, Germany', A's Beirer, and Eng land's Nicoll. Highlights cover all 15 (I325B) Airtime- Thrllis of Superaoss rounds down 10 when the lIIIe was _ , at thefinal in A review 01 each round at the 1992 AMA Camel France 90 minutes Irom Duke Video USA. $34,95 . Supercross series as JeffStanIOn, Damon Bradshaw, Guy Cooper, Jeff Matiasevich, Jeff Ward andthe restgolor the (168) 1994 Wood25Dcc IIX SeriesReview gold. 60minutes ftrom _ e o. $24.95 Highiights 01 allthe rounds of the'9425Dcc MXGP Senas featunng Greg Albertyn, Stefan Evens, Donny Schm', (I325C All Crossed Up ) Yves Demaria, Ma micq Bervoets and Kurt Nicoll in thair This review of the entire 1993 Supercross season see s Quest for the World Championshi . 90 minutes from the emergence of Jeremy McGrath as "the greatest p Motovidao, $29,95 Su percross rookie sensation" in history. Tryi"9 10achieva M ownpersonal record, Guy Cooper tries all season lor (169) 1995 WorldSODcc IIX Series Revie w his first AMA Supercross win in his farewell tour of the Belgian Joel Smets cI1angad 10a 4-slroka Husaberg " '95 series. 1993 also marks the final year for Damon in the hope of winning his first world crown. But Bradshaw, as he Iums in hisBarty retirement. 60minutes Louisiana's lormer 125cc & 25Dcc WorldChampion Tram- Irom Motovidao. $24.95 pas Parker had his own ideas. Cou he reany stop ld Smels7 90 miootas Irom Duke VidaoUSA. $34.95 (I325E) Ughlnlng StrIkes Twice Ligtll Cha llenge rou nds 01 tha A review 01 an 15 (114 9)1994 Budd CrNl< 25Oa: USGP 's 1994 AMA Supercross Series as Jeremy McGrath Team Pepsi-Handa's Yves Demaria shocked the staamroltad the 2SOCC classon the way to his second Amarican MXtans __ he won theU.S. round of the'94 consecuIive lIIIe. Also includes hig1Iigh 01 Eastam and ts 25Oa: World IIX Championship Senes al Budd', Creek, Wes tem 125cc rounds 60 minutes from Motovid80. . Maryland. Demaria lada massive E _ revoIl aagar $24 .95 to beat thedominant Americans at their own round of the World Championships. 47 minu tram Motovideo . (I325Fj Supermac Al1ack tes $149,95 From Orlando to Las Vagas, lollow Jeremy McGrath ashe collects h~ thirdconsecutive AIIA·sanetionadU.S. Supe r· (I1SOFj 1995 Gal asvllleAliA National MX n cross Series c~ampion ship . Includes highlights of 14 Round 11 01 25Dcc action lromthesendy GalO ck Cyc rounds with beh theseenes profil.. on how ~ all haprtle la ind ,95 Park!raCk. 47minutes from MolOvidao. $24 pens. 60minutes lromMotovidao, $29 ,95 (I151Fj1995 Secnlmento AlIA Na tlonalliX Round 12 01 25Oa: action Irom the27th amual Dirt Digga.. M.C. Hangtown Motoaoss Classic, 47 minutaslrom Motovidao. $24 ,95 01 the 1992 500cc GP Saries. 3 hours from Duke Vidao World Championship till. , and go behind the scanas with ROAD RACING (mA) 1989Bib GPCompilation A review of ttle '89 FlU GP Fload Racing Slason worldwide, as Lawson _ fellow Americans Rainey and Schwantz to sweep 13 US wins in 1Srounds. From Powao;ports Vidao. $39 .95 (I1SSFj 1995l1l11vllle Ali A NationalllX (nSB) Rainey Days 1990 GP Ra : vlew Round 119 0I 25Occ acOonftrom tha sandy & rough MiMlla, FollowWayna Rainey's march 10 the tille, from Suzuka 10 l Minne_ track. 47 minut sftrom Motovidao. $24 e ,95 Ph Isl nd in this l O illip a S-minute blockbuster of an annual review, Probably the bast BikeGP Ra vlaw ev",1Fro m Motovidao $24.95 (I159Fj 1995 Washougal AliA National MX . Round "0 of 250cc actio trom the WashinglOn's pic· n Rainey Day turesque Washougal Motocross Park. 47 minutes from (' 78C) '91GPRavlew: _ a o, $24 ,95 Wayne Ramey dom inates the GP Senes for his 2nd consecutive World Championsh Excellent summary ip. (I1 6Of)1995 Binghamton AlIA NatlonaIlIX coverage Irom aach circuit. 105 mlI1IJfas Irom GP Video. Round . 11 01 250cc actionfrom BinghamIon, NewYork. $24.95 from Motovidao. $24 .95 47 _ (m D)1992 GPReview (1161Fj 1995Delmont AlIA NallonaIIiX Wayne Rainey becomes ttle first rider since Kenny FIlai round 0I25Dcc actionIrom PlIMSyivanla'S SleeI cq Robertsto win a third·consecu tive 500CC GP Wortd - ' y. 47minlteshom_ . $24.95 ChalTIpionship asheassumes thelIIIeagain in !tis review _!he< tha champ, his tam and theSuzuki teamlor anIrHlapth ily look at what mak Kevin SchwenIz lick 60minutas from .. , DukeVldao USA. $29.95 (I103B) Schwantz: GPYear '94 A Grand Prix diary of the wond's most " citing GPnd er. Thedrama 01 thIS mostheroic of anseasons ~ her alo e, ng with thefightar moments as SchwenIz enjoys hirnsen asa spectatoralthe Tourde France, hangsM laathe.. on the wan 01 the Hard Rook Cala and woos the daughter of Argenttna's president with a gift of 1,000 roses. 70 minutes from Duka Video USA. $34.95 ('"5) CuttIng Edga Bikes Join MatOxley as he tasts the bastof the '94 GP bikas, Including Doohan's Honda NSR500, Biaggi's 250cc ApriIia, and Sakata's 125cc April,., Thisvidao provides a behind the scenes 1oסi< at the iaacfing adga of motoreyda radng and development 72 minutes from Duke Video USA. $34 ,95 (1137) 199 Daytona 200 1 Enjoy a rac~ that lived UP ,to its billingand provided I fltl1ng 50th I>rthday celebtation tor the most lamous event in Am~rican motorcycle racing history 60 minutes from . Motovidao. $29 ,95 ('l37A) 1992 Daytona 200 ll e En thedramaas Scott Russe and Doug Pol nduel 10 joy a photo-finish in one01 the mostexciting Daytona linishes in history. 60minuteslrom MolovIdeo. $29 ,95 (11 HogsWild! 25) A raview 01 the 1992 U.S. Ha ~ey-Devidson TwinSports Championship as Scott lampaeft and Mike Hale duel10 thefinish tor the series Iitte 56minutes Irom Du Video . ke USA. $34,95 (1248)1992 AlIA Superbiks Series Review FoiIow the '92 AlIA Supertlike Serie, Irom start 10ilrxsh as Doug Polen and Scott Russell force a Ducati vs Kawasaki showdown tor theIitte 55 mnrtes Irom Duke . ,95 Vidao USA $34 (19) U,S, Grand Prtx1988 Raai Grand Prixroad racing lor theWorld C~ revives in America as Steady Eddie lawson and Fast (I248A) 1994 Ali A Superhlke Series Review n Jimmy FIlice beat the best at lagune Seca. From Troy Co.. er, Jamie James, Coli Edwards, Frad Merleel and the restligtll to thefinish line In th~ highlighl video of Pow a"POrtsVidao, $33.95 tha '94 U,S, Superbika Serie, . 40 minute, Irom MoIOvidao. $24.95 (19 '90 Laguna Seca US Grand Prtx 1A) Rainey and Schwantz race clear of a crash·filled field ) featuring lawson, Mamcla, Gardner, Chil and Magee. (t248B 1995 AlI A Superhlke Se~es Review i , 25Oa: act"" also includad. 52 minute,from GP Vidao, WlIh thelamiliar lOp nam.. (Corser Edwards and Rus· sell) reluming 10theWSB .... anar thefirstAlIA round $33.95 at Daytona, theSmokin' Joe', dynamic duo01 Mike Ha le andMiguel DuHamel_their way through therest 01 (191B) '91Laguna Seca USGrand Prtx m Different from the NBClESPN broadcasts, this video Amarica 10 retu the U.S. Superbike Senes lIIIe bad< 10 includes compIeIa covacage & commentary 01 500 & 250 the Honda mantle. You'; see higt'lights Irom aach rourx:t in this 47-minuta show Irom 1Iotovidao. $24 ,95 classes, sideca.. 100. 52 miMes from GPVideo . $14.95 (I4OOA)1994 WorldSuperblke Series Review Follow the highIigItts 01 aach round 01 the'94 WSB Senes ('Sl D) '93 Laguna Seca USGrand Prtx John Kocinsij raced thetaetory Cagiva 10 gIok and sidecars put (127)ThI. 1s1I0torcycieTrials .. youin the hot seatlFor the firsttime. we show on-screen Top trials riders Steve Co and Sammy Miller explain lley RPM & , peaddata homona of thelaading RVFHonda' . and demons t ~ate the art 01 trials riding, from basic 100minut.. from Duka Vidao USA. $42.95 principles to wlMing techniques. Th video also covers is rt thed..elopmOfd 01 trials bikas and thespo ovartha last (I94E)1994 Isle oIl1.n TT 40 yaa... 60minutes Irom Duka Video USA. $32.95 "The 11th Milestone--Hundreds at entries from 19 countries, thousands 01 tans gathering on the Isle of Man (127A) This II Advanced lIotorcycle Trials Irom an come.. 01 theglobe, racord-braaking race aclion • Join lOp_ tnaIscompeliIor Steve Colley on his you see ~ an in ~ Iong-version 120 minute !ape Irom home training ground in the rugged Isle 01 lIan for this 1 Duke Video USA. $42.95 highly enterIairW1g step-by-step guide 10 advanced Inais tadwiquas, 62 rnirxltes from DukeVideo USA. $34.95 (194F)1995 Isle0I1IIn TT Record-lnakilg aclion Irom theroad lacing capdaI of the work! on the olficiaI video 01 the Isle 01 ManTT 72min, _ from Duke Vidao USA. S34.95 (1450) 1994USS~ Na11. C"Shlp World Champion Sem Ennol nk delands hi, AlIA '1 a o (193) llad Sunday TheFans' TT : erica's best. Bruce Penhan, Top etass road racing might be one good reason 10 vIsrt plate against fifteen of Am the Isle 01 Man TT but ~ suraisn't theonly ona. Even ~ Tarry CIanIOn andBruce Aande.. taka youthrough one 01 , , you novar iuCl

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