Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:CALENDAR CMmht &itlnp..~ .. free IftYiaoIorCp Nnw ~ lftd I3Cr f"'ClG'l*n. All inform.atil:ln .. thr ~ of \\;~;....---.:/ ... ~. CoImdorlUtiopannat" ""'J*d p..........", .. _ • .....,....-CoImdo-Iiolinc .. 61< v.. Ji>IUoc bIonI< in "'" """'" Uolinp ...";,,,l by pubtiatiDn in ... foIIowq; " ", ..... w. """'C'r_......}_ aJI ~/_ .. cmfinn_t.Iooo~ .... . .. w-r'" 1~ 11/3 11 /10 Delaware City, DE Naw Gretna, NJ Warren Gro'Ill. NJ EEA Eastern Championship Enduro Series m &'11 &'1 9115 1(1113 1~ New SIraitsviIIe, OH,And 4 Roselawn. IN. And 5 0ilI0n, SC. And 6 London. KY And 7 . Pnnceton, KY And 8 , Delaware City, DE. And 9 UapIesviIIe. At. And 10 11/3 Info7061376-5232 Daniels RidgeSupercross 618 6122 7/6 7127 8/3 &'1 7 8/31 911 4 9128 FRI., SAT., & SUNo(.. c.~, . Adults 535 • Children 520 CHILDRE N AG t: a 10 SAT. & SUN. (A""") • SUNDAYONLY Adults $30 • Children 515 (AI c.", Adults 520 • Child ren 56 ~. Mail Check Of Money 0tdtIr ,l.u ss.oo: BuddsCreell TICbl:SaIes wfw:h~rouw .m' 1ndulle .....-adClrnl~~ om.n -rboP post~JurR41tl _ {PlM.,*,rrt1l~~," . ' P.O.BoI156 .~ . .. O TayIorsviU NC a, Tayiorsvina, NC Taylorsville, NC Taylorsville,NC Northwest Motorcycle Association Enduro Series 9122 " . AGE' AND UNDEIf FRff For ... motaror 1DetI, aublrKC S~HIO ttom 0 •• PnoI and pie TayIoIsviIIe, NC TayIoIsviIIe, NC Taylorsville, NC Taylorsville, NC TaylorsviUa, NC 206SO CapioI Forest,WA CapioI Forest,WA 9128 1M3 11 /17 WalkarValley. WA Be Uinglam, WA Tahuya.WA 7/6 Northwest Motorcycle AssocIation 0ff.R0ad Series 6/1 5 6/16 &'4 1bink You're Too Old? 9f7 10/6 THINK AGAIN! P.O. 80x 1056 Reading, PA 19603 (610) 375-6191 (610) 375-6190 FAX Authorized Distributors For SOUTH P.O. Box 11586 oavtona Beach, Fl32 120 (904) 274·5332 (904) 274-5442 FAX 'G O O D/'iEA R Manitoba. Canada Manitoba, Canada AMAlDlstricl10 Hare SCramble Championship Series 7/14 &'1 1 9115 Bedford. KY Owenton, KY Bedford. KY Lone StarMX Spring Series 6/2 619 6123 6130 CDAfPETITIDN TIFIE WEST Manitoba Roadracing Association Sprint Races 6/2 Ual1llotla. Canada 9f7 918 Manitoba, Canada 10/6 Manitoba, Canada Info 2041775-9473 EAGLE RACING TIRES p.o. Box 666 Brooklyn. MI 49230 (5171 592-6681 (5171 592-3696 FAX Sir WA . 7/1 4 GOOD!yEAR U5T Shelton. WA Tluston Co ORV, WA . Association Endurance Bring the famDy and haw a great time! ' 6/16 6123 6130 7 /7 7 /14 7121 7flB ' &'4 '8111 &'18 9/1 918 9/15 9122 9129 10/6 1M3 Higllands, TX Covington,TX ForlW TX orlh. Tyler. TX 360 Yorl< Rd.. R.R. #4 N.O.T.L.,Onta l 05-1JO rio. (905) 684-7418 (905) 684· 1774 FAX IeuS=PIO.1 ~ Calt10mla Dirt Track Championship Series 5/31 6/7 6/1 4 6/21 6128 Mastercardand VI A accepted. Freecatalogavailable upon request. S What's happening? (yd. News calendar. 7/12 7/19 7/25 612 BI9 &'16 Uaoora, CA - , CA Madefa. CA Uaoora, CA Uaoora, CA IAadera. CA IAadera. CA Madera. CA Madera. CA Madefa. CA Madera. Cot. 6JIl.9 cartsba'5!17·12 41 Info9O:WlI2~15 CANADA OHIO UOTORCYClf RACING · PIl>'Am AIIA-sanctioned.lawrencllbiJrv Moton:yde Speedway, Cincinnati.lnlo: HlrIl. NY IUll,NY 6/21 NEVADA UOTOCROSS • Regional quali!ier, NUA Ponca City , Grand Nalionals. Carson City. Info: 7021267-4392. Sdver Springs, NY Palmyra, NY Auburn, NY Batavia, NY Batavia. NY Silver Springs, NY Palmyra. NY Silver Spnngs NY , Hunt, NY Batavia, NY Hun~ NY Auburn, NY Hunt, NY AibJm. NY Batavia. NY Palmyra. NY Sdver Springs. NY Sdver Springs, NY Palmyra. NY 1~ 6/1 Ual1llotla. Canada 7/1 3 Manitoba, Canada 10/5 Ual1llotla. Canada Info 2041775-9473 For a com plete list of eligible motorcycles and more information about WERA Vintage call (407) 831-7736 or FAX us at (407) 83 1-72 11. Committee 6/2 619 ' CAI.JfORN1A SPEEllWAY· _ ~. Orange Cou1Iy F~ Coola Mesa I'do: n4/492-9933. ' MlCHIGAN llOTOCROSS •lIRA...,.,· _ . Milan C\'de City. Milan. Info: 31~2100 or 439-7735. lAlCHlGAN R.ATTllACK . AuIo City Speedway AsphaII Racing Sones 600 , Pro PIl>'Am, 25O-SOOa: ~ ama. leur ctass,AuIo City Speedway, AinL Inf ~.n ~ 0:81~~ . Western New York Sports IlY20 11/3 Ranging from Pre-'6S to Pre-'87 are Eligible to Race With Us. 7120-21 Ncxman, OK &'18 Ncxman, OK 911-2 Ncxman, OK 911 4 Norman. OK 9128-29 Ncxman, OK 1(1112 Ncxman, OK 10126-27 Norman. OK 1119 Norman,OK Info405/677.3333 ~ WA Manitoba Roadracing With WEBA Vintage, Bikes 619 Norman. OK 6129-30 Norman. OK Be!Imgham, WA Hamigan,WA TBA Rimroclc, OR IlY20 1~ Rocky TopUSA Motocross Racing Series 2 S • I II 11 12 13 14 15 11 17 I' 11 ZI 21 ZZ Z3 24 Z5 ZlU ZlZI_Sl NORTli DAKOTA UOTOCROSS · rurue Rive< lAX GlIb. AMIIa. Info 7011343: 2094. , NORTli DAKOTA UO TOCROSS · NorlhD . Molortyde Ass'n. 619 ~ . nor>jXlinls. NlIA Ouailier (boIh days ~ AMIIa. Info: 701J343.2ll94. , PENNSYLVANIA ARENACROSS · AMAITrail-Way Speedway, 5l.mner1ast. Po. FarmShow Corrc>Iex. ~ Info n 7135!1-1310. : WEST VI GINIA DUAl. SPORT • R AWJRacer I'nW:lions, Dual Spol1 Trail Ride Series, Eizabelh. 1nfo: _ _ 1157. WISCONSIN ROAD RACES · Road Amerx:a's AlIA Na1ionaI ~ Road Races: Twin SponsHarIeys; J&P Pans; Ride-In Bike Show. EIlhar1 LaIel" 3 00 ~ /II • Practice400 IlIII • Ii:~ 5 OC IIIII CRC Info (80 5) 2 72-8889 , DENOTES PRO PAYBACK Sal, June 8 619 7/14 Wed, June 5 'AI.AllAUASUPER CROSS · Tuskeegee Mo P1ex, Tuskeegee, Info 3341265lor : CAUFORNIA DRAG RA CE• NHRA, 8298 . Hohenwald, TN Saddleback East, KY 918 Summertown, TN 9122 Box Hollow, TN Info61!i1B59-OO73 Northeast Professlonal Flat Track Championship 6/7 6/14 7127 6123 6124 8130 9f7 Lebanon V alley. NY Rocheslar.NH Trois RMeres, Canada IAiddIetown, NY Stafford, CT Ouebec City. Canada WaedspoI1. NY Sacramento Raceway, Sacrame Info nfo, 'ARI2ONA lAOTOCROSS · ca ll>al 9181363-2653. Mo tosporl CItb, Ceft>at Uotosport PlII1<, 'CAUFORNIA SPEEDWAY& OlRT TRACK- AUAJPPS Di Track & Sidecar n Classic, Patris Auto Speedway. LaI

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