Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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V to theS OIC editor E Letters America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXXIII Sharon Cla yton , President Michael Klinger, Publisher Editorial Paul Carruthers, Editor Kit Palmer, Associate Editor ScottRousseau, Associate Editor Mark Hoyer, Managing Editor Keith Bush, Assistant Editor/Copy Editor Cameron Coatney, Assistant Editor Advertising Terry Pratt, National Accounts Manager Mark Mitchell, Eastern Accounts Mana ger Mark Thome, Western Sales Manager Thoma s Center, Western Sah's Manager Forrest Hayashi, Western SalesMana ger Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Manager Rick Matheny, Eastern Sales Manager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Allen, Eastern Ad Coordinator Laurie Snow, Assistant Marketing & Promotion Mark Thome, Mallager New Media Development Mark Mitchell, Director Rick Matheny, Operati ns o Classified Ads Sharon Van Hazelen Graphics and Production Ret! Joh nson, Production Supervisor Mandy Loo, Production Manager Dennis Greene, Lab. Tech. Stacey Guest, Graphic Artist Van ce Lanny, Graphic Artist Administratio n Judy Klinger, Coordinator Leanne Sims, Administrative Assistant Accou ntingIData Pr ocessing Donna Bryan-Diamond, A/R Coordinator Geneva Rep ass, Assistant Herlane Lewi s, Credit Circul ation Rheba Smith, Manager Alma Anguiano, Processing Coordinator Pam Klein, Bil/iug Coordinator Carol Begovic, Deala Coordinator Service and Support Bridgett Bobrofsk y, Receptionist National Headquarters 2201 Cherry Ave ., Long Beach, CA 90606, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 -7433; (213) 636-8844. (310) 427 FAX (310)427-6685 Eastern Office 4188 First Ave., Tucker, GA, 30084; mailingaddress P.O.Box 805, Tucker, GA30085-0805. (770) 934-7850. FAX (770) 934-3112 e-mail Internet http:/ / Cycle News (USPS 141·340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00per year by Cycle News, lnc.,2201 Cherry Avenue,Long Beach CA 90806. , Second class postage paid at Long Beach CA and at addition, .11mailing off ice. Canada Post International Publicati ns Mail o #540615. POSTMASTER: Seed address changes to Cycle News, P.O. Apologies I wo uld like to clear up a misconception abo ut a statement that was made in the Da yt ona issue of Cycle News . In th e "Brie fly" sectio n o f th e Dayt ona ra ce ar ticle it was stated that the RossBaro n 250 Grand Prix team is a "back doo r racing tea m for Wayn e Rainey," implying that Wayne has a financial interes t or, at minimum is, provid ing support for certain riders on the Ro ss Ba ro n Racing team . Ti m O 'S ullivan, who is W ayne Rainey' s team manager, approach ed me in ea rly Februa ry to d iscu ss the possibility of includin g riders Brand and Brad y Wel ton on the RossBaro n 250 GP team for the 1996 season. In talkin g with severa l of the people invo lve d in pu tting together the sponsorship p ackage for the Welton bothers, th e name Wa yne Rainey came up se veral tim es. It wa s ne ver made clear to me w ha t Wayne' s involvement was. In a con versation I had wi th Wavn e' subsequent to Dayton a, he mad e it d ear to me that he is not involved in any way with a "back doo r effort" or any effort for that matter regarding assistance or sponsorship for the Welton brothers. The RossBaron Racin g team is su p ported by a number of product sp onsors as well as funding from RossBar on Co. and the riders on the team . I would like to apol ogize to Wayne for the confusion rega rding this matter and h o p e it h a s not ca us ed him any problems w ith his current programs. It seems all too easy for people to throw Wa y ne's name around. In the past, Wayn e has p ro vided fant astic sup po rt for the 250 GP class, including the help he h as given Jim my Filice and m yself for which we are all gra teful. Ed Toomey Rancho Cordova, CA Sch ellenberger says thanks First, I woul d like to thank all the sponsors, supporters, and eve ryone that put toge ther th e mon ey-raising efforts on my behalf at the recent GNC event and the Dallas Supercross, A special thanks to the following: Ray Burgess and all the folks at Ka w asaki o f Carrollto n, Kyle Parks, D.L. and DeAn n Wood, Jeff Long, Kawasaki Team Green, Answer Racing Products, FMF, Tucker-Rocky, Super B Fu els, Tex MX, Grapevine Kawasaki, Thera peutic Massage, Shoei, Boyesen and Scott goggles. I wo uld like to also s ay th an k you to Ben Gary fo r his ~ FEATURES ROAD RACING Mid-Ohio AMA National .i..; .."""..".6 Cycle N l'W S welcomes unsolicited editorial material including stories, cartoons, ph otos, etc. Such material, if published, becomes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Reprinting in whole or part only by permission of the publisher. Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon reqUf'St. Set' S.R.DS. W.lBn'A VI' em!'~ AUDITEO CIRCULATION Pri n ted in U.S.A. 4 Co~yright' Cycle News, Inc. 1996. Trademark Cycle News registered U.S. Patent Office. All rights reserved. Open letter An op en lette r to track ow ners in America: Take a d ay and fly down to Hom estead, Florida, and take a few lessons on how to build a track th at is: (A) challenging for the racers; (B) exciting to the spectators; and (C) safe for the riders. Ralph Sanchez proved that it is possible to do all thr ee at one time. The AMA also proved tha t they can put on a grea t show. Thanks to both for a grea t weekend. I can't wa it unt il next year. Michael Lehning Stuart, FL Better Boy? It wiJI be a great day when the motorcycle press no longer feels compelled to alw ays u se the phrase "Bad Boy" when Fond Memories of Danny Hamel It ' s been a year since Dan ny Ham el' s death and m y fami ly and I still think about him a lot. You see, my 16-year-old son, Aaron, and his partner, Dave, got to do so me th ing very special th anks to Team Green's Larry Roeseler. They got to pre -ru n some of the Baja 500 course with Danny and Paul Krause while we, the pit crew, got to meet Danny 's dad. Wha t a nice gu y and he was so proud of Dann y. Everyone we met with Team Green was so nice giving us helpful advice. Wh at mad e th e race really s pec ia l was that Aaron got to spend some time with Danny, hi s h ero and rol e model. The hardest part for Aaron was riding by the accident scene and then finding out at the end of the race tha t Danny had d ied. For my son , Danny 's me mory will always live on and no one can take that memory away. It's hard for me to write this letter to you w ithout crying. So man y emotions run through me - the h a p p y and th e sad m emo ries of the eve nt, and knowing that my son was so proudly onl y a few riders behind Danny off of the starting line. We would all (pi t crew and ride rs) like to thank Team Green and their families for th e grea t memories w e have. An d tha n ks to Da n ny an d h is d ad for making a d ream come tru e for one lucky 16-year-o ld . Th a n ks... th e Sykes and Calagy families. Lese Syke s Letters to the editor sh oul d be sent to Voices, Cycle News, P.O . Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90806-0498, faxed to 310/4276685 or Published letters do not necessaril y reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to editing. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. All letters should contain the writer's name, address and daytime phone number .. . Editor. IN SIDE · To determine th... ...xpiration date of your subscription, check the four numbers on the first lin e of your address label. Th e first two digits indicate the last issu e number you11receive and the l.tst two cha racters ind icate the year of the Iolst issue. Subscription rates: Rates for the United States and its possessions for one year, (SO issues), $50.00; two years (100 issues), $95 six months, (25issues), $26,00; trial sub (15 issues), .00; $19.00. Canada and Foreign, one year (SO issues), $90.00; two years (100issues), $175.00; six months (25issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues), $38.00, Schellenberger suffe red paralyzi ng injuries at the Day tona Supercross in M arch.: Editor. referring to John Kocinski. No t on ly is he one of the best Ll.S, riders, but also it seems to me that he has the right to be particular about his team and machine. It is his neck on the line when he is on the track, and I've noticed that he seems to spend less tim e on the gro und than man y of h is com petitors . I hope to see hi m at the front of the pack at Laguna Seca in July. Stephen Roos Rosenburg, OR Issue#23,June 12, 1996 Box 498, long Beach. CA 90801-M98. fA B tremendous generosity by re-donating the bike he won. Thanks to eve ryone else (tha t would be too long to list here) that help behind th e s ce nes in th ese events. Next, I would like to thank all of the spo n sors who h a v e s u ppo r ted m e throughout the man y years of m y racing career. I cou ld no t h a ve rea ch ed th e level of success that I d id without their help . Everyo ne has been so su p po rtive since my acciden t that it ha s mad e this hard time in my life a little easier. Motocross has been the central focus of m y life for as long as I can remember. What has drawn me to the sport is not so much the sport itself, but rather the peop le who a re involved in it. For a spo rt that is based on individual efforts, the camaraderie and family atmosphere th at I ha ve e xp e rien ced conti n u e to amaze me. Thank you to all of you who m ake up th is racing famil y for being there all those years, after the acciden t, tod ay and tomorrow. La st, I w ould like to th ank m y frie nds and fam ily for bei n g th ere for me. A spec ial thanks to m y father, Leo, fo r his co n ti n ued su p port and many hours of work in the garage and at the track througho u t th e years. Thanks to m y br oth er, Rog er, for his tremendous help after my accident and the guidance he has given me over the years. To my mother, Ca rol, for ope ning up her ho me to me wh en I could no longer live on my ow n . And to m y longtime girlfriend, Bellin da, for all of the love and care she has give n me in the past seven years. Roy Schellenberger rdschell® DIR TRACK T La Salle Grand Nationa IST.. .""""".14 TRIALS Rhod e Island World Tria l "".""""".18 RELIABILITY ENDURO Little Burr, Oh io, Qu alifier " " " " . " ",, 22 DIR TTRACK FEATURE SECTION Profile: Total Control Racing ".""",,24 Tech: J&M Racing / KTM factory 600 ...""""" """""""."" """",,28 Interview: Team Saddlernen's Rich King ""..""""""""""""" ......""" ..""".32 Interview: Promo ter Ch ris Agajani an "" " " ,..34 VINTAGE AHRMA Dirt Track.i....,.....""""."....36 INTERVIEW Kenny Roberts Jr""""."." """"" .".",,38 DEPARTMENTS EVENTS "".." """"" " .."".." "".....""".42 RESULTS " "".•" """"" " " "" ."" """"",,52 CALENDAR " " " """ " " " " " " " ". " " ""....." .•54 LEADERBOARD " .•"."""""" ,,62 ON THE FRONT COVER WANT ADS" " " ." ." " " " " " " " " " 63 A VIEW FROM THE FENCE " ." " " "" ",,79 LOOKING BACK ."""".."""..""" ......", ,, 79 W h at better w ay to s ta rt off o u r d irt track feature issu e th an with a sh ot of Jay Springsteen? Photo by Kinney Jones.

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