Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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W C orld hampionship load l ac. , Malaysia lst- 500Gp, Luea Codoloro 2nd- 250Gp, Tetsuyo Harodo World Championship load Rae., Indonesia Ist- 500Gp, Michoel Doohon arodo lst- 250Gp, Tetsuyo H Brielfv... AMA N Hare Scrambles/G CC, H at'l N urricane Mills lst- Scoll Summers AMI Nat'l Superbike Series, Laguna Seca lst- Doug Chandler AMI Nat'l 125cc MI, Sacramento lst - S Lamson teve 2nd -John Dowd WERA Nat'l Endurance Series, Road Atlantll Ist Overall -Team Suzuki Endurance lst, H/W Superstock- TKO Royce Teom Too WEll Nat'l Challenge Series, Road Atlanta 1st, F - DavidStonton ·I lst, M/W GP . K evinRenlzell Ist, 11 00 S/Stk . David Stanton 1st, 600 S/Stk . Kevin Renlzell World Championship Road Race, Spain lst- 500Gp, Michoel Doohan 2nd · 500Gp, Luco Codaloro 2nd - 250Gp, Tetsuyo Harada World Superbike Championship, Hockenheim Roce One lst -Aaron Snght 3rd - Conn Edwards II Race Two 2nd - A oronSlight Will Davis continues to bring in the dough. His win at the LaSalle Short Track was wort h $4 105: Joe Kopp took $3050 home while Price's shareof the purse came to $ 1850. Will Davis also made great strides in the points department as Scott Parker. Ricky Graham, Kevin Varnes. Kevin Atherton. Jay Springsteen and Terry Poovey all failed to make the National. Davis now holds a 20·point lead 'over both Rich King and Joe Kopp. 65·45. Defending champion Parker is 37 back. Some 91 riders signed up to try and make t he 60 ·r ide r program. Thirt een qua lifying heats and six second-chance .qualifiers were run. Kevin Varnes had the fastest four-lap heat at 1:08.9. we ll off Paul lwanaqa's track record of 1:06.67. Davis' time for .the National was slower than Parker's record. 7:00.696:38.37. Many riders left the high-banked short track banged up with knee and ankle injuries among them Mike Hacker and Scott Park· er. Kevin Atherton also sus tamed a knee injury at La Salle. but his was the night before in his hotel room. '1 hurt m9 knee'this spring on my motocross bike. Atherto n said. " It hadn't been botheringme. but last night I was reaching for a washcloth and I turned. but my foot didn't, I've been to two doctors and each has-a different opin ion. I'm gomg to my own doc tor at home tomorrow. I can't even walk.' Atherton did come out for his qualifying heat and ran fifth. one spot out of a transfer. He didn't return for his second chance . GNCC Series, Brownsville, PA lst - ScottSummers 2nd · Scott Plessinger Gra· Also struggling w as USC Racing's RickY ham, who came out for the first qualifyi g heat n and had the undivided attention of Steve More- . head. "Our pit watches have Ricky about a half second faster than anyone else. ' Morehead said. Graham quickly worked from third to first. then promptly pitched it away in tum one. He was up quickly and resumed the chase: but he I · ran fifth in 'the four-lap race. Graham won 'the fastest second-chance qualifier, exactly one second slower than teammate Kevin Vames' fast time. In the regular heats. his bike developed 'e bad misfire mid Graham did 'riot return for his semi: 22 TOP FINISHERS. O N E HELMET. ANY QUESTIONS? AI ~o hobbled was win'ner Will Davis . The . North Carolinian got all tangled up in the first aborted start of the National. and after the race the podi- . he had to be helped tothe top step urn. "Man. we caused that thing on the first start: Davis said. "Georgie .got all sideways in two and I Tvboned him.·1 started to high·side. and had even let go of the bars when someone hit me on the right side and' straightened me out. Then I just kept going.' TCR Racing assistant team man age r Ga ry Nixon fu rther ' assessed the situation. • You fell three times in that mess. but never did go all the way down.' Nixon told Davis. o n "I really want to thank all the fans thatstuck · with us this weekend.' Will D avi s said. "This weather is just unreal. and we can't make 'it without them: Some bad news for Texas dirt track fans. The Dallas Half Mile. scheduled to run at the Devil's Bow1 Speedway on June 15. has been canceled. "It was a money problem. and we · just couldn't wait any longer to make a decisian." AMA Dirt Track Manager Bruce Bober said. "People have to be able to make plans to go all the way down there. We just ran out of time'." Bruc e Bob er also said th at the AMA has dec lared t he Suzuki RM2 50 number plates that some of the competitors have been using to be illegal . although not because they . have been perceiv ed to of fer aero dynamic adva ntages over st andard number plates. "There is a small techrucality .with them · they · are a half inch too small. " Bober said. "They are 10 by 11.and a half inches. The.standard plates are' 10 by 12. " S t eve B e atti e and . Scott P ark e r werearnonq the few riders . using the now-banned plates. FOR YOUR NEAREST AlAI DEALER, CALL TOLL FREE: 1·800·766·ARAI . Dept. 666 (2-1-2-4) For Ami's rew 1996 fouNDlor brodu-e cn:l MJhi-Decd Pak, send $3.00 in =h a sla'"rflS ($4.~ U.S. G.oTency if outside U.S.) b : Am Helmets, lkI., DeFt. 666 , P.O. Box 9485, Dcytra, A. 32120.

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