Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I Parting-out QU.IKSHOP 1991 Ducati as1 Superbike, stock. 1985 Yamaha RZSOO, stock. 1993 Honda CBR900 with Fox shock, "LE" forks, race 9lass. 1996 VFR front wheel. (414) 648 ·2867. WI. (318·2 1) Parting Out 8 STEPS , ' 9 1- ' 9 5 F2, F3, ' 9 3 · ' 9 5 CB R9 00, ' 86 ·' 9 5 GSXR750/1100, '89-'94 "ZX7, '92 ZX1 1, (508) 9934864 MA (318·21 ) RG500RZ ~~ . New parts and accessories. TC exh aust. caro kits, 1996 Lance Ga mma's avail able. Rick Lance . (909) 849-3635. CA . (318·23 ) 1989 Suzuki RG500 Gamma PER FOR M A NC E Good condition, runs great, neve r crashed. 55.200 . (318·22) Call 1O-Sfor details. (804 ) 232·2300. VA heel Rims: You ~ lan't [0 fast on egg slmped rims. We offer a fullseledion of Ixrel telorsand styles! indudingthe new balk rims. Wanted: TZ 750 Parts Radiator, stoc k exp ansion chambers, Ignition system. Call Ray: (41 5) 59 3·3121. CA (318·21) ZX7R 1992 New con dition. Le ss than 10 hrs. Street or track , $5,900 . Call John (916) 898-07 16. CA. (319·24) MZ MZ MZ A'am and Renthal Sprockets: Whkh ever youlhaase you gel cansislent, reliable performanle and your dieke of ratias. Big inventory means big sava ings for you. Call Wilson 's Motorcycles for deta ils (800) 956-2925 or (209) 237-()21 5 CA. (220-22) 1995 CR500 Vet-owned. (805) 268-0 136. CA ARAI RACING PATCH ' "Ollicial Jamie James Edillon" r.shins Rajun SporIs Apparel The Rajun CaJun NewsIeUer Send died or money ..dec, in u.s. funds, 10: ARAJ HELllffi USA, agv Dept. CNp, P.O. Box 9485, Doylano, fl 32121).9485. Sony, no aed ilmrm. PIeme ollow 4·6 weeks for deliv"'f. '91 Honda CBR1000F As showroom new with only 6k miles . New Michelin radials , redlblack. perfect. Excellent sport-touring in· line four-eyl inder six-speed witll good comfort and fluid hand ling . $5 ,20010b0. (805)53 H I348 . CA. (320-211P ) Wanted 1986 Can Am 250 MXLC (414 )734-8052. WI (319-22) 1989 CR 500, great condition, stock and desert ~ TRACKSIDE TENTS QUICK & EASY SET-UP! fREE CATA LOG 1-800·222·1994 1\8·777 ·19 • F X 718-170·3610 77 A ;:..~ ""'*~ 8 S. U- AVE. W" O tum, M. 11 U 806 10 x 10 10 x 16 = 595 = 5119 10 x 12 = 599 10 x 20 = 5129 Use electric conduit for poles s 800-788-3969 tanks . Man y access or ies . Ca ll for de tails . $1,6951000 . (310)45 9-222 1. CA. BY MA IL! 1-DAY TURNAROUND ORIGINAL SOLES FROM ALPINE STAR' />;XO' 5101 REG . SOLES $50 .00 + $ 10.00 Shipping & Handl ing NEW TECH 7 $60 .00 CREDI T CARDS ACCEPTED SOLE PEIfOIMANCI 165 South EI Camino Real , Suite K Encin itas. CA 9202 4 L -_ _ (100) 6:r, ." i/J .• , , .~ 944-2755 ~_---J 7932Armour Strwt, San Diego. CAi2111 Phone(II i) 56<1-7139· F.. (8li) 56<1-7U36 CYLINDER RECONDITIONING MOTOCROSS RACING ASSOCIATION Michigan, Ohio & Ontario ~ Wanted Youth Leathers Dirt track size 2T, wa ist 4'5" tall. (810)694-3944. MI. (319-22) 1990 HONDA HAW K GT. Red , stock, as new cond i· tion . 5K miles . Unmounted Targa fa iring. $3,200. 1990 Hon da VTR25O. Perfect. 10K miles. $1 ,950. (319-21) Dick (817)25~846 . MA. Late Model Sport Bike Engines GSX· R1100 , C BR, ZX-6· 11, FZR . (714)364-3854 . CA . (319-21) NICKEL SILICON C ID ARB E ~ • Racing EvelY Friday, Saturday &Sunday Open Riding Every Wednesday Call 313·289-2100 Honda CR Engines New '96 CR 25 0 $2, 595 with carbo '96 CR 125's available. Price includes CO l and Coi l. Can UPS . W illiamson Honda , Mil l Hall , Pa. (7 17) 726·3343 . PA. (219·21) ' 8 2 DUCATI S L600 , Pa nta, 1 1, 90 0 mil es , $4 ,950 Jobo. (206)633-2249. WA. (119·2 1) '92 Husaberg 350 $2,600 . Excell ent. (800) 72Q..5003. (6 16)754-6800. MI. (3 19-22) Marzocchi Forks Marz occh i forks . Spare parts, ext ra springs. $600 . (6 19)632-9981. CA. (3 19-21) RS600 Honda Wanted Engine, engine parts. exhaust system, and chassis pans wa nted. Mark (218) 233-1982. MN. JLL Yamaha 7J77"l!_fliJ¥Kawasaki 'I" and~!:1orieS USED PARTS (800) 311-RACE (7223) ThousandOaJ

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