Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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· R~D RACE . AMA S uperbike National Championship Round 4:Homestead Motorsports Complex here at the end, but it was nothing too drastic. W e just had to go stiffer, but it w as okay and we still d id some p retty fa st laps. We went faster with the other tire, an d 1 think Doug (C h an dler) was running it - but 1 d idn't want to take tha t chance." Crevier's lonely fourth-place fini sh was his best of the season: " T alk about star ts; the whole second row was passed by the w hole third row," Crevier said. " I was p r etty b l o ck ed b ut I m ad e a good time in tra ffic. I handled it p r etty good. 1 got spaced ou t in the r ace and then just wor ke d m y way up. Smith knew I was ther e - h e' s always o n the edge of the t rack an d 1 guess this time i t bit him. It was a pretty good r ac e; 1 can' t comp lain." Homestead Mot o rsports Co m p lex Homestead, Flo r ida Results: May 19, 1996 (1,J3.718); 29 . frank Wilson (1,J3.i7S); 30. Daniel Bailey (1:33.874}; 3 1. Ste ve Pa tte rson (1:34 .217); 33. ( 1 :~.055); 32. Jeff Heino Anthony Lupo (1:34 .224 ); 34 . Quenni King (1:34. 266); 35. Douglas Gross (1:34 .277); 36. Marco Martinez (1:34. 606); 37. Joh n Spitulski (1:34.815); 38. Mark Coop (1:34.835 ); 39 . Dean Mizdal (1:34 .921); 40 . Mark lu nge (1:34.936); 41. John Blessed (1:35.250); 42. Jim Dick en s o n (1:35 .433) ; 43. Ste p hen Vlasblom ( 1 :36.089 ~ 44. Paul Netters trom (1:36 .099 ). SUPE RBIKE NATIONAL: 1. Mig uel DuHamel (Hon); 2. Doug Chandler (Kaw); 3. Lany Pegram (Due); 4. Steve Crevier (Hon) ; 5. Mike Smith (Kaw); 6. Shawn Higbee (Due): 7. Mat Mladin (502 ); 8. Tom Kipp (yam); 9. Jamie James (Yam); 10. Pascal Picotte (Suz); 11. Aaron Yates (Suz); 12. Th omas W ilso n (H · D ); 13. A l Salaverria (H-D); 14. lames Randolph (So2); 15. Mark Miller (So2~ 16. Dale Kieffer (Suz ); 17. Ch ris Carr (H-D); 18. Frank Wilson (Suz); 19. Tripp No bles (H -D); 20. Rad Greaves (Suz ); 21. Barry Henso n (Kaw): 22.. Dani el Bailey (Suz ); 23. Dean Mizdal (Y. m); 24. l eff Heino (So2); 25. Marco Martin ez (Ka w ); 26. Ma rk C oop (Suz); 27. Paul Nette rstrom (Ka w ); 28. Jim Dickenson (Suz) ; 29. John Bles sed (Suz); 30. Stephen Vlasbl om (Yam ); 31. John Ashmead (Kaw ); 32. Hect or Cordero (Hon); 33. Richard Al e xander Jr . (Su z ); 34. Dou gl as C ross (D uc) ; 35 . Anthony Lupo (Suz); 36. John Spitulsk i (Kaw); 37. Mark Junge (Suz); 38 . Steve Patt erson (Suz); 39. Dave Estok (Due) : 40. Quenni King (Suz ); 41. Da x Snow (Suz) . Tim e: 42 min ., 32.074 sec. Dis tance: 29 laps, 63.8 miles. Average Sp eed ; 90 .406 mph. Margin of Vi ct ory: 0.510 sec. SU PE R B IKE QUAUFYING : 1. Mig ue l DuH amel (1:26.295 ); 2. Doug Chandler (1:26.404); 3. Larry Pegram SUPERBIKE NAT'L C'SHIP POINT STANDI NGS (1:26.860); 4. Mat Ml a din (1:26.972); 5. Steve Cre vie r (1:27.118 ); 6. Tom Kip? (1:27.242); 7. Pasca l Picotte (1:27.323 ); 8 . Mike Smith (1:27.489); 9 . Jami e Jam es (1:27.882); 10. Tom Wilson (1:28.384); 11. Shawn Higbee (1:28.399); 12. Aar on Yates (1:28.624); 13. Chris Ca rr (1:29.016); 14. Al Salaverria (1:29.808); 15. Dav e Esto k Miguel Dul-lamel (108/3) ; 3. Mal Mladin (102); 4. mE ) (Aft er 4 o f 10 roun ds): 1. Dou g Chan dler (124/1 win); 2. Pascal Picott e / Steve Crevier (101 ); 6. Tom Ki p? (99); 7. Larry Pegram (89 ); 8. S hawn Higbee (76); 9. MikeSmith (73); to. Ja m ie James (70); 11. Al Sal averria (62); 12. Chris Carr (57); 13. James Randolph (52); 14. (TIE) Tripp Nobles/ Aaro n Yates (47); 16. Mark Mille r (46); 17. Rad Greaves (44 ); 18. Dale Kieffer (42); 19. Thomas Wilson (1:30 .311 ); 16. Tripp Nobles (1:30 .719 ); 17. Dale Kieffe r (1 :3 1. 385 ); 18. lames Randolph (1 :3 2.0 57 ); 19. Mike pace. By th at time, h e (Miguel) w as w ay o u t i n front bu t L just kept m y h ead d own. I knew it w as going to be a long r a c e a n d I just wan ted t o put some good, co nsist en t l ap s in and hopefully be there in the end - which we were. We just came up a b it short." Just under h alf a seco n d short, to be ex act. Overall, DuHamel had to b e pleased as h e'd leave Homestead w ith maxim um points . . "All weeken d w e've b een running re ally stron g and I just felt that we n eeded to get a good start and get away , " DuHamel expl ained, " W e' d t ak en our race se tup and race tires up to 20 laps every time during qualfiying and it felt pretty good. W e had a little tire change (4n 20. D a ve Barnes (1:32.108); 20. Mark Miller (1:32.120); 21. John Ashmead (1:32.132); 22. Rad G reaves (1:32.421); 23. Ri chard Al e xander Jr . (1:32.528 ); 24 . Mark Black (1:32.744); 25. Dax Sno w (1:33.207); 26. Hect or Corde ro (1:33.152); 27. Jim Leslie (1:33.345); 28. Barry Hen son Upcoming Rounds: Round 5 " Lexing ton , Ohio, June 2 Round 6 - Elkhart Lake , Wisconsin, June 9 Estok (40). (Above) Mike Smith (68) rode to a f ifth-place fin ish In the National, (Ri ght) Shawn Higbee (19), Jamie James (2), Pascal Pico tte (21) , Tom Kl pp (16) and Aaron Yates (2) v ie tor positions early In the race, Brieflv... . Srnokin ' Joe ' s Honda's, Miguel DuHamel wo n $ 7500 of the $52,000 Superb ike purse ,for winning the Homestead N ationa l. Doug C handler pocke ted $6000 and Larry Pegram took home $4 000. • Dale Quartertey came out of retirement from road racing to fill in for Mark' McDaniel, who recently dislocat ed his right shoulder in a mountain bike accident. the EBSCO Industries Super'Iearns entry , helping the team tei a third -place finish: It was the New Eng: lander' s first outing since badly breaking his right hand durinq preseason ,testing at Dayt ona. ."Actually, my left hand is sore, - Quarterley said,afte r practice on Saturday. "The right hand is doing fine. The last month or so it' s really cornealonq. I'm having a blast out there. It' s kind of coo l. I can still fee/what' s going on with the bike. I've just got to get up to speed again. ". Quartertey is.n ot s ure.if he'll race again this year. but his Ducati superbike is still for sale. ~ I definitely need that money : Quarterle ysald. The AMA' s leading superblke privateer is planning on racing his stock car in 1996, but was rained out in his season debut last week at New ,Hampshire Intemationa'l Speedway. . on Miguei DuHamel went to bed'on Friday night a little bit worried about the Florida weather. Aft er being disqualified fr om Friday' s superbi ke qu alifyin g session when his Sm ok iri ' Joe' s Hond a w ei ghed in o ne poun d under theAMA super bike mi nimum , DuHamel wouldn't have any Friday lap time s to fall back upon if Satu rd ay' s w eat he r was po or. - I w as pretty co nc e rne d, " DuHamel admitted, '-.' watched the weather fore cast yeste rday and they had clouds traveling all differe nt Ways. There were low clouds coming' one way and high clouds coming anothe r w ay. I was a littl e nervous, but I figured even if it rained I could qualify . from the third to fi ft h row - somewhe re in 'there. But I'm reelly happy the weather stayed clear." DuHamel qualified on pole position on Saturday aftemoon . . Ironman award: Michael Barnes raced w ith what he thou ght we re poss ible bro ken wris ts fo llowing his practice crash on Sat urday morning. The Floridian was high-sided from his Harley-Davidson V R1000 and the motorcycle then caught fire. Bames finished third in the 7 50cc Supersport race later on Saturday, then 't eamed wi t h Dale Quarterl ey to finish third in the Sup er'Ieams even t . ' Bames didn't race in Sunday' s Superbike Nat ional. . , . One of the problems that th e Yoshimura Suzuki riders are having with the new GSXR750 In superbike trim is with the bike's ultrashort w heelbas e. Pascal Picotte and Mal Mladin are hoping soon to get a longer swingarm for the new bike.. "W e seem to get more grip when we move the rear whee l right back," Ml adin said. " W e' re hopinc to get a new swi ngar m, but it tak es t ime and they're doing the best they can. The bike's also 'a bit slow . W e're losing 'ground on the straights and having to try and make it all up on the brakes. It' s just a number of litt le problems right now, but people forget how bad the Honda (RC45) was in tts first year. I think we're doing pretty good. - . . Pascal Picotte also feels the GSXR750 stiHhas some bugs to be wo rked out. "The engine is really slow, " Picotte said after finishing '1 0th in the National. "And it still wants to push the front end. It doesn't want to holda line and it does n't want to tum . You just have to ride it so h~rd - and you can only do that for so long. - Therider s cont inue to complai n abou t lapped ri ders in the Superbike class . "There's always .a problem withtrefflc." Miguel DuHamel said. - There are a lot of people out there and I believe so me o f t hem, not all of them, of cou rse: but so me of them shouldn't be out .there. There should be tighter restrictio ns as far as lap times go , because you' pass the same guy like five times: But it's the same boat for everyb ody and you just have to make sure you don't ' make a mistak e, w hen yo u co me up on those guys." ~ Thomas Wilson was the best of the Harley-David son riders at ' Home stead, the Oh ioan finishing 12th on the fact ory VR 1000, despit e a practice crash, on Sat urday morning . " The race 'was uneventful in a sense ," Wil son exp lained. - I didn 't get a good start and then ,I just sarted reeling in guys. Then for some reason it sia rted missing: Then' I went backward s for a' while. I changed my riding sty le because of the problem s and the n the bike started gett ing better, Towards the end IT was running good , but the oil temperature was too high and on the last lap I didn 't think I was going to make it. I ended up shulling It off before the start/finish. I , never ended up going as fast as I did 0 '; Friday. I never we nt any faster .and they 'all did. In. the race I really' ju st rod e around by' myself. " . '. " . ' , .. Now that Dale Quarterley is out o f AMA Superbike racing,.who is the current King of the Privateers? How about Cal if orni an AI ,S al a v e r ria . 'The Earl Small-back ed rider rode his Harley-Davidson V R1000 to. 13th in the Superb ike National and he' currently . Iies 11th in the AMA Superbike National Championship '. behind 10 factory riders , but ahead of Karley-David sonfact ory pilot s . Chris Carr and Thomas W ilson : as w ell as Yos himura Suzuki's Aaron Yates.

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