Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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er Malcolm Rathmell - on a technicality - w as to hang in the air all week until the 5 was eventually removed from his sco re late on Friday. This would put an entire ly d ifferent slant on the outcome on the final day. Tuesdaysa w a v as tly toughened co urse which was 114 miles aro und and inclu ded two major m oorland crossin gs . Lampkin kept h is clean dream a li ve, and th is in cl ud ed mastering all fo u r of th e tough Creag Lundie sections . He was ma tched here by Colley, Crawford , Jarv is, and 370 Gas-Gas mounted John Shirt. Jarvis was to drop just one point for the day. Wednesday was a short, easy-going 68-m ile day that was loved by the club riders who m a ke u p the bulk of the en tries. It w as not loved -by Lamp kin , though, who dropped his firs t mark of the week in the third section of the d ay a t the barely-p ro noun cable Stab Caire Eirghe- (like many Sco ttish sections, it retains its Gaelic name). His dad Mar. tin's instant quote was: "You ' d have thought there 'd b een a death in the family. He wasn't happy." The six-day clean d ream was gone. Lampkin got one mark for the day, and it was topped by Ja rvis who alone kept his feet to himself as Colley joined Lampkin with a dab. Thursd a y saw th e wee k's lon ges t and toughest route wi th over 114 miles to go, 50 percent off road. With rider's s ta rting early on a rotation system, so the same riders d idn't have to ride first each day, it wa s Lampkin's tum to get out of bed early and sort out the hazards. One of the toughest sections of the day was the third in the opening group a t Chairlift, where Lampkin dropped his second mark. Jarvis, Colley, Crawford, and vetera n French rider Michel Front cleaned all three sections. Lampkin lost another point way out in the wilds at Caire Nam Miseach to make it a 3 for the week. Jarvis again could do no wrong, and y et another clean day s aw the. Scarpa ri der ease ahead of Colley into s e co n d place, although, both riders were on e ig h t points for the week . . Friday is known as "road rac e day," as virtually all of the 94 miles were on asphalt a s th e rider s tr aveled aro u nd th e incredibly beautiful Moidart Peninsu la . It was beautifu l for Doug as he re found h is clean-every thi ng form u la, incl uding th e ha rdest se cti o n of the w e ek - t he b ig s tep in the slip pery Pipers Bum. Jarvis lost two mo re points to b ring h is total to ten. Colley 's week turned sour on hi m w hen he took a 5 in the opening gr ou p for the day, Doire Dhamh. After this, he seemed 'to lose all concentration, rushed o n, d idn ' t look at the sections, a n d ended the day wi th 19 for a total of 27. It loo k ed to b e over, with Dou g seven points ahead of Jarv is going into th e last day. Bu t Saturda y morning brought race news that Ja rvi s had his Monday Sremoved from the score sheet on a technicality. The Scarpa rider was only two points behind now. In the end, Lampkin won by a comfortable margin of seven marks as he bagged th e day' s only clean performance, while Jarvis squandered 5 odd dabs around to finish with a to. Crawford w ound up with a 26, which was good eno ug h for third . CN Scottish Six Days Trial Fort William, Scotland Results: May 6-11, 1996 I . D. Lampk in (Bet) 3; 2. G. Jarvis (Sea) 10; 3. R. Crawford (Bet) 26; 4. S. Colley (GG) 31; 5. S. Saunders (Bet) 41; 6. W. Bravbook (Man) 60; 7. J. Lampkin (Bet ) 66; 8. J. Shirt (G-G ) 71; 9. M. Richards (Bet) 86; 10. B. Hemingway (Bet) 90; I I. P. Alderson (Yam) 90; 12. A. H ud leston (Yam) 91; 13. D. Hemingway (Bet) 100; 14. C. Caas (Man) 120; 15. A. Lettenbich1er (Bet) 124. Ed itorial Content: Cycle News Online featu res the latest in motorcycle news, as it happens - just like the printed edition of Cycle News. Every week, com puter users can now access the highlights of the new w eek's editi on of Cycle News via our address on the W orld W ide Web. We are including most of the content of our " In the Wind, " top National and International event coverage Cincluding com plete race results and up-to -date point standings), National and Inte rnational level Calendar Ustings , interviews and motorcycle tests . Readers can now get a "jump" on the top stories in the new Cycle News, and finish reading the deta ils when the printed copy arrives in the mail or at the dealer. Frequent Updates: Many Web sites are " static " ...they .don't change much . Once a reader has visited a site on the Internet. they need a reason to come back , or you may never see them again. Cycle News has a built-in reason to change every week, as each new issue comes online. Besides being a constant so urce of new weekly motorcycle informatio n, Cycle News Online will pepper the editorial sections with regular updates during the we ek, to keep you coming back to find out about the latest deve lopm ent s in t he world of motorcycling . Intera ctive Fe a ture s: Cycle News O nline is a place where readers can participate in our weekly information offerings. We feature frequently updated swe epstakes , trivia contests and prizes readers can win by visiting our site online. Reade rs can write letters to the editor, start or renew their subscription, change their subscription address, ord er motorcycle video tapes, and e-mail our staff with suggestions fo r improvements . Fast & Affordable: The mail system has alway s been Cycle Ne w s' bigg est problem , and the one w e have the least control over. (W hat other motorcycl e magazine do you even notice gets delivered "l ate " 7) W ith Cycle News Online, a reader can acce ss the major motorcycle sto ries of the week for the price of a local phone call . from anywhere in the world. Archived Editions: As new editions of Cycle News Online are posted on our World Wide Web site, the old vers ions don't just" go away." Instead, we catalog the back issues of Cycle News Online for our readers' reference. Imagine all t hose times you 'd like to find that motorcycle tes t, or interview, or event coverage from a previous issue of Cycle News. Now, our back issues are as close as you r computer, easily accessed from our Cycle News Online archive . a division of Cy cle News Inc.. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Lon9 Beach. Californ ia 90806 • 310 /427·7433 • FAX 310/427·6685 Cycle News New Media 'Division • 4188 Firsl Avenue. Tucker. Georg ia 3008 4 ·770/934·7850 · FAX 770/934·3112

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