Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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section was jus t exactly wh at tired rid ers needed. Even Spence, chasing as hard as he could, suffered a quick tip-over in the unforgiving sand. He was hardly th e onlyone. At the finis h it w as Lafferty, with a 2D-point card to show off, while Spence could m us ter no fewer than 23 po ints to his cred it. Lafferty wo und up with the Grand Champion trophy for all his trouble, while Spence had to be sa tis fied w ith first place in the AA class. Third ove rall and first A rid er of the day w as Bill Atkinson, riding a Honda XR400. Atkinson rode actively in ECEA events for yea rs, but then blew out his knee la st yea r a nd sp en t the season recuperating . His 26-point finish was a tes ta ment to h ow effectively so meone can come back from an injury, and w as 20 points better than his closest competition in the A Four-Stroke class. Atkinson too k home the High Po in t A tr ophy. Fo u rth overaIl was Mike ' s broth e r Richard Lafferty , riding a KIM 250 to a 29-p o in t score , an d fifth overa Il was Pennsylvanian Richa rd Shirk [r., losing 31 points on his Kawasaki. They we re scored second and third, respectively, in the AA class. High Point B for the day was awarded to Steve Anderson, who turned in a 31 point score riding in the 250cc B class. An derson's score was a full 10 p oints lower than any other B rider, and good enough to ensure him a spot in the top 10 overaIl. High Point C went to Jason Post, who d ropped 79 points on the wa y to the finish . 0' Ridge Run Enduro Sta nhope, New Jersey Results: May 12, 1996 G R OIMP: MkJ.., d lafferty (KTM) 20. HP A: Bill At kinson (Hon). HP B: Steve Andersen (Suz) . HP C: Jason Post (KTM). AA: 1. .Mark ,Sp ence (KAW); 2. Richard Lafferty (KTM) ; 3. Rich Shirk Jr. (lCaw ); 4. Ross Benson (Suz) ; 5. Jack lafferty Jr. (KTM). 12 5 A: 1. Steven M ichalski (Suz) 2. Joe Tavani (Yam ); 3. Ellis Tomlin (Yam); 4. Greg Davi es (Yam ); 5. Mark layne (=). 200 A: 1. Robe rt Mohn (Kaw) ; 2. Scott Obcr (Kaw). 250 A: 1. Sco tt Chap kovtch (TM); 2. Bob White (CRE ); 3. Larry Pop lin (Su z); 4. Bria n Russell (Suz ); S. John Robbins (lCaw). O PEN A: I. Mike Slechta (CREl; 2. Dean Spe-"cer (KTM) ; 3. Byron Culbertson (Hon); 4. Rkh Kline (KTM); 5. Glenn Scherer (KTM). 4·S T R K A: 1. Mark Hummel (Hon); 2. Eri k Nijkamp (Hon ); 3. Rich Seymour (H on ); 4 . Darrin Russell (H on); 5. Joe Wallace (Hon). SR A: 1. Wayne Fontanazza (KTM) ; 2. Jim Smith (CR El; 3. Bill Johnson (H on); 4. Tom Ebersole (H on) ; S. Dic k Shirk (Hon). SlSR A: 1. Gordon Razee (Ho n); 2. Jack Lafferty Sr. (KTM); 3. Jac k Schwarz (lCaw); 4. Gary Doerr (Kaw) ; 5. Charles Staplefo rd (KTM) . VE T A: 1. James Gunselman (Ya m ); 2. Jim McCommon (KTM) 125 B: 1. C raig Copeland (CRE); 2. Eric Hannah (Han); 3. Joe Ma rchesani (Yam) . 2IlO B: 1. David Moorehouse (Kaw) ; 2. Richard Ohl (Kaw); 3. Eric Cori>in (lCaw); 4. Jim Shain1ine (lCaw); 5. Mike Barr (lCaw) . 250 B: 1. To m Johnson (CRE); 2. Daniel Day (KTM) ; 3. Glenn ~~rt (!

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