Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• sufficient fuel still in the tank, but Malin was glad he had pla yed safe. "I would rather sacrifice a couple of points rather than ri sk losing eve rything." Malin said . . M e anwhil e, Viall e and Maschio seemed to go down every lap as they desperately tried to cut their losses after fir st-lap collisions. Vialle got to 12th while Maschio took the fina l point, but his confidence must ha ve taken a hammering as, a lap d own, h e watched Tortelli take the win. Nothing could h av e m atched the ferocity of th e opening battle, and the second moto onl y reall y came to life in the closing stages. Eggens and Tragter led from the outset, the 1994 title ho lder getting past and m aking his escape when the 18-year-old National champion started mak ing mistakes rnid ra ce. Tortelli had gated badly bu t d id n't panic and was fifth by h alf distance despite slipp ing off once. He would later run out of fuel. but he settled for a net points gain on the da y over Vialle rather than risking all to chase his title rival, who had started well and ridden coolly this time. Tragter' s pace on th e ever-bumpier track was such that he crossed th e line six seconds before th e completio n of the 40-minute cu toff to force the race to go th e sa me distance as th e o pe ne r, and it was the Dutchman him self who was receiving frantic ges ticu lations from his pit cre w as the two-lap board fina lly went out. The race suddenly came to life. With the flagman gett ing ready to switch to the " plus one" board it was Eggens wh o appeared first, w ith Tragter spluttering in to si ght in his wake. Tragter pulled into his pit for more fue l and rejoined the race third behind Vialle, but it was 10 minutes later before the true story began to u nravel (see sidebar). The positional loss gave the overall to Tortelli, and anxious tea m membe rs waited for their men to appear. Ma lin didn't stop this time. "Th e y a ll expec ted m e to, but 1 changed tactics m id race. " Malin sai d . "Tragter came across me out of the gate so 1 w as way ba ck (29th) on lap o ne. Wh en I got past Bob (Moore) it was a long way to the next man, so I started riding less aggressively. It p a id off. I actually got Jorgensen for sixth when he stopped to take on fuel." Moore, struggling with his hand from early on, was a brave eighth, while Maschic's sad day ended when he stopped in 16th with a dry tank 20 yar ds - as the crow flies - from the finish line but with the quarter-mile final loop still to race. A spirited day 's racing which was a wonderful advertisement for th e sport may have been spoiled by Tragter's infraction, even if it ne ver actu ally happened - officially, that is. Dutch 125cc GP L1chtenvoorde, Holland Results: May12, 1996 (Round 4 of 12) M O T O 1: 1. Se bastien Tortelli (Kaw); 2. Pe d ro Tragter (Suz); 3. Paul Mal in (yam); 4. Bob Moo re (Yam); 5. Andi Kans tinger (Ho n); 6. Alex 8elometti (Hon); 7. Step hane Ron cada (Hon); 8. Marcel Van Orunen (H on); 9. Mauro Doll Lago (Hon); 10. Ca rl Nun n (Hon); 11. Mich ele Fant on (Kaw); 12. Fred ert c Vialle (Kaw); 13. RochE:Mezenberg (Hon); 14. Brian Kjaer Jor gen sen (Suz); 15. M ickael Ma schi o (Hon ). MOTO 2: 1. Erik Eggens (Ho n); 2. Fre deric Via lle (Ya m); 3. Ped ro Tr eg ter (Suz); 4. Se b asti en To rte lli (Ka w ); 5. Marcel V.lO D ru ne n (Han ); 6. Pa u l Malin (Yam ); 7. Brian Kjaer Jor gen se n (Suz); 8. Bob Moore (Yam ); 9. Michele Fanton (K.1w); 10. Collin Dug mo re (Hon); 11. Andi Kenstinger (H on) ; 12. Mar co Stallma n" (Kaw); 13. A lex Belometn (Han); 14. Ma rcus H.:lO sSQn (yam); IS. Ton y Marsh all (Yam). O/A: 1. Sebas tien To rte-Hi (Kaw); 2. Ped ro Tra gter (Suz); 3. Paul Malin (Yam); 4. Fred eri c Vial le (Yam); 5. Bob Moore (Yam ); 6. Erik Egg ens (Hon); 7. Marcel Van D ru ne n (Ho n); 8. Andi Kan st tn ger (Hon); 9. Alex Belom etn (Hon); 10. Miche le Fanton (Kaw). WO RLD C HAMPIONSHIP USee MX SERIES POINTS STANDINCS (Aft er 4 of 12 rounds): 1. Sebastien Tortelli (118/3 wins); 2. Fred eric Vialle (97); 3. Paul Malin (80); 4. Mickael Mas chio (77); 5. Mich e le Fanton (53); 6. Bri an Kjae r Jo rgensen (49); 7. Colin 13. Bernd Eckenbach (Kaw); 14. Danny Tbeybers (Hon); 15. Dirk Ceukens lHblo) MOTa 2: f . Sharn~ King (KTM); 2. Bernd Ecken ba ch (Kaw); 3. Joe Smets (Hbg); 4. Johan Boonen (Hus); 5. Peter Johansson (Hus); 6. Dietmar Lacher (Hon); 7. Rupert Walkner ("'IM); 8. Trampas Parker (Hon); 9. Darryl! King (Hon); 10. Attilio l'ignotti (Hon); 11. James Marsh (KTM:); 12. Leonardo Leoni (Hon); 13. Danny Tbeybers (Hon); 14. Cert Jan Van Doom (Hon); 15. Dirk Geukens (Hbg). Olk I. Shayne King (KTMt 2. Darryll King (Hont 3. Peter Johansson (Hus); 4. Bernd E

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