Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1996 Suzuki RMl25's '86NS4OOR Greal prices and free delivery. (414)684-0237. WI. . (321·24) Immaculate <:<>nOtion, metiaJlously maintained WOI1'pslpblcclag. Custom interior decor With matching captains chairs and sofa. Sleeps 4. Shower, commode, 24G holding tank. 74G water tank, shelves, bench, Dnan 4.0 gen. with remote control panei, new Bridg estone tires and wheel cov ers $ 15,000 . (405) 732-8406 horne(405) 324-3682 WOlk. Much more. OK. (121/P) 39mm Kehin carbS. 6061 a lumin um , pe rfect fit $249.95 , Bra ke pedals $59 .95 . (206)631-6233. WA. (121·22IP) Motor $750, carbs $300, tronl wheel $200 , forks $250, gauges $100, coils $50, rear shock $100, air box $50, b rake ca lipers $50 e ac h , ma ster cyli nder $50 . (321-22) (817)380-1897. TX. Brand new, cost $1,200 . Askin g $900.lobo for (321-22) FZR l000. (603)623-4839. NH. Laverda Parts Needed '84RZ350 With 1Z Fairing Fox shock, 35mm carbo$2,300. (317) 483-9435 IN. (321-22) DUGATI 1990 SP2 lmmaculate, $13,900. or interesting tracIe. (818) ~1 CA. (321) '92 ZX7 Parts & Bodywork 1978 Jota need front rotors, calipers, axle, spacers, loot controls, and speedo, CaDKenny. (2 14)336-0031. TX. (321) Tank, left and riQ hllowers, front and back seat, middle lower, left and nght rear, Yoshimura chrome exhaust, tronl tender. Must seD make offer. , (708) 45lHl170 IL (321·22) .r m '91 XR 600 complete chassis (eve ryth ing exce pt molor). Clean lilIe $8OO/0b0. (615)431-9721. KY, (321' 22) 1989 Yamaha Banshee RD400 DaytonaSpecial Set up for desert or MX. Doug Roll chassismods. +Z' A·arms. 11 inches of travel, front and rear, Works , 1979 fair condition 15k $45O/ 0b0 . Wanted: CB750 HM300 pipes and shocks. 1986 GSXR750 cares. Marl< (6 14)488-0076. 0 H. (321) 1Z250 Engine Complete '91 en91ne wilh all '93 updates. Also, pipes, tach, radiator. (512)444-7394. TX . (321) shocks by Pep, Toomey porting and pipas , PnrJi te Halogen light set, paddies and razorbacks. Fresh topend and new clutch , extras . $3 ,900 /0b0 (909) 9241029 CA. (421-26) Dealers••• Gas capfor Dry Break Tank 7475. CA. 1987 Yamaha BW350 Excellent condition. Stored for 7 years. Low miles. Call for more details. $1,495. (91 6)~. CAo (321) TRX 850 Yamaha 1996 1,800 kilometers, US licensedltille . Red w/white framewheels $12,000. WiDdeliver. (801)392-4019. UT_ (321) MOTORS, FRAMES , front ends, etc. F3, ZX6R, ZX7, VZF750, GSXR. Erico Motorsports (888) 875-8960 00. (221) Are used bikes gelling hard to come by? Use the Cycl e News Want Ads to buy & sell the bikes you need lor your inventoryl (509) $49.95 VISaIMC. Dealer inquiries welcome. (8 18)994(321-22IP) ZX l 1 PARTS 1992 C-Med el frame . Clean Cal. tille $1,200. Pair of wheels chromed $400., some plastic, gas tank, other mise parts. Yamaha FZRl000, 1991 (321·22) parting out (714)646-2097. CA. Tomcat Fab. (3 1 0)2 1 2~74. CA. KTM's Ready for Spring KTM 01 Mojave has all the popular models 0/ KTM's in stock naw. Call lor special pricing, and ask about our acoessories package free with purchase of motorevele. (805) 824-4911 CA. . (221) PARTING F2.F3'zx6R,ZX7,GSXR,VZF, & way morel (221) Erico Motorsports (888) 875-8960 00. 1996 CR250 1991 ZX750 Motor Ridden 3 weeks, brand new , Delta vaJve fori< valves $6,000. invested first $4,800. !ekes ttl (717) 462-9547 PAo (321-22) 1991 ZX750 motor, low miles, $1,200. (301) n6-6932. MD. (221) .-----------------------------------------------, I WANTAD BLANK ' .·1 Cycle News , Want Ad Dept. , P.O. Box 498 , Long Beac h, CA. 90801-0498 310/427-7433 24 Hr. F A X O r der Line (310) 427-6685 (charge or Commercial open accou nts onty, please) WA NT AD RATES Prices Are For One Issue Only . Per word He adline in bold type Blind box Service Charge Pho to (no larger than 5x 7) $ 1.2O $ 11 extra S6.oo $17 extra o PRIVATE PARTY Run my ad in the specia l section: _ _ Help Wanted _ _Position Wa nted _ _Busi ness Opportunities _ _Collectors (1974 or older) _ _ General Me rchandise Pe r word Headline in bold ty pe Photo (no la rger tha n 5x7) 35mm film prefe rred , black and while or color . Black and white or color prints . Polaroids not accepted. (On e Photo per ad -Pr inted image size limited to 1 112' high, 2 114 wide) ' $ .60 $5 extra $10 extra A priva te party is so meone selling his or her own item (s), or wishing to buy an item for personal use. A ny on goi ng acti vity may be regard· ed as a business an d will be charged the commercial rate. THURSDAY 5:00 p .m. P.T. for next week's issu e. No cancellations aher deadline. Ads are accepted on a first- c o m e , first-serve basts. Cycle N ews reserves the right to edi t/abbreviate copy & bold . headlines. Any discrepancies must be reported with in one week of pubncation 10 receive any adjusl· ment. Price advertising or specifIC reference to list price or cost on new, current yee r model motoreyeres will n ot b e accepted. P r ic e advertising is allowed on pre-owned cu rrent models but they must be identified as used or previously registened . Fill in the Visa/Mastercard Cha rge blan k o r se nd check or m oney order 10 Cycle News at a bove address. CREDITCARD UM ITMINIMUM $5 .00. Signature PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE AFTER AD HAS RUN IN ElHAL ISSUE. '90 Suzuki GSXR750 Parts Stoelc Mikuni caros., righl fender with brake light and tum signals, tronl right brake caliper, right shock with pump. Must sell, make offer. Jim (708) 45lHl170 IL (321-22) WANTED B MW Kl00 up pe r fork legs. Erico Motorsports (888) 875-8960 00. (221) WANTED; DUCATI OOOCR left side fairing, & mise. parts Aaron (303) 494-0091 00. (321) WANTED; 60's-mid 80's production roadracer (314) 441-4409 MO. (321-22) Motor Sale 1993 KTM550 Best Desert or T ra il Sled Oj n . Ceet, Talon hub, ~ Renthals. fresh tires, new (3 rides). Spes pipe, SA Pro, skid plate, shark In, Devol disk guard and extras $3,OOO/obo (909) 924-1029 CAo (421-26) SATES DIRT TRACK leathers 5'6" 150lbs. $250, (317) (321-22) 483-9435 IN. 3n- WANTED : '94-'96 VFR, wrecked o.k. .John (303) 3034 or (303) 355-7459 00. (321) 851/888 Ducati Parts Frame. mirrors, cosmetics. gauges. stock fender, wheels, mise. parts. (818) ~1 CA. (321) '86 YAMAHA RZ5OO, 13,000 miles, Ohio lilIe,lJ!i\linaJ, clean , $4,700. '93 Honda CBR 900RR. missing fairing, 6K. Two Bros, $4,600. '82 Suzuki 1000 Katana, origInal, clean, $3,600. (513) = -0171 Craig. 00. (321·22) _ Expiration Date RG500 PA RTS : co mp lete stock ex haust $ 145 ., Print name, address and ad copy dearly. Please run my ad In Toomey silencers $185. rear seal $40 . rear wheel and tire $145. other mise. (201) 869-9748 NJ. (321-22) ,'l of issues. Frame Sale Name Address State City '91-'94 F2's, '91 CB750 , '90 -'94 FZR600 , '89 V-Max, '89-'93 ZX600 , '91 EXSOO, '89-'95 EX25O, '93 ZX6E, '89- '93 GSX750 Salvage lilies. '93 CBR 1000 , '87 VFR7oo, '93 VT6OO, '86-'88 ZX600 , '68-'90 ZX750F, '89 EXSOO Clean titles. (219) 482-7620. IN. (221) Zip PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (Leave spaces) Bold headlines do not counltowards want ad word count. PLEASE INCLUDE PUNCTUATION. G (1211P) '93 CBR 1000. '9 3 GSX750, '94 GSX600, '86·' 94 ZX600, '85 FZ750, '90-'94 FZR6OO, other models available. Call (219) 482·7620 IN. (221) W A N T AD DEADLINE o COMMERCIAUHELP W~NTED Bench Top Engine Stands Fits 99% of Japanese engines, light easy to use. $55. per, Will ship anywhere. Mail check or C.O.D. only.To 560 CAN AM PARTS: all plastic front forks and tree's, (321-22) pipe and wheels. $200 . (317) 483-9435 IN. ERICO MOTORSPORT web site ... gelling ther el www.xxl.comlericoOO. (221) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ....., 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 0'\ C'l 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 >. ce 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ~ \0 0'\ 0'\ - llcGlwh ::;E Cycle News is not responsible for illegible phone numbers or copy. Area CodelPhone No. P hone # counts as one word. 68 ~ - ------- - ---- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - ~ , . . two; i_ I..... (1m"'''' ',,......u -Dealers••• Tired of tearing off the tops ot your Cyc le News cov ers, trying to figure ou t the difference on your billing? Call (3 1 ) 427-7433 & talk to our Dealer Sales Manager to convert to "Plan B", to sell CvcJe News without returns. Beller dealer price , and less paperworl

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