Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1996 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- ' 1/17 Rivetside,CA ' 11 129-30 LA·BarsIow·lJIs Vegas 12/29 Mojave, CA 'National Trail Ride Seriesevent Info 81S/2 2141 49- Rocky Mountain Dual Spori series 1>'9 Salida, CO 7/19-21 Buena VISta , CO 818-10 SIurgis, SO '9111·14 Steamboal Springs, CO , Nationaf Trail Ride Seriesevent In lo3W697-8382 Wild West National Motocross Series 6/1· 2 Elko NY , 6/22·23 Boise, 10 '6129-30 Logan, UT 7/1 3-1 Rupert, 10 4 7127·28 Pocatello, 1 0 8110-1 1 Rock Springs, WY 8131·911 Logan, UT Inlo 80119 72·5074 Championship Enduro Series :.'26 NewP tliladelphla, PA W l elord MD hi , 6/2 6/23 WestGreenwich, RI 7fT Hobbie, PA 7121 Bla PA in, 814 Middlebury Center, PA 8118 Speedsville, NY Mauncetown, NJ BI2S Shippensburg PA , 918 9115 Brandonville,PA 9122 New lisbon, NJ 10/27 Delaware City, DE 11/3 New Gre NJ tna, 11110 Warren Grave, NJ In 7171865-<1601 lo Championsh ip Hare SCrambles Series Woodland Twp., NJ 1>'9 6/30' Ber1'1 3 Mauricetown, NJ 11/17 Greenbank. NJ In 7171865-<1601 fo Dual Sport Series 6/16 Brandonville, PA Indian M NJ ills, 9129 10120 New Philadelphia, PA 11/17 BenepiaJn, NJ Inlo 7171865-<1601 New England Trials Assoc iatio n 5125-26 Exeler, RI 1>'9 Chepachel, RI 6/22·23 Ossippee, NH 7/28 Exeler, RI Exeler, RI 9/15 10/6 Chepachel, RI 10113 Exeter, RI 10119-20 M den,CT eri Southeastem Trials Riders Associatio n C'sh lp Series 818-9 Canolton, KY 716-7 Jasper, TN 8131·911 Monroe, GA 9128-29 Cumming, GA 1ll'26-27 Jasper, TN 11/16-17 Jasper, TN In 77ll/928-4S72 fo US, Eastem Pro-Am MX Spring Series Eizabeth City NC , 5126 6/2 Axton. VA Hammerhead Grand Championship Series 7fT Dinwyn, VA 7/14 Axton. VA 7121 EastBend, NC 7/28 Danville, VA WythevUle, VA 8/18 Danville VA , BI2S US Eastern Pro-Am Motocross Fall Series Elizabeth City NC , 9IB 9114 Danville, VA Wytheville, VA 9122 Dillwyn, VA 9129 1016 8 izabethCity, NC 11>'13 Axton, VA 10/27 Danv VA ille, 11 /17 Danville, VA Virginia Championsh ip Hare SCrambleSeries 8/2 Rural Retrea~ VA Ivor, VA 1>'9 Pulaski, VA 6123 7/14 Danville, VA 9115 Middlebrook, VA 10/6 Martinsvil ~, VA 10120 Newpo~ News, VA 11/3 Suny, VA Info B04/255-oI62O NESC Motocross Spring :.'26 G reene, ME G reene, ME 5IZ7 6/2 MidlIelxxo, MA Central Village, CT 1>'9 6/16 Southwick, MA 6/30 Southwick, MA 7/6 Greene, ME 7fT Greene, ME 7/1 4 Southwick, MA 7121 lAiddIeboro, MA Inf 4131772-0685 o Series NESC Motocross Fall Series lAiddIeboro, MA Southwick, MA 814 M idlIelxxo, MA Southwid<, MA 8/10 811 1 Southwid<, MA 8118 Central 'o\llage, CT 911 Greene ME , 912 G reene,ME 9/8 Southwick, MA 9/15 M iddleboro, MA 9121 Greene,ME 9122 Greene,ME 9/28 So wicl<, MA uth 9/29 Centra 'o\lIa9O, CT l 1016 Middleboro, MA 10113 So uthw MA ck, 10120 Middlebo , M ro A 10/27 Southwck, MA 11/3 Middleboro, MA 7121 7128 Motorcycle Roadraclng Assoc iatio n 6/2 Maad ,CO 6116 Deffler, CO 6/30 Denver, CO 7/14 M CO ead, 7120 Mead. CO 814 PllIillo, CO 8111 Mead, CO Denver, CO BI2S 9114-1 5 Steamboal Springs, CO Denver, CO 9129 Over the Hill Gang 5125-26 Femly, NY 9114-15 _ ,CA 11/ 6-17 P_le, CA 1 11>'12·13 Oatfield, CA 4/13-14 Hanford, CA tnlo 3101864-6875 Vintage Iron Evolution of Motocross Series Glen Helen, CA 1>'9 7fTBA W ashougal, WA 8110 Sou1hwck, MA 9116 Craig, CO 11>'13 Ce~sbad. CA 11/3 Tulare, CA 1218 lJIsVega, NY Metropolitan Sports Committee Spring Series Modena, NY 5/26 M onticello, NY 6/2 1>'9 Modena,NY 6116 M onticello, NY 6/30 Modena, NY 7fT Monticello, NY 7/14 M odena. NY Metropolitan Sports Committee Fall Series 7/28 Modena. NY 814 Claverack, NY 8/1 1 Monticello, NY 8/18 Modena. NY 911 Modena. NY Modena,NY BIB 9115 Claverack, NY 9122 Modena. NY 9129 Modena. NY 1016 Modena. NY 11>'13 Modena,NY 10120 Modena,NY 10/27 Modena, NY 11/3 Modena. NY GAatNight 6IB Penis CA , '6/15 Perris,CA 6/22 Penis ,CA 71 13 Penis CA , 7120 Perris, CA 7 /27 Penis, CA Pems, CA 813 811 0 Perris, CA ' 8117 Penis CA , 8/24 Peni , CA s ' "8131 Penis,CA 'Yamaha& "Kawasa~ Contingency Available In 909/653-4042 fo GA Fall Series South P enis,CA 9/8 P erris,CA '911 5 '9129 PorTis, CA 'W6 Peni ,CA s '10/27 Perris,CA 'Honda, Kawasa~ , Suzuki & Yemaha Conligency Available Inf 9091653-4042 o GFVTeam Green Youth World Champions hips 7 /6 Pems, CA 7fT Pems, CA ' KawasaJle Northeast MX Classic Series 6/1·2 1>'9 6/30 7/28 TEA C1inool,PA,And 2 New Be~,", NY, And 3 EngIishIown, NJ, And 4 Walden, NY, And5 And 6 Roadracing Associa tio n of Motocycles C'sh ip Series :.'26 Coos Bay, OR Coos Bay,OR 1>'9 BI29 Coos Bay, OR Coos Bay, OR 7fT 814 Coos Bay, OR 8118 Coos Bay, OR BIB Coos Bay, OR 10113 CoosBay, OR In 5411269-2474 lo Competiti on Riders of America Spring MX Series Amhers OH l, :.'26 6116 OhioIn!emational,OH li ghlnlng,OH 6123 SAVE $5.00 ON ALL ADVANCE TICKETS FRI., SAT" & SUN" " Go'.} . SAT, & SUN, (A< Go,.) • Adults $35 · Children $20 Adults $30 • Children $15 Competiti on Riders of America Fall MX Series 911 Ohio In temational, OH BIB WestemReserve, OH 9115 Malvern, OH 11>'13 Spring VaI~, OH 10120 Pymaluning OH , 10/27 Amherst, OH Competition Riders of America Vintage MX Series 1>'9 Malvern, OH ligh1ning, OH 6123 Spring Valley, OH 6/30 7/1 4 Pymaluning, OH 7121 Amherst,OH SI22 ~e County Fa" OH , 9122 Ohio Intemational, OH Competition Riders of America Buckeye Hare SCrambleseries :.'26 Cabie Creek, OH 6116 Salem, OH 7/1 4 Li hln1ng OH g , 8/11 Big Valley, OH 9115 Broi'13 Glen Helen, CA 12115 Ontario, CA Inlo 81B1Ba6-7194 CM/ LOREN AG E fJ TO 12. AGE S A ND UN DER FRE E G ._ For ... .wance lIClIe lS.lUbll'.:::t $5.00 Tr m o Pne» and plePCt IOOlcaIa wF\lCf'IlIdI ~ ~ • .,..11 Include . ..1Illdd r.... alampl!'d~ · .'" orders 11'II41 ee posl·lTWked June Cth . (PIH,.dotXll mducfeUmplngfH., BURGER KING Quebec/Ontario ASM C'ship 6/22-23 00000c. Canada 6129-30 Ontario, Canada 8/24-25 Quebec , Canada 8131-911 Quebec, Canada 11>'14 Ontario, Canada ASM Endurance 9/21 Quebec, Canada lG'1 4 Ontario, Canada Eastern C'sh ip Enduro Series 6123 Wesl G reenwich, RI 7fT New S ville OH tlaits , 8113 Roselawn, IN 911 Clinlon,SC 9/15 London, KY lG'13 Princeton, KY Sunstar Sprockets Spring Classic MX Nationals Nor1II Chico,CA :.'26 final Sho wdown 611·2 Gorman, CA Inlo 7141367·1141 FMF Pac-West MX Nationals Albany, OR 6IB 1>'9 Albany, OR 6115 Richland, WA 6116 Richland. WA " dm ~~ • • ~ Presents... Ma ll Check Of MOt*Y Order. Len Budds Ct_ TICket SlIles ss.Da: P. O. 801 1S6. l.eonatdIown. M 20650 D HONDA· YAMAHA· SUZUKI ). CONn GENCY MO EY OvER $150,000 n cash & Prtzes eRe 19th Annual :-o.lC(".X..,fr:tI~4II\-.arE ::.o--::V T) :Jf>t.J U 'V "'.1'J ~cr SERIES 1st'1\ft\8 REED Round Four Sunday, May 26 LACR Motocross, CA $UPER ~ wOf\d . . '16tt' sunctaY~ wiU lUmP hIS super over a spinning ~ R oundFive Monday, M 27 ay LACR Grand Prix, C A HelIcOPter dulIng m\lll1ll\sslall 01\lit llIJMSto'/lll IAO\OCfOSS RaCe3 0 mlnule First 100 Entries lor the Dunestown receive a tree Azonic Hal or other prize PHOTO Golden West Trail er Sales from~ IWidIuJ hill Readabout all theracing event and final results In Motorsports News s O1llclat Ounestown Series Hotel For CRC DunestownInfo Call(805)272·8889 Rays Chevron Oftlclet Dunestown Service CLASSIC GP SIlI1Ion ASM Canada Cup Superbike Series 5125-26 Quebec , Canada 618-9 Alberta, Canada 6129-30 Ontario, Canada 716-7 00000c. Canada 7120-21 N.S.,Canada 8131·911 00000c. Canada SUNDAY ONLY (A< G. ,. } Adults $20 • Children $6 I R C LA, County Raceway ' Monday, May Xl Mail E n tri es To: CRC 37045 R a n D rive Gp RIt

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